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New UK Classics Illustrated comics found.
I hope it's OK to "publish" this here.

I started collecting the British series of Classics Illustrated only a few years ago when I realised that all the US comics (mainly DC and Marvel) that I read as a child in the 1960s and started to re-purchase seriously in my 30s were becoming far too expensive to continue collecting.

After amassing some 22 long comic boxes of Bronze and Silver age in the 80s and 90s and early 2000s I sold them all off slowly over the next twenty years.

I won't go into details here but when I retired (at the UK retirement age of 66) a couple of years ago I decided to collect as many of the British Classics Illustrated comics that I could including all the different covers and price variants (1/- and 1/3 for the UK market and 1/6 and 2/- for the New Zealand and Australian variants respectively) and reprint editions that I could.

I read in one of the UK Classics guides that there were 867 different editions in total in the British Series, including NZ and AUS variants and so I decided to try and collect as many of these as I could.

I have so far managed to acquire 619 different editions.

Whilst doing so I have found dozens of issues that do not appear in the two main guides to British Classics, namely Whitworth in the UK and Malin who I believe is American.

I have just discovered my one hundredth "new" issue
after stalling on 98 for several months and so I have decided to "go public" with my findings.
I don't know if my spreadsheet will reproduce on these pages but if it doesn't anyone who is interested in my research can email me for the list at

I also have very rough amateurish photographs of them should anyone be so inclined.
PS. I wanted to "publish" this research now because I am taking a long holiday from the quest. The physical and mental requirements to compile a list such as this have left me exhausted. Perhaps I shall feel better after a few months' absence.
The main thing to report is that whilst I have found undocumented issues in the UK and AUS variants the biggest tranche was in the NZ editions.
So whilst I have now added 100 new issues to the previously known 867 for a new total of 967 editions I do feel that there is still a long way to go.



FEB 2024.

  Classics Illustrated British UK NZ AUS HRN Printed Ed Grade  
1 Huckleberry Finn     2/- 129 12 Ireland 1 GVG  
1 Huckleberry Finn 1/3     129 12 Ireland 1 GVG  
1 Huckleberry Finn   1/6   129 Denmark 1 FRG New
1 Huckleberry Finn 1/3     129 76 Ireland 2 VG-  
1 Huckleberry Finn   1/6   129 76 Ireland 2 GVG New
1 Huckleberry Finn 1/3     129 85 Sweden 3 VG  
2 20K Leagues Under The Sea   1/6   129 Denmark 1 GVG  
2 20K Leagues Under The Sea 1/3     129 12 Ireland 2 GVG  
2 20K Leagues Under The Sea     2/- 129 Denmark 1 FRG  
2 20K Leagues Under The Sea 1/3     126 39 Ireland 4 VG+  
2 20K Leagues Under The Sea 1/3     134 Sweden 6 F-  
3 The Mysterious Island 1/3     129 Ireland 1 G  
3 The Mysterious Island     2/- 129 11 Denmark 1 GVG  
3 The Mysterious Island 1/3     129 12 Ireland 2 VG-  
3 The Mysterious Island   1/6   129 11 Denmark 1 VG  
3 The Mysterious Island   1/6   136 USA 3 GVG New
4 Macbeth 1/3     129 12 Ireland 1 VG  
4 Macbeth   1/6   129 11 Denmark 1 GVG  
4 Macbeth   1/6   134 Sweden 2 G New
4 Macbeth     2/- 129 11 Denmark 1 VG-  
5 Moby Dick 1/3     126 33 France 2 G  
5 Moby Dick 1/3     129 Ireland 1 G  
5 Moby Dick     2/- 129 Denmark 1 GVG  
5 Moby Dick 1/3     129 76 Ireland 4 VF  
5 Moby Dick   1/6   134 Sweden 5 GVG  
6 A Tale of Two Cities 1/-     121 England 2 FRG  
6 A Tale of Two Cities 1/3     126 12 Denmark 3 VG-  
6 A Tale of Two Cities 1/3     129 65 England 4 FVF  
6 A Tale of Two Cities     2/- 129 65 Denmark 4 VG-  
6 A Tale of Two Cities   1/6   126 12 Denmark 3 VG- New
7 Robin Hood 1/3     126 19 Ireland 2 VG  
7 Robin Hood 1/3     126 28 Denmark 3 GVG  
7 Robin Hood   1/6   126 19 Ireland 2 GVG New
7 Robin Hood     2/- 126 19 Ireland 2 GVG  
7 Robin Hood 1/3     129 83 Ireland 6 G  
8 The Odyssey 1/3     126 12 Denmark 1 VG-  
8 The Odyssey   1/6   129 12 Denmark 1 VG+ New
8 The Odyssey 1/3     134 Poland 3 VG+  
9 Caesar's Conquest 1/3     126 12 Denmark 1 VG+  
9 Caesar's Conquest   1/6   126 12 Denmark 1 VG  
9 Caesar's Conquest   1/6   141 Denmark 3 VG-  
9 Caesar's Conquest 1/3     129 83 Denmark 2 G  
9 Caesar's Conquest     2/- 126 12 Denmark 1 GVG  
10 Robinson Crusoe 1/3     126 19 Denmark 2 VG  
10 Robinson Crusoe   1/6   126 19 Denmark 2 GVG New
10 Robinson Crusoe 1/3     126 39 Ireland 3 VG  
10 Robinson Crusoe 1/3     129 83 Ireland 5 GVG  
10 Robinson Crusoe   1/6   134 Sweden 6 VG+

Entries in this journal

New British Classics Illustrated Comics editions found.

I started collecting the British series of Classics Illustrated only a few years ago when I realised that all the US comics (mainly DC and Marvel) that I read as a child in the 1960s and started to re-purchase seriously in my 30s were becoming far too expensive to continue collecting. After amassing some 22 long comic boxes of Bronze and Silver age in the 80s and 90s and early 2000s I sold them all off slowly over the next twenty years. I won't go into details here but when I retir


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