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Why are the cbsi shills so hell-bent on making people believe TEC850 is the 1st appearance of the Sirens? Give it up and just accept you are wrong. It's okay, people make mistakes. Own up to it instead of trying to spread more misinformation/disinformation.


Gotham City Sirens #1 is the 1st appearance of the Sirens. Detective Comics #850 is a lead in story; nothing more. Dini wrote both stories and chose to have Catwoman officially bring up the idea of the 3 of them banding together in a story called "Union" in Gotham City Sirens #1. So there is no "team", "union", etc, in Detective Comics #850. So that means no cameo either. You cannot have a cameo of something that has not even been brought up or discussed until Gotham City Sirens #1.


Get it through your thick skulls. Come on now. This isn't about hating on cbsi. It's about getting the right information out there and putting an end to those who get a kick out of spreading bogus info for any number of reasons.


Because alot of them posted Tec 850 for sale with 1st appearance of GCS in the title and will be subject to refunds if Tec 850 is not 1st app.


:gossip: I think BigNoid and RawKing are the same person . . . (shrug)



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Why are the cbsi shills so hell-bent on making people believe TEC850 is the 1st appearance of the Sirens? Give it up and just accept you are wrong. It's okay, people make mistakes. Own up to it instead of trying to spread more misinformation/disinformation.


Gotham City Sirens #1 is the 1st appearance of the Sirens. Detective Comics #850 is a lead in story; nothing more. Dini wrote both stories and chose to have Catwoman officially bring up the idea of the 3 of them banding together in a story called "Union" in Gotham City Sirens #1. So there is no "team", "union", etc, in Detective Comics #850. So that means no cameo either. You cannot have a cameo of something that has not even been brought up or discussed until Gotham City Sirens #1.


Get it through your thick skulls. Come on now. This isn't about hating on cbsi. It's about getting the right information out there and putting an end to those who get a kick out of spreading bogus info for any number of reasons.


Because alot of them posted Tec 850 for sale with 1st appearance of GCS in the title and will be subject to refunds if Tec 850 is not 1st app.


:gossip: I think BigNoid and RawKing are the same person . . . (shrug)


Get real. It's not a conspiracy. More than one person can see the that you guys are pulling with the TEC850/GCS1 debate.


Is it really that odd that more than 1 person is bothered by a group of people spreading misinformation/disinformation in order to look good (by bringing a breaking news spec) and/or make 10x your investment on each copy of TEC850?


Who are "you guys" and what does it have to do with me. Please take your onions elsewhere :insane:

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Why are the cbsi shills so hell-bent on making people believe TEC850 is the 1st appearance of the Sirens? Give it up and just accept you are wrong. It's okay, people make mistakes. Own up to it instead of trying to spread more misinformation/disinformation.


Gotham City Sirens #1 is the 1st appearance of the Sirens. Detective Comics #850 is a lead in story; nothing more. Dini wrote both stories and chose to have Catwoman officially bring up the idea of the 3 of them banding together in a story called "Union" in Gotham City Sirens #1. So there is no "team", "union", etc, in Detective Comics #850. So that means no cameo either. You cannot have a cameo of something that has not even been brought up or discussed until Gotham City Sirens #1.


Get it through your thick skulls. Come on now. This isn't about hating on cbsi. It's about getting the right information out there and putting an end to those who get a kick out of spreading bogus info for any number of reasons.


Because alot of them posted Tec 850 for sale with 1st appearance of GCS in the title and will be subject to refunds if Tec 850 is not 1st app.


:gossip: I think BigNoid and RawKing are the same person . . . (shrug)


Get real. It's not a conspiracy. More than one person can see the that you guys are pulling with the TEC850/GCS1 debate.


Is it really that odd that more than 1 person is bothered by a group of people spreading misinformation/disinformation in order to look good (by bringing a breaking news spec) and/or make 10x your investment on each copy of TEC850?


Who are "you guys" and what does it have to do with me. Please take your onions elsewhere :insane:


CBSI inner circle/apologists, etc. When someone is wrong, they are wrong. But no, instead of admitting that let's just have other mods/close friends/apologists defend misinformation/disinformation by attacking those who simply want to end the spreading of false info.

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Why are the cbsi shills so hell-bent on making people believe TEC850 is the 1st appearance of the Sirens? Give it up and just accept you are wrong. It's okay, people make mistakes. Own up to it instead of trying to spread more misinformation/disinformation.


Gotham City Sirens #1 is the 1st appearance of the Sirens. Detective Comics #850 is a lead in story; nothing more. Dini wrote both stories and chose to have Catwoman officially bring up the idea of the 3 of them banding together in a story called "Union" in Gotham City Sirens #1. So there is no "team", "union", etc, in Detective Comics #850. So that means no cameo either. You cannot have a cameo of something that has not even been brought up or discussed until Gotham City Sirens #1.


Get it through your thick skulls. Come on now. This isn't about hating on cbsi. It's about getting the right information out there and putting an end to those who get a kick out of spreading bogus info for any number of reasons.


Because alot of them posted Tec 850 for sale with 1st appearance of GCS in the title and will be subject to refunds if Tec 850 is not 1st app.


:gossip: I think BigNoid and RawKing are the same person . . . (shrug)



Haha haha don't go the Ultramaximus route. He's called me 3 different people already in public and private. Just because he has summarized many things I have said and we agree on GCS 1 does not mean we are the same person. Don't know him at all.

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To be fair, while I don't agree with everything on the CBSI site, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy many of their articles. It seems to me an argument can and has been made for 4 different books being made as first appearances of the trio as a team. At least 3 of them have some validity imo. The outsider to me is HQ #3 and it happens to be the only copy that I own. It doesn't matter, its still a first of a sort and has it's own reason for being potentially valuable.


A first does not always equal most important and there is little consistency in which appearance becomes most valuable. See the first Wolverine vs the first Darkseid.


I've caught myself worrying over why something is popular or not and does it deserve to b. Who decides ? Can a CBSI article sway the perceived value of a book ? Yes, it can but so do opinions on here, on comicbookjunkie.com, on bleedingcool.com, on ebay.com, on comicsheatingup.net, comicbookresources.com, and...you get the idea. An article on a film site can change the perceived value of a book too.


Having said all of that, it is impossible to know for certain if people intend to manipulate the value of a book or are just diehard comics fans wanting to set the record straight. I speculate ( get it ? ) that sometimes a person or 2 may have a vested interest in the success of a book and put out words trying to tip the scales. Then I wonder, who doesn't do this ? If you like a book, you talk about it right ? If you're like me and buying multiples of certain books, you probably intend to sell some of them at some point...or need to see a doctor lol


To give you an idea of what I'm speaking of specifically. I read and collect or have collected East of West, The Walking Dead, Southern Bastards, Saga, etc. I've hyped all of the above. I've sold all of the above. I continue to buy ALL OF THE ABOVE when I can buy them for less than I can sell them ( dependent on the margins ) and will continue to do so. So if I say "hey, you should be reading TWD " and turn around and sell some later, is this manipulative ? I don't believe it is but that is up to you.


By the same token, it seems weird to get upset that someone points out that " hey, you guys might have missed something, the actual book you're looking for is this one..". We learn from our mistakes. With over 800 different issues a month hitting the shelves, there is a strong likelihood that someone has read something that someone else may have missed. This could potentially lead to a new discovery. It seems to me that we should be open minded to a potential change...even when they are hard to swallow.


Keep in mind that while a person may be correcting the record, they might or might not have an interest in the book being more or less expensive. Who cares ? lol


For the record, I'm not a member of CBSI but thats simply because I enjoy exchanging with the people here. I don't view it as an us vs them. I do visit their site. I'm betting many of the people who write there visit here. I know its a long rant but this place is much more fun when the disagreements keep the personal out of them.


The problem is not really people pumping books but people using lies and misinformation to pump books.


It's one thing to say you like East of West and recommend it to others and another to say Showcase '96 3 is the first appearance of the Birds of Prey. Or trying to connect the most trivial, tangentially related to something that's actually hot.



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I can't keep up with this place. Any other thread, flippers and speculators should be crucified.


On this one, we're worried about the financial well-being of those who buy books based on claims in an e-bay listing, probably hoping to turn a profit.





No, we're worried about the spread of lies and misinformation because, as we've seen, that garbage can go far beyond some flipper's eBay listing or some stupid speculation website.

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Or trying to connect the most trivial, tangentially related to something that's actually hot.


History indicates that the market for back issues very much cares about books, characters, and appearances that are trivial and tangentially-related.

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If you have reason to believe that someone is falsely misrepresenting an item on E-Bay, you can contact E-Bay and get them to pull that listing.


Ha...does Ebay Customer Service Reps care about 1st appearances.....???



Maybe they don't.


But for all the hand-wringing and complaining, no one has even tried.



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If the first time the name of the character is used is what designates a 1st full appearance as in the case of Venom then why is Strange Tales #180 still regarded as the 1st appearance of Gamora? It's clearly a cameo and her name isn't mentioned until ST 181.

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Harley Quinn #3 - prequel

Catwoman #89 - prequel

Detective Comics #850 - prequel

GCS #1 - 1st team appearance


There. Now lets move along.


I fixed it for you! :baiting:


Catwoman #89 - first time Harley, Ivy and Catwoman appear as an unnamed team ( unrelated to Dini's Gotham City Sirens )

Detective Comics #850 - Gotham Sirens origin, 1st appearance of Dini's Gotham Sirens team ( unnamed )

GCS #1 - 1st comic titled Gotham City Sirens , first appearance of GCS logo on a comic cover ( Not named in story )



Edited by MrWeen
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I miss the simpler times before the internet/email when people got crazy about which book was the first appearance.


The fights I had with comic folks about Wolverine's first appearance, IH180 or 181, via the US Postal Service were the best.


Granted I had to wait up to a weeks time to be screamed at in the wirtten form that IH180 is the true first appearance, but I cherish those hand written letters. :cloud9:

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I don't mind the other sites information is information. Your forum is where your growth, money and networking is. I think I regularly interact in 5 sites now which is the largest amount I have ever been on so its a good sign. Networking as ever is the most important aspect. Its missed on many.


What's embarrassing is when a site tries to tell you to pick up a character's 1st appearance and they don't even get the right character. Or when they write an article on a 1st app or variant and immediately they are selling the same book. That's the part of the hobby that bothers a lot of us. It should really bother more of us, but until others get burned they wont care.


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I miss the simpler times before the internet/email when people got crazy about which book was the first appearance.


The fights I had with comic folks about Wolverine's first appearance, IH180 or 181, via the US Postal Service were the best.


Granted I had to wait up to a weeks time to be screamed at in the wirtten form that IH180 is the true first appearance, but I cherish those hand written letters. :cloud9:


I preferred faxing the arguments back and forth with my cousin.

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I miss the simpler times before the internet/email when people got crazy about which book was the first appearance.


The fights I had with comic folks about Wolverine's first appearance, IH180 or 181, via the US Postal Service were the best.


Granted I had to wait up to a weeks time to be screamed at in the wirtten form that IH180 is the true first appearance, but I cherish those hand written letters. :cloud9:


I preferred faxing the arguments back and forth with my cousin.


Faxing isnt bad but you don't get the tears of angry (actual wet drops) that something find their way on the written page.

Edited by cbalroman
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I miss the simpler times before the internet/email when people got crazy about which book was the first appearance.


The fights I had with comic folks about Wolverine's first appearance, IH180 or 181, via the US Postal Service were the best.


Granted I had to wait up to a weeks time to be screamed at in the wirtten form that IH180 is the true first appearance, but I cherish those hand written letters. :cloud9:


I preferred faxing the arguments back and forth with my cousin.


I preferred smoke signals . . . :grin:

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