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That's why I don't disclose my birthday.

171 posts in this topic

Not a whole lot of substance in comics general so I'll go with surface.

Accusation where the subject is guilty is still an accusation. Just ask Ronan.




"Don't you DARE accuse me of anything!"


"Well, did you do it?"


"Yes, but that doesn't mean you can accuse me of it!"




You can see where the logic fails.

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Something tells me the excerpt below is an accusation. Whether leveled at a specific poster or the collective birthday posters, doesn't matter. It wasn't a question, it was editorial, spin, etc. that comes across, to me, as an accusation.



Something tells me it's about wanting to fit in, and being accepted and approved of by the community,(hence the public threads) more then it is a burning personal need to wish everyone a happy birthday.(which could be done in a PM)


What if it's completely accurate....?


Does that matter....?


It would still be an accusation.


You didn't answer the question.


What if it's completely accurate...?


Or, does the substance not matter, just the surface?


PC, take me away!

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Does anyone mind if we post "Happy Birthday to my Dog!" threads here in Comics General with cute pictures of our dogs when they were puppies? Because c'mon, who doesn't like cute puppy pictures and it's all about the sense of community! :acclaim:


Are the dogs board members?


Do they collect/flip/sell comics?

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Something tells me the excerpt below is an accusation. Whether leveled at a specific poster or the collective birthday posters, doesn't matter. It wasn't a question, it was editorial, spin, etc. that comes across, to me, as an accusation.



Something tells me it's about wanting to fit in, and being accepted and approved of by the community,(hence the public threads) more then it is a burning personal need to wish everyone a happy birthday.(which could be done in a PM)


What if it's completely accurate....?


Does that matter....?


It would still be an accusation.


You didn't answer the question.


What if it's completely accurate...?


Or, does the substance not matter, just the surface?


PC, take me away!


Kind of hard to figure out what your question is. I took it as does it matter if it is accurate to still be an accusation. That is what I answered.



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You're obviously a person who likes to stamp their authority with the "having the last word" approach (thumbs u


And what is it that you're doing....?




A lot of that post is "re-going" over old ground and is just arguing for arguing's sake. Is it productive? No. However would appear to be your raison d'être, perhaps? hm


Again, what is it that you're doing...?


If you want to go over something, no one is stopping you from going over it. If you don't want to go over it...why are you still talking about not going over it...?


You say my arguments are irrational, however I say it's a lack of understanding on your behalf.


That's correct. And when there is disagreement, how does one decide which party is right? By considering the evidence.


1. You've confessed that you don't understand some of my arguments, but you don't ask for clarification, and continue to argue anyway. Arguing with someone, while admitting to not understanding some of their arguments, is not rational.


2. You said, in effect, that "if people are saying HB threads should be PMd, then having a public discussion about HB threads should also be PMd." This is not rational.


Using your logic, I will say "ok, some of your arguments are irrational". I'm not that stupid that I can't see the point you're trying to make, nor counter it; it's that they don't make sense. For example, you say Bud was questioning the motives of the HBT group (if I may call them that) but not Azkaban... however Azkaban is part of that group. So is he excluded for some reason? (shrug) He puts up the threads, therefore it's his motives that are being questioned.


Ok, let's address that one specifically: no, Azkaban is not excluded from the "HB" group, but that isn't the point of Budsbundy's posts. He's not targeting Azkaban specifically, because...watch me now...Azkaban isn't, and hasn't been, the only one posting HB threads.


It is a general comment, generally made, about those who generally make HB threads. Does it INCLUDE Azkaban? Of course. Does it TARGET Azkaban? Absolutely not. Do you see the difference...? What is so irrational about that....?




Here is the problem you're having. You're trying to justify anger by calling it "incredulity". Yes, one cannot put their own "emotional overlay" onto a post, however the phrasing you use shows your anger. You don't like the fact someone disagrees with you and it shows. You can be as angry or "incredulous" as you like, it's not going to change my opinion nor achieve anything.


Oh please. What a bunch of silly nonsense. (Is that me being angry...? You wouldn't like me when I'm ANGRY! HULK SMAS...~ahem~, sorry, where was I? Oh yes, silly nonsense...)


I don't give a flat damn if someone disagrees with me. That is patently obvious throughout my entire history on these boards. If I TRULY didn't like it when people disagreed with me, guess what...? I wouldn't post anything but the most innocuous, unobtrusive posts, ever.


I LIKE when people disagree with me, because I LIKE to talk to people. If everyone agreed with everyone else all the time, what a horrifically boring snoozefest that would be!


And I already told you: I don't care if your opinion changes or not. That's on you.


But "achieve anything"...? Ahhh, now THAT is a claim no one can really make, can they...? You don't know how people have been persuaded, for or against, unless they say so, do you?


No. And neither do I. So, I put my best foot forward, and if others end up agreeing, great, and if they don't, that's perfectly fine, too. That's what makes life so interesting.


\Two things for clarification, I wasn't going for a "gotcha", I was just demonstrating my point. And yes, I work for Hallmark ;)


Right. I don't believe you, based on the scope of the discussion here, but hey, people believe all sorts of things that aren't true, even about themselves.


I agree that people's motives are questioned on here "all day". If someone acts like spoon then they've got it coming. But to question the motives of boardies who put up HBD threads as a goodwill gesture...? Seriously...? How low is that?


Oh please. Righteous indignation alert. That isn't even in the top 10,000 of "how low can you go" acts on these boards. Have you been here very long...?


By the way...who gets to decide if someone else "acts like spoon"....?


Interesting question, no...?




In fact....it is the "goodwill gestures" that ought to be questioned most, by ourselves and others. "Why am I really doing this? Am I doing it because I genuinely care about others, or....am I doing it because I want attention, so people think I'm a "nice guy"...or a little of both, or something different altogether?"




We can tell where someone is coming from with bad intentions, right off the bat. If someone comes at me with a chainsaw, I know their intentions.


It's not the obvious, but the hidden, that we must always, always be very wary of. You don't scribble in crayon on a piece of paper to try and pass it off as a counterfeit bill...no, you try and make it look as close to the real thing as possible, to fool the greatest amount of people.


So, why do you imagine that those posting these types of things are "above reproach" and it's "low" to question their motives....? Because they "seem" to be doing "something nice"...? And that doesn't mean they aren't...but why do you think it's "above question"...?




I have no need for a point for reflection, thank you.


I completely disagree, and would point to this entire conversation as evidence of that. Your mileage varies, naturally.


However, as I suggested I believe you do. You argue with me (sorry "persuade, reason, and debate") yet you say it's aimed at those watching. That's somewhat shoddy reasoning, if I may say.


You may not.


Have you already stated it's a fact that nothing I say will change your opinion? Yes.


If I was trying to change your opinion, would I, then, continue to try and persuade you? Only a fool would do such a thing, when you clearly stated your opinion would remain unchanged.


Am I, therefore, a fool? Some (many?) would say yes. However, I would say no, and since I am not a fool, why continue...?


Because there's always someone else whose opinion may not yet be decided.


And, on top of that, this type of debate keeps me mentally sharp. Some people do Sudoku...I debate.


Change your opinion...? No, not hardly. I doubt anyone's opinion, in any debate, especially debates which have gotten personal, as you have done here, have ever changed anyone's opinion in the entire history of the world.


I suggest you think about why you're really doing this.




Ok, Pop.




You're having a "discussion" with someone - and I'm guessing it's not the first time ;) - yet you're not trying to change the way they think, just those who are watching. Going back to the beginning, that sounds very much like arguing for arguing's sake.


Again....just what is it you have been doing, too?


I freely admit, I'll discuss this as long as you wish to discuss it. There are still many, many, MANY valuable points to be made, on all sorts of main and peripheral topics. But a discussion always, always, ALWAYS takes two (or more.)


If you want to pretend that you are somehow "above it all", as if you're not doing the exact same thing you're complaining of....again, I think the evidence more than demonstrates the reality.


You contradict yourself: You say, in one sentence, that "you're not going to change my opinion", then say "


And...you've made this personal, when it wasn't personal to begin with.


Who, really, is the "angry" one, here....?



Your post can be broken down into the following 4 categories:


Going over old ground

Twisting words for the purposes of deception

Ignoring readily available information

Utter nonsense


I'm not having a circular argument with you, RMA. Please refer to my previous posts (thumbs u

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Does anyone mind if we post "Happy Birthday to my Dog!" threads here in Comics General with cute pictures of our dogs when they were puppies? Because c'mon, who doesn't like cute puppy pictures and it's all about the sense of community! :acclaim:


Are the dogs board members?


Do they collect/flip/sell comics?


My dog stepped on my comics once. :o Does that count?


Yes, I added absolutely nothing to this thread. I should be blocked accordingly...


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Mods are not going to enforce a "no birthday thread" in Comics General are they? Or was the poll I'm reading about formal and binding?


If they are not, why not just skip the birthday threads if they bug you? (shrug)


There are tons of threads I don't like, but I'm not going to tell others not to have them if they feel they are important to them.

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Mods are not going to enforce a "no birthday thread" in Comics General are they? Or was the poll I'm reading about formal and binding?


If they are not, why not just skip the birthday threads if they bug you? (shrug)


There are tons of threads I don't like, but I'm not going to tell others not to have them if they feel they are important to them.


That's umpossible.

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Your post can be broken down into the following 4 categories:


Going over old ground

Twisting words for the purposes of deception

Ignoring readily available information

Utter nonsense


I'm not having a circular argument with you, RMA. Please refer to my previous posts (thumbs u


I remember when Comicwiz applied a copyright to that template after goldust40 had a little taste of 'just trying to effectively reply to each of your statements'.


tiny statement

Opening ad nauseam response here

tiny statement

Supporting ad nauseam response here

tiny statement

Thirdly ad nauseam response here

tiny statement

'Don't make me tell you again' ad nauseam response here

tiny statement

Winding down ad nauseam response here

tiny statement

Closing ad nauseam response here




(thumbs u


You must remember the valediction emoticons to effectively complete the action.

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Does anyone mind if we post "Happy Birthday to my Dog!" threads here in Comics General with cute pictures of our dogs when they were puppies? Because c'mon, who doesn't like cute puppy pictures and it's all about the sense of community! :acclaim:


I may now start various threads celebrating the birthdays of my roses and other assorted garden plants, with pics and all.


After all...who doesn't like pretty flowers...? After all, contemplating my flowers helps me deal with the seething rage I feel when arguing about birthday threads, so who wouldn't be for that...?




Pretty, huh?*


(*Disclaimer. May not actually be my flower. All rights reserved.)





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Your post can be broken down into the following 4 categories:


Going over old ground

Twisting words for the purposes of deception

Ignoring readily available information

Utter nonsense


I'm not having a circular argument with you, RMA. Please refer to my previous posts (thumbs u


None of that is true, "Batman", but if that's what you feel you need to resort to, by all means. You won't be bothering to prove those accusations, and couldn't if you wanted to. It's nothing but a total copout. You may as well have waved the white flag.


I've addressed your points, and I've done so in a simple, straightforward way. I have very respectfully given every single one of your points my full consideration, carefully making sure I understood what you were saying (or trying to say), and giving you the respect of listening to what you had to say, even if I didn't agree.


If you won't, or can't, be bothered to return that respect, then you are quite correct, there's no point in going any further. You aren't the first, and you won't be the last. It's incredibly disrespectful, and extremely dismissive, and really reveals what you're all about. You have made it personal because the one who doesn't like being disagreed with here is you.


It's a shame, but, it is what it is. Very unfortunate.


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