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Everything posted by 500Club

  1. That's an ignorant / unfair statement. Figment cannot be judged until mini is complete. It has been a fabulous spec if you were in from ground floor. I said we'd see about Figment going forward. That was about a month ago. Larry has been right so far. There has been a several week window to sell this book above cover. It may not stay this way, but, as of now, Larry's game plan to sell this book into the window of opportunity has been a winner.
  2. May I introduce you to the poster known as MrWeen?
  3. Believe it. The June 28th to July 2 average looks more like $28. It'll be more obvious in September. Okay, you take $28 and I'll take $38 and we'll revisit it in September. (thumbs u And, in the meantime, we can continue to enjoy it as a great read.
  4. -slym That kind of attitude does not play well with potential employers, mister.
  5. Believe it. The June 28th to July 2 average looks more like $28. It'll be more obvious in September.
  6. Yeah it's crashing hard, if you have any i'd get out now. A far different tenor of posts than in the spring. Perhaps there was some speculation involved in the book's price rise after all. Hope slym didn't invest all his money. He might have to get a job.
  7. Yea, a lot of work, like you would have to own a comic shop or something, huh? If you own a shop and have time to kill, then you might as well (if it's time that isn't being put into the business). For the majority of people that don't own a shop, here's the thing... If you enjoy what you do, it's a hobby, and it's not taking away from other commitments (that and you have little other interests to replace this with), then by all means. However, everybody should factor your time; I expect to get paid for sacrificing the things I enjoy away from work. Two other points: 1) You need to look at professional development (for me pursuing industry designations is very important to my career lattice), and this can be anything that provides value to your career (either technical or social). 2) You need to consider all alternatives in doing anything that's 'profit-driven'. I've had a number of investment articles syndicated, some that I threw together in a few hours that I generated between $50-100, some I spent the better part of a week on where I was paid $150 and $500. The latter was produced for discourse among industry professionals, and the reward of seeing my concepts put to light. The point is, there's lots of ways to make money (really a mess-ton), and before you take on the hassle of trying to grind out a few bucks here and there speculating on books before they hit the stands, ask yourself, is there something better you could be doing with your time? I think you deserve a punch in the nutz just for using the term; 'career lattice.' You're welcome to try, you probably won't like how it ends. Internet tough guys don't use terms like 'career lattice'.
  8. At the Image booth last weekend I heard that they are putting it on hold for the summer and planning on going bi-weekly this fall as a thank you to the fans. Issues #7 - 20 will be ready to go then. This was welcome news.
  9. Smells like someone bet heavily on Ninjak once upon a time. Wow ! I feel like Ninjak was the first Valiant character to cause the bubble to bust in the 90s. The print run on those books had to be high because there were stacks of them everywhere. I enjoyed the heck out of Valiant books and especially Bloodshot, X-O, and Eternal Warrior. Still, I think Ninjak sealed the deal. Geomancer helped! One word: TUROK Nuff said Yup, that's trump. (thumbs u
  10. Where did you read this news ? +1 And where's the movement?
  11. We'll see just how skilled the turd polishers are.
  12. So....... get a new artist. I like Nates work but he isn't the best ever of all time. Simply replace him and move on. If it was Nate and he down the line got his sheat together then bring him back on. I have a hard time believing it was Nate just for that simple task [of replacing him]. Before someone says it is not a simple task, this is ES we are talking about and a pretty popular book at the time. He could literally snap his finger and have people jumping at the opportunity Not sticking up for Nate as I watched what went down but I dealt with him twice for a few thousand bucks and he got my stuff out very quickly. Just another side to the coin. Oh, yeah. There's two sides. Unless NB has partial rights to the property, getting a new artist should have been fairly easy. Also, the variants for number 1 may have been a bit of a cash grab. Some criticism is fair. I just don't think ES should be utterly pilloried for his handling of NWM.
  13. TRANSLATION: E.S. is incompetent with regards to handling problems professionally. He's the head honcho, the big 'cheese' after all over at Image. If there's a problem with the story, he's the one writing it and no-one else is to blame. If there's a problem with the artist, hire another or hire an assistant to ease the burden. If anyone was in a position to eliminate the issues or nonsense driving the delays E.S. was in it. He demonstrated that he clearly cannot and furthermore demonstrated immeasurable disrespect to the fan base by not acknowledging the shortcomings earlier in a transparent way. That's pretty harsh. From the narrative, it's clear that Nate was the problem, and I respect ES for not throwing him under the bus, no matter how frustrated he was. I still recall Nate's excuses for not getting a boardie's purchased OA out to him in a reasonable amount of time. If you guys want to rail against someone, I'd suggest NB. Also, with ES's position in Image, how constructive would it have been to have aired the dirty laundry? To me, it would have been damaging to Image for ES to point fingers. Image has a sterling reputation as a home for indy projects, and I'm sure ES was well aware that publicizing the trouble with the book could have affected that.
  14. Those prices are all over the map! Will this be a dud in 2-3 weeks like so many other hot books? Are Disney Fans/ collectors going to be wiped off the face of the earth in 2-3 weeks? They are one of the most rabid fan bases on the planet. Think. Before you make such a moronic statement. Let's revisit this in six months, and decide if the question was moronic.
  15. Comparing anything to Star Wars Actually it's more like comparing the popularity of Boba Fett to the popularity of Harley Quinn. I like Star Wars as much as anyone but ask a 10 year old kid who Boba Fett is right now and I'm not sure he would know. Ask a 40 year old kid and that's a different story... Star Wars is the number one boys toy in the toy aisles. Boba Fett is a perennial favorite of this toy line and his character has been featured on the Clone Wars. Trust me, 10 year olds know who Boba Fett is. But, I wonder how many 10 year old boys know who Harley Quinn is? They do. At least, my 11 year old son does. How? From the PS3 Arkham Asylum video game. But, your point is valid. The average 10 year old boy will recognize Boba before HQ, I'm sure. That may not matter, though. The HQ fan base tends to be female.
  16. Just started! But I haven't seen prices spike in the last two hours. He wasn't referring to 3 win basement dwellers.
  17. Fixed it for you. Think of it like getting a few free IQ points. You could certainly use some yourself. I shine brightly in comparison to you. You make us all look pretty good.
  18. Fixed it for you. Think of it like getting a few free IQ points. Wrong. If people were investing their money in comics intelligently, they'd be buying blue chip "stocks", irrelevant of age or grade or pedigree concerns. Sorry, I should have adjusted that accordingly. Would've been more than a bite sized fix, though.
  19. JC is right. Now. But collector focus changes, and you can do a hell of a lot worse than buying high quality work like this. It wouldn't be shocking to see this trend come around again.
  20. You should seriously consider watching less TV . . . Just CNBC at lunch, and sports in the evening for me.
  21. Fixed it for you. Think of it like getting a few free IQ points.