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Posts posted by nocutename

  1. Great stories everyone!  Here's mine but nothing as fancy as everyone else's though. I responded to a craigslist ad on what looked like mainly modern comics but the was taken from the stack inside the box.  They were located in the Bronx but in a nicer section.  I got there and a woman invites me in to the apartment.  The floor plan was completely open with the living room right when you walk in flowing into the kitchen to a long hallway leading to a closed door.

    I can literally see the entire layout from the entrance way and it looked neat and tidy.  She appeared to be alone so I step in and start looking through the box.  About a minute or so of looking at the books, I hear what sounds like a chainsaw coming from the closed door.  Now about two weeks prior, I found Birds of Prey 8 at the bottom of a modern stack from a craigslist ad.  So I was kind of determined to find that gem at the bottom of the pile.  The noise continued and I was getting unnerved.  

    A few minutes later nowhere near the end of the stack, I got up to leave.  I just could not figure out what was happening behind that ominous door and I didn't truly want to find out either.  As I start to thank the woman for her time, the ominous door opened.  A guy in a white tank top came out.  I subconsciously examined him for blood splatters or any explanation as to what he was doing behind the door.  There were none.  He introduced himself and asked if I liked any of the comics.  I have no idea what I told him but I did high tail it out of there.  

    I don't know what was going on behind that door.  I was honestly afraid to ask.  An explanation wasn't volunteered from them either.  He didn't have any signs of sawdust on him nor did the apartment look like they were doing carpentry work.  It was strange and creepy.  So, yep, that was the last time I ever went into anyone's house for comics again.


  2. I used to participate in the VCC.  Yes, it was a lot of work.  But it was a lot of fun too.  I never really generated much in sales but then again, my sales threads here rarely sold too.  While, as a seller, I enjoy the relaxing nature of a sales forum thread.  I still like having the option of participating in both.  VCC always felt more like a community board event to me. 

    Now as a buyer, I enjoy shopping VCC more.  It is fun seeing all the books in one convenient layout.  I may find something that I wasn't even looking for.  I can figure out what I like best before sending off any PMs.   On regular sales forum threads, I hit mainly the sellers I know unless I am lured in by a good thread title. 

    For voting, I do like the option of easing up on the board rules.  It should be ok to have the items listed elsewhere but not in VCC and a CGC sales thread.  That would be redundant.

  3. Personally, I don't think it is fair to compare the two as the creative process is different.  The audience type is different same as for the cultural references.  I cannot understand why these comparisons are made.   I will say this, I know a lot of anime fans that never purchase anything.  I feel that since comics went digital are just harder to find for free.   Is there any $ that supports manga > than comics?  There are a ton of Superhero fans thanks to the movies but that doesn't translate to comic profits.  For the record, anime is not manga.  But the fact that the book gets translated into a series makes the genre very much approachable and more mobile.

  4. @01TheDude  Your handwritten entries look like an early Bullet Journal version. 

    @Buzzetta  I had a purchasing system, nab whatever I can find cheap.  :(  I still have all my Batman and Tec but honestly haven't collected anything on either title in a few years.  I have tangled with the idea of selling them and just collecting World's Finest for the past few years.

  5. 28 minutes ago, tv horror said:

    I'm only missing AF15 Amazing Spider-man 1, 2, 6 and yes I've all the Web, Spectacular,  Team up and Amazing up to the end of the Superior title, that was until Dan Slott ruined the character for me and I found the back issues cheaper than the latest run.  

    I am sometimes envious of Marvel collectors.  You guys have a chance of completing a full run in the past.  Not so much now with the prices.  Collecting GA Batman or Detective is just out of my league.

  6. 1 hour ago, Marwood & I said:

    That looks great @nocutename ?

    I see you didn't get round to rating them. And who doesn't like a 'non bats' tab. 

    Great stuff.

    P.S. name names. It's more fun ?


    LOL.  I actually just moved the grouping now and added a Romance Comic tab.  Funny thing is my World's Finest comics are listed under non-bats tab.   There is a bunch of silly notes in it and it is questioning my sanity.  I should try and clean up some of the entries which I will do over time.  I have a huge folder (not a bin like yours) of a majority of my comic purchases so I could always go back and track it.  But honestly, I don't want to know.


    @Martin Sinescu I love your sheet.  I did have colored rows to indicate something and in the end removed it as was just easier to read.  I thought I was the only one crazy enough to mark the writer and artist info.  I should do cover too but lazy to go back to it now.    Dupes are a pain.   I tried the paper insert into the back of the bags.  I end up questioning which is which.  I tend to sell off dups.  My main dupes now are in my Animated Series collection.  I wish there were BA 12 dupes.  :(  But I have other Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn dupes.  I just never know which one to get rid off.

  7. You asked for it. :$

    The spreadsheet is horrible out of date though.  I know I maintained the TPB list recently.  The comic list, not so much.  Just before I stopped collecting about 2 and 1/2 years ago, I did a Batman Unmasked cover theme set.  Those aren't logged.  I will never get Detective 225 but I have the reprinted one.

    This is a thumbnail.  It should be clickable for a full version.  There are other columns but I don't want to show the source as I name, names. :) 


  8. Someone here recommended Postimage.org.  I looked at it and it is very simple interface.  I moved all my comic pictures to it.  They don't resize your images.  My image hosting needs are simple though.  Storage, and a means to hotlink out thumbnails.  They do both and I am satisfied.   I have to still keep my photobucket account as it tons of links to post on the DC boards.  While the state they will stop linking, my images are still linked.  So until they cut that cord, I will just keep that account active.  But I am no longer using it.

  9. I keep mine in excel and it is tabtastic!   About 26 tabs in total right now.  I record: Location, Title, Issue #, Date, Comic Title, Writer, Penciler, Inker, Appearance, Rate,  Comments, Continues, Grade/Comments, Source                     

    Location is which box it is in or magazine box.  Rate was for me to rate the story which I never used.  Continues was to track if the story was continued in another issue.

    The tabs:

    • Comics -  Main collection of Batman/Tec along with notes of what is collected (that is old)
    • non-Batman tab - Where almost everything else go. :tonofbricks:
    • Animated - I started collecting all things DC animated and then it received its own tab
    • Archie - Yep I used to be a bigger Archie collector.  These days, I hardly call myself a collector of anything.  I sold off a bunch of digest and probably need to update or get rid of this tab
    • Wish list - It used to be constantly maintained but these days, I rarely purchase comics.  I either printed out from this list or did a handwritten one for shows.  Most of the time it was handwritten because the list was always too long.
    • TPB list - I started this once my trades topped over 100.  It actually has helped not purchasing dupes. 
    • The rest are of various appearances:  Poison Ivy, Catman and Deadshot, I think at one point I did collect all their SA and above appearances.  I never had any hopes of nabbing Deadshot's true 1st.
    • Sold in x (x being years) / Traded - There are a few of these.  I maintained separate sales sheets when I used to sell more but I have some here because I didn't sell that much that year or maybe they were from my personal collection.
    • An insane continuity list marked with if I own that storyline.

    Then DC rebooted and this all went to hell.  I rarely access the spreadsheet or maintain it these days.  I tried to get back into collecting but the market sucks for a low bottom feed like me.  I just don't enjoy purchasing books for $25 when they were $2-10.  Or the $80 books now that were about $15.  Just too expensive.

  10. 6 hours ago, Robot Man said:

    All my photos now say: "Update your account to enable third party posting" or something similar. My wife is having the same problem. She went into PB and was told in order to solve this problem we need to pay $399. A year for third party. We are paying 39.00 a year now.  I ain't any more for this crappy service. Usually, this stuff settles down in a week or so. If not, I probably will be posting very few photos here in the future. I'm just tired of fighting and paying for being able to post photos...

    I know I can drag and drop photos to the boards. Problem is my photos are stored in a file on my desktop at home. I doubt my phone would hold this file. Sure a lot easier to access on PB...

    You can move to a site that has a mobile app?  Imgur does but again, I don't recommend that site.   I would definitely suggest moving your pictures off of Photobucket.  Just keep in mind that they resize and distort the original images uploaded.  So you will never have a high quality image returned to you but at least you will have the photo.  Good luck.  I am not sure why they didn't send out an email with this incredibly intrusive new ToS. 

    A long time ago, my friend used Snapfish.  She uploaded a good chunk of her family images as a hosting site and would use their service.  Every was ok until her entire album was deleted.  They did nothing for restoring the photos.  They were quite shocking rude about stating once images are uploaded we control the files and we have no responsibility to preserve them.   Since then, I only upload images I don't care about to these type of services.  They all suck.  Sorry for all the trouble you are going through but I would not pay them a red cent.  This is purely blackmail.

  11. 7 hours ago, fastballspecial said:

    I had a buyer in Ireland who would buy from me routinely on the Coral years ago. Always wondered what happened to him. I tried to talk him into coming here. 

    Fun story years ago I sold some comics to a guy in Hawaii. We hit it off from emails and I asked him to find me some See Suckers in Hawaii for a co-worker who grew up in Hawaii and misses them. (This was 10 years ago.) He not only shipped the suckers to me, but shipped each one of us a Hawaiian pineapple. My postal clerk had a fit.  I honestly didn't believe him when he told me he shipped, but I paid him none the less for them.  They were the best tasting pineapples I have ever had. My co-workers in the parking lot couldn't believe I carried in 8 pineapples. True story such a great memory.



    It was the Coral.  I remember you there, I didn't think anyone remembered that place though.  I loved that guy.  He purchased all my runs after I read them.  I miss that place.


  12. 9 hours ago, piper said:

    I haven't had much luck uploading images directly to the website (file size too large), so what are my options for third party hosting?


    I just posted a thread about this myself.  Someone posted, Postimage.com site.  I just spent a few hours moving over my images to there.  They hold the original size which is great for scans and sales threads.  I am done with photobucket.  Too much trouble.  I have used Imgur.com but have had much trouble with using different albums on that site.  Images would move back to the main folder and never hold the attributes correctly.  So I cannot recommend imgur.

  13. 2 minutes ago, porcupine48 said:

    my photos have been hostages for days...:mad:

    That was the same thing this morning.  I read some other post about this too.  I just have forum pictures on it.  They resize the originals so I always keep back ups.   Just keep trying to click on the library or pictures links.  Eventually one of them will work.  Good luck

  14. 31 minutes ago, Paul_Maul said:

    I've had good success using postimage.

    Thanks, I just signed up.  I am going to try it out


    Edit:  This site looks great!  Thanks.  They don't resize your image either so you can download the full large scan.  I am going to start moving over my pictures.

  15. 3 hours ago, Sqeggs said:

    Two things going on:  They are keeping people with free accounts from linking to other sites, and they are having some of their usual screw-ups.  I periodically get the same screen.  Just wait a bit and refresh the page.  Eventually you'll get back to normal.  PB normal, that is!

    Thanks.  Yes, I am finally able to see my pictures but it is still the same ftp site navigation links.   Really not nice looking.   They are trying to block ad blocker browsers too.  I tried accessing it with just IE today too and it was still nasty.

    Looks like I will need to find an new image hosting site.

  16. I have had my Photobucket account for so many years and it holds too many linked out pictures to abandon it.  I also use Imgur which I find to be completely buggy when you switch and upload to different folders.  I too use that very extensively when I was maintaining a mobile game blog.  So is there a better image solution alternative?

    I logged in to photobucket today and uploaded a couple of pics.  When I go to my library, I see this:



    No header or anything.  Looks like an FTP site and I clicking on the picture links produce nothing.  I read the new terms and conditions, well scanned it and they still host.  Is this temp or is this their new way of servicing old accounts?  As it stands I cannot access any of my pictures.