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Are Comic books dead or dying?
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339 posts in this topic

3 minutes ago, the blob said:

most 22 year olds are still spending 5 hours a day screaming at Call of Duty, so you're ahead of the game. At 22 I was in law school and building a decent collection... mainly because my student loans gave me about $2000 a year extra for "personal expenses"... probably not the wisest way to spend the money, but I didn't do much partying or bar hopping in law school and lived at home, so I was saving a lot of money.

I also am working towards my law degree! I started college late due to me saving money to even afford college now! I go to John Jay still an undergrad! Thank God for TAP and other financial aids that benefit you if you get good grades (anything above a 3.4 GPA)! If it  aid was not an option there's no way I can afford $30k a year. 


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9 minutes ago, Matthew Kyle Brasile said:

No.😂I worked my off for 13+ years and now that I actually work work I take 5% out of my pay check for things I enjoy like my guitars or comics! my grandparents gave me $100 for my birthday EACH! That's $400. Plus I would rack leaves, shovel snow, cut grass basically all year long and I would do it over and over and over again for $40 bucks and for 13 years it adds up. I would do as many houses a week that would want me! I would take home about $160-$320 a day and I would go further and further out making new clients. And during the summer I would cut grass and do yard work! Open pools! Etc so it adds up! Also my dad sold some of his collectables to help fund me Early on in my hobby and supported me! And I would not spend money on things I did not need like drinking, drugs or anything else a 22 year old would spend money on. I have some friends who spend hundreds a week on just drinking and partying. 


My lazy arse 15 year old can't get out of bed when it snows a foot to ring doorbells and shovel snow. Life is too easy for him. He has applied for one job this summer, at a beach club where he can hang out with friends. There are more openings at a beach club a mile away, but he doesn't know people there, and he says he won't take a job if offered (they're owned by the same company and all the hiring is from one place). WTF? He needs a girlfriend to hang out with live and drain his money and then he'll need a job, all this virtual hanging out and chatting doesn't cost him anything!


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1 minute ago, Matthew Kyle Brasile said:

I also am working towards my law degree! I started college late due to me saving money to even afford college now! I go to John Jay still an undergrad! Thank God for TAP and other financial aids that benefit you if you get good grades (anything above a 3.4 GPA)! If it  aid was not an option there's no way I can afford $30k a year. 


I guess your folks make too much to get you free tuition at CUNY? It's a great program in New York, but with New York Cost of Living and salaries the $120K income limit is not a lot of money. It's fine upstate where wages are lower and a house costs $100K.

Anyway, John Jay is about $8K a year for in staters as are all the SUNY and CUNY schools, where I expect my kids to go, assuming they don't go to trade school/apprentice. $8K we can figure out. I am not signing up for the debt madness of $60K a year private school tuition.

How do you work toward your law degree as an undergrad? Is this a joint program with CUNY law?

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4 minutes ago, Matthew Kyle Brasile said:

I also am working towards my law degree! I started college late due to me saving money to even afford college now! I go to John Jay still an undergrad! Thank God for TAP and other financial aids that benefit you if you get good grades (anything above a 3.4 GPA)! If it  aid was not an option there's no way I can afford $30k a year. 


You earned "$160-$320 a day" for years and years, yet had to have spent less than $5000 on your stock portfolio, considering the price appreciation of your securities over the last seven years. How could you not be able to afford a state school?

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1 minute ago, the blob said:

My lazy arse 15 year old can't get out of bed when it snows a foot to ring doorbells and shovel snow. Life is too easy for him. He has applied for one job this summer, at a beach club where he can hang out with friends. There are more openings at a beach club a mile away, but he doesn't know people there, and he says he won't take a job if offered (they're owned by the same company and all the hiring is from one place). WTF? He needs a girlfriend to hang out with live and drain his money and then he'll need a job, all this virtual hanging out and chatting doesn't cost him anything!


As someone who went through that phase of being a teenager! I won't lie it was a genuine pain to wake up early on summer days and rather going out with my friends having to go do my chores. I am an Eagle Scout so it taught me lessons in life I care close to my heart like a moment of pain is a life time of glory. It was painful giving up my summers and winters and springs and falls but because of that I have a Collection that I always wanted, I have my dream guitar a Gibson Sg 2016 standard! I have a beautiful Girlfriend who also gifts me comics (Zip Comics #45 {6 on the census} no idea where she found it😂 and America's Best Comics #16). My advice as just moving out of the phase (NO WAY AM I TELLING YOU HOW TO PARENT OR TELLING YOU HOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR SON you probably are an amazing father!) but you have to remember that your son probably is depressed becasue his at the age where he needs to see people and make bonds with them! I can't imagine being 15 again dealing with lock down, online classes with no human interaction, he can't see his friends due to Covid spreading, it's harder for him to also met girls through a screen and not having the opportunity to physically make eye to eye contact! 

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1 minute ago, Plantman said:

You earned "$160-$320 a day" for years and years, yet had to have spent less than $5000 on your stock portfolio, considering the price appreciation of your securities over the last seven years. How could you not be able to afford a state school?

I pay rent ($1200 a month), pay for car insurance (by it self $4k a year for someone who's 22), I pay my phone bill, car payments(my car is going to be payed off this year!), I pay for my textbooks which cost between $400-$600 a semester and sometimes cheaper if you can rent but since they always use the newest editions it basically impossible. So it adds up plus I have a girlfriend for 4 years and I travel alot with her! 😂 And state schools still hit you with extra fees and I don't wanna spend all the money I have on just college! I like having money in the bank! 

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15 minutes ago, the blob said:

I guess your folks make too much to get you free tuition at CUNY? It's a great program in New York, but with New York Cost of Living and salaries the $120K income limit is not a lot of money. It's fine upstate where wages are lower and a house costs $100K.

Anyway, John Jay is about $8K a year for in staters as are all the SUNY and CUNY schools, where I expect my kids to go, assuming they don't go to trade school/apprentice. $8K we can figure out. I am not signing up for the debt madness of $60K a year private school tuition.

How do you work toward your law degree as an undergrad? Is this a joint program with CUNY law?

You have to remember, there are a lot of hidden fees around every corner, textbooks cost on average $100-$200 so if they take 5 classes (15 credits) that adds up. Service fees for just paying tuition, fees for doing it online when compared to in person but you can't do it in person so they get you for paying online now 😂. Also when I did go to physical school, traveling was a big money spender for the train that adds up. Sadly they make you think it's $3700 after finical aid but it's more like $7k-$8k and maybe even more depending on your major and what you need for class. So that's $10k-$12k for a year and then add that which repeats untill they are finished so it's either $40k-$42k when all said and done and that doesn't include traveling, fees for just doing things such as making appointments etc, supplies for projects. Just remember it's always cheaper to do it in person! They add fees once you are ready to pay and you go "why is it more money then it told me it was." Trust me its not a good feeling


Here's a link! It does a alot better of explaining everything!


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I think if you are a reader of stories and still enjoy them as a medium, right now is the best time to be reading. For so long the gatekeepers of the industry, Diamond Distribution, Marvel, DC etc. have iced out independent books for the most part. There are more independent quality books than ever before. Also a lot of c r a p, but that can be said about Marvel, DC too. Kickstarter/Indigogo bypasses those gatekeepers and goes direct to the consumer. If Comic stores would put forth an effort to stock independent books I think it would do gangbusters. 

Edited by WoWitHurts
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35 minutes ago, Plantman said:

You earned "$160-$320 a day" for years and years, yet had to have spent less than $5000 on your stock portfolio, considering the price appreciation of your securities over the last seven years. How could you not be able to afford a state school?

Not a bad income for a 9 year old  

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We are a 15 minute walk from Brooklyn College. That's probably where my lazy kids will go.

Text books are a huge scam, mostly because they update them so much it makes the used market impossible. They could sell online versions, rent access, etc. for a fraction of the cost. I teach a class at a law school for an LLM program that doubles as a masters degree for non-lawyers. I get a free softcover version of the textbook, which got updated 2 years ago (it is a rapidly changing area of the law and even what i have is now outdated a little). The hardcover is $250! The e-book is $187. Still brutal. But at least my textbook is used in like 6 other classes in the program, so it isn't just for my class, but i know a lot of students are trying to get by without spending the money as they're probaby stretched on the tuition ($1400 a credit). 

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i think as collectibles the oldie but goodies will maintain and increase in value. the current offerings who can say. my default position on it is no. the classics were made at a unique point in time from what everything originated. this modern drek is for flipping and making tree fiddy and probably wont be worth a durn in the long run. but the other side is if a book like x-men #4 can explode then anything can. 

will comics as a medium collapse? nah. i do forsee a time when marvel and dc books are shipping less than 10k a book and indies all go to kickstarter or indigogo because the base wont be there and the scalpers and flippers will have moved on. 

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37 minutes ago, Plantman said:

You earned "$160-$320 a day" for years and years, yet had to have spent less than $5000 on your stock portfolio, considering the price appreciation of your securities over the last seven years. How could you not be able to afford a state school?

I think those days must have been on the weekends as a kid in school isn't going to have enough time after school to make that kind of loot.

And yeah, those are totally feasible numbers on the weekends if you have a bunch of steady clients. It dries up during the winter though when there isn't the need for a lot of lawn maintenance. My cousin was doing the same mowing lawns for rich people out in NJ and that was 25 years ago. $300 a day, easy. He wanted me to come out and help him, but i didn't have a car so it was not feasible.

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12 minutes ago, the blob said:

We are a 15 minute walk from Brooklyn College. That's probably where my lazy kids will go.

Text books are a huge scam, mostly because they update them so much it makes the used market impossible. They could sell online versions, rent access, etc. for a fraction of the cost. I teach a class at a law school for an LLM program that doubles as a masters degree for non-lawyers. I get a free softcover version of the textbook, which got updated 2 years ago (it is a rapidly changing area of the law and even what i have is now outdated a little). The hardcover is $250! The e-book is $187. Still brutal. But at least my textbook is used in like 6 other classes in the program, so it isn't just for my class, but i know a lot of students are trying to get by without spending the money as they're probaby stretched on the tuition ($1400 a credit). 

Brooklyn college is still a good school! And I agree 100%! I agree they could but the textbooks I am assigned are 80% of the time written by the professor so I realized it's all about money. I went to a Community college first and the John Jay and I never had the same textbook ever..and when it was in person classes it was mandatory to have the physical book so you won't get distracted on your phone or laptop and it benefited the professor if they are the author or co author and usually the textbook is tied directly to the course

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14 minutes ago, dupont2005 said:

Not a bad income for a 9 year old  

It was only on the weekends during school and during the summer it was twice a week to either cut the grass, take care of a pool or weed or do other work but it wasn't bad money for dealing with no other worries 😂 I would make out pretty good but it was a lot of blood sweat and tears to get to where I am so I wouldn't say it was easy and I live close to the other hours so doing 5 houses was not that really far from my house! So it all worked out in the end 

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I remember seeing a video on YouTube by JR Garage where the kid talks about how he used his lemonade stand to invest in penny stocks and that’s how he bought a dozen supercars by the time he was old enough to drive


Turns out his dad owned an exotic car dealership

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1 hour ago, Matthew Kyle Brasile said:

 I have some friends who spend hundreds a week on just drinking and partying. 


You say this like it's a bad thing. 

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Just now, dupont2005 said:

I remember seeing a video on YouTube by JR Garage where the kid talks about how he used his lemonade stand to invest in penny stocks and that’s how he bought a dozen supercars by the time he was old enough to drive


Turns out his dad owned an exotic car dealership

Yeah, the best predictor for net worth in the U.S. is still your parent's net worth.

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