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Are you for real? Have you never heard of comichron before?

If you are responding to Chuck and RMA, they are not referring to ComiChron.

I get that they are referring to a website, but that is where those numbers came from. Doesn't look like they were pulled from thin air.




You sure about that?



Are you?


No, that's why I asked.


It looks, indeed, like many of those numbers were pulled from thin air.


By all means, show me where those numbers actually come from, since that's the claim you're making.


Man, you board posters here are a grumpy bunch. Can't you just be happy comic enthusiasts? I like to read good conversation, but hatred is not much fun...


Hatred? You're thinking with your feelings. There's no hatred here.


Unless, of course, you're a person who was raised to think that any challenge of any idea is tantamount to "hatred", and there needs to be "safe space" where no one is ever challenged about anything.


That's a frightening world.


Do you know what makes me a happy comic book enthusiast? Everybody having accurate informtion with which to make informed, intelligent decisions. I know, crazy, right...?



I think you misunderstand. Why post all your questions here? If you have a problem with what the author of the article said, why not address it with them? Why come to a forum that they will probably never read and start bashing them? It's like you are trolling but only like to do it with people you already know.


Others have adequately answered this, but there are issues here worth discussing.


First, the reason the question is asked here is because it was brought up here, as others have said. I don't care what this comic book investing site says; as Mike said, trying to track down and address misinformation on the internet is a Sisyphian task.


Second, you say this: "Why come to a forum that they will probably never read and start bashing them?"


Whether they come here or not is not relevant. If they do, great, if not, I don't really care. It's the information that is posted here that I care about.


And, your use of the word "bashing" to characterize criticism of the information posted there is really more of the same sort of dumbing down and oversensitizing of the culture that will, if left unchecked, lead to horrifying consequences in the future.


The criticism of what they posted is, in fact, perfectly valid, and worthy of being addressed by them. They were not only not "bashed", their information was merely questioned in a manner most tepid. No one questioned their morals, their integrity, their intellect, their upbringing, their ability to reason, or any other thing that might PROPERLY be considered "bashing" (though, of course, context is everything.)


Their information was challenged, and rightly so, but that was all that occurred.


If we continue to raise generations of people who cannot handle the mildest of challenges, our civilization is in for some incredibly rough waters ahead.


And finally, we come to that typical word, almost as common (and overused) as the word "bullying", and that is "trolling."


If someone posts something with which someone else disagrees....regardless of the merit of any position...then emotional buzzwords like "bashing" and "trolling" are trotted out, to discredit the person making the criticism. No, they're not interested in the truth for truth's sake, they're just "trolling" to get some sort of emotional response.


It's as old as man, just dressed up in new words: when you can't discount the argument, discredit (or attempt to discredit) the arguer.


Thankfully, this board is filled with people who have shown a willingness to ignore and look beyond the emotional, irrational responses and think logically, reasonably, and rationally, and, perhaps more importantly, to not tolerate those who attempt to speak in those terms.


Mike's words to you would be well served, if you take them to heart and apply them. Your very first post was asking someone with tens of thousands of posts, and a member here for 10+ years, if they were "for real?" for challenging numbers that are clearly worth being challenged. Does that mean post count and longevity make right? No, of course not. However...there is a certain amount of deference that new people...especially with zero posts...ought to show ANYONE who has been part of a community for any length of time. That doesn't mean they're correct, or what they are saying is valid...but coming in with a "are you for real?" and "have you ever heard of (something said poster has cited dozens, if not hundreds, of times)" shows a marked lack of respect, not for me, but for the entire board.


Will this be received in the spirit intended? Maybe. Hopefully.


We'll see.

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5 - list upcoming shows that you'll be selling at


You forgot the sheathing. Lots and lots of sheathing.

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Yes that is indeed respectable "getting off your back side" search. I get your point...regardless of your facts which seem valid...The print number on the second print is small compared to the others...I do not have time to look it up again..it's is the rarest of the prints even if the numbers are not 100% .There is no 100%. If you use it as a tool (stated before) you can get a good idea of the availability. So you are right..now let's move on.

Edited by Rick moma
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If you cut them off at the knees, you don't have to draw feet.


Uncanny X-Force #1 1:50 Liefeld Variant


I've never seen this cover before now. And I'm glad for that. its awful. and now I can't unsee it. thanks.

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The classic CAK Post consists of five parts


1 - agree and disagree with the post that is quoted


2 - confirm a previous sale/listing on eBay (may or may not be relevant)


3 - give yourself props or share feedback from a buyer


4 - mention your shipping practices (may or may not include a reference to mylites or fullbacks)


5 - list upcoming shows that you'll be selling at


you forgot


6 - mention current inventory with possible grades and future plans for said inventory


Yes, I know thst I went pretty damn overnoard on that post but sometimes, I get a kick out of this shii and can't help myself lol



Oh and Brad.....you know that I packed that book I sent you like Han Solo in carbonite ;)


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Why is Wolverine's bicep as big as his head?





Seriously, is anyone expecting to see anything other than drek when clicking on a link to a Liefeld variant? (shrug)



Still a thousand times better than that last interior artist on that last She-Hulk run.....omg that was bat crazy bad. :ohnoez:

Edited by natevegas
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Why is Wolverine's bicep as big as his head?





Seriously, is anyone expecting to see anything other than drek when clicking on a link to a Liefeld variant? (shrug)



Still a thousand times better than that last interior artist on that last She-Hulk run.....omg that was bat crazy bad. :ohnoez:


Weird. I must have missed that art Nate.


Wait a sec..no it's not because it's She-Hulk! :baiting:

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Why is Wolverine's bicep as big as his head?





Seriously, is anyone expecting to see anything other than drek when clicking on a link to a Liefeld variant? (shrug)



Still a thousand times better than that last interior artist on that last She-Hulk run.....omg that was bat crazy bad. :ohnoez:


Weird. I must have missed that art Nate.


Wait a sec..no it's not because it's She-Hulk! :baiting:

Here is an example.


I rest my case.


Edited by natevegas
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