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Santa Rosa Fire Devastation - No House, No Comics
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62 posts in this topic

I feel so bad for you @Eggman :frown:

The fact that you and your family are safe is the main thing as everyone has noted, but from one collector to another I can only imagine how you must feel. It's not just the books themselves, it's the effort you put into collecting them and all your associated records and mementos. What a truly rotten thing. I hope you can enjoy rebuilding, once you and your family are settled. My very best wishes to you.


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Very sorry to hear this Eggman.  :frown:  If there's anything we can do, please let us know.  Perhaps a fundraiser.  I am glad to hear that you and your family made it out safe.  We will be thinking of you.  :foryou:

Edited by comicdonna
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My heart goes out to everyone in trouble but as long as the family is safe that is all that matters.The stuff we put away can be replaced but not our loved ones that is the most important thing we have.Stay Safe :wishluck:

Edited by comicjack
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Ugh...It was hard to click on this post and read, as you know it's going to be bad.  I'm so glad to hear that you and your family are safe.  It's a tough situation, and I'm sure comics are way down on the priority list with everything you are dealing with.  Just know that you have a community here to help support you once you are able to start indulging in your hobby again.  Even aside from comics, this is a very generous community, so let us know how else we can help.

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Very sorry to hear about your loss, @Eggman 

I'm traveling tomorrow, but I'd be happy to help with a fundraiser if you can contact me after tomorrow and give me some details. Perhaps we can also do a pledge list of people who would be glad to send you a few books once you have a place to store them.

I'm just glad you and your family were not harmed. 

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very sorry to hear this...PM me when you get you and your family settled and I will send you some books to hopefully cheer you up. Let's hope the insurance comes through quick and you can start over. 

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You have a great family, sir, and it's good to know that you and they are all right.  I, too, am sorry for the loss of your home and possessions, and hope you'll have the opportunity to rebuild a cool comic collection once again.

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Sorry to hear about your loss!  Thanks for sharing this though, while we see things on the news or whatever yours was a very personal contribution that gets through the noise and hits home.

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Man, I was really hoping I would not hear of this. Really strikes home to all of us collectors. Fires, floods and hurricanes are the enemies of the stuff we cherish so much. I just consider myself a caretaker for future generations. At the end of the day, it is just stuff.

Your two babies are what really matters. What a beautiful photo. Your family is what matters. Glad you are safe and well. You will make it through this. When you are settled, let us know what you collected. We will be more than happy to help you out!

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What were your collecting interests, @Eggman?  Do you think you'll try to rebuild a collection similar to the one that was lost or will you take it in a new direction?

So sorry this happened.  Glad to hear the family is safe.

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So sorry to hear of this as it is horrible to lose your house and your comic collection and other items. I am glad that your family is okay, like others had mentioned, that is what counts. Hopefully you will find a new place soon and then start to rebuild your lives and eventually your collection.

I guess the possibility of losing a comic collection through a disaster is something we all think about at one time or another.  I may be more paranoid then some when it comes to a disaster happening as I always keep an electronic copy of my comics list with me just in case. I've figured that, with my list showing what I've had, if something happens that I could eventually rebuild my collection. Good Luck to you and your family, from one eggman to another. (I've raised chickens since '73 and have had some form of eggman as my various email addresses since forever ago)

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This is something that I'm sure most of us have only thought of in passing and it is sobering to see everything wiped out like this.  I sometimes joke about what would happen if I lost my collection and I would like to think it would not drive me crazy.  Kudos for being able to discuss this so soon after the disaster.  Like you @Eggman, I have been collecting for nearly 40 years and have a similarly sized collection amassed from decades of conventions, shops, ebay, mail order, etc.  A life time of experiences to go along with the books too.

I see others have already posted comments similar to my thoughts. I have been fortunate in my collecting and I am probably the ultimate lurker. Been on these boards for over 15 years and others dating back to Usenet and even the BBS days.  I have been to nearly every convention for the past 3 decades and have bought and/or sold with every dealer.  If you have bought books on ebay, you have probably even done business with me.  I'd like to pay it forward like the others and offer you some books to hopefully replace the ones you have lost.  I'll save you from the Checkmates and Strikeforce Morituris though :-)  When the time comes, please let us know roughly what titles and issues you collected and I will be more than happy to help.  As one of my collecting friends once said, "you have an embarrassment of (comic) riches" and I'd be more than happy to share.

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