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Everything posted by Bomber-Bob

  1. To be honest, even if the press does a fine job of taking out most of the imperfections, I don't think it will overcome that piece missing. The hit in grade for the piece missing will override most everything else. Additionally, I do think some of these other imperfections break color. That impact with multiple folds on the top left Back Cover looks pretty deep. A press would flatten it out but I suspect there will still still be a crease or two.
  2. It means they received your books and the books match the invoice.
  3. Just a friendly FYI. This thread takes forever to load with all the huge pics.
  4. Okay, charging an extra 3% on Paypal transactions is legitimate on the Boards Sales Threads. It's getting scary because I am seeing it quite frequently, seems to be catching on with all the new kids here. The Boards are essentially free of fees, no auction or E-Bay fees at all. Why nickel dime buyers for an extra 3% ? Why do sellers here feel entitled to not take on any of the costs of doing business ? I am making a statement, a 'protest' of sorts and hope others follow my lead. If I see the extra 3% in the sales thread, I am not buying from you. I really think, to keep the Boards a fee less venue, this practice should not be allowed. It's so easy to simply embed in the price anyway.
  5. Guys, you're scaring me. Call me snobbish but I don't want to go to a con and see mostly .50 books. I've been reading too many comments lately from dealers saying they can sell the good stuff online so they only bring the drek to sell at shows. Anybody bringing the goods ?
  6. I remember Borock, in the early days of CGC, stating he liked to assign a 'safe' grade or as you stated more cautious. I'll tell you what though, I would like to CGC implement the eye appeal check mark. I understand they already do it with cards. This would allow CGC, on a tweener, to give the lower grade with a checkmark. I like tight grading, good for the hobby. Who wants to get a 9.8 that has visible spine ticks ?
  7. In theory, the graders are supposed to know absolutely nothing about the books in hand. If you deslabbed the book before submitting they wouldn't know anyway. Regarding HA, I have no idea but I suspect it happens. To be honest, I don't have a problem, no biggie, with any relationship that may exist between HA and CGC.
  8. In fairness to them, the book was probably not in their hands. Curious to know if a Back Cover was shown in the listing. Note to buyers, always ask for a BC scan. Even on the Board sales, if I don't see a BC scan, I generally don't even consider buying. There's a Board Sales thread going on right now for a uber high grade SA book. Lots of detailed FC scans and one, far away pic of the BC. However, I think I can see a BC edge problem, similar, but not as severe, to this thread. It happens.
  9. Wow, interesting. My safe is also in the basement with a dehumidifier running 24 X 7 in the warmer weather. I have noticed that, even with the Eva Dry, the humidity level in the safe generally matches the humidity level in the room (basement) . I have a half basement, so not as deep. I wonder if that makes a difference for the humidity level ? I also have my sump pump sealed, screwed to the basement floor.
  10. BTW, on the 2nd shelf from the top you can see a green ashtray. I keep some stray staples in the ashtray, checking them for any rust spots.
  11. Nice setup ! Question: I can see at least 3 Eva Drys in there. Just wondering if that may be overkill as not enough humidity is also bad for paper. I have a similar size safe and keep only one Eva Dry in there. Seems to work fine, keeping the humidity around 40% and I only recharge about once a month, tops.
  12. I'll probably get a slap from our hosts for saying this I think there are bargains out there with the 'other guys' products. While it cannot be disputed that CGC slabbed books command a better price, I do think the 'other guys' have been grading tighter. I noticed this at the last Chicago Wizard World in August. Greg Reece had some fresh to market 'other guy' books that looked phenomenal for the grades. Others noticed also and some of the books were sent to CGC where they graded out higher, in some cases much higher. Just saying.
  13. I stopped watching last season after Glenn died, not so much because he died but HOW he died. All that Negan stuff was just too much and it just went on and on. Not enjoyable at all. I watched the opening episode this week and I liked it better. I liked the logistics of the attack, cheering the good guys killing the bad guys, that kind of 'feel good' stuff. I'm hoping for a better season.
  14. To be honest, I don't like the looks of this. No personal experience but it looks much too high. I do store some of my slabs horizontally but only stack them about 6 or so high. Get some shelves in that safe so you can stack them safely or maybe use some boxes or containers. Anything to take the pressure off. Not sure what a slab weighs, maybe one pound, so that would mean the bottom of the stack has near 50 pounds of pressure.
  15. It's either Shaken Comic Syndrome OR the book was damaged when it was originally encapsulated. There's also a BC bottom left corner crease. Was the damage evident in the original listing ? If not, this may be a bigger problem as the seller may not take a return. It's 'possible' you can ship this off to CGC, in the slab, and they may arrange some sort of resolution. It will never be a 9.8 again but maybe, with a press, a 9.6 ? However, if there is any sign of damage to the slab, none of this will work. I am very sorry this happened to you. Keep us in the loop. And whatever you do, keep it in the slab !
  16. I never thought much about the graded single pages but I always assumed it was sent in whole and CGC would perform the separation. Maybe I am wrong. You are correct, they started the ball rolling and probably didn't see it going much farther. Maybe they would be open to encapsulating panels but I would think it would have to be sent in a whole page and they do the separation. Do you think there would be much of a market for an individual panel ? It would almost have to be an ultra key with a panel from the main story. The individual pages are commanding such good money it would be a gutsy move to chop it up. I'm warming up to the concept !
  17. To be completely transparent, I think you should show a pic of the centerfold and clearly specify the grade is Qualified. I looked at this listing earlier and missed the married part. I think what you did is pretty cool, just need to be completely clear.
  18. How would CGC encapsulate a single panel ? We are talking smaller than a sports card here. How would they authenticate it ? CGC has expertise in many things but wouldn't we be talking about determining the age of the paper itself, as well as the ink = well beyond their expertise. They are not running a science lab down there.
  19. There is another thread for WTB (Want to Buy) requests. This is not the place .
  20. In defense of the OP, how is one supposed to know that a specific flaw is common to a book ? Most of us, unlike CGC, do not see multiple copies of a book on a daily basis. It's just another reason why I think CGC should NOT allow certain flaws to get a free pass. A flaw is a flaw no matter how it originated. While I would never have tried to remove it, I can see why it bothered the OP.
  21. A press would be silly on a book like this. The existing flaws are too numerous, a press would not improve the grade at all. 4.0, IMO.
  22. Looking at the TMNT lot, those are some awfully small pictures to try and ascertain if you are grading them fairly.
  23. You should move this to the PGM thread. The Please Grade My thread is where you ask for opinions on grade.
  24. Yes, and it gives us something else to obsess about. It seems like the majority of copies have the lighter green, as does my personal copy. Last year I held dark green 'variant' in hand and it was very impressive. If the cover colors are vibrant, the dark green combined with bright red against a glossy white background can be breathtaking.