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n2wdw's Tales of the Comic Book Room
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David Nakayama

I collect a lot of stuff, and most of it isn't golden age.  In fact, I only really started getting interested in GA a few years ago. This was after I mostly finished my modern, bronze and silver runs; this makes up the bulk of my collection, which is about 26,000 comics.  Back then I was a completist and mostly collected full titles.  After collecting for over 40 years, now most of the titles I want are complete.  At this point in my life, I don't have the energy to start collecting new titles.  I've thought about EC or Marvel pre-hero, or Journey Into Mystery or DC war, but the prospect of starting big projects like that is daunting and, frankly, doesn't sound like much fun to me.  So nowadays I'm more of a cover and key collector.  That's where my interests are.  And I collect GGA from all eras. 

One of my favorite modern GGA artists is David Nakayama.  I met him in NYCC last year, he's a nice guy.  Here are some examples of his work from my collection.





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7 minutes ago, N e r V said:

Try going to Little Italy at some point for food. Lots of great choices there...

Yes, I've always wanted to go there, but with the limited time I've never made it out of Gaslamp.

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Great story Mike. Pretty hard to get one over on Carbo but I have done it. Usually on non-comic books. His knowledge is a little less than mine on that stuff. I let him think he is fleecing me. It makes him feel better.

Wow, so many SDCC shows... Hard to remember but I do got one. About the 3rd one I went to in the mid 1970's, I bought a Flash #1 for $250.  pretty decent copy. It was sooo tough to pull the trigger. It was more than half the money I brought but it was just so cool. This was in the $2.50 per hour minimum wage era and I had just moved out of my parents house so money was real tight. 

Stupidly, I sold it for a little profit a few years later...

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3 hours ago, Alzabar said:

     This thread has made me think about the several times I have attended SDCC and also the times I did deals with John Verzyl (R.I.P.)

      I first went to SDCC in 1994.  On the top of my want list along with an X-Men #2 was a comic from the 1930's.  I just wanted a book that old.  I ended up with a copy of Detective Comics #19.   It was a choice between that and a Tec 15.  I remember that the dealer even pointed out the Action Comics ad.  Looking back I can't believe I chose the 19, but if I remember correctly the 19 presented better and the 15 was more expensive.

     I was back at SDCC a year later and my interests had changed and this time one of the books on my list was a Batman 11.  I found a really nice restored copy at Four Color Comics and traded the Detective 19 and some cash for it.

    My next SDCC was in 1998.  This was just before CGC, the growth of the auction houses and the many many movies.  I think it was probably the best year I can remember for actually finding the comics that were on my want list.  At that time I was really into later issues of Flash Comics (86-104) and I was less keen on having restored books in my collection.  Enter John Verzyl.  He really was a great guy.  A great raconteur, honest, fair, and smart.  I think I had shopped the Batman 11 around a bit and there wasn't much interest.  I found a nice copy of Flash Comics #100 at John's booth.  When we started talking about a deal I brought out the Batman 11.  I expected him to pass, but he was interested and we worked out a deal and I had my Flash #100.

      I attended SDCC in 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 and most recently in 2010.  I always had a good time but over the year I found that I was able to find fewer and fewer books that I wanted and as everyone knows the costs went up and up and it became more and more difficult to get tickets.  I have never had to go through the current system to get tickets, but it doesn't sound pleasant.   

     When I did go, I would always stop at John's booth to see what he had.  He always remembered me.  Among the the many things he talked about, the one thing that sticks in my mind was him telling me about the value of Mile High books.  He made the argument that given their great state of preservation when the collection was discovered if they were stored well they would hold up over time better than a non Mile Highs even in a similar grade.  He also explained how he priced his Mile High based on multiples of NM guide.  I can't remember the multiples but it increased depending on whether the book was 9.2, 9.4, 9.4 or 9.8.

      I think the last book from John at SDCC wasn't a Mile High, but it is one of my favorites.  I think I got this in 2010 and by then as now, my main interest is Wonder Woman.  Here it is:



Sensation 35.jpg


What a great story, thanks for sharing.

In the 80s and 90s, I remember reading multiple stories in the Comic Buyers Guide about how you could find every important comic ever published for sale at SDCC.  So I had that mindset when I went to my first SDCC in 2000.  That mindset (and fantasy) were quickly dashed as I toured the dealer's room.  SDCC didn't have such a huge selection of comics for sale.  But then, even the internet today doesn't have that selection.

But still, the selection of comics at SDCC back then was pretty amazing, especially compared to the big conventions of today.  For example, at the SDCC 2001 that I got Sensation 1 and TOS 39, I also picked up Journey Into Mystery 83.  Even though it was 17 years ago, I distinctly remember shopping for it.  There were probably 10 copies for sale.  TEN!  Sure, I know this isn't a rare comic, but try finding even 1 or 2 copies for sale at today's cons. 

I remember walking back and forth through the big con floor as I compared the copies of JIM 83, and decided which one to buy.  I eventually settled on this one because it was decent looking and within my budget.


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On 5/17/2018 at 8:22 PM, circumstances said:

Is there a consensus on what is currently the undisputed top convention for buying and selling gold and silver comics?

I'm not sure if there's an undisputed top con.  It's easier to X out the ones that are not: SDCC, NYCC, any Wizard Word Con.  These are pop culture cons.  Nothing wrong with that, they're fun, but their emphasis is not comics, and they are not comic friendly (see the many reports by Chuck R. at Mile High). 

I think 2 good ones are Baltimore and Terry's con in LA.  But really, the best con nowadays is the Internet (and this con is open 24/7 365 days a year).  I still like going to "off-line" cons as there's nothing like being immersed in comics and the visceral enjoyment of flipping through comics in a long box.  But, the best selection, prices and deals are found on the Internet.

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The Internet is definitely an almost all you can eat 24 hour buffet.

I was just thinking about getting out to a hardcore comic con in the next year or so. I'll look into Terry's (I'm in LA a couple of times a year already). Is the Baltimore show you mentioned just called Baltimore Comic Con?

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5 minutes ago, circumstances said:

The Internet is definitely an almost all you can eat 24 hour buffet.

I was just thinking about getting out to a hardcore comic con in the next year or so. I'll look into Terry's (I'm in LA a couple of times a year already). Is the Baltimore show you mentioned just called Baltimore Comic Con?

Right.  It's usually in September.

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Most Memorable Original Art Purchase At SDCC - Summer Blonde by Adrian Tomine

Optic Nerve is a great independent comic.  It's by Adrian Tomine and it's one of those "slice of life" comics.  That is, stories about real life. 

One of my favorites is Summer Blonde.  You start reading it and you can't put it down.  The characters are complex and nuanced, and the story draws you in and has unexpected twists and turns.

At one SDCC -- I think it must have been around 2004 or 2006 -- Adrian was attending courtesy of Drawn & Quarterly.  I went to meet him and get an autograph (and if he was willing, a quick sketch of the blonde in Summer Blonde).  While I waited in line, I looked through his portfolio.  And there it was!  The cover of Optic Nerve 7, the Summer Blonde issue!  And, the cover of the Summer Blonde TPB!

I bought both.  At the time, it was the most I'd ever spent on original art.  Since I was buying 2 pieces, I probably could have haggled and got a better price.  But, I have a mental block in my head about negotiating with artists.  So I just paid his asking price.

Here's the art and my CGC copy of the book.  I don't have a picture of the TPB cover.  I'll try to post that someday.



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Browsing eBay

I have eBay searches set up like lots of people, but sometimes I just browse a category.  It's like going through an unsorted long box.  So a couple weeks ago I browsed through "CGC in Golden Age Comics."  It was fun and worth the effort, because I found these 2 great comics priced to sell.  The Truth Sweetheart Secrets was priced for less than the cost of grading!  Also, both fit 2 of my current collecting interest, Charles Biro covers and photo romance covers.




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What are the top 10 golden age GGA covers?  It all personal taste of course, but I bet most lists would include Torchy 5. I admired it from afar for many years, and when I eventually focused my collecting on golden age, Torchy 5 was one of the first comics I sought out.  This is my copy:



I'm trying to put together a complete run of the Quality series.  It's slow going.  They're not rare (I don't think) but they don't show up that often in decent grade.  I think most are sitting in collector vaults, never to see the light of day again.

So the other day on eBay this IW/Super Comics Torchy reprint from 1964 showed up.  Just one issue in the run.  For some reason it's #16.  I've never understood that.  GCD and Overstreet don't shed any light, although I admit I haven't put too much effort into figuring out the mystery.


But every Torchy completist must have this book, because it has a new Torchy cover.  And even though it reprints #4, the GGA is so great it's worth it to have the reprint.  Here are some of the best panels.







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Nellie the Nurse

The other day I picked up Nellie the Nurse 3 with the classic diving cover.  (It's CBCS but what can you do? I'm thinking about getting it regraded.)



There are about 5 issues in this title I'm still trying to get.  Including the super classic #1.  At the moment I only have 2 other issues -- here they are:


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Atlas GGA is so cool..... one of the books I miss the most is my Hedy De Vine 22 ..... and it's almost impossible to find one in any kind of shape, if at all. I actually read it cover to cover and while not as exceptional as the Ward Torchy's, it's not far from it. GOD BLESS....

-jimbo(a friend of jesus)(thumbsu

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On ‎5‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 9:02 PM, n2wdw said:

Right.  It's usually in September.

It was October this year.... and I heard that was the plan now..... The website is easily Googled....and the show lives up to the hype and then some. GOD BLESS...

-jimbo(a friend of jesus)(thumbsu

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1 hour ago, jimjum12 said:

Atlas GGA is so cool..... one of the books I miss the most is my Hedy De Vine 22 ..... and it's almost impossible to find one in any kind of shape, if at all. I actually read it cover to cover and while not as exceptional as the Ward Torchy's, it's not far from it. GOD BLESS....

-jimbo(a friend of jesus)(thumbsu

Yes, I'm a big fan of Hedy.  I actually have a copy of 22 (maybe I bought it from you?).  The entire series is hard to get. The only other issue I have is 30. 


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