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Everything posted by kimik

  1. They have an interesting early line-up of guests for the Edmonton Expo this September. Much better than last year at this point. From the comic perspective, Jim Steranko is the big name, but other creators include Larry Hama, Bob McLeod and Howard Mackie. For Riverdale fans, Veronica and Cheryl Blossom will both be at the convention. I guess my daughter will want to help at the booth so she can get their autographs. Who is planning on attending?
  2. It was s till cheap in the late 90s and early 00s. I had 12-15 copies of Batman #227 in VF to VF/NM (maybe a NM- on a couple) that I paid no more than $40 (most in the $20 - $25 range) for back then. I sold them way too early.
  3. Congrats to Greg on the great books!
  4. The FF would do poorly because the property sucks. Even the first two movies, which had some moments and some decent names, did not do well at the box office. Not even a Tony Stark/RDJ appearance could save a new FF flick. While the past two films bombing did not help, IMHO another big issue with this Spidey movie is the casting. Tom Holland does not have the charisma as a lead that Tobey M did, and it shows. He is a decent supporting actor, but not a superhero leading man. The same could be said for the last guy in the role (I can't remember his name). Some of the other cast members (Zendaya?) appeared to just be blatant attempts to attract a targeted audience and it does not seem like it is working. The fact that there is mixed word of mouth is hurting this film as well.
  5. Seems like they are trying to establish the Sinister Seven or Evil Eight with all of the villains? This looks like a trainwreck in the making, but if they cast the two leads properly at least there will be some eyecandy for the fanboys to look at.
  6. I guess if you are willing to pay with your Vegas funds it is worthwhile. At the least, you lose a bit (which is what was likely happening with Vegas fund in the first place). At best, you make a small profit.
  7. Thanks. You know how sensitive I can be about things like this.
  8. All they need is to have a cool sound when it clicks on and have him say "my spider-sense is tingling".
  9. @piper Hey, how come you got so upset with my views on the turd that was Ant-Man but are being so nice with other boardies?
  10. On the flip side, that is great to see for anyone holding nice stashes of raw copies!
  11. Fantastic Four for me. As a youth in the late 80s that started reading/collecting, it always seemed funny that it had the "World's Greatest Comic" tagline but was so bad. When I read the reprints of the early issues it did not do much for me either.
  12. The point I was trying to make is that the fanboys I went with back then were older (40-50) and the SM 1 and SM 2 movies connected just as well with them as it did with the younger crowd (I was only 27 at the time). Based on the comments I see here and elsewhere, this movie is not doing the same. FWIW, my kids did not like the Holland-Spidey in Civil War. They are both under 14 and that is the market that should want to see Spidey (they want to see Thor: Ragnarok though ). Since neither one wants to we will be hitting Dunkirk or Valerian this weekend instead.
  13. I went to the first Sony Spider-Man movie with a bunch of 40 - 50 yo old-time collectors that loved the film. It is a character that resonates well with all age groups as long as it is a solid movie. Based on the mixed comments about this one, there is something that is not connecting across the broader audience like the original SM 1 and 2 did.
  14. Only if you buy them for $1 or less a book. It does not make sense to pay full cover for them as there are better places to speculate on comics than a small publisher whose books may one day see the movie/TV screen. Otherwise, paying cover for a book that might hit $10 is not worth the time.
  15. I am not too keen re: the 80s setting for a sequel. Why not just do a follow on to the Justice League films at that point?
  16. What about Robert's illegitimate son that was hanging out with Arya a couple of seasons ago. I thought that he is rumored to be back this season. That would put him ahead of Cersei, right?
  17. Cool snag. I believe that Byrne, BWS and others went to the UofA art school (or another one?) way back when. There are quite a few pieces of Byrne OA floating around Alberta. I missed out on one from a kijiji estate auction a couple of years ago - two pages from MTU #53 for $150 CDN apiece. I was person #2 to respond to the ad and lost out to person #1.
  18. LOL. I did not say I think Homecoming sucks, just that I do not care for Holland as Spidey. I will wait to watch it for free as a result. FWIW - I held off on Batman Begins since I was not sure re: Bale as the lead. I was wrong in that case, but I saw enough of Holland as Spidet in Avengers 3: Civil War to make up my mind for this go round. Sony has a tough act to follow since the first two movies (especially the second one) were so good. Everything that has followed has kind of been a let down.
  19. I will wait until it comes out for free on Netflix or elsewhere. No use paying for a movie that I suspect I will not like. I was not a fan of Holland as Spidey in Avengers 3: Civil War.
  20. Interesting. So even the MCU involvement did not really turn things around for the Spidey franchise? I think Spider-Man has become the Marvel equivalent to Superman. A property that is still valuable but not as big as it used to be. Based on the comments here, it seems like the jury is out on the movie as well. i wonder if catering to a younger market with the casting choices was a mistake as the film is not resonating with the older crowds like the first two movies did?
  21. I think that was the big 1988 show at the Shaw Convention Centre? If yes, that was a great show for guests. There would have been Stan Lee, Steranko, Jim Lee and Todd McFarlane if I recall correctly. Every table had stacks of ASM #300s at $5 apiece. I was just 12 at the time, but that was the first "big show" I had ever been to and it was great!
  22. Have not seen Homecoming yet (and likely will not due to my kids lack of interest) but it sounds like Ned Leeds plays a good sized role for a back up character? Hobgoblin as the villain could be fun.
  23. So far it looks like there will be a decent slate of guests - better than last year at least (although it did turn out that we unfortunately had one of Carrie Fisher's last show appearances ). Not sure what to expect from the Gene Simmons appearance, but there should be fans out in droves. Time to pull out those KISS comics.