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Would You Sell Your Comics To Pay a $10K Vet Bill?

133 posts in this topic

Let's see...would I spend 10K on a pet???


Well I've already sold my 1st comic collection to finance my wedding and honeymoon.


Then sold my 2nd collection for the doctor bills for the birth of my 1st child.


Still got my 3rd collection(which currently beats the first two combined).

I personally wouldn't spend major cash on a pet, but I've probably spent thousands on the upkeep of 5 cats and 1 dog over the past 10+ years.


Actually we had a cat get sick recently and the 1st diagnose was gonna include surgery for about $3,000. I thought it might lead to some serious marriage troubles...because I wasn't about to go that far for a cat that I didn't even like. Turns out that my bleeding heart wife had reached her limit too. The poor sucker was looking at a short future....turned out it only needed some cheap medicine once a month for about 3 months.


For me, pets are "part" of the family....but not the part where I'd throw myself in front of a bus to save, which I would do for my human family.

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Here is my opinion on this topic.


I own two cats. I have become very attached to them. They are like family to me. But I would never ever spend 10K on them, maybe a couple of hundred but thats about it.



Yeah, but does that even get you in the front door in NY?


I spent $600 on one of my cats this summer before I was told that the prognosis was dim, and that in all likelihood she was going to die in the next two days. frown.gif

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For me, pets are "part" of the family


As in part of the family that is allowed to sit on Kamandi slabs?









I bet Mandi still smells like cat butt.










Any bets concerning if the person with the Kamandi slab went and smelled it real quick after this post. 27_laughing.gif

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Thank God my 15 year old dog passed away in his sleep - He was still healthy could see fairly well and enjoy life. I don't think i could have put him to sleep unless i had to - just too good of a friend! If i had to spend $$$ to help him in a situation that wasn't hopeless I would do it without question. Life is more valuable to me than money! Once again thank God i didn't have to go through that!

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If that is real, it's a simple question: selling your comic books to pay the 10K bill or not to sell.

That's not risking children food or whatever discussed before.

So, keep in mind that is selling or not...

Paper vs Dog...


I don't care If I have the Holy Trinity of comic books, I'll send whatever to preserve my dog. Comic books can't look you in your eyes and you can't feel their love.

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If that is real, it's a simple question: selling your comic books to pay the 10K bill or not to sell.

That's not risking children food or whatever discussed before.

So, keep in mind that is selling or not...

Paper vs Dog...


I don't care If I have the Holy Trinity of comic books, I'll send whatever to preserve my dog. Comic books can't look you in your eyes and you can't feel their love.


Amen to that, comics can be replaced (unless it's a 9.8 AF 15 in which case I hope to god you had better comics to sell then low grade FF's) but a pet's love is unconditional. Some people love animals more then others, it's as simple as that.


If I had to pick between my family and my pets, it's my family first, no question. But if I had to pick between my comics and my animals i'd always pick the animal, they stick with you through the bad and the good and they are always there even if you don't want them to be yeahok.gif


Some people wouldn't do it, hey that's your decision. To me my pets are part of my family, they are always there and if I can extend that life for at least a few more years i'll give it a shot. There would be few things I would hate more then to have to put a pet down because I was a *spoon* and put paper before an animal. sorry.gif


Just don't put yourself into hock for it if you can help it.

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I can't believe some of the responses. Would I sell my comics for a vet bill? Of course I would. Would I have let the dog's stomach explode and him die a painful death, or put him to sleep, because I was too cheap to pay for it? foreheadslap.gif I can replace stupid collectibles.When Mike the Dog died after being my friend for 15 years, I wept like a little baby.


Its not like I don't have the money. I'm not taking money out of my children's pockets, and please, somebody, tell me how I'm supposed to say to my (then) six year old - "I'm sorry, we didn't feel like keeping Mike alive today."

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I can't believe some of the responses. Would I sell my comics for a vet bill? Of course I would. Would I have let the dog's stomach explode and him die a painful death, or put him to sleep, because I was too cheap to pay for it? foreheadslap.gif I can replace stupid collectibles.When Mike the Dog died after being my friend for 15 years, I wept like a little baby.


Its not like I don't have the money. I'm not taking money out of my children's pockets, and please, somebody, tell me how I'm supposed to say to my (then) six year old - "I'm sorry, we didn't feel like keeping Mike alive today."




My only interest in the monetatry value of my colection, is with the thought in the back of my mind that it could be used in an emergency to pay for caring for a loved one - principally human, but pet as well, albeit to a somewhat lesser extent.


Books can be replaced.

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When it's our time time to pass on, hopefully we will be surrounded by loved ones and be able to reflect positively on the lives we have led, and the contributions we have made, no matter how small. I would hate to be in that place and have to wonder if the life of a being entrusted to my care, was not given the best care due to my not wanting to part with a material possession. In the crummy places of the world I have been, and in the harrowing situations I have found myself part of, I have taken solace in the fact that my family was wishing for my safe return. That includes my animal family. I have served with guys who kept pictures of their dogs and cats right next to their girlfriends. I am by no means a new age touchy feely person (not that there's anything wrong with that!), but I, and some of the folks in this thread I'd imagine, put a high value on the life of a being we love. And when you place such raw emotions on the table for all to discuss, you will get some visceral responses. I would do anything necessary to get my animals to proper care they needed. Where there is a will, there is a way. Hopefully we can end this thread peacefully, because it has the potential to get ugly. Happy Holidays to you and yours!


The Rolling Dog Ranch



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Some weather we've been having hunh. flowerred.gif


I started a thread that I thought might be a curiousity. I didn't anticipate this Pandora's Box.




People can answer in hypotheticals, but the fact of the matter is that $10,000 is a LOT of money to most people. To the average schnook, it's 3 months take-home pay or more, more than 6 months of mortgage payments or a years worth of groceries and gas. On a credit card, it's a financial disaster.


So whether it's $10K coming out of savings, on a credit card or selling comics, it's a number that most people would struggle to come up with or replace.


So, unless the person had well above average means, I suspect most people would think twice about that kind of expenditure...

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To me the money is irrelevant, but you do have to know when to let go. I would go to almost any length to keep a pet alive as long as their quality of life does not suffer drastically or cause them to live in pain. Sometimes putting an animal to sleep is the right thing to do though. I had a cat during childhood up that lived to be almost 22, but he probably should have been put to sleep when he first became ill at around 18. I will never forget how pitiful he was those last few years.


I love my 11 year old cat. There's no question that she is part of our family. I know my wife will be devastated when it dies.

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Others from this board have done similar things. Many pets become members of the family they live with, especially after several years or so of companionship. So, what may seem like unreasonable behavior to some, is actually the only alternative they would ever consider.


...most people find it extreamly unreasonable to spend $100.00 on a funny book with bright colored pages,...so I don't think anyone here is in a position to judge what is reasonable to spend on a living creatures health and well being,...

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I had a golden retriever with epilepsy. I must have spent 15K on medicines and doctor visits over the 7 years he had seizures. Was it a waste of money? Probably. Would I do it again? Of course, without question.


I also spent $3300 on an emergency stomach surgery on Christmas Day (got the call from the kennel at 7 AM walking off a plane at O'Hare) - he ate a tennis ball and had a life-threatening intestinal blockage. Was it a waste of money? Of course it was. I could have bought 8 purebred golden pups.


Would I do it again? Of course. He was family. screwy.gif




Maybe it's just the lawyer in me talking, but if he was in the care of a kennel and they allowed him to eat a tennis ball shouldn't they be paying that bill?


I mean you entrusted the care, health and feeding of your dog to them while you were away and this happens?


Aside from that, admirable to care that much about anyone or anything. I personally would be as pissed at the kennel as I was concerned about the dog.





Was thinking the same thing. 893scratchchin-thumb.gif

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Others from this board have done similar things. Many pets become members of the family they live with, especially after several years or so of companionship. So, what may seem like unreasonable behavior to some, is actually the only alternative they would ever consider.


I sold some books a couple years ago to help pay for $3K in vet bills for our cat. I would do it again for the reasons stated above. In addition, my wife was pregnant at the time, and that would have been a big blow to us. He was and is a part of our family. cloud9.gif

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Just a few months ago I was in a situation where one of my dogs needed a $3,000 surgery to save his life. I was lucky to find a way to pay for it without selling off my collection, but I would have if necessary. My dogs are part of my family.


My oldest dog Bear is 13 now and he's been there for me more than anyone else over these years. I'd pay whatever I humanly possibly could to keep him alive cause there is no doubt he would lay his very life on the line for me.


Now my two cats on the other hand... devil.gif....jk/ I'd save those little buggers too.

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