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MCU's THE ETERNALS (11/6/20)
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I'd actually be way more shocked if it got great ratings based on the previews.  I'll still watch it but I'm sure I'll fall asleep based on what I'm reading.

Edited by 1Cool
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I drove all the way out to the prescreen in the pouring rain, Only to be told the prescreen is tomorrow not today doh!

Needless to say I'm not driving back tomorrow, Its supposed to be even colder and rainy er :insane:

I have 2 passes I'm willing to PM anyone for eternals, tomorrow in grapevine TX, 1st come first serve screening, so not guaranteed seating  (thumbsu

I'm an insufficiently intelligent ramus! Gaaahh!

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On 11/2/2021 at 2:53 PM, Bosco685 said:

Sometimes pulling in these very successful small budget directors to do the same thing with a big budget crashes. Josh Trank with Fantastic Four was a horrible Fox decision.

Works the other way too, though.

For every catastrophe like Josh Trank or Carl Rinsch, you've got success stories like Jon Watts (Spider-Man: Homecoming) and Patty Jenkins (Wonder Woman).

I'd say I'll reserve judgment but at this point I'll likely skip Eternals in the theater. Sounds like the critical consensus is overly long, pretentious & boring.

Besides, I've got Dune on the docket to see with a large group this weekend. Saw it at home but looking forward to catching it on the big screen.

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On 11/2/2021 at 6:30 PM, Gatsby77 said:

Works the other way too, though.

For every catastrophe like Josh Trank or Carl Rinsch, you've got success stories like Jon Watts (Spider-Man: Homecoming) and Patty Jenkins (Wonder Woman).

I'd say I'll reserve judgment but at this point I'll likely skip Eternals in the theater. Sounds like the critical consensus is overly long, pretentious & boring.

Besides, I've got Dune on the docket to see with a large group this weekend. Saw it at home but looking forward to catching it on the big screen.

Oh agreed. For any big budget failure from a former small budget/independent director, there are many successes. But you missed the point: when studios assume small-budget winner means more many will make them a much bigger success story. And at times, they find out otherwise.

And what about Colin Trevorrow? He was fast-moving up and comer that went from 'Safety Not Guaranteed' to 'Jurassic World' and from that was selected by Disney to direct 'Star Wars Episode IX/Rise of Skywalker'. But he went back to independent films while waiting on Star Wars to do 'The Book of Henry' which bombed so badly Disney fired him. So for the early win and massive big-budget success he crashed and burned. Though then he went back Jurassic World to work on the 2022 film.

It happens. Doesn't make them horrible. Just studios forcing them into a situation that at times sets them up for failure.

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I suspected this film would be a harder sell than other Marvel properties. Sure they succeeded in taking a bunch of obscure characters and turning them into a hit before with GOTG, but that movie was also great comedy, with entertaining oddball characters traveling exotic worlds, and with a very human central character that was easy to identify with. Despite the diverse cast, the Eternals have a repetitive look, like they are all background extras in an Asgard sequence. On top of that, as the name implies, they are immortal. The battle stakes are already pretty low in most Superhero movies as you know the lead won't die (at least not permanently), but making them almost impossible to kill makes them even lower. If you don't make a top notch movie, you can't just rely on the Marvel brand to sell a bunch of characters that have zero name identification outside of a relatively few speculators and people who actually remember the series. They should have gone with the Inhumans, who are at least more visually memorable, and have some cool powers and a dog.  

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On 11/3/2021 at 1:54 AM, @therealsilvermane said:

I mean, I did preface my statement with "Unpopular opinion", didn't I? Would better integrity mean that I should change my opinion of the movie because everyone else is telling me it's the greatest comic book movie of all time? 

Out of respect to Heath Ledger, I said "take out the Joker scenes", but okay, leave them in and I THINK The Dark Knight still ain't that great.

For me, Jack Nicholson's Joker is Joker. As effective as Ledger was, he still portrayed some kind of Elseworld 90's Grunge version of Joker who would pseudo-psycho-analyze everything(in an interesting way I'll give it that, Ledger didn't win the Award for nothing) and talk about how crazy he and the world are. However, when it comes to action, he is quite masterful, meticulous, and deliberate in his planning. Nolan's Joker would have us think that all is chaos inside, but a deeper dive shows me that there actually isn't a lot going on underneath. Another term for it is pretentious. And this view of Joker could be a metaphor for the entire film of The Dark Knight, as far as I'm concerned.

As I see it, Christopher Nolan and his brother do a masterful and meticulous job of making it seem like there's a lot going on in The Dark Knight and that it's all important and deep, when actually there's not a lot going on at all. Joker would be proud. The dramatic cinematography, the very good score by Hans Zimmer, all the serious talk, and Bale's Batman voice make it seem like the Godfather of comic book movies when actually it's just wearing a shroud of seriousness and intellectualism over an empty body. Whether it's a forensic scene of Batman studying bullet holes in a wall or Batman proclaiming he must be the villain because he can take it, there's just not a reason for a lot of it. It's a lot of dramatic show with no real character development or plot. Well, at least Harvey turns into a Two-Face, who nobody cares about, so never mind.

You’re entitled to your opinion and here’s mine. The Dark Knight is by far the best Batman movies, my favourite movie of all time and one best films ever made.

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It's going to be Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker all over again.


Count on that 86% Audience Score coming soon. And the MCU fans that will rush in to give this a 10.0/10 rating.


Is that consider Review Boosting the RT system as opposed to Review Bombing?

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It begins!

Folks are now pretending just for Eternals the RT system is blocking them from posting Audience Score ratings. Disregarding EVERY MOVIE doesn't receive such ratings before the film is actually released.


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On 11/2/2021 at 6:30 PM, Gatsby77 said:

...Besides, I've got Dune on the docket to see with a large group this weekend. Saw it at home but looking forward to catching it on the big screen.

I've had trouble dedicating time for movies lately, but I need to set aside some time for Dune soon.

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I will watch the film to form my own opinion, and I'm not surprised critics don't like it because the material is about as esoteric and inaccessible to a general audience as you can get, and even more so to a bunch of snobby critics. The directors own comments have indicated that this is the most self contained MCU film (translation, irrelevant to the over-all continuity and easily skippable is what comic fans will hear) Not necessarily needing a Trilogy (again, not important). I've also heard this is a love letter to Kirby, which is also a huge red flag. I"m sorry, but at the end of the day all the Kirby 4th world stuff is largely a muddled mess. Cool ideas, poorly written and edited. That's why they tanked at DC after a lot of hype, and Eternals is just more 4th World left-overs as was most of Kirby's 70's return to Marvel.  DC has already nixed a 4th World movie or TV series, and they will be watching closely how poorly Eternals does. The cynic in me also weighs that a few lawyers are calculating that this might get the Kirby estate off their back for good, and establish Kirby's ideas alone are not the secret sauce of the MCU, and deserving of huge $$$$, ( Lawyers: "just see how bad Eternals was, and we gave it $200M budget, all star cast, and hip Oscar winning Director" etc). Case closed. Eternals was not part of the original MCU plan, this was supposed to be the Inhumans movie.  That TV series was so poorly executed and it paved the way for KF to take over everything and get rid of Jeff Loeb, but again, another very Kirby concept was sacrificed in the process. Now I don't really have much of a dog in the Kirby deserves more credit, therefore his estate deserves more money fight (or that Stan Lee was a hack either) but I don't consider these things to be entirely accidents. If Eternals did well, everyone's happy. If Eternals bombs, it still serves some purpose for the House of the Mouse.  But speaking purely of the source material, c'mon, Eternals was junk for 40 years.  Had they pivoted towards more contemporary treatments, like Gaiman's maybe.  But it's still not essential to the Marvel Canon in any significant way. 

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On 11/3/2021 at 5:42 AM, Gatsby77 said:

Ok. Except I think the writer of this Vice article is a little confused about the situation. Eternals is getting mixed reviews from national media critics. Fine. Folks are not saying that these same critics giving Eternals negative reviews are against diversity. Most of the negative reviews, with a few exceptions, criticize the film's story, pace, whatever, not its diversity.

What a lot of folks are saying, however, is that the IMDb 1 star review bomb by hundreds of users(not critics) who have not seen Eternals are indeed attacking the movie because of its diversity.

So the Vice article, while right about some things, isn't really that on point.

Edited by @therealsilvermane
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On 11/3/2021 at 7:04 AM, Bosco685 said:

It's going to be Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker all over again.


Count on that 86% Audience Score coming soon. And the MCU fans that will rush in to give this a 10.0/10 rating.


Is that consider Review Boosting the RT system as opposed to Review Bombing?

Well, if one likes the movie they like the movie. I can tell you what Eternals won't be, though: a 1 star movie.

Speaking of Rise of Skywalker, the movie actually wasn't that bad in the context of being a popcorn space movie like the old Star Wars movies and that it also gets right what Last Jedi got wrong, mainly that it respects the character of Luke Skywalker (instead of turn him into a curmudgeon) and simply continues the cliffhanger-story trajectory set up in Force Awakens(as opposed to doing a complete tone-story 180 like Last Jedi). Those two things are the biggest faults of Last Jedi, not its lady characters as a lot of haters try to proclaim.

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On 11/3/2021 at 8:32 AM, @therealsilvermane said:

Ok. Except I think the writer of this Vice article is a little confused about the situation. Eternals is getting mixed reviews from national media critics. Fine. Folks aren't pointing out these same critics who are giving Eternals a negative review as being against diversity. Most of the negative reviews, with a few exceptions, criticize the film's story, pace, whatever, not its diversity.

What folks, like me or the actor who played Kingo, are pointing out is the IMDb 1 star review bomb by hundreds of users(not critics) who have not yet seen the film but are attacking the movie because of its apparent "wokeness."

So the Vice article, while right about some things, isn't really that on point.

So if they are against diversity what's their ideology then?

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On 11/3/2021 at 4:11 AM, Underground44 said:

You’re entitled to your opinion and here’s mine. The Dark Knight is by far the best Batman movies, my favourite movie of all time and one best films ever made.

And here's my opinion: 1989 Batman is the best Batman movie so far, Michael Keaton is the best Batman so far, and Jack Nicholson's Joker is the best Joker so far.

I'm not denying Dark Knight is a fine film, btw. It's just when I was watching it I couldn't stop thinking, among other things, how much the movie looked and felt like Michael Mann's Heat.

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On 11/3/2021 at 8:43 AM, @therealsilvermane said:

Well, if one likes the movie they like the movie. I can tell you what Eternals won't be, though: a 1 star movie.

Speaking of Rise of Skywalker, the movie actually wasn't that bad in the context of being a popcorn space movie like the old Star Wars movies and that it also gets right what Last Jedi got wrong, mainly that it respects the character of Luke Skywalker (instead of turn him into a curmudgeon) and simply continues the cliffhanger-story trajectory set up in Force Awakens(as opposed to doing a complete tone-story 180 like Last Jedi). Those two things are the biggest faults of Last Jedi, not its lady characters as a lot of haters try to proclaim.

Once the Critic Score started crashing and the Audience Score was turned on, Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker was forever the same (86%). Which is statistically odd when dealing with thousands of moviegoers.

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