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'Gotham' EP Discusses Jerome's Upcoming Story Arc




The last time Jerome was on Gotham, his story found its roots in the beloved graphic novel, The Killing Joke. This time around though, the story is much more of an original tale, so fans will be kept guessing the entire time he is on-screen.


"This is really something that just we as a room cooked up and it's a really unique and an original kind of take on a story line for him," Wynbrandt explained.


"We feel like, where The Killing Joke was so obviously and intentionally a touchstone in the last run, there is nothing of that kind of ilk for this. Now, there's always things that will make you go, 'Oh it's a little bit like this or it's a little bit I see the inspiration there. I see the inspiration here.' But this is a very original kind of take on this story and we're really excited about it because his reintroduction into the Gotham world is going to have him crossing with characters we've not yet seen him with. Which is really kind of a theme we've been playing with this whole season and something we challenged ourselves over designing this season."


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On 11/17/2017 at 3:14 AM, Bosco685 said:

What an odd yet entertaining episode.


I agree.  That scene at the dinner table with the meat pies was one if the best scenes ever for this show.  I thought the Penguin was fantastic in the episode in general, but he was particularly pitch perfect in that scene. They even managed to make the Pyg menacing in his final showdown with Gordon.  

What a great episode.


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This series is better than ever right now.  The design and performances of the villains, particularly Joker, Penguin, and Riddler are UNBELIEVABLY good.  I never expected something this good to be on network television, but here it is.

I'm particularly impressed by the design of Joker.  With first Jack Nicholson and then Chris Nolan and Heath Ledger amping up the expectations on a great Joker, I didn't think anyone could match it, but so far, this series has done it.  The design of him being resurrected and having his face cut off and then reattached is compellingly unique, and Cameron Monaghan's performance is just great so far.  He's just as good as Nicholson was, but I'm not sure he's anywhere near Ledger's level yet.  hm

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1 hour ago, fantastic_four said:

The design of him being resurrected and having his face cut off and then reattached is compellingly unique

One note on that--the thinking behind WHY he got his face cut off was REALLY dumb.  But moving past that, it's an interesting alternative to give him the strange appearance and perma-smile to the comic's idea of him falling into a vat of chemicals.  But sheesh, try to find a better reason for it to have happened.  :eek:

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FOX Assures 'Gotham' Won't Be Affected by Disney Purchase



Disney purchasing 21st Century Fox is big news for Marvel fans, knowing that all of their favorite characters can now be under one roof. But what does that mean for a program like Gotham, a product of DC Comics and Warner Bros., that airs on FOX?

According to executives at FOX, it means absolutely nothing.


During the network's presentation at the 2018 TCA Press Tour on Thursday, representatives talked all about the pending sale to Disney and how it could affect their plans moving forward. When it came to Gotham, they assured everyone in attendance that the Batman prequel series wasn't in danger.


Many were worried about Gotham's future with FOX, and for good reason. Being a DC Comics property, the sale of 21st Century Fox to Disney, Marvel's parent company, didn't seem like good news. However, when you dig deeper, the sale actually helps out a show like Gotham.


See, Disney is purchasing the Fox studios, not the FOX network. The network itself will still exist on its own, but the studio behind the channel won't be providing it with original shows any longer. Gotham is produced by Warner Bros. and airing on FOX, meaning that it's an operation completely separate from anything Disney acquired.


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'Gotham's David Mazouz Talks Joker's Shocking Introduction (Exclusive)


While Jerome may not be the Clown Prince of Crime himself, he will certainly help the Joker come to life on this season. According to star David Mazouz, the twist that introduces the Joker to the series is one of the biggest shocks the fans will have ever experienced.


Ahead of this Thursday's mid-season premiere, Mazouz took some time to chat with us here at ComicBook.com about what's to come this as the season continues. Of course, as you could probably guess, the conversation was quickly dominated by talk of Jerome's return.


"Undoubtedly, nobody's denying this, Jerome looks like the Joker without the pale face and green hair, so what does that mean?," Mazouz asked us. "I'll tell you what that means. It means that Jerome is not the Joker."


The young actor went on to explain that the tie between Jerome and Joker is one that people definitely won't see coming.


"It really is one of the biggest shocks," Mazouz continued. "I think it's safe to say that this kind of transition is not only the smartest thing, but the biggest kind of surprise that Gotham has thrown at its audience. Gotham loves to kind of have a shocker moment. I mean, I'm sure we'd love to have crazy cliff hangers, but this is one that is not even on the same level as anything we've done before. I mean, the second I read that in the -script, I was like, 'Oh my God. Yes. That is perfect.'


"We've been asking ourselves this question, 'Is Jerome the Joker? He obviously is acting a lot like the Joker. Is he the Joker?' This is a perfect way to answer that, because we don't want to say yes, but we don't want to say no. We don't want to say no because Jerome is so much like the Joker, so what they end up doing is kind of a great balanced way to answer that question and to have Jerome maybe be involved in the creation of the Joker but have him not be the Joker.


n his final comment on the matter, Mazouz made sure to reiterate that Jerome and Joker were not the same person, but he had a very coy way of saying it.


"He [Jerome] is not the man that will have green hair and a pale face. He's not that man."


Gotham returns with new episodes on Thursday, March 1 at 8pm ET on FOX.

So we are finally going to meet the real show Joker this season. Though I think Jerome should have been him.

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