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Ken Aldred

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Everything posted by Ken Aldred

  1. A correction’s more feasible. I’d be surprised if it fell to a level that makes me interested in participating again.
  2. 263 Invisible Differences GN Based upon the experiences of a woman who's lived with Asperger's Syndrome, this French graphic novel is actually absolutely spot-on, hitting on many situations that I've encountered myself down the years. Quite brilliantly authentic.
  3. 249 to 262 (14 issues in total) Crisis on Infinite Earths 1 to 12 History of the DC Universe 1 and 2 For me, Crisis still holds up very well. Marv Wolfman has the most difficult of the Crisis tasks, triaging and integrating nearly half a century of convoluted parallel universes and characters, whereas the later events, Zero Hour, Infinite Crisis, Final Crisis, Flashpoint, Rebirth, etc, only have to deal with simpler retconning over a few short years. The tone is quite grandiose, but fine for a story on such a cosmic scale. George Perez, of course, is truly excellent, and can do it all, art wise. The perfect choice for a comic book with an enormous cast of characters. The History of the DC Universe books have a very different tone, quite dry, scholarly almost, as you'd expect a history textbook to read, perhaps. They were originally intended to be the last two issues of Crisis before the series was expanded, but the tonal shift would've been jarring. A good decision to separate them out.
  4. 214 to 248 (35 issues in total) Constantine 1 to 23, new 52 series I've never read anything by Ray Fawkes before, but it's quite consistent stuff. Average art. Quite tame compared to the original series, but worth a read. Constantine The Hellblazer (2015) 1 to 12 By James Tynion IV and Ming Doyle. Good read. Much darker than the previous series, though not quite as much so as the original Vertigo series. Very nice art in some issues by Riley Rossmo, but, sadly, doesn't remain on the title to the end.
  5. It was also a cut up, originally formatted for a newspaper strip.
  6. Mac OS / iOS with Safari. The ‘clear cookies and website data’ fix.
  7. The Silver Age barrel scrapings… And the one already posted, just to complete the set of these imaginative reinterpretations of beloved horror characters…
  8. Another more unethical possibility would’ve been exploiting wartime paper drives to acquire comics for nothing, and then selling them off in cheap bundles.
  9. Back then, even the classic keys would’ve been considered Modern drek rather than Golden in any way.
  10. Sure you know I mean last week's stir-fried Sontaran episode.
  11. If only Bishop's acting matched his skill with a wok.
  12. Not to sound like too much of a fanboy, but New Trend ECs are utterly brilliant.
  13. That’s been important to keeping me involved over a 40+ year period, mixing up the content; different Ages, genres, publishers, etc. The sheer variety stops it from becoming boring.
  14. Two important but conflicting driving forces for me as well; books I care about vs limitations on physical space.
  15. +1 Not that many have great interior art or story either, but outweighed by historical significance. Obvious joke for me to think about criticising a book like Tec 27 for that, a mainly unreadable anthology comic, but nonsense to do so because of the very profound legacy of a small section of its content.
  16. I watched Cloud Atlas earlier in the week, and ended up thinking it was total bollocks. The RT reviews claim that it’s complex and deserving of several views to fully understand it . Who’s right?
  17. I’ve on occasion developed sensations of burnout, but realise I care too much about comics to leave completely, and that a period away to recharge has proved sufficient to get back into it. As has been implied here, it’s also important to realise that transitions do occur with age, and it’s natural to reassess your approach on occasion. Easily one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in comics was to quit buying back issues and shift to simply reading the stories digitally, only a short time before key back issues increased to prices unaffordable to many of us on a limited budget. It then made me realise that a lot of this key material is mediocre at best, destroyed a lot of false nostalgia for me, and that it wasn’t something worth chasing at absolutely any price. Appreciating the stories and art, going back to basics, with comfortable, effortless access to pretty much everything I’d want to read, and at bargain prices. 20p for a quality Image trade paperback is hard-to-beat value. That is, it created a sense of liberation from the dictates of the back issue market. So, maybe find an alternative approach which relieves that sense of frustration or crushing boredom. In my case, health issues also contributed to a change in approach, as it became physically too demanding to go to the LCS or to shows, which I really don’t miss any longer. The change felt quite natural and unforced, and I’m happier now following a less conventional pathway. I hope you find something equally satisfying.
  18. Remembrance Day, over here in the UK. But, the sentiments are just the same. Now, for example, that most of the combatants of WW2 have passed, it becomes even more important to prevent such conflicts from becoming vague, historical memories, in order that the most is done to avoid the darker, most tragic consequences from repeating. Thanks for your service.
  19. The public seems to have enjoyed it, the boardies in this thread have positive opinions, and so I have every confidence that I’ll like it when it appears on Blu-Ray. I feel on this one I’ll ignore the film critics, as it’s one of my favourite Kirby creations and I’m likely to get what’s going on better than a lot of them, anyway. Forty years of reading stories about the group can generate a very different insight and perspective.
  20. One advantage of reading digitally now is to discover that a key's story is unreadable and the art atrocious, and that I'm not actually missing anything by being too impoverished to afford it.
  21. Good to see that the Guardians of the Galaxy game has received some very positive reviews.