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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. Is this the same as "shelter in place" or "stay at home", but just using nicer terminology?
  2. Well, from my personal point of view, fixed price BIN's means absolutely nothing since the sellers can simply ask anything at all they want and hope to sang a sucker every now and then.
  3. Mitch; Not sure if your sentiment here lines up with the timing for all of this. It appears that the decision to go with their own books was from posts made way back in January when consignors and board members here were complaining about their new website and how nothing appeared to be working properly after they had been working on it for almost an entire month after their last Event Auction in early December. The feeling that I got was that nobody was feeling comfortable with consigning their books to a new and apparently "still a work in progress" and untested auction website back then. This was well before this whole Coronavirus fisaco had started and all of the businesses started shutting down. It appears the revamp of their website took so long that they even ended up missing their usual regularly scheduled early March Event Auction that they normally have every year. If I was Fishler, I definitely would not have picked this time to be putting my books out there in the open auction marketplace, but by then all of the books were already being loaded up for this current auction and it was too late. Especially since I believe they had over 2000 lots already loaded up (not properly though) into their site before there was any talk of a buisness shutdown and the subsequent coming downturn in the economy. I thought they might have pushed this auction off even further since it's still not quite set up properly in terms of alpha order and having all of the images on there, but I guess not. I tried to go through the first 10 or 12 pages of their auction, but gave up after awhile figuring what's the point since things were still not in full alpha order yet. Hopefully, they'll have all of the little bugs fixed and everything working properly with easy access to find everything by the time this auction is open up for bidding on the 27th of this month.
  4. Agree. On one hand, I want to bargain shop. On the other, I wouldn't want to be a consignor. As far as I am aware and from some previous posts which I have read, this next Event Auction is supposedly not a consignment auction. I believe they are all supposed to be their own non-consigned books as this first Event Auction after the big revamp is supposed to be a test of their new website to ensure that everything is running properly before they put consignment books back into their Event Auctions going forward after that.
  5. I highly doubt that the hopeful sellers of these BIN auctions at stratospheric prices looking for a sucker have the balls to ever place their books into a true regular bidding type of auction format. My bet is that they'll still want and hope to get the best price possible by continuing with their BIN auctions, but with continually decreasing prices as time goes on.
  6. I assume you must be referring to the GA books with respect to your comment above. If it's the SA or BA market, this little spreadsheet tracking some of the just completed CL results would definitely go against your viewpoint of the current marketplace: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14jkkDxV_f3dn0-2hUcW5zY2UX59Tmxih2sB2O6DKl_A/edit#gid=58778883 Except for the Iron Man's and a few of the odd books here and there, everything else looks pretty much down as compared to GoCollect.
  7. i thought they used bear droppings, no? Wendigo skin. Nah.................they use wolverine adamantium claws the last time I checked.
  8. Well, this one's really rather simple. Send him an email explaining that you had made a mistake and had priced it wrong and then take the $650 offer that he will end up giving to you.
  9. Not sure what you mean by no Covid-19 cases in Florida when the stats indicate that the state of Florida is ranked #7 in America with a total of 10,268 cases (only 135 cases away from being in #5 position ) and 170 deaths to date, with both body counts still rising rapidly and nowhere close to the peak. I guess you must have a death wish or something like that. Compare that with Canada which has almost double the population, but yet has a much lower per capita count with a total count of 12,549 Covid-19 cases and 207 related deaths to date. Or better yet, why not take a look at Taiwan which has population count of a couple million more citizens than Florida, yet they are already pretty much done and well on their way to exiting the Covid-19 curve with a measly total of only 355 Covid-19 cases and only a marginal 5 deaths to date. Now in terms of Taiwan with a rather dense population of 24 million people and its close proximity to China including direct flights coming in from Wuhan, that's definitely much closer to my definition of almost no Covid cases.
  10. Finally at long last, at least there's a silver lining in this dark cloud then as speculators and flippers will finally stop all of this artifical manipulation of their books.
  11. exactly. Well, I guess he must have just missed out on this copy here since he apparently stopped collecting DC's sometime in 2016 and this Ashcan copy here along with the highest graded copy of Double Action 2 was auctioned off along by Metro / CC in December of 2016 for $80,000 after a total of 52 bids had gone in for the set: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/678005 Looks like the Double Action 1 cover image was lifted from the shark cover on Adventure Comics 41, while this absolutely gorgeous Double Action 2 cover image was lifted from the classic hippo cover on Adventure Comics 37.
  12. Now, that's an absolutely fantastic link to the good old days of the 60's music scene and with our own Gary Carter in the lead.
  13. Sad to say, but it still appears to be a bit of a work in progress. Especially from the point of view that their lots still does not appear to be in perfect alpha order yet which then makes have to scroll through all 116 pages to search for books which you might be interested in bidding on. In addition, the exact end times for the individual lots also doesn't appear to be accurate at this point in time yet and the images for some of the lots have still not been scanned yet. So, hopefully they'll have all of these little kinks worked out in the system by the time the auction is opened for bidding on April 27th of this month.
  14. Yes, I believe it's just a matter of the old fogies like us who don't like change to give it a chance. One good thing to note is that they have now brought all of their auction archives UP TO DATE with this major revamp which was definitely not the case before.
  15. Well, I already provided the answer to all of you good boardies here about a month ago as to the best possible solution if you are truly concerned about your slabbed books having the deadly Covid-19 virus on them: Now that we know so much more about this virus a full month later and how deadly it really is, I would expect all of you to pack up all of your books and send them to me ASAP before the curve really starts to spike and it would be too late for you and your books.
  16. CGC is in FL. I rest my case... Well, I assume they must have moved all of their graders out of their closed in virus infected facilities and onto the sunny wide open beaches of Florida then. I guess the PQ on these latest slabbed books will now start coming back as "well-tanned" then.
  17. Well, that's definitely something different with the big clock that's counting down the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds until each individual lot ends. The only thing is that the Home Page indicates something like 56+ days, while the individual lots are running at something like only 23+ days.
  18. It is only an online shop now. They used to be Lone Star Comics and have stores in Texas but they have since sold all their stores and have been exclusively online for a few years. Which then still leaves my initial question unanswered, as to why MCS is not allowed to conduct business while it's business as usual for Heritage?
  19. If what most of what MyComicShop is not doable from home, then how about Heritage Auctions since they also operate out of Dallas? Why would it still be business as usual for Heritage, but not for MyComicShop?
  20. It's too bad he never ever did a writeup on the collection then in his Comic Book Marketplace magazine which he was in charge of at the time, as that would have been a perfect article for that type of GA fan magazine. Any idea if Gary would still have the collection sionce he seems to have dropped right out of the comic book scene after leaving CBM and returning to his collefge teaching career?
  21. Just a question here, as I was wondering if @mycomicshop is primarily a brick and mortar store for new books, an online site for back issue books, or a combination of both? Since both of them are located in Texas, I was just wondering why MCS is considered to be a non-essential business while Heritage Auctions is still opened for business and good to go in the midst of the Covid-19 lockdown?
  22. I believe Sean answered this correctly with his response that the overwhelming majority of labels would be sent back in afterwards, as opposed to being sent in with the book: As a GA collector, I would be a lot less worried about this factor as compared to a more recent BA or SA collector where it seems to be so much more about the CGC label, as opposed to the underlying book itself. From a percentage increase point of view, there appears to be so much more incentive to getting a bump in grade on a BA or SA books, as opposed to a GA book where you don't necessarily see the same type of percentage increase. Perfect examples being that CGC 9.9 graded copy of Tomb of Dracula 10 that sold for $85K when a similar copy in CGC 9.8 would sell for a fraction of that amount, or even a common book like Eternals 13 which can fetch over $4,100 and yet only around $100 when it's one grade lower. Then you take a look at a book like the CGC 9.0 graded copy of Action Comics 13 which sold for something like $156K when it was the second highest graded copy, but yet only managed to fetched $166K (i.e. big loss after factoring in regrading and auction fees plus whatever else to maximize the potential of the book) when it was upgraded to a CGC 9.2 copy and then tied for the highest graded copy.
  23. Funny I heard the same rumor back in the 1980s. It was also referred to as the Indian Reservation Collection. I heard it from a dealer in Albuquerque. Well, it's also mentioned by Ernie Gerber in the Pedigree Comics section on Page A-12 of the 1st Edition of his GA Photojournal Guide. He includes it in with his discussion on some of the pedigrees such as the Edgar Church books, San Francisco, Lamont Larson, Pennsylvania, Allentown, Denver, Cosmic Aeroplane. Gerber simply indicates that it was a collection found by Gary Carter a few years earlier.
  24. I can definitely see this happening if one person working there gets sick and especially if someone there tests positive. My thinking is that if one of the employees at the CGC grading facility ends up getting sick and testing positive for Covid-19, they will simply have to gather up all of the books that's on-site in the facility at the time and simply toss them all into a big bonfire in order to get rid of all of the virus germs. Not a big deal since I believe that comic books will burn easily and hence will 100% de facto be able to kill off all of the Coronavirus germs. As an added unexpected benefit, that will also finally take care of all of the long overdue TAT's in one fell swoop that CGC is suffering from.
  25. Did you ask them if they would now also be spraying and disinfecting every single book/slab plus their work area after each book has been graded and slabbed, especially now in light of the heightened need to ensure everything is Coronavirus free?