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The umpire is calling strikes..................

5,775 posts in this topic

I don't think I've seen anyone on these boards "get over" anything the entire time I've been here. 2c


Some of us get over a lot. I've had a difference of opinion with a couple of people as far as a difference of opinion. There have been instances where they say something that seats my opinion as they raise a factor I never considered. Then there are times that they want to be stubborn and that in itself is frustrating. You get over it. I don't wish for the people I've had a difference of opinion on to leave and never come back though. It keeps things interesting.


My only exception is solarcadet. For some reason I believe the cancer lie was more despicable than most of the petty scams we have seen as it plays off of the emotions and sympathy of the community at large rather than an isolated few transactions. I lose complete respect for someone like that. He should walk the floor at Sloan Kettering and see if lying about his dad suffering through cancer to cover up his deficiencies is something to throw around.


So shame on him and those that continue to deal with him. He is the first and only person that I have on my own 'never deal with list' no matter if he is taken off a board list.


Several years ago, Tranny called me a "cancer on these boards."


(He was completely right. Not that there haven't been many, many others who were as bad or worse, but the fact was, I was being a loudmouth jerk who wouldn't let things go and ground my opponents...deservedly or not...into a fine powder over any issue that got stuck in my craw, and if they brought a knife to the fight, I brought a gun. I didn't start it, but I sure as hell made sure I always ended it. And that was pure poison on my part.)


So, I decided to put as my location, being a smartass: "board cancer." (And many people use their location to send subtle smartass messages to those they don't like, often by repeating what others have said to them.)


Several people, especially a certain woman who shall not be named, were in a complete uproar, calling that "completely inappropriate" and "cancer is no laughing matter" and that I should be banned for making light of cancer (I did no such thing, and never, ever would, but try explaining that to the self-righteous.)


I did not agree with them then, and I do not agree with them now, but in the interest of not getting my butt a strike, I bowed to public pressure and changed it.


Now, however, we have someone who actually lies about his father dying of cancer...the actual thing, not just a smartass reply to a smartass remark...and where are these people self-righteously decrying solarcadet? Where is the outrage? Where are the posts calling for his head for lying about ACTUAL CANCER to gain sympathy?


Instead, we are met with crickets from those people.


The silence, as they say, is deafening.


a) there is a definite double standard on these boards

b) you have changed a lot.


FWIW, I got the same crickets whenever I brought up shill bidding amongst our ranks. It is what it is.

Who is shilling auctions?


The list of who isn't may be shorter. :D

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I mean seriously guys - the cool books stuff is ridiculous. The guy just does not have the type of inventory that supports your ridiculous hypothesis.






Am I just supposed to sit there and wait for the meme graphic to change...?




I spent an hour on this damn gif, trying to figure out how to do it.


Someone give me some love.





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I'm responding to no one in general, with an opinion no one asked for...


I'm tired of people reacting to buzzwords. Language requires context for meaning, and words require context in order to be offensive. If I say to someone "your post gave me cancer", I'm not making fun of cancer, I'm making fun of the post. If you're going to be offended because people die of cancer, then logically you should be offended when someone says "this thread is like a car wreck; I can't look away" because people die in car wrecks. My dad died of a brain aneurysm when I was young; am I supposed to get upset every time I hear someone use aneurysm sarcastically?


Pinning universal meaning and intent on single words is butchering the language, just as bad grammar and using the wrong words butchers the language.

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I have been outspoken about his cancer comments since the beginning, along with the Concentration Camp comments. I guess that was why I got offered to meet but I declined. Interesting that none of those comments warranted a strike or slap.


Of course, outrage is selective, depending on one's personal feelings about the one making the outrageous comments.




People often feign offense and political correctness in order to reinforce negative claims against people they don't like.

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I'm responding to no one in general, with an opinion no one asked for...


I'm tired of people reacting to buzzwords. Language requires context for meaning, and words require context in order to be offensive. If I say to someone "your post gave me cancer", I'm not making fun of cancer, I'm making fun of the post. If you're going to be offended because people die of cancer, then logically you should be offended when someone says "this thread is like a car wreck; I can't look away" because people die in car wrecks. My dad died of a brain aneurysm when I was young; am I supposed to get upset every time I hear someone use aneurysm sarcastically?


Pinning universal meaning and intent on single words is butchering the language, just as bad grammar and using the wrong words butchers the language.


I object to your use of "buzzwords". I have the sound turned off on my computer so I don't hear anything.

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I'm responding to no one in general, with an opinion no one asked for...


I'm tired of people reacting to buzzwords. Language requires context for meaning, and words require context in order to be offensive. If I say to someone "your post gave me cancer", I'm not making fun of cancer, I'm making fun of the post. If you're going to be offended because people die of cancer, then logically you should be offended when someone says "this thread is like a car wreck; I can't look away" because people die in car wrecks. My dad died of a brain aneurysm when I was young; am I supposed to get upset every time I hear someone use aneurysm sarcastically?


Pinning universal meaning and intent on single words is butchering the language, just as bad grammar and using the wrong words butchers the language.


Post of the day. :applause:


(Your No Prize is in the mail.)

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I'm responding to no one in general, with an opinion no one asked for...


I'm tired of people reacting to buzzwords. Language requires context for meaning, and words require context in order to be offensive. If I say to someone "your post gave me cancer", I'm not making fun of cancer, I'm making fun of the post. If you're going to be offended because people die of cancer, then logically you should be offended when someone says "this thread is like a car wreck; I can't look away" because people die in car wrecks. My dad died of a brain aneurysm when I was young; am I supposed to get upset every time I hear someone use aneurysm sarcastically?


Pinning universal meaning and intent on single words is butchering the language, just as bad grammar and using the wrong words butchers the language.





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I'm tired of people reacting to buzzwords.


I agree, I really hate buzzwords. Now, back to breaking the internet with gamechanging epic memes.

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By the way...it is absurd that the reason given for Pirate's wrist slap was "posting private messages on the board."


Sorry, CGC Mods, but there is no expectation of universal privacy when someone sends me a private message. The "private" part is exclusive of all other parties OUTSIDE the PM. What I do with a private message INVOLVING ME is MY business, especially if the PM is unsolicited.


NO party should have an expectation of privacy simply unless ALL parties agree to such.


The "private" in "private message" simply means that no one OUTSIDE the PM should have any access to it. It has no bearing on the parties actually involved with the message.



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I'm responding to no one in general, with an opinion no one asked for...


I'm tired of people reacting to buzzwords. Language requires context for meaning, and words require context in order to be offensive. If I say to someone "your post gave me cancer", I'm not making fun of cancer, I'm making fun of the post. If you're going to be offended because people die of cancer, then logically you should be offended when someone says "this thread is like a car wreck; I can't look away" because people die in car wrecks. My dad died of a brain aneurysm when I was young; am I supposed to get upset every time I hear someone use aneurysm sarcastically?


Pinning universal meaning and intent on single words is butchering the language, just as bad grammar and using the wrong words butchers the language.


If you were a chick I'd marry you, buy you a big honking diamond and take you for a cruise around the world. And I'd leave the sex as optional.



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By the way...it is absurd that the reason given for Pirate's wrist slap was "posting private messages on the board."


Sorry, CGC Mods, but there is no expectation of universal privacy when someone sends me a private message. The "private" part is exclusive of all other parties OUTSIDE the PM. What I do with a private message INVOLVING ME is MY business, especially if the PM is unsolicited.


NO party should have an expectation of privacy simply unless ALL parties agree to such.


The "private" in "private message" simply means that no one OUTSIDE the PM should have any access to it. It has no bearing on the parties actually involved with the message.




Yet this doesn't get a wrist slap. :eyeroll:

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By the way...it is absurd that the reason given for Pirate's wrist slap was "posting private messages on the board."


Sorry, CGC Mods, but there is no expectation of universal privacy when someone sends me a private message. The "private" part is exclusive of all other parties OUTSIDE the PM. What I do with a private message INVOLVING ME is MY business, especially if the PM is unsolicited.


NO party should have an expectation of privacy simply unless ALL parties agree to such.


The "private" in "private message" simply means that no one OUTSIDE the PM should have any access to it. It has no bearing on the parties actually involved with the message.




Yet this doesn't get a wrist slap. :eyeroll:








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I'm responding to no one in general, with an opinion no one asked for...


I'm tired of people reacting to buzzwords. Language requires context for meaning, and words require context in order to be offensive. If I say to someone "your post gave me cancer", I'm not making fun of cancer, I'm making fun of the post. If you're going to be offended because people die of cancer, then logically you should be offended when someone says "this thread is like a car wreck; I can't look away" because people die in car wrecks. My dad died of a brain aneurysm when I was young; am I supposed to get upset every time I hear someone use aneurysm sarcastically?


Pinning universal meaning and intent on single words is butchering the language, just as bad grammar and using the wrong words butchers the language.


If you were a chick I'd marry you, buy you a big honking diamond and take you for a cruise around the world. And I'd leave the sex as optional.



Saving this post in case I decide to change my gender.

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Um....you do realize that you are showing bigotry.


Here is the definition.






noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries


bigoted attitudes; intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.


The difference is I'm not intolerant of anyone here...I disagree, which is fine. And to a certain level, almost everyone exhibits bigotry.


However, I'll fully admit I disagree and don't hide behind a keyboard. The "circle"...they will not.



Are you saying I hide behind a keyboard because I didn't approach you in Charlotte? What would've been the point? I wasn't going to buy anything from you (shrug)


No, I'm not saying that. I was fully aware that you were at Heroes and I was 100% confident you wouldn't say anything. Which is fine. Had you spoken, I would have been nice, whether you believe it or not.


And believe you me, I have no misperceptions of whether you were going to buy anything or not. I'm smarter than the average bear.





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