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That's why I don't disclose my birthday.

171 posts in this topic

So let me ask you, does a total stranger ever come up to you at work and wish you a happy birthday?


The majority of us are NOT strangers , we've had dinners together, we see each other at cons ,we've partied together after those cons.What in the hell is so bad in wishing a person a happy birthday?


Charlie was just kidding around. But I would hope the same people concerned about birthday threads apply the same logic and think of others when it comes to Comiclink, Ebay 'I purchased from a seller with 96% feedback and it went badly' or Comiclink threads.




53% of those that participated in that poll felt like the amount of posts related to those topics had gotten quite excessive.



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And the number of voters was insignificant compared to the number of visitors to the forum - the "good majority" didn't bother to vote.


Whether the "good majority" didn't bother to vote is entirely irrelevant. I wasn't referring to the majority of people who visit this forum, but the majority of people who voted. I'm pretty sure you already knew that.


I thought you liked to be exact, rather than muddled, and that it was important to note what a small minority of those who reads these boards constitute your "good majority."


I was perfectly exact, you just wanted a reason to find fault. The sentence started with the words "There was a poll...." There was nothing "muddied" in that. Did you just completely ignore what I said? It doesn't matter that the results were only comprised of a "small minority", because we cannot know what those who DID NOT VOTE would have chosen. Of that "small minority" who voted, a good majority voted for the sub-forum (which is what I said in the first place.)


This is Voting 101, here. If you don't vote, you can't be counted.


And that's just taking your "small minority" at face value. There were 166 votes cast. Setting aside potential shill votes, how many people do you think visit Comics General on a regular basis?


Is it a big deal...? Well, depends. If there's one or two such threads on the front page, ok, no biggie. If there are 10 (and there have been that, and more), it gets to be a lot of clutter.


Lately I thought there were a lot more HBD threads, so maybe there was some validity to the concern. So I went back and looked - in the past week, Azkaban has posted 19 HBD threads (7 yesterday, which is probably why I felt that way). That's an average of 3 a day. In the month of September, there have been 39, an average of less than 2 a day. In the month of August, when the poll was posted, there were 61, once again less than 2 per day.


And since he took over the beginning of April, Azkaban has posted 334 HBD threads over 172 days, less than 2 a day.


And how does that address what I said about such threads taking up real estate on the front page...?


This conversation isn't about Azkaban or how many birthday threads he's started, it's about birthday threads and their place in CG.


Are you serious? I can never tell when you are joking. It addresses what you said because Azhaban posts almost all the birthday threads.


One more time: the conversation isn't about Azkaban or how many birthday thread he's started. It doesn't matter that Azkaban posts "almost all the birthday threads" NOW. Go read Budsbundy's posts again: you'll find nary a mention of Azkaban. It was about birthday threads as a topic, and why they are posted by anyone.


But just to appease you: there were an additional 7 "Happy birthday" threads over the past 2 months that WEREN'T posted by Azkaban (I stopped after 20 pages, since it was so insignificant). So, since August 1st, there have been a total of 107 "Happy Birthday" threads in CG, an average of 2.098 per day. So my original figure of 1.961 per day was off. Happy?


None of this is relevant. You've missed the entire point. It is not about how many such threads are STARTED....it's about how many such threads take up front page real estate.


It doesn't matter if someone only posts 1 thread every month, if all those threads are consistently bumped to the top (I'm grossly exaggerating to make a point.) So, if someone starts 2 HB threads a day, if all those threads keep getting bumped, within a short period of time, there are 10, 15, 20 such threads on the front page. Right now, as of this moment, there are FIVE HB threads on the front page. Three of them were started Friday, and two were started yesterday. If someone wanted to, they could easily bump another 5, and then there would be NINE HB threads on the front page (the Mr SigS thread moving to the second page), provided no one bumps anything else.


So, by your own assessment - "If there's one or two such threads on the front page, ok, no biggie" - this appears to fall in the "no biggie" category.


This statement tells me you are either purposely ignoring, or just don't understand, the concept of bumped threads. Since you're not stupid, I'll go with purposely ignoring.


Meanwhile, there are 12 "Sticky" posts "taking up real estate" on the front page.


Too many. And?


Big deal....? Couldn't people just ignore them...?


Sure. But why should people be forced to ignore them? Is that being fair to them?




No. Yes. Because internet message board. Yes.


I think I may have broken you. Let me call tech support....


Sorry, I thought you were sharp enough to follow along, without stretching things out. Let me help you with that.


Sorry, I thought you were sharp enough to get a joke that actually was a joke.


Big deal....?




Couldn't people just ignore them...?




Sure. But why should people be forced to ignore them?


Because it's an internet message board - that's how it works, you ignore stuff you aren't interested in.


To a point. Obviously, that point has been passed for the 60% of the "small minority" who voted in the poll.


Is that being fair to them?





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I don't doubt that you don't see the need to question his motives. However...perhaps, if we weren't afraid to question people's motives for fear of offending them, things could be far better, in all areas of life.


We ought to have our motives questioned. We need it.

Why? That whole reasoning seems to be based around the need for the social development of humankind. This is the Collectors Society message boards. It's not therapy.


So, you're saying that this place and these people aren't worthy of striving for a higher standard? And that we shouldn't question anyone's motives, because "well, hell, it's just a message board. It's not real, so who cares, right?"...?




That is your opinion. I see no "dig" at all. It wasn't even aimed at anyone in particular, just those "starting birthday threads" (and there have been many.) After all...you were the one who brought up Azkaban, not Budsbundy.

As Azkaban is the current boardie putting up the birthday threads, it's not difficult to see how it's aimed at him, whether it be directly or indirectly.


That's the point. The "current" board member means the point is interchangeable based on who is doing it, which means it wasn't aimed at anyone in particular.


If you want to see accusation in a question, you are more than welcome to do so, but it isn't merited, and others can (and will) challenge it.

Why is it not merited? Because it differs from your opinion? To me, it's quite evident.


It's self-evidently not merited, not because it "differs from my opinion." Budsbundy asked a question, he didn't accuse anyone of nefarious motives. Questioning someone's motives isn't accusing them of a crime, or we'd have a lot more people facing charges in our criminal justice system right now.


If you see questioning someone as accusation, perhaps the fault lies in your understanding of the difference between the two. You may say "it's obviously an accusation", but how can that even be, when no one is mentioned anywhere in Budsbundy's posts...?


You have to make TWO assumptions to get where you are: 1. that Budsbundy was specifically referring to Azkaban, rather than the generic "starter of birthday threads" (and many people BESIDES Azkaban start birthday threads) and 2. that asking a question is the same as making an accusation.


Budsbundy's post was very diplomatic. I don't see how it could have been stated any more diplomatically, without asking it at all.


Do you...?

The use of diplomacy would have been not to ask the question.


Ok, now we're getting somewhere. That's not diplomacy, by the way, that's political correctness.


If someone thinks a thread is "clutter" then say so. Say why it's clutter and how it effects you. Say it as many times as you have to until someone listens. To question the motives of the person posting that thread is unnecessary.


Again....that's your opinion, and one not shared by everyone, for the reasons I've already laid out.


Absolutely there is! Call it a "check and balance", but it is critical to check our motives, and check each other's, on a regular basis. People don't want to do it because it is difficult, frustrating, and certainly not good for the social status, but nothing good comes without cost. And, though this doesn't apply to Azkaban, shouldn't we be wary of those who say "don't question my motives"...?

Why do we need "check and balance"? And good things at a cost? Why are motives being questioned in line with a birthday thread? Again, these boards aren't here for social development, they're here as a communication forum. "I have this, can you help me store it safely?" "I like this, what do you think?"


That's silliness. This board questions people's motives...and has an absolute right to...all the time, every day, everywhere. You, yourself, do it further down in this post.


It's why we have a Probation List/HOS after all. It's why there are endless discussions about who did what to whom, why, and with what.


If no one questioned anyone's motives, this place would be full of sitting ducks, waiting for wolves to come and ravage them.


The fact that the threads exist at all is some evidence. Is someone going to come out and say "hey all, I'm just posting this so that everyone can see what a nice guy I am"? Doubtful. They may not even be aware of it themselves.

In which case, why mention it? It's just unnecessary cynicism.


Or, constructive criticism.


No, not quite. They aren't at all the same thing. That's specious logic. "Birthday threads" themselves have to do with a single individual. The discussion about having birthday threads involves the entire "community", including discussing why they are done. And very few people are going to respond to a private message asking if they are "posting bday threads just to get attention?" in any constructive manner.

I wouldn't say it was specious... two things being asked to be kept private via PM. What I would say is specious is questioning someone's posting motives as an argument to have "clutter" removed.


I don't think you quite understand what "specious logic" means. You're trying to make an analogy where none exists. They aren't related in the way you are trying to make them be. And I'm pretty sure Budsbundy wasn't making the argument you're claiming he did. I'm pretty sure that's your own invention.


So, it's ok to annoy people (and, the majority even) by disregarding their desires, so long as we have a "positive attitude" towards everyone...?


How does that work...?

There's a big difference between someone being annoyed with a thread they don't like and annoying someone by asking if they're an attention seeker.


Why would anyone be annoyed by that question...unless it were true, at least on some level? Is that really that offensive a question to ask generally, as Budsbundy did?


I quoted an "open and positive environment" and a "positive experience for everyone" as these are the board guidelines put in place to maintain decorum. It is not my opinion... it is what we agree to.


And again, I return to: why is it only a positive experience for everyone by Batman's definition of positive? Clearly, not everyone is happy with the HB threads. Don't they have a right to have a positive experience, too....?




Not condemning, just asking.
You sure...?
I'm quite sure. It's significantly easier to know one's own motives than it is to know others'.

Yes it is, isn't it? I would be interested to know your motives in pursuing this when the foundation to your argument appears to be a dislike for birthday threads.


My motive in pursuing "this" (I assume you mean this conversation) is because several people derisively dismissed Budsbundy's posts, even though they had merit and were worthy of discussion. "Whiners gonna whine", and whatnot, though there was nothing "whiny" about his posts at all.


I have mostly ignored the birthday threads for many years. That doesn't mean, however, that I can't voice my opinions on them when the subject comes up. They glorify the individual, for something that isn't even an accomplishment, and have taken up a tremendous amount of front page real estate in Comics General. And Budsbundy's points were well made, and didn't deserve the ACTUALLY HOSTILE comments made to him in response.


There you go. See? You questioned my motives, and I wasn't offended by it.

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So let me ask you, does a total stranger ever come up to you at work and wish you a happy birthday?


The majority of us are NOT strangers , we've had dinners together, we see each other at cons ,we've partied together after those cons.What in the hell is so bad in wishing a person a happy birthday?


Nothing, per se. It's the method by which it is occurring that is the issue.


By the way....someone posted a HB thread for another poster who had only posted twice in 2015, and possibly isn't around any longer to even see it.





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So let me ask you, does a total stranger ever come up to you at work and wish you a happy birthday?


The majority of us are NOT strangers , we've had dinners together, we see each other at cons ,we've partied together after those cons.What in the hell is so bad in wishing a person a happy birthday?


Nothing, per se. It's the method by which it is occurring that is the issue.


By the way....someone posted a HB thread for another poster who had only posted twice in 2015, and possibly isn't around any longer to even see it.






Of course it is. Can't win boardie of the year if you don't pimp birthday threads

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So let me ask you, does a total stranger ever come up to you at work and wish you a happy birthday?


The majority of us are NOT strangers , we've had dinners together, we see each other at cons ,we've partied together after those cons.What in the hell is so bad in wishing a person a happy birthday?


Nothing, per se. It's the method by which it is occurring that is the issue.


By the way....someone posted a HB thread for another poster who had only posted twice in 2015, and possibly isn't around any longer to even see it.






Of course it is. Can't win boardie of the year if you don't pimp birthday threads



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So let me ask you, does a total stranger ever come up to you at work and wish you a happy birthday?


The majority of us are NOT strangers , we've had dinners together, we see each other at cons ,we've partied together after those cons.What in the hell is so bad in wishing a person a happy birthday?


Nothing, per se. It's the method by which it is occurring that is the issue.


By the way....someone posted a HB thread for another poster who had only posted twice in 2015, and possibly isn't around any longer to even see it.






I get that. So our current b-day guy needs to show some discretion.

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I don't think he's talking about me on that one, I think he's talking about NewEnglandGothic wishing Cheryllynn a happy birthday. I try and only wish those that are active a happy birthday. (shrug)

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And that's just taking your "small minority" at face value. There were 166 votes cast. Setting aside potential shill votes, how many people do you think visit Comics General on a regular basis?


Hard to say, of course. Boardreader.com says in the past month there were 6,727 posts in Comics General, subtract out kav and that still leaves 2-3,000. Webistat.com reports 5,024 unique daily visitors, but that's for the entire board, so still hard to say. At this moment the board's own statistics reports 323 users online and a max of 1216 at one point in April, again for the whole board. Seems safe to say that 166 isn't a big chunk of the folks here.


So, by your own assessment - "If there's one or two such threads on the front page, ok, no biggie" - this appears to fall in the "no biggie" category.


This statement tells me you are either purposely ignoring, or just don't understand, the concept of bumped threads. Since you're not stupid, I'll go with purposely ignoring.


Not exactly ignoring, at least in the way you mean it. It's impossible to measure how many threads are on the front page at one time over a period of time, but how many threads are created is a good proxy - particularly in this instance, as the expected life of a happy birthday thread is pretty close to a day.


And I do understand the concept of "bumped thread", do you? Threads get bumped when someone expresses an interest in the subject matter enough to contribute to it. So if the thread gets bumped to the front page, it's because there is interest in it. Feel like there's some Latin phrase that might apply, but don't feel like looking it up.



Big deal....? Couldn't people just ignore them...?


Sure. But why should people be forced to ignore them? Is that being fair to them?




No. Yes. Because internet message board. Yes.


I think I may have broken you. Let me call tech support....


Sorry, I thought you were sharp enough to follow along, without stretching things out. Let me help you with that.


Sorry, I thought you were sharp enough to get a joke that actually was a joke.


Like I said, I have a hard time telling when you are joking. It would really help if it was actually funny. Thanks.

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Not exactly ignoring, at least in the way you mean it. It's impossible to measure how many threads are on the front page at one time over a period of time, but how many threads are created is a good proxy - particularly in this instance, as the expected life of a happy birthday thread is pretty close to a day.


Neither of those statetments is true. It would be very easy to measure how many threads are on the front page at one time over a period of time. You take a snapshot at every point you wish to measure. Easy. And how many threads are created isn't a "good proxy", for the reasons already stated.


And I do understand the concept of "bumped thread", do you? Threads get bumped when someone expresses an interest in the subject matter enough to contribute to it. So if the thread gets bumped to the front page, it's because there is interest in it. Feel like there's some Latin phrase that might apply, but don't feel like looking it up.


Again, not relevant. We're not talking about individual preference, here, we're talking about a majority decision from a poll. No one said there wasn't any interest. 40% is still 40%, after all, and that 40% is going to have interest, and they are going to bump threads.


Like I said, I have a hard time telling when you are joking. It would really help if it was actually funny. Thanks.


Of course, that's not really true. You're not stupid, and I'm not going to insult your intelligence by pretending you are. We both know the score, here, so why play silly one-upsmanship games? It would be nice to have an honest conversation, but you're not interested in that. If all we're going to do is snipe at each other, I'll pass. Frankly, I wish you would pretend I didn't exist, but that's not going to happen, so I'll just say good night.

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I don't doubt that you don't see the need to question his motives. However...perhaps, if we weren't afraid to question people's motives for fear of offending them, things could be far better, in all areas of life.


We ought to have our motives questioned. We need it.

Why? That whole reasoning seems to be based around the need for the social development of humankind. This is the Collectors Society message boards. It's not therapy.


So, you're saying that this place and these people aren't worthy of striving for a higher standard? And that we shouldn't question anyone's motives, because "well, hell, it's just a message board. It's not real, so who cares, right?"...?




That is your opinion. I see no "dig" at all. It wasn't even aimed at anyone in particular, just those "starting birthday threads" (and there have been many.) After all...you were the one who brought up Azkaban, not Budsbundy.

As Azkaban is the current boardie putting up the birthday threads, it's not difficult to see how it's aimed at him, whether it be directly or indirectly.


That's the point. The "current" board member means the point is interchangeable based on who is doing it, which means it wasn't aimed at anyone in particular.


If you want to see accusation in a question, you are more than welcome to do so, but it isn't merited, and others can (and will) challenge it.

Why is it not merited? Because it differs from your opinion? To me, it's quite evident.


It's self-evidently not merited, not because it "differs from my opinion." Budsbundy asked a question, he didn't accuse anyone of nefarious motives. Questioning someone's motives isn't accusing them of a crime, or we'd have a lot more people facing charges in our criminal justice system right now.


If you see questioning someone as accusation, perhaps the fault lies in your understanding of the difference between the two. You may say "it's obviously an accusation", but how can that even be, when no one is mentioned anywhere in Budsbundy's posts...?


You have to make TWO assumptions to get where you are: 1. that Budsbundy was specifically referring to Azkaban, rather than the generic "starter of birthday threads" (and many people BESIDES Azkaban start birthday threads) and 2. that asking a question is the same as making an accusation.


Budsbundy's post was very diplomatic. I don't see how it could have been stated any more diplomatically, without asking it at all.


Do you...?

The use of diplomacy would have been not to ask the question.


Ok, now we're getting somewhere. That's not diplomacy, by the way, that's political correctness.


If someone thinks a thread is "clutter" then say so. Say why it's clutter and how it effects you. Say it as many times as you have to until someone listens. To question the motives of the person posting that thread is unnecessary.


Again....that's your opinion, and one not shared by everyone, for the reasons I've already laid out.


Absolutely there is! Call it a "check and balance", but it is critical to check our motives, and check each other's, on a regular basis. People don't want to do it because it is difficult, frustrating, and certainly not good for the social status, but nothing good comes without cost. And, though this doesn't apply to Azkaban, shouldn't we be wary of those who say "don't question my motives"...?

Why do we need "check and balance"? And good things at a cost? Why are motives being questioned in line with a birthday thread? Again, these boards aren't here for social development, they're here as a communication forum. "I have this, can you help me store it safely?" "I like this, what do you think?"


That's silliness. This board questions people's motives...and has an absolute right to...all the time, every day, everywhere. You, yourself, do it further down in this post.


It's why we have a Probation List/HOS after all. It's why there are endless discussions about who did what to whom, why, and with what.


If no one questioned anyone's motives, this place would be full of sitting ducks, waiting for wolves to come and ravage them.


The fact that the threads exist at all is some evidence. Is someone going to come out and say "hey all, I'm just posting this so that everyone can see what a nice guy I am"? Doubtful. They may not even be aware of it themselves.

In which case, why mention it? It's just unnecessary cynicism.


Or, constructive criticism.


No, not quite. They aren't at all the same thing. That's specious logic. "Birthday threads" themselves have to do with a single individual. The discussion about having birthday threads involves the entire "community", including discussing why they are done. And very few people are going to respond to a private message asking if they are "posting bday threads just to get attention?" in any constructive manner.

I wouldn't say it was specious... two things being asked to be kept private via PM. What I would say is specious is questioning someone's posting motives as an argument to have "clutter" removed.


I don't think you quite understand what "specious logic" means. You're trying to make an analogy where none exists. They aren't related in the way you are trying to make them be. And I'm pretty sure Budsbundy wasn't making the argument you're claiming he did. I'm pretty sure that's your own invention.


So, it's ok to annoy people (and, the majority even) by disregarding their desires, so long as we have a "positive attitude" towards everyone...?


How does that work...?

There's a big difference between someone being annoyed with a thread they don't like and annoying someone by asking if they're an attention seeker.


Why would anyone be annoyed by that question...unless it were true, at least on some level? Is that really that offensive a question to ask generally, as Budsbundy did?


I quoted an "open and positive environment" and a "positive experience for everyone" as these are the board guidelines put in place to maintain decorum. It is not my opinion... it is what we agree to.


And again, I return to: why is it only a positive experience for everyone by Batman's definition of positive? Clearly, not everyone is happy with the HB threads. Don't they have a right to have a positive experience, too....?




Not condemning, just asking.
You sure...?
I'm quite sure. It's significantly easier to know one's own motives than it is to know others'.

Yes it is, isn't it? I would be interested to know your motives in pursuing this when the foundation to your argument appears to be a dislike for birthday threads.


My motive in pursuing "this" (I assume you mean this conversation) is because several people derisively dismissed Budsbundy's posts, even though they had merit and were worthy of discussion. "Whiners gonna whine", and whatnot, though there was nothing "whiny" about his posts at all.


I have mostly ignored the birthday threads for many years. That doesn't mean, however, that I can't voice my opinions on them when the subject comes up. They glorify the individual, for something that isn't even an accomplishment, and have taken up a tremendous amount of front page real estate in Comics General. And Budsbundy's points were well made, and didn't deserve the ACTUALLY HOSTILE comments made to him in response.


There you go. See? You questioned my motives, and I wasn't offended by it.

All we're doing now is going over old ground, RMA. From my perspective, this...


I have mostly ignored the birthday threads for many years. That doesn't mean, however, that I can't voice my opinions on them when the subject comes up. They glorify the individual, for something that isn't even an accomplishment, and have taken up a tremendous amount of front page real estate in Comics General...

...would appear to be the reason why we're having this discussion, not because you feel the need to champion Bud's comments.


Whatever your interpretation of Bud's comments are, if someone posts outside board guidelines, expect to be called up on it.

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All we're doing now is going over old ground, RMA.


I'm perfectly willing to go over any ground you feel it is necessary to go over, as long as you wish to go over it. If you don't wish to go over it again, the answer to that seems to be pretty obvious. The choice, as ever, is up to you.


From my perspective, this...


I have mostly ignored the birthday threads for many years. That doesn't mean, however, that I can't voice my opinions on them when the subject comes up. They glorify the individual, for something that isn't even an accomplishment, and have taken up a tremendous amount of front page real estate in Comics General...

...would appear to be the reason why we're having this discussion, not because you feel the need to champion Bud's comments.


I'm sorry, what...? Did we veer off into the Twilight Zone just now...? Where on earth did you come up with that?




First, no one needs anyone to "champion" their comments. Budsbundy stated his position perfectly well, and doesn't need anyone to "back him up."


Second, it's both. That should be patently obvious. As I have already said (and which you quote right there), I have mostly ignored the topic, because I just don't feel that strongly about it. But when Budsbundy's comments were made, and he was attacked for making them, I chose to respond, and the conversation progressed to the broader issue. No conspiracy, no "secret" agenda....that's how conversation works.


And....does it matter if it wasn't? Does it change any of the material points made, even if what you think I "felt" (even though I explicitly told you otherwise) was true...? No, not at all.


Your perspective is quite off. These aren't rational arguments you're making.


Whatever your interpretation of Bud's comments are, if someone posts outside board guidelines, expect to be called up on it.


I agree completely. But Budsbundy's comments weren't within a country mile of being "outside board guidelines", and you're going to find it awfully difficult trying to convince many others, much less the "powers that be", of that.


Good luck, though.

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I don't think he's talking about me on that one, I think he's talking about NewEnglandGothic wishing Cheryllynn a happy birthday. I try and only wish those that are active a happy birthday. (shrug)


That of a b@*%! Someone should sweep his leg for that.




I do see YOU are careful with the birthday threads you post. But since there is a concern if someone posts enough to justify a birthday thread, are deceased forumites allowed one? Over time, we may have more of those.



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All we're doing now is going over old ground, RMA.


I'm perfectly willing to go over any ground you feel it is necessary to go over, as long as you wish to go over it. If you don't wish to go over it again, the answer to that seems to be pretty obvious. The choice, as ever, is up to you.


From my perspective, this...


I have mostly ignored the birthday threads for many years. That doesn't mean, however, that I can't voice my opinions on them when the subject comes up. They glorify the individual, for something that isn't even an accomplishment, and have taken up a tremendous amount of front page real estate in Comics General...

...would appear to be the reason why we're having this discussion, not because you feel the need to champion Bud's comments.


I'm sorry, what...? Did we veer off into the Twilight Zone just now...? Where on earth did you come up with that?




First, no one needs anyone to "champion" their comments. Budsbundy stated his position perfectly well, and doesn't need anyone to "back him up."


Second, it's both. That should be patently obvious. As I have already said (and which you quote right there), I have mostly ignored the topic, because I just don't feel that strongly about it. But when Budsbundy's comments were made, and he was attacked for making them, I chose to respond, and the conversation progressed to the broader issue. No conspiracy, no "secret" agenda....that's how conversation works.


And....does it matter if it wasn't? Does it change any of the material points made, even if what you think I "felt" (even though I explicitly told you otherwise) was true...? No, not at all.


Your perspective is quite off. These aren't rational arguments you're making.


Whatever your interpretation of Bud's comments are, if someone posts outside board guidelines, expect to be called up on it.


I agree completely. But Budsbundy's comments weren't within a country mile of being "outside board guidelines", and you're going to find it awfully difficult trying to convince many others, much less the "powers that be", of that.


Good luck, though.

I don't "feel" the need to go over anything again, which is why I didn't. You've made your point, I've made mine. Nothing new has been introduced to the "discussion", so to continue wouldn't be productive.


Did you see what I did in my last post? I questioned your motives, to which you responded rather angrily. You may think it's ok to question motives in this forum; I don't, particularly in the case of unwanted threads. It's not going to achieve anything productive.


Lack of understanding an argument doesn't mean it's irrational. I don't understand some of your arguments but it doesn't necessarily mean they're irrational. Benefit of the doubt (thumbs u

What I would suggest is a point for reflection. Your challenge to my original post has not changed my viewpoint on the matter. Is that what you set out to achieve?


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I don't think he's talking about me on that one, I think he's talking about NewEnglandGothic wishing Cheryllynn a happy birthday. I try and only wish those that are active a happy birthday. (shrug)


That of a b@*%! Someone should sweep his leg for that.




I do see YOU are careful with the birthday threads you post. But since there is a concern if someone posts enough to justify a birthday thread, are deceased forumites allowed one? Over time, we may have more of those.






I do try to be careful with those, I haven't been here long enough to know everyone and I try to look at old post to see if it's someone who has passed. If that is the case then I try to wait and see if someone else here is going to post something for a memoriam I try to be very respectful of those.


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