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Everything posted by kimik

  1. I wonder how hard the competition opening this weekend and the next will hit Homecoming's numbers? Next weekend we see Dunkirk and Valerian open which will divert more movie goers $$$. WW and GotG2 benefitted from a lack of viable competition/big budget busts (POS/PotC 5 and Transformers 5). It does not look like Homecoming will have the same scheduling benefit.
  2. It will be curious to see how Homecoming does with the increased competition this weekend. WW had bigger second Thursday and Friday numbers than Homecoming did, and the male fans will be going to the War of the Planet of the Apes. It may work out that release date timing is the biggest factor for both WW and GotG 2 - less competition/failed big budget competition (i.e. PotC/POS and Transformers 5) domestically helped those two films. I would not be surprised if WW exceeded its weekend projections. There is not much competition for it with the female audience.
  3. Isn't the 1st appearance of Darkseid to have still the one panel cameo in Jimmy Olsen #134?
  4. True enough. Kirkman drove a hard deal and cut Moore out. I don't know anything about it so I can't say if it was an intentional omission or not.
  5. You mean Kirkman was lucky to get Adlard to replace Tony Moore. WD #1 was recommended to me the week it came out by my LCS. The story was okay, but I could not stand the artwork. Adlard is much better for the tone and feel of the book than Moore was.
  6. I would not look at comic keys as any barometer of Hollywood success. The problem for most indie books is longevity of the runs. In most cases, if the creator moves on then no one really cares about the 1st app. even if it is a box office success. The only indie franchise that has broken that trend really is TMNT. That being said, there are plenty of quick rise and full flop back Marvel and DC TV/movie related books as well. After the Bronze Age, books are too common.
  7. I will be happily surprised if any of these hit the big screen via Sony. As a fan I would love to see X-O or Bloodshot on TV or a feature film, but there is still a long way to making that a reality.
  8. Geez, last time I checked WB/DC already had their Iron Man/Wolverine. Good thing that Batman is not a DC/WB property. I fully agree with the comment by The Brain made re: WW bringing in the huge female audience going forward for the DCEU, but Batman is still the main meal ticket for WB. This writer is getting a bit ahead of themselves here (or is too young to have seen the Nolan trilogy on the big screen?).
  9. According to the website, it should be 31 business days from that date to get them back. Look at late August/early September, so just in time for the fall shows.
  10. Sorry, but your books are in the submission that is verified as of 7/11/2017
  11. I had a chat a year or two ago with two back issue LCS owners that are still around from way back when in the early/mid 80s. They used to order one to two extra cases of hot titles (ASM, Batman, Ghost Rider, McFarlane books, Leifeld New Mutants, but also a lot of Image titles) sometimes more, in the late 80s through 1995. They would pay $0.50 or less per copy in the mid to late 80s and start to sell off half of the overstock at $2-$3 within a month. The rest, they kept. Both of the stores had their share of misses with what they did/did not order, but now they are reaping the benefits of their approach of hanging on to some for a later date. One has mistimed things a bit on some books as they started selling their extra case of NM 98s in the $50-$100 range and two cases of Infinity Gauntlet at $5 apiece three years back (he still has more somehow - must have really gone big on that one ) but the other one is now slowly leaking out their Copper overstock at full market. That being said, I know that the second store did hit a cash crunch in the early 00s where they unloaded 10,000 books on another LCS. Included in that was close to a long box of NM 98s. They were a great buy at $10 apiece when they were blowing them out at a local show a month after the purchase. I remember that they were getting as much for the newest issue of Hulk/Wolverine battle issue at their booth (whichever title/number it was) as they were for the slower moving NM 98s
  12. So far I am torn, but I think the best episode of season two was the mid season finale when he had to save Chloe. The full season finale was strong as well, but not quite as intense as the mid season one. In any case, I have a few more friends hooked on the show now and everyone is thanking me for turning them on to it.
  13. Not sure about the others, but Emma Roberts can act. She was very good in different roles in a couple of seasons of American Horror Story.
  14. No trolling, just stating an opinion that most collectors I know will agree with. I would still go with ASM 40-100 over FF 40-100. The FF had three good arcs dying that time, and they all revolved around Silver Surfer - 48-50, 55-60, and 72-76. After issue 76 the title really tanked. It is kind of funny and or sad at how bad it became. Outside of maybe the surfer arc in 120-122 (which still is pretty weak) FF 100 to start of Byrne is mostly unreadable drek. It is terrible. During the same period, ASM saw Punisher appear (who is bigger than FF since the mid 80s), the clone storyline (for better and worse), and intro of a major new female partner/foil in the Black Cat. I would argue that ASM 200-275 is better than FF from same era, including the Byrne run. Spidey was further developed during that time, while FF was trying to rehash the early 60s glory. What major new development or progress happened in the FF? Take out the Byrne run, and it is very bad again. After the Byrne run, it is arguably one of, if not the worst, Marvel titles. I don't know if it is due to the concept or a lack of care/focus by Marvel, but it gets really bad towards the end and through the series of relaunches
  15. You can pick up a bunch of nice VF to VF/NM copies of most of the better Steranko covers for relatively cheap, Jon. Instead of going with just one, get a few of them.
  16. They still were a third rate crew by the late 60s. FF was pretty much hit and miss from #6-75, and really dropped after that. The 70s FF was particularly weak. The last decent run in the title was when Byrne dropped by in the early/mid 80s for a bit.
  17. I have found a few, but most have some sort of damage due to the dark cover. They sell for a nice premium even in mid grade.
  18. Not that long ago it would have been $13.20 - $16.50 USD...........
  19. This book was hot from the start. I was 12 when it came out. I brought two copies to school to try to recreate he cover in art class. Both were stolen by the end of the day....... It was also speculated on due to the first full appearance of Venom. I can remember seeing people buying long boxes of them at my file LCS. Fast forward to 1999 or 2000, a small time flea market dealer came up with a long of ASM 300, two longs of McSpidey 1s, and a short box of ASM 252s plus tons of other McSpideys. I grabbed a stack of the best copies of each. Should have held them for longer. All were from the same collector who was liquidating - guess the early retirement from comics did not pay off.
  20. Nice book! Based on current prices for lowly single cover copies, I would list it at $10K and see what kind of offers you receive.
  21. It is not even close. FF was the first Marvel super-hero book, but definitely not the greatest comic of all time.
  22. That is by far the best of the FF. It gets hokey around issue 8 or so. ASM was much better.