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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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The grey area that I witnessed following the thread is he (Valiant) literally summoned the winning bidder to come and give his testimony somewhere on page 3-4. There were other guys pouring their hearts out, telling some very sentimental tales of their childhood and some other gentlemen posting some very creative essays in an attempt to win the book. I have not been here that long, but Ive read enough posts to know Valiant really loves his comics. But if this behavior was demonstrated by Hustruck a month ago he would have been virtually tarred and featured. I'm not defending Hustruck in the least. He showed zero respect and like most things in life you will get out of your experience here what you put into it. But if we allow one member to execute this type of subjectivity in a sales thread we are really opening up the floodgates. If you want to have an essay contest do it in CG. If you want to offer up a 9.2 FF 67 to your buddy for a song shoot him a PM. But don't pass either off as a sales thread. Lets leave this place as a market for interested parties to interact on equal ground. Not as a theatre to expose the vulnerabilities of others under false premise.


That's all Ive got. I've also read enough to trust you gentlemen (as well as the occasional lady) know how to handle our business. If you decide to allow these types of threads to continue I will be at peace.

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The grey area that I witnessed following the thread is he (Valiant) literally summoned the winning bidder to come and give his testimony somewhere on page 3-4. There were other guys pouring their hearts out, telling some very sentimental tales of their childhood and some other gentlemen posting some very creative essays in an attempt to win the book. I have not been here that long, but Ive read enough posts to know Valiant really loves his comics. But if this behavior was demonstrated by Hustruck a month ago he would have been virtually tarred and featured. I'm not defending Hustruck in the least. He showed zero respect and like most things in life you will get out of your experience here what you put into it. But if we allow one member to execute this type of subjectivity in a sales thread we are really opening up the floodgates. If you want to have an essay contest do it in CG. If you want to offer up a 9.2 FF 67 to your buddy for a song shoot him a PM. But don't pass either off as a sales thread. Lets leave this place as a market for interested parties to interact on equal ground. Not as a theatre to expose the vulnerabilities of others under false premise.


That's all Ive got. I've also read enough to trust you gentlemen (as well as the occasional lady) know how to handle our business. If you decide to allow these types of threads to continue I will be at peace.


Well said. (thumbs u

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That thread just bit the dust. Although I feel Valiants auction was well intentioned there were probably too many variables IMO. If you want to sell someone a book at a dream price just contact that person directly. No reason to give others false hope.



Now, let’s make one things clear, before people start reading unlikely things in my auction, where there was none to bein with.


My intent was clearly stated, there was nothing against the rules, and I just cared for the participation of dead_clone as he often expressed interest in finding a nice #67 to choose from for his keeper copy.

I barely know him, as we just got acquainted in the PGM thread and in some Warlock threads, so there was no preference at all set beforehand.

If you want to be fair, you will notice I encouraged both Andrew (1Cool) and Columbia Comics to participate. Both would have clearly resold the book, but I like them because they are straightforward people: Andrew is passionate about commerce and Brock is a professional dealer, so as long as they’d have brought out nice stories they were more than welcome. Brock in the end decided not to bid.


I don’t like the fact that you think I expressed a personal preference based on previous facts, because first is a bit insulting about the motivations, and second it does not correspond to reality at all, and it always shows you pretty much missed my point in doing this auction, despite all the explanations.


I recall we talked briefly when we met first here, about collectiong from abroad, and also there you missed my point about spending a lot for a single issue: it is a thing I don’t like much in the current collecting market, and that auction was also about this.


And yes, I like to be "infuriating" at times when I am strongly convinced about a thing and when people seem to prefer to think in a very partial way. I would not read comics in a language that is not my own if I wasn’t… That’s all. ;)

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And you have to explain me your Hustruck comparision, as I entirely miss it.


Would Hustruck have sold a book to a lowest bidding seller? I don’t think so, as he was mostly doing business to get as much possible money from the books, not to have fun. Aside from this, as "screwed" as he might seem, he always sounded like a young person not entirely conscious of the inherent dishonesty of many of his decisions. Just saying…

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I thought the stories were very interesting, but the sales were too rich for my blood. 2c


I agree. I would not pay so much for a single book, also because the current pricing is determined by speculation bubbles.

I have had a hard time to pay about $260 for a graded FF#65 because I truly love that issue, but personally I would not pay the ongoing prices for FF#36, 45-47, 52-53, 65, 66-67 etc. – they are artificial.

That was (and is) one of the reasons for my "games", clearly I can’t determine how much a person loves a book or cares for it, but I hate the idea of someone having to give up an issue of his favorite series just because there are a number of speculators which would buy and sell a million times just to squeeze $5 more out of a "hot book". I know I have to be grateful to sellers which are not greedy, that was also my "provocation" if people allow…

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The rules aren't there to protect us from the boards nicest members, but they exist and should be followed because not everyone is as nice as valiant.


Of course.


But were any rules broken?

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And you have to explain me your Hustruck comparision, as I entirely miss it.


Would Hustruck have sold a book to a lowest bidding seller? I don’t think so, as he was mostly doing business to get as much possible money from the books, not to have fun. Aside from this, as "screwed" as he might seem, he always sounded like a young person not entirely conscious of the inherent dishonesty of many of his decisions. Just saying…


If Valiant were replaced with Hustruck and the exact same thread were duplicated I believe it would draw much more ire, yes.


Once again, my goal here is not to offend you, but just for us as a community to more clearly define some of the grey area moving forward.


Hustruck, or someone like him, could easily have called in a favor to announce his buddy as the winner without him actually winning anything. The benefit? Well if the BIN was $1000 and the highest bid was $375 it would give the seller an out if he was unhappy with the highest realized price. Once again, Im not saying this is the case here. I believe your heart is pure, Sir, but IMO offering up books via auction to anyone but the highest non-PL/HOS bidder is a recipe for abuse.


I just wanted to clarify for you and I don't believe any rules were broken. I just wanted to clarify my position. :foryou:

Edited by blazincomics
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And you have to explain me your Hustruck comparision, as I entirely miss it.


Would Hustruck have sold a book to a lowest bidding seller? I don’t think so, as he was mostly doing business to get as much possible money from the books, not to have fun. Aside from this, as "screwed" as he might seem, he always sounded like a young person not entirely conscious of the inherent dishonesty of many of his decisions. Just saying…


If Valiant were replaced with Hustruck and the exact same thread were duplicated I believe it would draw much more ire, yes.


Once again, my goal here is not to offend you, but just for us as a community to more clearly define some of the grey area moving forward.


Hustruck, or someone like him, could easily have called in a favor to announce his buddy as the winner without him actually winning anything. The benefit? Well if the BIN was $1000 and the highest bid was $375 it would give the seller an out if he was unhappy with the highest realized price. Once again, Im not saying this is the case here. I believe your heart is pure, Sir, but IMO offering up books via auction to anyone but the highest non-PL/HOS bidder is a recipe for abuse.


I just wanted to clarify for you and I don't believe anyone rules were broken. I just wanted to clarify my position. :foryou:


The more definitions and rules that are put in place, the more grey areas will be created.


More rules that actually allow some of these dinks to say "well, I didn't break any rules." :facepalm:


Valliant's thread didn't break any rules but more importantly was more in the spirit of what the sales area used to be. These discussions about possibilities detract more and more from that each day. Not intentionally of course but at this point, I believe the rule book needs to be hid under the couch for a while and some more common sense used or make more subsections of rules that make it more and more complicated to brand someone a crappy seller and someone to watch out for.


Valliant had a nice idea for a thread, got some nice stories and brought out some friendly communication other than take it or PM sent.


Celebrate that.

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And you have to explain me your Hustruck comparision, as I entirely miss it.


Would Hustruck have sold a book to a lowest bidding seller? I don’t think so, as he was mostly doing business to get as much possible money from the books, not to have fun. Aside from this, as "screwed" as he might seem, he always sounded like a young person not entirely conscious of the inherent dishonesty of many of his decisions. Just saying…


If Valiant were replaced with Hustruck and the exact same thread were duplicated I believe it would draw much more ire, yes.


Once again, my goal here is not to offend you, but just for us as a community to more clearly define some of the grey area moving forward.


Hustruck, or someone like him, could easily have called in a favor to announce his buddy as the winner without him actually winning anything. The benefit? Well if the BIN was $1000 and the highest bid was $375 it would give the seller an out if he was unhappy with the highest realized price. Once again, Im not saying this is the case here. I believe your heart is pure, Sir, but IMO offering up books via auction to anyone but the highest non-PL/HOS bidder is a recipe for abuse.


I just wanted to clarify for you and I don't believe anyone rules were broken. I just wanted to clarify my position. :foryou:


That is no different from the same friend posting a BIN in the thread, once again able to get away free or placing a bid last minute with a shill account. We can play the What if game for a while and several different scenarios on just about any listing. What about threads that offer "incentives" to buy more buy getting free stuff or prizes...several times in those threads things sell via pm and the sale via pm gets the freebies...maybe that is a friend :o . What about the mystery box threads like Comicalgems (and by no means is this true just an example as I have personally been there when a box sent was opened), what if some of his friends purchased the first few boxes and they were PACKED full of wicked good stuff and the rest were mediocre at best but by having the first few opened in thread everyone was like :o that is some good stuff i should buy a few.

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I've got to say I appreciate vaillant's thead. Seems there's enough maximizing profit and not enough collecting for the love of the comics here on the boards lately. His sale was, I believe, a welcome respite from that.




I agree...refreshing.


Although, it's likely that there are many "collecting-based non-profit maximization" type transactions that are not visible, whereas the profit maximization behavior is more readily visible...which skews the view a little bit. I know that much of my buying and selling lately goes on via PM with other boardies who are on the collector end of the spectrum...you never see those sales threads, by construction. ;)

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The more definitions and rules that are put in place, the more grey areas will be created.


More rules that actually allow some of these dinks to say "well, I didn't break any rules." :facepalm:


Valliant's thread didn't break any rules but more importantly was more in the spirit of what the sales area used to be. These discussions about possibilities detract more and more from that each day. Not intentionally of course but at this point, I believe the rule book needs to be hid under the couch for a while and some more common sense used or make more subsections of rules that make it more and more complicated to brand someone a crappy seller and someone to watch out for.


Valliant had a nice idea for a thread, got some nice stories and brought out some friendly communication other than take it or PM sent.


Celebrate that.

I've got to say I appreciate vaillant's thead. Seems there's enough maximizing profit and not enough collecting for the love of the comics here on the boards lately. His sale was, I believe, a welcome respite from that.




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I actually think if Valiant put up his thread in CG, it would have been better received all around.

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If you want to be fair, you will notice I encouraged both Andrew (1Cool) and Columbia Comics to participate. Both would have clearly resold the book, but I like them because they are straightforward people: Andrew is passionate about commerce



Something about the way that is worded made me :roflmao: It's like describing George Constanza as frugal.

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If you want to be fair, you will notice I encouraged both Andrew (1Cool) and Columbia Comics to participate. Both would have clearly resold the book, but I like them because they are straightforward people: Andrew is passionate about commerce



Something about the way that is worded made me :roflmao: It's like describing George Constanza as frugal.


George Costanza---->

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And you have to explain me your Hustruck comparision, as I entirely miss it.


Would Hustruck have sold a book to a lowest bidding seller? I don’t think so, as he was mostly doing business to get as much possible money from the books, not to have fun. Aside from this, as "screwed" as he might seem, he always sounded like a young person not entirely conscious of the inherent dishonesty of many of his decisions. Just saying…


If Valiant were replaced with Hustruck and the exact same thread were duplicated I believe it would draw much more ire, yes.


Once again, my goal here is not to offend you, but just for us as a community to more clearly define some of the grey area moving forward.


Hustruck, or someone like him, could easily have called in a favor to announce his buddy as the winner without him actually winning anything. The benefit? Well if the BIN was $1000 and the highest bid was $375 it would give the seller an out if he was unhappy with the highest realized price. Once again, Im not saying this is the case here. I believe your heart is pure, Sir, but IMO offering up books via auction to anyone but the highest non-PL/HOS bidder is a recipe for abuse.


I just wanted to clarify for you and I don't believe anyone rules were broken. I just wanted to clarify my position. :foryou:


The more definitions and rules that are put in place, the more grey areas will be created.


More rules that actually allow some of these dinks to say "well, I didn't break any rules." :facepalm:


Valliant's thread didn't break any rules but more importantly was more in the spirit of what the sales area used to be. These discussions about possibilities detract more and more from that each day. Not intentionally of course but at this point, I believe the rule book needs to be hid under the couch for a while and some more common sense used or make more subsections of rules that make it more and more complicated to brand someone a crappy seller and someone to watch out for.


Valliant had a nice idea for a thread, got some nice stories and brought out some friendly communication other than take it or PM sent.


Celebrate that.


Well said! I looked at Claudio's thread and I passed because I don't love to write, (and I probably have that book somewhere;) but I did point a few other people who I think do like to write to it...one of the reasons I linked it on some other thread where others who I think write well posted;)

Was not something I'd think of doing, but it was refreshing.

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