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Everything posted by AJD

  1. The last few Sci-Fi books. First up is the final issue of Incredible Science Fiction. From Heritage, who graded it 7.0 - can't say I agree. I think Heritage's grading has loosened in the last 12 months. I also picked up the first issue of the merged Weird Science Fantasy. I have the six white issues, but haven't got the famous Frazetta #29. (Would it be sacrilege to say that I'm not as impressed by that one as most others seem to be?) And a single Weird Fantasy:
  2. Getting there with Weird Science. I have 16 of the 22 now (missing all of the first four though). Here's this year's, starting with the un-numbered #5: (Christmas present from Mrs AJD - thank you ) Anyone else think that this might have been the inspiration for the 'skeleton in the spacesuit' episode of Dr Who?
  3. Note for new readers: this thread started life in the journals section of the pre-2017 boards but has been moved here now that area has been closed off. I asked it to be moved to gold because most of the posts are relevant here. The entries 2013-2016 are books that reflect my collecting habits at the time, and after that I started adding interior pages and commentary. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to my Journal. I'll update it from time to time when something noteworthy happens with my collection. I hope you find something of interest here.First up I thought it might be fun to bring the Class of 2013 together for an end of year bash. Let's start with the ECs... I've been pecking away at runs of Two Fisted Tales and the Sci-Fi titles for the last four or five years, and I picked up a few nice ones this year. Here are the Two-Fisted Tales. Very pleased to pick this one up on eBay. I got this one at Metropolis back in March when I visited their office in Manhattan (highly recommended - the stuff on their walls is amazing). The remaining two fill out my run from 34 - 41 (final), also from eBay. Next up will be the Sci-Fi titles. See more journals by ajd100
  4. I just picked up a copy of Uncle Scrooge #400. I'm not usually sucked in by variant covers, but this one convinced me: The main story has a conceit that Carl Barks and Uncle Scrooge had a professional (and later friends) relationship in real life. I guess it's a bit sappy, but it has some nice moments:
  5. AJD

    AJD's comic notebook

    Welcome to my Journal. I'll update it from time to time when something noteworthy happens with my collection. I hope you find something of interest here.First up I thought it might be fun to bring the Class of 2013 together for an end of year bash. Let's start with the ECs... I've been pecking away at runs of Two Fisted Tales and the Sci-Fi titles for the last four or five years, and I picked up a few nice ones this year. Here are the Two-Fisted Tales. Very pleased to pick this one up on eBay. I got this one at Metropolis back in March when I visited their office in Manhattan (highly recommended - the stuff on their walls is amazing). The remaining two fill out my run from 34 - 41 (final), also from eBay. Next up will be the Sci-Fi titles. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.
  6. Yes, if he's been buying from the "big auction houses" as jop said, I would think he would be accustomed to paying for shipping with tracking. I doubt they would ship without tracking. Yeah, but they do so much business with carriers like FedEx that they get better rates. (At least that's how I think it works.) My last package from Heritage had three slabs and a raw delivered to my work address in Australia for US$40.
  7. Beautiful #238 there Mr B. A rare duck book I'd be happy to let live in a slab. With that one the Barks cover is excellent but the story is terrible. I was really pleased when Don Rosa re-used the cover and wrote a much better story to go with it.
  8. (thumbs u Back in 1988 I was in the US for the first time and found one of those and a #12 in a $1 bin in a comic shop in Palo Alto. It was the first time I'd seen a Dell comic in the flesh, and two of my all time favourite Barks stories. Probably why I'm on these boards today.
  9. Just one recent pickup. It's a pity this one picked up the spine wear during its life, because it's a lovely flat copy otherwise.
  10. Thanks. It's hard to go wrong with EC's (though I haven't read MD or Psychoanalysis yet). The only one I didn't like was Extra. But I haven't read Psychoanalysis either. M.D. is kind of interesting, because it shows how rudimentary medicine was sixty years ago.
  11. This could go in the EC thread, but it seemed to fit here better:
  12. This is a very sensible post. The bolded part is the crux to all of this.
  13. Techincally there were only three Axis members (who signed the Tripartite Pact) Japan, Nazi Germany, and Italy. Thus why you usually see Musolini, Hirohito and Hitler depicted. Finland actually only saw their "war" as a war with Russia (who had taken land recently in the Winter War) so they sided with Germany when Germany began to fight Russia. FInland did sign the Anti-Comintern Pact. Finland repeatedly rejected signing the Tripartite pact because they specifically wanted to maintain diplomatic relations with the US. I dont know that the US ever technically declared war on Finland (though the UK did, due to Finland's agression towards the UKs ally Russia), or that the US forces ever fought Finnish forces... ok that was entertaining research, back to work, it is still a good question to GAtor regarding WWII depictions of any forces or leaders other than the big three. If I'm remembering correctly, the U.S. debated sending aid to Finland during the "Winter War" between Finland and the Soviet Union in 1940. If the Finns had held out longer, the U.S. probably would have ended up sending aid. The stories about heroic Finns during that episode would have made them poor comic book villains even though they did fight on the German side when Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941. To the broader point, I don't think the average person in the U.S. would have known which small European countries were on our side and which were on the German side. Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo/Hirohito were recognizable villains. I think it would be truer to say that the Finns recruited the Germans to their side in their local war against the Soviets. In terms of support, Finland seems to have worked both sides to their advantage. Looking at their air force (my particular interest), they fielded American, French, British and German supplied aircraft (as well as being very adept at repairing and re-using Soviet ones). After the Continuation War (second war against the Soviets) was negotiated to a conclusion, the Finns agreed to fight against the Germans who up until then had been assisting them. I've read the Finnish/German fighting was particularly half-hearted. The Germans left without too much of a struggle and the Finns let them. It's a fascinating sidebar to WWII in Europe.
  14. Very cool book - and a great copy. Congrats.
  15. Guys, while there's some serious D-baggery going on here, just remember that Beige is still committed to a deal with this guy. Andy has done nothing wrong, and has taken some smart steps to try to come out the other side with everything intact, but some of the onboard comments aren't going to help him. So can I suggest that we put the angry mob on hold for a few days while he tries to get things sorted out? With 20-20 hindsight he might have made different decisions, but let's help him get his book - please?
  16. These two were on the 'top ten wants' list I put together in Aug 2012. With this I get to cross off #s 8 and 9. Time for a new list I guess. #14 is the Aurora copy.
  17. Got this one in - love the grey tone figures in the foreground framing the full colour one at the back. Another great Jack Davis cover.
  18. Hey, that's Albert the Magic Pudding. You can't diss the magic pudding.
  19. quote=HRCostigan]First GA book I've bought sight unseen I get dizzy looking at it -- if anyone can explain to me the perspective going on here, I'd appreciate it! Great book. If you're serious with the perspective question, I think it's a poorly executed attempt at a single vanishing point in the middle of the picture. The line of sight if the gun is the obvious reference point. The lines on the floor tiles converge at a different point though. Incidentally, comic book covers often use visual cues to bring the eye towards the centre, like strong lines or figures diagonally pointing - lots of Fiction House examples. Once this was explained to me I started seeing it all the time.
  20. Umm, because it derives from the term exchequer, for financial clearing house, in turn an alteration of Middle English escheker, from Old French eschequier 'counting table'. So the question is actually why Americans misspell it 'check'?
  21. For that sort of money you could buy nice mid grade copies of some of the classic Four Color issues. I'd suggest 223 (Lost in the Andes) and 189!(Old castle's secret). Or you could buy both 408 (Golden helmet) and 422 (Gilded man). Lots of options.