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The Search For Pre-1960 UK Price Variants

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Get Marwood & I


Hello :)

I'm not going to post a big explanatory preamble this time, but just note that in this journal I will be looking to see if I can find any pre-1960 dated comics which could reasonably be referred to as 'UK Price Variants'. As we now know, a UK Price Variant is a book made for distribution in the UK, with a single printed UK cover price, but which was printed in the US as a junior subset of the same original print run as the primary cents priced version. We know from my research that UKPVs were produced post 1960 for seven US publishers, but I wanted to see if I could find any books prior to that date, either from the US or another country.

I have a number of books to post about, so let's get started.

I recently picked up this copy of 'Skunky Shopkeeper', undated, which carries a stickered one shilling price and an indicia which notes that the book was printed in Canada and distributed in the UK by 'Streamlined Books' (a possible misprint of the 'Streamline' of 'Pictorial Romance' fame?):


I then picked up a second corner-nibbled copy, also with a sticker, and painstakingly removed it to reveal this apparently overprinted 6d price:


Here are the two prices, side by side:

973217549_SkunkyCrop1.jpg.4731475df2eec9c91c31a260f53562dc.jpg 2049922793_SkunkyCrop2.jpg.4875089caa6bae005e8bf1d214a18579.jpg

So my first thought was 'could this be a UKPV of an original Canadian book?'

I know very little about Gold and pre-1960s books. I'm sure there are people I could ask, but where's the fun in that? It's something to do, to potter on, explore and learn for yourself. 

That said, the GCD helpfully tells me that my Canadian Skunky reprints the US comic 'Funland Comics #1'


So I grab myself a copy of that book, also corner-nibbled:


Is corner nibbling a thing in Gold?

The obvious difference of course is the cover which is manifestly absent from 'Skunky'.

The indicia of Funland advises that the book was printed in the USA, c1945:


The interior story pages and content are the same as Skunky - here are the two books side by side:

499856460_Skunky(CenturyPublications)Undated6d.thumb.jpg.e136201c3dc326ebdff59aaa9655ed70.jpg 435627194_FunlandComics1(1945)Splash.thumb.jpg.8ed248014a27eda20a6f2bac0ccfd783.jpg

A bit of Googling brings me to this image below, source unknown, which shows my Skunky as being one of a number of coverless Canadian comics, overprinted with UK prices by Superior/Century Publications for distribution in the UK by Streamlined of London:


It further says "The majority of these were remainders". Hold that thought.

The assumption is that I have two copies of a comic that was printed in the USA for Croydon Publishing, of which unsold copies were picked up by Superior/Century Publications of Canada, who then stripped them of their covers and then overprinted them with a UK price (which were then subsequently stickered at a higher price).

Incidentally, could the 6d overprinted price be for Canadian sales and the copies sent to the UK be marked up with the one shilling sticker? Mebbe.

Back to the pre-1960 UKPV search, can the coverless guts of an original US book, that is then overprinted with a UK/Canadian price in Canada be considered a variant? It can't really, can it. Now if there was a copy of Funland #1 with a printed UK single price, which came from the same print run, then yes. But amended guts? That's pushing it a bit.

Anyway, on inspection, the guts that comprise 'Skunky' do not actually appear to be remaindered copies of Funland #1 at all. If we look closely at these examples, we can see:

1. A very different print quality and colouring - Funland is clean, Skunky has got all the sloppy production marks that tend to indicate a crude reprinting:

1859713250_SkunkyCrop4.jpg.c57032c989814efe7dffb2c46d4462ca.jpg 536200555_SkunkyCrop5.jpg.14a1aac9afbfff193b9424074fbfeea4.jpg

The next two images show that clearly too - one clean, one with additional bits and bobs and an inferior production quality:

1178558415_RoughPrintingComparison2Funland.thumb.jpg.c0117a18780ce0a375cf58d0a52d4621.jpg 2048612099_RoughPrintingComparison1Skunky.thumb.jpg.348d4252ac339631abc456415d64e18a.jpg

2. Next, we can see that the two sets of guts have different overall dimensions:


3. Any notion that that might be due to trimming evaporates when you see that the actual printed images are slightly bigger on the Skunky page than on the Funland original:

107996166_PrintedPageSize1.thumb.jpg.53e265cdb5a7db827ca73e4f5adceaa8.jpg 1499515462_PrintedPageSize2.thumb.jpg.3767917814b631c5a2bc96f7d2947a94.jpg

4. The staples location is different on the two books too, and the Skunky ones are much bigger than the Funland's:


My staple's bigger than yours mate!

All the evidence, which is much clearer in hand I might add, indicates that our Canadian Skunky was reprinted rather than being a cover-stripped, remaindered original US book. So the 'Printed in Canada' of the indicia refers not just to the price / logo overprinting, but the whole book. From a UKPV search perspective, that takes Funland #1 out of the equation, as a UKPV must come from the same print run as the headline country copy. That leaves us with Canadian Skunky.

Every copy of Skunky that I have seen has the 6d overprinted price. Now, if someone was going to reprint the guts, why would they then overprint a UK price? Why not do it all in one go? I say this, as I have noted that the 6d price moves from copy to copy (my copy vs GCD copy below):

1215699519_SkunkyCrop2.jpg.2d41dadc165edb5b99be5644c38d9b40.jpg 1959523550_SkunkyCrop3.jpg.6f1a5bc63f66350048ec4b10e254711b.jpg

In summary, it looks like Superior Publishers of Canada obtained the rights (?) to reprint the guts of Croydon Publishing's Funland #1, minus the cover, did so and then added their company livery, an indicia and a 6d price. They then either sent the whole lot to the UK, who promptly increased that price with a sticker, or sold some of the 6d copies locally in Canada. 

Even if we view Skunky as its own thing, separate to Funland, there is only one reprinted/overprinted version in existence it seems, so it can't be a UK Price Variant. If there was a majority 6d printed Canadian copy and a lesser UK one shilling printed copy, both printed together, we could perhaps make an argument. But there isn't. It seems.

I rather enjoyed the exercise though, on this book, and it's fun to learn more about books of this age by mucking about with them directly and holding them in your hands. Especially when they include stories such as "Angel Pussy", the pages of which further illustrate the colour and quality contrast between the two books:


Play nicely, Angel Pussy!

Well, that's Funland vs Skunky out of the way, to get the ball rolling. Next up, Jeep Comics. Or Lucky Coyne. Or maybe K G Murray's Super Adventure Comic. Or another one of the various candidates I've amassed over recent years. I'll see which one takes my fancy before dropping Wonder Comics into the mix. 

See you next time then, if you're interested....



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Recommended Comments

On 9/13/2022 at 1:44 AM, Get Marwood & I said:

Sydney Australia's K. G. Murray had this printed by Morrison & Gibb of Edinburgh, Scotland, for distribution in the UK by Atlas Publishing of London

So....  Australia subleased the printing rights to the UK as a work-around for the UK restriction on US imports.  -whew-

That explains the matched cover plates on the AUS & UK prints.

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On 9/13/2022 at 9:03 PM, Yorick said:

So....  Australia subleased the printing rights to the UK as a work-around for the UK restriction on US imports.  -whew-

That explains the matched cover plates on the AUS & UK prints.

We got there in the end :grin:

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I think I need to try and look-up some of the advertisements on these date-less copies.  Most of my Miller books only have a generic Joan the Wad ad, but perhaps there is some identifier in those that will give me a general date of publishing.


This might be a useful one (for instance).





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I'm not quite sure what I'm being asked here, but I'll make a few probably unhelpful remarks.

The 'tall' issues are likely from the Australian home market. I have quite a few different titles like that, including 'home grown' titles like Crimson Comet as well as reprints. I think it's a rainforest canopy type thing - if there are a few tall books on the rack then shorter ones run the risk of not getting enough exposure if they don't grow to the same height. When exported into other markets (see the next point), the same selection pressure wouldn't necessarily apply and you could save some paper by going shorter.

There are plenty of examples of Australian printings of books for markets overseas, even of reprints of American material. I have some Australian printed NZ and UK editions, usually with different pricing and sometimes with ads for the intended market. Here's an example of Australian (8d) and UK (6d) issues of a US Wings Comics, under the Rangers title. (they are the same size - the scans are just different res.) The back cover ads differ.


Finally, I don't think printing plates were routinely shipped around. I'm pretty sure that photostats of some kind were sent to overseas publishers, which could explain the lower quality reproduction in some cases - maybe second generation 'copies of copies'?

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On 9/14/2022 at 4:20 AM, AJD said:

I'm not quite sure what I'm being asked here, but I'll make a few probably unhelpful remarks.

Thanks for answering the call, Andy! Who better than The King of Australia to respond on behalf of the Aussie books :headbang:

The purpose of the thread is to gently wander through the pre-1960 era to see if there are any examples of books which could fit the definition of a UKPV. So a book with a UK cover price which came from the same print run, but is junior to, a book priced in the home countries currency. It's not the most robust review, as you can see, and is more of an excuse to look at nice old books and comment on them but in a way, perhaps, that hasn't been commented on before.

I'm sure there will be some gold era experts out there who's reaction to all this would be "Ah, bless", but it's something fun to muck about on now that I've exhausted all the post 1960 'what exists' UKPV possibilities.

On 9/14/2022 at 4:20 AM, AJD said:

The 'tall' issues are likely from the Australian home market. I have quite a few different titles like that, including 'home grown' titles like Crimson Comet as well as reprints. I think it's a rainforest canopy type thing - if there are a few tall books on the rack then shorter ones run the risk of not getting enough exposure if they don't grow to the same height. When exported into other markets (see the next point), the same selection pressure wouldn't necessarily apply and you could save some paper by going shorter.


On 9/14/2022 at 4:20 AM, AJD said:

There are plenty of examples of Australian printings of books for markets overseas, even of reprints of American material. I have some Australian printed NZ and UK editions, usually with different pricing and sometimes with ads for the intended market. Here's an example of Australian (8d) and UK (6d) issues of a US Wings Comics, under the Rangers title. (they are the same size - the scans are just different res.) The back cover ads differ.

large.7442147_Rangers27Australian.jpg.1d564988a17280846ca127be20dea9c1.jpg 985065974_Rangers27Australian6D.thumb.jpg.ec68fb22447a8c52fc7ddeab13fefcb8.jpg

So those two Rangers have the same cover dimensions, but differing, targeted back cover ads? I take it you have them in hand - the AusReprints site has no details on the 6d 'UK' copy - are you able to determine whether the books came from the same print run? A plate change or two for the price slug and ad swap, maybe? Or are there any indicia notes that contradict that possibility (e.g. the words "printed somewhere else" being on one of them :bigsmile:)?

On 9/14/2022 at 4:20 AM, AJD said:

Finally, I don't think printing plates were routinely shipped around. I'm pretty sure that photostats of some kind were sent to overseas publishers, which could explain the lower quality reproduction in some cases - maybe second generation 'copies of copies'?

I agree, that's what I think was going on with many of these books.

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On 9/14/2022 at 5:04 PM, Get Marwood & I said:

So those two Rangers have the same cover dimensions, but differing, targeted back cover ads? I take it you have them in hand - the AusReprints site has no details on the 6d 'UK' copy - are you able to determine whether the books came from the same print run? A plate change or two for the price slug and ad swap, maybe? Or are there any indicia notes that contradict that possibility (e.g. the words "printed somewhere else" being on one of them :bigsmile:)?

Apart from the cover price and the back cover ad, they are identical, down to the different paper stock on the covers compared to the interiors (that wasn't always the case with these FH reprints, but Rangers from #22(ish) had a better quality cover stock - which I'm now wondering if it is related to the export market? hm )

6d copy (note the address in Surrey in the ad)


8d copy (Stamina clothing was widely advertised in Australian comics and other publications in the 1950s)


Both copies have TWO indicia - this one inside the back cover


And this one on the bottom of the page preceding, with more information


So I reckon these came off the same presses, with only a swap of price and back cover between, a bit like the UK Marvel variants.

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On 9/15/2022 at 1:53 PM, AJD said:

So I reckon these came off the same presses, with only a swap of price and back cover between, a bit like the UK Marvel variants.

It certainly looks that way Andy, thank you mate. It's the whole point of the thread really - to identify whether books like these could reasonably be called UK Price Variants. The dual indicias are quite interesting, now I've put my glasses on. Two different printers? Cover and guts printed separately...?

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On 9/8/2022 at 7:50 PM, Get Marwood & I said:

Yes, they are aren't they. 

With the journals, you can't quote the opening entry, only the subsequent posts. It's something I was hoping CGC might look at one day, but I've given up on that now.

It's this Yorick:


Spoiler alert, it's not a UK Price Variant of this 8d copy:


But alas, poor Yorick, that's a story for another day....


(Thanks for reading and commenting though :))

Forgive me if I'm late to the party and this has been said before but the difference in pricing between the 6d UK copy and the 8d Aus copy is that whilst both countries used "a" pounds and shillings and pence system the two currencies were not the same. They were not on equal parity, the UK pound being a stronger currency than the AUS one. A bit like the US and Canada both use dollars but the difference in parity means that the Canadian copies of US comics were priced differently.

Edited by Redshade
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On 9/15/2022 at 5:53 AM, AJD said:


I love that Stamina Pegasus Logo.  Poseidon and Medusa made baby pegasus?!!  :whatthe: Those Greeks had quite an imagination.

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Thank you for the detective work in this thread, very interesting!

I have acquired a few issues in this vein also, a Zor the Mighty (super tatty and not pictured here) plus the below versions of Golden Lad #1 and Mister Lucifer Comics (Spook Comics #1).

Golden Lad is a Superior Comics reprint with similar properties to the copy of Skunky examined earlier, it is definitely a reprint as the indicia and page dimensions are clearly different to the original.

Meanwhile the Mister Lucifer Comics copy looks not obviously different to the first page of Spook Comics #1 bar the (not quite lined up) overprinting of the title addition and the indicia - could this be an overprinted remaindered copy of Spook Comics #1? According to GCD, Crestwood Publishing Toronto are only known to have published this single title, could this Crestwood be related to the USA Crestwood/Prize-Comics?







Edited by Bobbi_Betamax
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How cool are they @Bobbi_Betamax!

I'd sort of given up on this thread so thanks for reanimating it. It's great to see that someone else has been mucking about in this area. I thought it was just me!

Your two comics there make me want to start up investigating again. It's funny how comics do that, isn't it. I saw this issue for sale recently at 30th Century Comics which shares similar characteristics to our books, but it was snapped up pretty quickly:


I wonder how many of these 'coverless' 1940s UK distribution comics are actually out there. And I wonder what is under those price stickers on your two comics there....hm

1279255992_goldenlad.thumb.jpg.421dde0634a46b7b22ccab18cec60c77(2).jpg.2dcc9b405cf42aa20ae4fde4fa73fc8e.jpg 1967703156_misterlucifercomics.thumb.jpg.90b6c9a927ae898b30b79518c535b44b(2).jpg.8bc69823a3702bd8a0cc3f358d35ddf4.jpg

All good fun. Thanks for dropping in and welcome to the forum :)

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On 3/27/2023 at 5:53 PM, Get Marwood & I said:

How cool are they @Bobbi_Betamax!

I'd sort of given up on this thread so thanks for reanimating it. It's great to see that someone else has been mucking about in this area. I thought it was just me!

Your two comics there make me want to start up investigating again. It's funny how comics do that, isn't it. I saw this issue for sale recently at 30th Century Comics which shares similar characteristics to our books, but it was snapped up pretty quickly:


I wonder how many of these 'coverless' 1940s UK distribution comics are actually out there. And I wonder what is under those price stickers on your two comics there....hm

1279255992_goldenlad.thumb.jpg.421dde0634a46b7b22ccab18cec60c77(2).jpg.2dcc9b405cf42aa20ae4fde4fa73fc8e.jpg 1967703156_misterlucifercomics.thumb.jpg.90b6c9a927ae898b30b79518c535b44b(2).jpg.8bc69823a3702bd8a0cc3f358d35ddf4.jpg

All good fun. Thanks for dropping in and welcome to the forum :)

Thanks, I had to post when I saw your info. GCD has a sticker less image of the Mister Lucifer showing a price of 6D, so either this issue was in circulation for a while, or inflation was pretty bad in 1946 as there look to be at least 2 price rise stickers on top of the original value.

I am guessing there are likely many earlier examples of UK-specific reprints of U.S. Comics but these are the earliest I know of in my limited knowledge.

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On 3/27/2023 at 6:12 PM, Bobbi_Betamax said:

Thanks, I had to post when I saw your info. GCD has a sticker less image of the Mister Lucifer showing a price of 6D, so either this issue was in circulation for a while, or inflation was pretty bad in 1946 as there look to be at least 2 price rise stickers on top of the original value.

I see it Bobbi, thanks.

The GCD copy actually looks like it has had a previous sticker removed, about the same size as your one, doesn't it

1246990.jpg.43046ee43bd7172cb4fde9a0cce592ae.jpg misterlucifercomics.thumb.jpg.90b6c9a927ae898b30b79518c535b44b.thumb.jpg.c6319c2a089f9d8cbe95f9db98932d2c.jpg

On 3/27/2023 at 6:12 PM, Bobbi_Betamax said:

I am guessing there are likely many earlier examples of UK-specific reprints of U.S. Comics but these are the earliest I know of in my limited knowledge.

We'll have to keep digging then.....

P.S. Do you know Valerie_VHS by any chance? Nice girl :D

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On 3/27/2023 at 6:31 PM, Bobbi_Betamax said:

Maybe we'll gradually figure out a list of all in the same vein as these UK versions, the Jack Bradley book looks pretty striking.

I do know Valerie_VHS, I'm gonna fast forward her a link to this post!

You're going to fit right in here, Bobbi :bigsmile:

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I have these three "Century Comics". The Zor does not have the "Century" stamp or a price stamp or sticker(I have several of these and they are all the same). Note the 6d overprint on the Skunky. I had certain *ahem* disagreements with a prominent Canadian comic dealer who had these as "stripped covers. . . for the UK market . . .".
I maintained that I thought that they were not stripped of their covers but were produced like this for the UK market possibly because at that time the UK comics were all printed on newsprint paper.  I cannot remember now what the conclusion of this discussion was.

ZORa 001.jpg

ZORb 001.jpg

SKUNKYa 001.jpg

SKUNKYb 001.jpg



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Hmm, two front covers of  the Conquerors and no back cover image. My error, but I can't be bothered getting them out again. After moving boxes about even only for a few seconds has inflamed my spinal spondylosis (what a posh ailment I have, no mere "bad back" for me) and I'm having a good sit down.

I will add that I bought these from a UK dealer on eBay last year sometime. The same dealer keeps advertising these occasionally.  

NB. Top Secret. Do not repeat. Said dealer found these in a UK "closed newsagent's stockroom". He has approximately 300 of the ZOR and a few dozen each of the other two. I think that we can safely assume that the comics were sent to the UK with or without a pre-printed 6d price and that any stickers must have been put on by the UK sellers.

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On 3/28/2023 at 8:57 PM, Redshade said:

I will add that I bought these from a UK dealer on eBay last year sometime. The same dealer keeps advertising these occasionally.  

The three books were quite scarce until they started popping up in multiples. I bought at the early high end, thinking I'd be unlikely to get a second chance, so was a bit deflated when I subsequently realised the seller had a box load of them. He even had a pile on his table at the London fair the other month. He can't give them away now, it seems. 

On 3/28/2023 at 8:34 PM, Redshade said:

Note the 6d overprint on the Skunky. I had certain *ahem* disagreements with a prominent Canadian comic dealer who had these as "stripped covers. . . for the UK market . . .".

Did you read my opening journal post on Skunky? I haven't read it for a while, but I think I prove that our copies aren't the guts of Funland #1. 

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On 3/29/2023 at 9:09 AM, Get Marwood & I said:

Did you read my opening journal post on Skunky? I haven't read it for a while, but I think I prove that our copies aren't the guts of Funland #1. 

Sorry Steve I hadn't. I saw the post from Bobbi Betamax and just waded in with my massive clodhopping boots. I don't usually go back to the start of threads as they are invariably too long. Once again I seem to have put my massive clodhopping foot in it. :facepalm:
On another post I see that you were discussing coming up to 4000 entries and wonder where you glean this information from? On similar sites I've seen that each individual post is numbered but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Unless, once again, I'm missing something?

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On 3/29/2023 at 10:16 AM, Redshade said:

Sorry Steve I hadn't. I saw the post from Bobbi Betamax and just waded in with my massive clodhopping boots. I don't usually go back to the start of threads as they are invariably too long. Once again I seem to have put my massive clodhopping foot in it. :facepalm:

Don't worry about it Stephen, it's what most people do. If you had to read everything before commenting no one would ever comment!

On 3/29/2023 at 10:16 AM, Redshade said:

On another post I see that you were discussing coming up to 4000 entries and wonder where you glean this information from? On similar sites I've seen that each individual post is numbered but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Unless, once again, I'm missing something?

It's at the top of every thread - posts aren't numbered here but it shows you a summary of how many pages and posts have been made to date under the thread title:


We occasionally muck around with fights and prizes when a nice round figure is looming (Rich won that particular one)....

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These lapses of memory and sense of mine are getting even more worrying to me. I can't seem to see any such numbers at the top of this post. I see :
I feel like an increasingly senile old fool at times.

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On 3/29/2023 at 12:37 PM, Redshade said:

These lapses of memory and sense of mine are getting even more worrying to me. I can't seem to see any such numbers at the top of this post. I see :
I feel like an increasingly senile old fool at times.

Not at all. The journals are in a different format to 'regular' threads. The 4K post we were discussing was in the Distribution thread, which is a regular one. Go to it, and you'll see the details at the top as I posted earlier. With the journals, that post and page count summary sits just below the opening entry, above the subsequent comments like so:


Don't ever feel foolish about these things Stephen. Not everyone is completely computer savvy and a lot of these things aren't always intuitive. Most people struggle with the journals format here so you're not alone. It's why I don't post in them anymore - the format has navigation and visibility issues and no one - not CGC or Invision - seem interested in doing anything about it.

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Hello All. I thought I better follow up on this as these are clearly now the hot collectible of the moment, especially since Redshade's revelation that a dealer has a mountain of 3 of the titles from a defunct newsagent store find (I'd love to know what else turned up in there, and was it related to the 'Streamlined' UK distributor noted on many of the covers?).

From what I can see, there are now 9 known titles in this Canadian 1946 coverless-style UK edition niche:


The Conquerers – (Superior/Century), reprints Conqueror Comics (Albrecht 1945)

Bogey Man #2 (Superior/Century), reprints Red Band comics #1 (Rural Home 1944)

Dr. Mercy (Superior/Century), reprints Zoom Comics (Carlton 1945)

Golden Lad (Superior/Century), reprints Golden Lad #1 (Spark 1945)

The Jinx (Superior/Century), reprints???

Skunky (Superior/Century), reprints Funland Comics #1 (Croydon 1945)

Jack Bradley (Superior/Century), reprints Red Circle Comics #1 (Rural Home 1945)

Zor The Mighty (Superior/Century), reprints part of Captain Commando Comics (F.E. Howard, 1945)

Mister Lucifer Comics (Crestwood), reprints? Spook Comics #1 (Bailly 1945)

...and maybe more????


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