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Latest Scandal! Comic Book Dealer Disbarred As Lawyer!!!!

1,034 posts in this topic

I have just read all 26 pages. I have never done business with Doug. Is what bothers me the most, is that Doug has not come forward with a statement in this thread. I would think, that it would be very important for him, to at least attempt to regain the board members trust.


I think that this thread is probably deeply humilating and that his silence is (in my opinion) understandable.


If I may have my two cents here ............ I think that one of the hardest things to do is to find a way to allow another person to hold his head up and keep whatever dignity he has left after this type of personal failing. Because whatever any of us could say or think about Doug, my guess is that he's said worse to himself. And will continue to say those things to himself without any additional help from anyone else.

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A moment of levity

A post from the Coin room.


Michael, you really made me laugh with this one! Your enthusiasm and wonderful explanations are unparalelled by anyone, anywhere!


By far! 27_laughing.gif


I bet the luster on this beauty must be off the charts!







27_laughing.gif We should grab a coin post once a month just for laughs.
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tisk, tisk. if he needed to play these timing and accounting games to pay his bills then he should have sold off his comics. sitting on settlement money for 2 years? that's horrible.


they don't teach you this stuff in law school (other than in the most general sense). if he was a newbie out of law school I might chalk it up to ignorance of the rules (I've been practicing for 10 years, but I don't do that kind of work so I didn't know you needed to file retainer agreements with the Office of Court Administration... the other stuff just requires common sense to avoid), but he's been practicing since 1988. No excuse.

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I just want to add a couple more thoughts so i am not misunderstood. I don't think anyone says what Doug did is a small thing. It's wrong in every sense of the word. What i do want everyone to put into perspective is that because he was dealing in a larger amount of money, because he was a lawyer, because he is a hi profile person, we seem to sensationalize it. It is WRONG, but so is stealing an apple at the local grocery store. Just as wrong. No more wrong, and no less wrong. I don't need to take an oath to know what is right and what is wrong.

Now lets take time and place it into the equation. I'm sure Doug has had some time to mull over this. We found out today, but i am sure he has been weighing his actions for some time...months? years? The man thinks and breathes. He understands. It will be interesting to see who on these boards is outed with the next "scandal".

Two professions, two different time periods. You cannot mix the two, unless you have reason to.

Did he steal from an old lady? More like gave her grief. She was repaid. Does it bother him. I'd think it'd bother anybody. Let the guy rest in piece and deal with it the best he can....in the mean time, i have a closet to clean out makepoint.gif

I am not his friend....we've only met once, but i know that this is hard enough without the papparazzi all over him.


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I have just read all 26 pages. I have never done business with Doug. Is what bothers me the most, is that Doug has not come forward with a statement in this thread. I would think, that it would be very important for him, to at least attempt to regain the board members trust.


I think that this thread is probably deeply humilating and that his silence is (in my opinion) understandable.


If I may have my two cents here ............ I think that one of the hardest things to do is to find a way to allow another person to hold his head up and keep whatever dignity he has left after this type of personal failing. Because whatever any of us could say or think about Doug, my guess is that he's said worse to himself. And will continue to say those things to himself without any additional help from anyone else.




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Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong herebut I would think that being disbarred would open the doors for numerous former clients to pursue civil cases,for any number of reasons.

Secondly,I find it quite curious that JE was lambasted for moving to Florida,which was seen as a blatant attempt to protect his assests while no one brings it up in this case.

I don't believe Doug should be run out of the business.But I believe everyone should be informed of the type of person that they are dealing with. Borrowing money that doesn't belong to you is stealing.I had a bartender walk off one night with $3,000. A year later he mailed the money back and apologized.I accepted the money,not the apology and from what I was lead to believe,I could have had him arrested for theft if I could locate him.

Were Doug and I friends,I certainly wouldn't disavow my friendship with him,but I most assuredly wouldn't consign my books to him just now.Or ever.

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from hero to zero in a matter of moments! If Doug's reading all this i bet his head is spinning! If you are Doug just to let you know I am still willing to deal with you but I think you should make a statement -some may never forgive- but others might if they can get a better understanding of where your at! Because right now you don't seem like the guy everyone thought you were!

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I just want to add a couple more thoughts so i am not misunderstood. I don't think anyone says what Doug did is a small thing. It's wrong in every sense of the word. What i do want everyone to put into perspective is that because he was dealing in a larger amount of money, because he was a lawyer, because he is a hi profile person, we seem to sensationalize it. It is WRONG, but so is stealing an apple at the local grocery store. Just as wrong. No more wrong, and no less wrong. I don't need to take an oath to know what is right and what is wrong.

Now lets take time and place it into the equation. I'm sure Doug has had some time to mull over this. We found out today, but i am sure he has been weighing his actions for some time...months? years? The man thinks and breathes. He understands. It will be interesting to see who on these boards is outed with the next "scandal".

Two professions, two different time periods. You cannot mix the two, unless you have reason to.

Did he steal from an old lady? More like gave her grief. She was repaid. Does it bother him. I'd think it'd bother anybody. Let the guy rest in piece and deal with it the best he can....in the mean time, i have a closet to clean out makepoint.gif

I am not his friend....we've only met once, but i know that this is hard enough without the papparazzi all over him.




I think your making him sound like the victim here.


I don't have a problem with his friends remaining his friends, that's there choice, but to down play his actions like he just "borrowed" money from some old lady and eventually paid it back, so what's the big deal...makes me sick. How would any of you feel if I just tapped into your bank funds without your permission and leisurley paid it back when I felt like it? Would two years without your savings be just some grief to get over to you? Let's not forget there were 22 other clients that got this type of treatment either. These people may have had medical expenses, bills, etc. that they needed these funds for and should not have had their entitlements held up for someone who was buying up Pacific Coast comic book collections. If Doug's daughter needed a heart transplant or something, I'd be the first to understand, but there were no mitigating circumstances.


Some use the term "I know" in regards to how Doug is feeling right now or his level of remorsefulness. This is defending him with your own wishful thinking. You may be placing how you would feel and assuming this would also be how he feels.


Many people have a huge public change of heart when they've been busted on something. I remember reading Ewart's one big defense post. It was very believable and convincing and many did have the initial, "ah, see I knew he was ok" attitude...but then more came out and he disappeared. I'm sure he is embarressed and wishing he could gain back peoples trust too, but no one is up for giving him a second chance or claiming his actions are in the past, let's move on.


Keep in mind, that like Foolkiller predicted, he would say his current business is on the up and up. Several postes later, Red Hook, after talking with Doug posted that Doug said his business was on the up and up. Well, of coarse he would say that no matter if it was or not right now. It's now his only business and he needs it to succeed. What's he going to say? "Nope, been doing the same type of shinnanigens over at Pedigree to".


I've tried to be very restrained and fair in my posts on this thread, because like many here, I've always had very fair and positive dealings with Doug. I just don't think some of the posts have shed a very fair light on his victims or the true nature of what he did.


If he does get my trust back, it won't be done the week he gets disbarred. I will need much more time than that. Maybe the panels first suggestion of a three year suspension should be a guide to me.



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Oh, and as for Doug not comming on here yet...Red hook (who spoke with Doug on this) advised him to wait a couple days to post on here. I believe Doug is willing to come on here and face the crowd from what red hook's post implied.

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You steal my apple and I'll steal your life-savings.

since we are both equally wrong,we'll call it even.I'll even repay your money over time,and you can keep the apple. So you'll come out ahead in the end.


Whats next? Are we going to hear that Doug did the woman a favor by not giving her HER money when it was due?

That the kids didn't really need that chid support?


Someone retouches a cover and people go ballistic,but is okay to steal from woman and children as long as you give good customer service. Is that about the size of it?

In case no one's noticed, Duchak has given full refunds as well, yet that hasn't helped his cause.

Its baffling the actions some choose to defend.

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I know I'm probably repeating myself like many others are because I guess I'm still in shock so maybe this is therapy for me. I didn't know Doug as a lawyer, only as a comic dealer and I have had nothing but good things to say about him. I don't condone what has occurred but I also have no desire in participating in bashing a man when he is down, Doug will have to deal with this stigma for years to comes. I just want to wish him the best and hope he can one day put this behind him. frown.gif

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You steal my apple and I'll steal your life-savings.

since we are both equally wrong,we'll call it even.I'll even repay your money over time,and you can keep the apple. So you'll come out ahead in the end.


Whats next? Are we going to hear that Doug did the woman a favor by not giving her HER money when it was due?

That the kids didn't really need that chid support?


Someone retouches a cover and people go ballistic,but is okay to steal from woman and children as long as you give good customer service. Is that about the size of it?

In case no one's noticed, Duchak has given full refunds as well, yet that hasn't helped his cause.

Its baffling the actions some choose to defend.



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I know I'm probably repeating myself like many others are because I guess I'm still in shock so maybe this is therapy for me. I didn't know Doug as a lawyer, only as a comic dealer and I have had nothing but good things to say about him. I don't condone what has occurred but I also have no desire in participating in bashing a man when he is down, Doug will have to deal with this stigma for years to comes. I just want to wish him the best and hope he can one day put this behind him. frown.gif


The irony is that the more people try to minimize what he did or trivialize it by comparing it to stealing an apple from a grocery store, the worse it's going to get for Doug. Just watch. His staunchest allies are unwittingly cutting his throat.


As I said before, I think Doug is a nice guy, and as reprehensible as I find his professional conduct as described in that disciplinary opinion, I'd like to see him work hard to try to redeem himself -- not just in the hobby, but overall because whatever drove him to this goes far beyond comics in my uneducated opinion. But the more I read these BS defenses of his behavior, the madder I get. I just hope that when/if Doug comes to give his side, I don't have to read some mealy-mouthed garbage about accounting errors, innocent misunderstandings, or stealing frigging apples from grocery stores.

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Reading about Mr. Schmell being disbarred is troubling.


However, I think a very important issue relating to these boards,... should be Doug's comic dealings as well. I think that should be more of a focus. I am not a close friend of Doug's, however, I bought and sold several high end books with Doug during 2004, and 2005. I personally, received my books in a brisk manner. I also received my payments in a quick fashion.

That's all I have to say about the matter.

It's odd how you put a comma before the (...) in your sentence.


And here's a link to one of your posts showing how you skip a space before the exclamation points and question marks in your sentences.


KRAZYKAT!!! makepoint.gif


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You steal my apple and I'll steal your life-savings.

since we are both equally wrong,we'll call it even.I'll even repay your money over time,and you can keep the apple. So you'll come out ahead in the end.


Whats next? Are we going to hear that Doug did the woman a favor by not giving her HER money when it was due?

That the kids didn't really need that chid support?


Someone retouches a cover and people go ballistic,but is okay to steal from woman and children as long as you give good customer service. Is that about the size of it?

In case no one's noticed, Duchak has given full refunds as well, yet that hasn't helped his cause.

Its baffling the actions some choose to defend.


And that's it in a nutshell. thumbsup2.gif


The only difference between this and the Ewerts/Dupcaks of this world is that so many people know Doug.


I for one will never deal with him again, no matter what 'grail' he might have at whatever knock-down price.


Because it's only a funny book, and no matter how much I must have it, I'll think of all those clients who needed their money more.

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I know I'm probably repeating myself like many others are because I guess I'm still in shock so maybe this is therapy for me. I didn't know Doug as a lawyer, only as a comic dealer and I have had nothing but good things to say about him. I don't condone what has occurred but I also have no desire in participating in bashing a man when he is down, Doug will have to deal with this stigma for years to comes. I just want to wish him the best and hope he can one day put this behind him. frown.gif


But the more I read these BS defenses of his behavior, the madder I get.


Yeah I have stayed away from these discussions and debates, I just want to talk about comics for a change.

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I know I'm probably repeating myself like many others are because I guess I'm still in shock so maybe this is therapy for me. I didn't know Doug as a lawyer, only as a comic dealer and I have had nothing but good things to say about him. I don't condone what has occurred but I also have no desire in participating in bashing a man when he is down, Doug will have to deal with this stigma for years to comes. I just want to wish him the best and hope he can one day put this behind him. frown.gif


The irony is that the more people try to minimize what he did or trivialize it by comparing it to stealing an apple from a grocery store, the worse it's going to get for Doug. Just watch. His staunchest allies are unwittingly cutting his throat.


As I said before, I think Doug is a nice guy, and as reprehensible as I find his professional conduct as described in that disciplinary opinion, I'd like to see him work hard to try to redeem himself -- not just in the hobby, but overall because whatever drove him to this goes far beyond comics in my uneducated opinion. But the more I read these BS defenses of his behavior, the madder I get. I just hope that when/if Doug comes to give his side, I don't have to read some mealy-mouthed garbage about accounting errors, innocent misunderstandings, or stealing frigging apples from grocery stores.


We actually agree here completely.

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You steal my apple and I'll steal your life-savings.

since we are both equally wrong,we'll call it even.I'll even repay your money over time,and you can keep the apple. So you'll come out ahead in the end.


Whats next? Are we going to hear that Doug did the woman a favor by not giving her HER money when it was due?

That the kids didn't really need that chid support?


Someone retouches a cover and people go ballistic,but is okay to steal from woman and children as long as you give good customer service. Is that about the size of it?

In case no one's noticed, Duchak has given full refunds as well, yet that hasn't helped his cause.

Its baffling the actions some choose to defend.





You guys are dolts sometimes. Where did anyone defend those actions? Or say they were proper? You're twisting things. How people can see things in only black or white amazes me.

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