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Official Amazing Spider-man review thread (All reviews here )

220 posts in this topic

The wife and I saw it yesterday. She liked it as disposable entertainment. I thought it was the best Spider-man movie yet. Andrew Garfield made for a very convincing, and genuinely awkward, Peter Parker. Emma Stone is a welcome departure from Kirsten Dunst. The humor was frequent and fast-paced, without the movie becoming a camp-fest.


As for the scene with the car thief, I thought Spidey entered the vehicle quickly and quietly after the doors were unlocked, and not that he had been in there waiting. He certainly would have the advantage of speed to accomplish this.


As for where it stands in relation to other recent Marvel movies....certainly not in the league of the original Iron Man, but at least as good as Thor or Cap. Overall, a B+.



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I've waited 24 hours to decide for sure how I felt about the movie. Overall I was unsatisfied. The movie itself is good and Garfiled is arguably a better, more interesting Peter Parker. In costume McGuire and Garfield seemed slightly different but equal.


The critics like the movie and it's making good money. But then the critics LOVED the first two movies and they may have made more money, only time will tell. I won't be going to the theater to see this movie again and I went multiple times to the first two.


No matter how hard I try, there are aspects of the movie that as a collector I just can't go with. For one we've already seen MJ which is Spidey's real romantic partner. We all know Gwen isn't going to last. It makes little sense for Peter to reveal he is Spider-Man to Gwen so quickly. It made far more sense the way Peter played his secret ID in the first two movies.


I've never cared for the comics and so I do not care for a movie where Spider-Man's agility is played up and his strength played down. It does not take Spider-Man multiple punches to knock out the average, non super powered criminal. Daredevil waded into a crowded bar and kicked 15-20 tough guy's ^^s. Spider-Man runs from a motely crowd of fewer people. In the 1960's Marvel universe Spider-Man was supposed to be only slightly less strong than the Thing.


JJJ missing is so glaring a mistake in the story line that it hurts. Peter Parker took pictures of Spider-Man to sell to JJ from practically the beginning. That JJ hates Spider-Man and Peter Parker sells him pictures is part of the bedrock of the character.


A skateboard? REALLY? A SKATEBOARD? w h a t e v e r....


Funny, having grown up with the early issues of ASM I see Gwen as his real romantic interest and MJ as a replacement.


I saw Spidey running from a motley crowd as a sign of his inexperience with his new found powers. Didn't bother me at all. And Spidey was never close to the Thing in strength. He compensated with his speed and agility.


I loved JJ in the previous movies and hoped to see him here but if you view this movie as the first few issues in the original ASM we saw his origin, the introduction of his family and girlfriend, and his first battle with a super villian.


That being said I enjoyed the movie but was disappointed with much of the -script. Really hated the scene when the crook broke into the car and Spidey was inside waiting. Made zero sense.


Peter Parker didn't have an actual girlfriend until 3 years into the book. He had an interest in Betty Brandt and Liz Allen, but Gwen didnt show up until #31. His 'family' as far as his mom and dad, weren't introduced until Annual #5. JJJ showed up in the very first issue and was an important part of the storyline. Oscorp... ugh...

Anyway, this movie seems more Ultimate Spider-man than Amazing Spider-man.



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Here's my review: <3


That's awesome that you can enjoy it like that. I nitpick every detail of the Spidey movies.

Stuff like Iron Man, Thor, Cap, I just didnt really follow or read, so the movie was almost like a new introduction to the character for me. It was easier to like.

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I've waited 24 hours to decide for sure how I felt about the movie. Overall I was unsatisfied. The movie itself is good and Garfiled is arguably a better, more interesting Peter Parker. In costume McGuire and Garfield seemed slightly different but equal.


The critics like the movie and it's making good money. But then the critics LOVED the first two movies and they may have made more money, only time will tell. I won't be going to the theater to see this movie again and I went multiple times to the first two.


No matter how hard I try, there are aspects of the movie that as a collector I just can't go with. For one we've already seen MJ which is Spidey's real romantic partner. We all know Gwen isn't going to last. It makes little sense for Peter to reveal he is Spider-Man to Gwen so quickly. It made far more sense the way Peter played his secret ID in the first two movies.


I've never cared for the comics and so I do not care for a movie where Spider-Man's agility is played up and his strength played down. It does not take Spider-Man multiple punches to knock out the average, non super powered criminal. Daredevil waded into a crowded bar and kicked 15-20 tough guy's ^^s. Spider-Man runs from a motely crowd of fewer people. In the 1960's Marvel universe Spider-Man was supposed to be only slightly less strong than the Thing.


JJJ missing is so glaring a mistake in the story line that it hurts. Peter Parker took pictures of Spider-Man to sell to JJ from practically the beginning. That JJ hates Spider-Man and Peter Parker sells him pictures is part of the bedrock of the character.


A skateboard? REALLY? A SKATEBOARD? w h a t e v e r....


Funny, having grown up with the early issues of ASM I see Gwen as his real romantic interest and MJ as a replacement.


I saw Spidey running from a motley crowd as a sign of his inexperience with his new found powers. Didn't bother me at all. And Spidey was never close to the Thing in strength. He compensated with his speed and agility.


I loved JJ in the previous movies and hoped to see him here but if you view this movie as the first few issues in the original ASM we saw his origin, the introduction of his family and girlfriend, and his first battle with a super villian.


That being said I enjoyed the movie but was disappointed with much of the -script. Really hated the scene when the crook broke into the car and Spidey was inside waiting. Made zero sense.


I've been reading Spider-Man from the beginning, having purchased issue #8 off the stands and scrouging up issues back to #4 from the barber shiop next door to the drug store I bought comics at. We'll just have to disagree about Gwen and MJW. I'm an admitted MJ Watson fan and thinks she's one of the best supporting characters in comics ever. The hip, cool MJ was never "hurt" by Peter breaking dates to save NYC, she'd just call Flash or Harry or whoever to keep her company.


As far as Spidey's strength - in 1966 Marvel published "The Amazing Spider-Man Collectors Album" -a paperback. In the middle is new material about Spidey's powers and abilities. One panel specifically says "Spider-Man is one of the most powerful superheroes. Only Thor, the Hulk and the Thing have greater strength.....Peter Parker is still a teenager, not quite having reached full maturity."

JJJ was introduced in issue #1. He should have been in this movie.


The best comment I've read so far in this thread is that the movie felt like the "Ultimate Spider-Man, not the Amazing Spider-Man". Explains the skateboard., the mp3 player.

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She's a good actress and pretty cute. I certainly wouldn't kick her out of bed but everyone making her out to be so hot and sexy??? I just don't see it! (shrug)


It's what I call the "attainable hotness" factor. She's not so obviously hot and unapproachable that comic geeks believe that a misfit like Garfield's PP (or themselves) could plausibly have a chance with her or someone like her. Kind of like Olivia Munn (formerly of G4) - she's cute, but there's no way she belongs at #1 or #2 on the Maxim Hot 100 list. She's there because, subconsciously, geeky dudes think, "Wow, here's a woman who knows a lot about comics and videogames and dresses up like Princess Leia at Comic-Con - we'd have a lot in common together." At least that is the fantasy.


Also, unlike Dunst, who has been a tabloid trainwreck, I think people also genuinely think of Stone as a nice person, someone they could possibly relate to or want to date/hang out with in real life if given the opportunity. Dunst...not so much.

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For me, this guy just looked MUCH more how I always envisioned him than Toby did.


Really? I don't think PP ever looked anything like a twitchy, hoodie-wearing skate rat, except in Ultimate Spider-Man. He was a very square young man with an early '60s conservative 'do, wearing a shirt, tie and sweater vest in the early ASM issues. Then after Romita took over the art chores, he became a bit more hunkier, but still very square and conservatively dressed.


I didn't think Toby looked exactly like that either, but I felt he more closely embodied the spirit of Amazing Spider-Man than Garfield, who clearly had his character roots in Ultimate Spider-Man.

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My brothers working in Australia at the moment and was bored so I told him to go see ASM. We pretty much have the same taste in movies 98% of the time, I got a text from him earlier:


"Nothing Amazing about this Spider-Man, wanted to walk out halfway through."


I just saved myself a few quid :whee:

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My wife and I saw it last night. It was by far the best of the four movies. We liked the modern spin on the character. I'm glad they opted to go with Gwen Stacey instead of MJ.


I thought Garfield and Stone were well cast....


Would people even been complaining if this weren't a reboot?

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Just got back from seeing it.


The Good:

- I am in love with Emma Stone


The Bad:

- The retelling of the origin was a waste of 45 minutes - we all know it.

- the kid who player Peter Parker has a really big head and ostrich neck. took up too much of the screen

- where was JJJ/Daily Bugle ?




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Saw it last night. Only about 25 people in the theater. However the drive in we attempted to go to first was sold out, and Spider-Man was the first film there.


I give it a B. Peter seemed just a little too confused and stupid rather than shy at times.



I saw the eggs coming at the end as soon as he walked in the door, sure enough he pulls them out.


I didn't like the Lizard's round head, why not more lizard shaped?


Anyway it was worth the $6



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My wife and I saw it last night. It was by far the best of the four movies. We liked the modern spin on the character. I'm glad they opted to go with Gwen Stacey instead of MJ.


I thought Garfield and Stone were well cast....


Would people even been complaining if this weren't a reboot?


I would (be complaining) even it weren't a reboot. I don't know about others. But that said, it did feel awfully early for a reboot.

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My wife and I saw it last night. It was by far the best of the four movies. We liked the modern spin on the character. I'm glad they opted to go with Gwen Stacey instead of MJ.


I thought Garfield and Stone were well cast....


Would people even been complaining if this weren't a reboot?


I would (be complaining) even it weren't a reboot. I don't know about others. But that said, it did feel awfully early for a reboot.


I think the reboot was a necessity at this point, and mot merely to draw in a younger audience either. The real downside of producing a massive hit like the first Spidey trilogy is that you become a victim of your own success. Actors all of a sudden want money in the $10+ million department because they know they have leverage, Directors want more control and larger budgets to play with, and everyone involved wants larger pieces of the pie in terms of box office ticket and DVD sales. The last movie cost $258 million to make (whether that includes advertising and marketing costs I have no idea), and took in $336 million domestically. While I'm sure Sony made bank when all was said and done from international viewings and DVD sales, its not hard to imagine that a fourth movie might've been considered a risk, since box office numbers, as well as critical and fan reception were on the decline after the third movie, and costs would've invariably been up for a fourth one.


In fact, this reboot movie cost $230 million to make, so they are a long way away from breaking even and justifying a sequel. I'm sure Sony would've wanted to see better numbers for their opening weekend, though $140 million for the first week hardly qualifies as a flop.

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- The retelling of the origin was a waste of 45 minutes - we all know it.


Nope, wrong. The retelling of the origin wasn't for you, and there are millions of people who will see this movie that don't know it; most notably, all those 8-14 year-old boys and girls who have never touched a comic, or in other words, the demographic that this hobby desperately needs.


These movies aren't being made for the 45 year-old with 60 long-boxes in his basement.

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I've waited 24 hours to decide for sure how I felt about the movie. Overall I was unsatisfied. The movie itself is good and Garfiled is arguably a better, more interesting Peter Parker. In costume McGuire and Garfield seemed slightly different but equal.


The critics like the movie and it's making good money. But then the critics LOVED the first two movies and they may have made more money, only time will tell. I won't be going to the theater to see this movie again and I went multiple times to the first two.


No matter how hard I try, there are aspects of the movie that as a collector I just can't go with. For one we've already seen MJ which is Spidey's real romantic partner. We all know Gwen isn't going to last. It makes little sense for Peter to reveal he is Spider-Man to Gwen so quickly. It made far more sense the way Peter played his secret ID in the first two movies.


I've never cared for the comics and so I do not care for a movie where Spider-Man's agility is played up and his strength played down. It does not take Spider-Man multiple punches to knock out the average, non super powered criminal. Daredevil waded into a crowded bar and kicked 15-20 tough guy's ^^s. Spider-Man runs from a motely crowd of fewer people. In the 1960's Marvel universe Spider-Man was supposed to be only slightly less strong than the Thing.


JJJ missing is so glaring a mistake in the story line that it hurts. Peter Parker took pictures of Spider-Man to sell to JJ from practically the beginning. That JJ hates Spider-Man and Peter Parker sells him pictures is part of the bedrock of the character.


A skateboard? REALLY? A SKATEBOARD? w h a t e v e r....


Funny, having grown up with the early issues of ASM I see Gwen as his real romantic interest and MJ as a replacement.




This is the truth.

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- The retelling of the origin was a waste of 45 minutes - we all know it.


Nope, wrong. The retelling of the origin wasn't for you, and there are millions of people who will see this movie that don't know it; most notably, all those 8-14 year-old boys and girls who have never touched a comic, or in other words, the demographic that this hobby desperately needs.


These movies aren't being made for the 45 year-old with 60 long-boxes in his basement.




You've just made this whole thread redundant.

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Funny things is, people are criticizing the fact that we're getting another origin story, yet they're also upset that the movies aren't being true to the comic stories they've read thousands of times. So essentially they want a movie that's different, but the same.


Don't tell the origin story that we all know; instead, tell me a different story directly lifted from the very comics that I've read all my life, and don't deviate. :insane:

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You're right. All future sequels they make should also have a 45 minute retelling of the origin.

I'd hate for someone that was born next week not know the origin when the sequel comes out in two years.



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You're right. All future sequels they make should also have a 45 minute retelling of the origin.

I'd hate for someone that was born next week not know the origin when the sequel comes out in two years.



Yes, because 2 years and 10 years are the same thing. :eyeroll:

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