I have tons of garage sale finds. These are from this year, so far. Most of them are action figure related, but I have some comic finds too. It is MUCH harder to find good comics at garage sales than toys.
The first thing is probably my best find. A few months ago, someone wanted me to look at his comics. I kept putting it off, and eventually after he bothered me enough, I went to look. He ended up having 30 short boxes filled with stuff and told me all books were 40 cents each.
Sorry, I didn't scan the books.
1st print
The stuff was decent, but this was the best part of the find. A nearly complete set (with some variants) of Cry for Dawn with 2 different copies of the #3 Horror Con book signed! I ended up selling both of them here (won't say how much), because I got ridiculous offers that I couldn't refuse.
Complete Transformers Hun-Gurrr for $10 @ a local church rummage sale.
Some more G1 Transformers for $3 each (Cutthroat was opened).
Not a comic, but I found this for $3 a garage sale as well.