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Everything posted by He11blazer

  1. That's right, the kid had to channel everything thru his body. It was too sudden. Can you imagine? He ripped the child from the mother's arms (his daughter) and locked her outside while he killed him. I suppose the idea is that true heroism sometimes means doing things you will be hated for, but I don't dig it. If I imagine that the world was probably to be destroyed but the death of my daughter could save it? Screw the world, I'll fight tooth and nail for any alternative, and I'll kill anyone who tries to take my girl. It's an emotional response of course, but without emotional responses life is as sacred as interstellar dust. I should add that if it was the death of some complete stranger that was required to save the world, I'm confident my decision would be exactly the same. No way, never. This discussion really belongs in the water cooler!
  2. I will here completely spoil the ending of the five part Children of Earth, which was a Torchwood mini-series after series 2. The first few episodes are the best Torchwood episodes made. Pity it fails to deliver in the end.
  3. I confused the quote slightly, but it goes like this: At the end of ST2:The Wrath of Khan, Spock has doomed himself to death in order to save everyone on the ship... Spock: Don't grieve, Admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many outweigh... Kirk: ...the needs of the few... Spock: ...Or the one. Always gets me, that bit. 2 years later in ST3:The Search for Spock, Kirk has resurrected Spock at great risk and cost to himself and his crew. A confused Spock, still trying to recall his past life, wonders why Kirk went to so much trouble... Captain Spock: My father says that you have been my friend. You came back for me. Kirk: You would have done the same for me. Captain Spock: Why would you do this? Kirk: Because the needs of the one... outweigh the needs of the many. Captain Spock: [pacing] I have been and ever shall be your friend. Kirk: Yes. Yes, Spock. Captain Spock: Ship, out of danger? Kirk: You saved the ship. You saved us all. Don't you remember? Captain Spock: Jim. Your name is Jim. Kirk: Yes. There I go again. So Kirk turned Spock's argument around, yet they both used their version of the argument to justify heroic acts. It's one of the better moments in Trek
  4. It's definitely an interesting question. I always like to simplify difficult questions by taking a clear and extreme example. Suppose there really is a god. His omnipotence is established beyond question and he communicates clearly with us. He demands a sacrifice of one 13 year old child a day, who must be tortured to death over the 24hr period before being replaced by the next day's sacrifice. As long as we comply, the whole world is free of war, disease, famine and natural disasters. As soon as we fail to keep up our end, the world reverts to what we have now. By allowing the suffering and death of one innocent a day, millions will be spared and the world will prosper as never before. Should we therefore go along with this hypothetical god? The pragmatic answer is a resounding YES. My answer is still no. I could wax on for ages about why that is, but I'll spare you all for now I do find it interesting though because my answer is not logical, as Spock pointed out.
  5. Torchwood - supposedly, Primeval, no. ITV ran out of money. Torchwood is back next year, 2011 (it was meant to be Autumn 2010) I've heard rumors though that Primeval has been picked up by the Beeb (well UKTV anyhow) and will be airing a 3rd series on Watch. They killed Torchwood for me when they had Captain Jack murder an innocent child 'because it was the only way to save everyone else'. That's all but impossible to justify in my book, and the story was light years away from being written well enough to justify it! Ah who am I kidding, I'll still watch any more they can churn out Don't want to turn this into an ethics debate but why is it impossible to justify? I haven't watched the programme but it sounds like the death of one to prevent the deaths of many more? I'd say it's a terrible choice to have to make but not unjustifiable. It's a good question. My problem with the program in question is that I did not get a strong impression that they had adequately exhausted all avenues, nor that there was adequate evidence that the plan involving killing the boy would work. Moreover, I'm with Kirk on this one: "The needs of the one, outweigh the needs of the many, or the few."
  6. Well that's where u miss it Crosby! Argh! The ultimate put down!
  7. Torchwood - supposedly, Primeval, no. ITV ran out of money. Torchwood is back next year, 2011 (it was meant to be Autumn 2010) I've heard rumors though that Primeval has been picked up by the Beeb (well UKTV anyhow) and will be airing a 3rd series on Watch. They killed Torchwood for me when they had Captain Jack murder an innocent child 'because it was the only way to save everyone else'. That's all but impossible to justify in my book, and the story was light years away from being written well enough to justify it! Ah who am I kidding, I'll still watch any more they can churn out
  8. I believe he's a good guy, but I also believe I should not be a doormat.
  9. I have a question. The coin forums don't have a probation list that I can see. If I had bought a coin from a forumite, on the basis of a listing in a thread on the boards, and the goods never turned up and I was still waiting after 3 months or more for a resolution... Would the probation thread here be appropriate?
  10. I just finished reading hardcovers 2, 3 and 4, having bought them for myself as a treat recently. Having been slightly underwhelmed by HC1 but reassured by you lot that it gets better n better, I now agree (thumbs u
  11. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I can't figure out who the signatory is? Also, um, you selling any of those 9.8s...?
  12. Very colourful! Look forward to a new group shot once those 3 little gaps are filled.
  13. VERY nice, sir. take it from me, they are addicting. presently, i'm holding firm at the old logo cut-off, but when i get the 3 i'm missing, who knows? As I'm discovering! I think it's because every new Planet cover I see is a delight. GGA, rockets, rayguns and exotic aliens
  14. Picked this up today. Nothing special but I thought I'd bump the thread anyway
  15. Just arrived from Quality Comics. My second Planet, and I only want more! It's in a PGX 5.5 slab at the moment. I'll probably break it out in time, as I want to read it and then eventually let CGC wrap it up.
  16. It says 6 customers, so maybe it was not a huge amount of people. I was just guessing it was a huge amount of people since there were 5 bottles of wine served. I did not take into a account that these people maybe alcoholics. Five bottles of wine between six people defines them as alcoholics? At a nice long, relaxed lunch, you can do a bottle each before the mains arrive. Exactly Alkie.
  17. It wasn't particularly relevant, but I thought it was interesting in a voyeuristic sort of way. It is however an example of the sort of spending that many people consider offensive. They'll say things like "Ooh he could have had McDonalds and then bought some poor homeless person a house instead!", and they'll say "No way is any food or wine so superior that it's worth $50k! He completely wasted that money." ...Which is kind of similar to this thread
  18. Just once in my life I'd like to taste drink a $5000 bottle of wine. I bet that's a pretty awesome $12 water too
  19. (thumbs u One of the few sensible responses. Consider this receipt for lunch picked up by Roman Abramovich: $47k for lunch, and that's all going down the toilet a couple hours later... Apparently he also tipped an additional $5k on top of the automatic 20%, so his total tip was more than the sale of NM98. If someone has the cash to burn, they don't mind paying way over the odds if it gets them what they want. Why show restraint?
  20. NOBODY here assumed the poster is who he says he is, but it's polite to treat them as such until proven otherwise, or until you have a financial transaction with them or other issue where proven identity becomes necessary. Allow me to demonstrate: Noob: Hi guys! Bill Gates here - yes THAT ONE - bet you didn't know I collected comics? Been lurking for years. Classy response: WTTB Bill! Tell us something about your collection Childish response: If you're Bill Gates then I'm the Queen of Sheba. Go troll elsewhere.
  21. What? Why you looking at me like that? Stop it!