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Everything posted by 500Club

  1. -J. +1 I see that stupid comment, and raise with 'he must be pumping the character just because he is sitting on a boatload of EoSV 2.'
  2. That is some poor art. There were a few interior pages in Previews. Equally poor.
  3. Sony owns the movie rights to Spiderman/Gwen Stacy. Hard for Marvel to make a movie with a property they don't own the movie rights to. (thumbs u If they're looking to hijack the Spidey concept, Silk is the better bet, and, even then, I'd expect Sony to come out swinging.
  4. That's a pretty unpopular view. And, I agree. My guess is that this hype will last for 6 months to a year, and then the Spider-Gwen concept will track a path similar to Mayday Parker.
  5. I'd guess so. For me, once X-Men got into the 200s, the quality became patchy. The Brood and Genosha stories in the 230s were probably the tipping point for me.
  6. Sorry, but . . . Now that I think about it. I don't find it a completely far fetched idea. The box office take makes a sequel (sequels?) quite likely. Who's to say that Disney can't or won't grow this property.
  7. This is a great comment that well captures the middle ground of this argument.
  8. That's me. Man of pedestrian art tastes. I'm comfortable with that. Many of the examples of 'fine art', such as the ones kav gave, are just nonsense to me, and makes me wonder if the accumulation of enough money anaesthetizes one's tastes.
  9. (boy, this will get me in trouble) Why haven't these artists made better choices in life, that they are in the predicaments they are at this stage in the game? Bob Kane was an artist. Stan Lee was a writer. Bob Kane died a wealthy man. Stan Lee is worth a fortune. What made those guys succeed, where others have failed? Was Bob Kane special? Is Stan Lee special? Or did they simply make better choices in life? Why are people made to feel sorry for those who had their entire lives to prepare for this time, and did not spend their money wisely? I'll add on by addressing the comment about never paying enough for artists and writers to save up for retirement. Companies pay what the free market determines is the going rate for a service. If they don't offer enough, no one accepts the work, and the pay rate rises. If they offer an excessive amount, there is competition for the work, theoretically driving the price down. 'Those evil companies should have paid more' is just whimsical thinking.
  10. Tougher to sell the book off the wall, after you've shown 500 copies to the Internet world.
  11. I don't know. How's his health? If he can attend shows, this is the kind of old school creator that I'd love to meet, and get a sig and/or sketch.
  12. He couldn't then, as, as was noted above, comics were simply disposable kids entertainment. On this topic, I agree with the folks who feel some type of credit should have been given. Hell, I still cringe at the thought of our high school English teachers drumming the importance of footnotes into our heads.
  13. Here's the thing. You can go it alone with your talent and creativity, start your own company, and accept all the risks of failure, or you can hire your skills out for a regular paycheck. Your wife did get something: employment and security. In hindsight, it always seems like the creator is disproportionately short changed in cases like this, but, at the time, without the umbrella of the company, the creator wouldn't have been in the position to develop the creation.
  14. Not trying to poo-poo or naysay. Honest. Just offering a counter point or two. The beauty of having this community and thread is having like minded collectors share their thoughts. I have books in my boxes I wish I'd thought twice about before loading up on. Think of it like the comic collecting equivalent of 'friends don't let friends beergoggle'.
  15. I'm comfortable with my lack of understanding. In three years, I'll be shocked if there's people asking us at shows for second appearances of Spider-Gwen. EoSV 2 will be the book that lasts. If you can flip some of these secondary books in the short term, though, all power to you.
  16. Yes it is. Definitely not a surprise at all. (thumbs u -J. Of course, that's the end of the story, and must be very satisfying for you. The great ASM 361 first/second print debate is over, and you are the winner. Don't tell him that! He won't understand that you're being sarcastic, and he'll repeat it as his own in a few months. You're probably right. After all, he did manage to miss the fact there was a debate about the importance and possible outcomes of copper second (and later) printings a few pages back.
  17. Yes it is. Definitely not a surprise at all. (thumbs u -J. Of course, that's the end of the story, and must be very satisfying for you. The great ASM 361 first/second print debate is over, and you are the winner.
  18. Oh, he's right, make no bones about it. Who knows, maybe collectors will come around to this way of thinking. I'd love to sell my two copies of Agents 6 for WD 1 money. But, so far, these things aren't collected as first appearances by the majority of collectors, including me.
  19. Why is that always the response around here when one can't back up their points otherwise? Get used to that response. How is it The Spider-man Sampler is not the first appearance? It came out in may of 2012, months prior to Avenging 9. At the very least it's the first Danvers as Cap cover. Is it a standalone story, or preview pages? Introducing The New Captain Marvel right on the cover, this is the cover image to Avenging 9 and the first time we see her in the costume and named as Captain Marvel. Looks to me like this freebie is first Danvers as Captain Marvel first costume first Danvers as Cap Marvel cover. I really cannot see how anyone here can dispute this. That part is indisputable. If it's just preview pages, though, it remains to be seen if a premium will be paid for it.
  20. Why is that always the response around here when one can't back up their points otherwise? Get used to that response. How is it The Spider-man Sampler is not the first appearance? It came out in may of 2012, months prior to Avenging 9. At the very least it's the first Danvers as Cap cover. Is it a standalone story, or preview pages?