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Posts posted by Black_Adam

  1. 15 minutes ago, lizards2 said:

    Our local Safeway (only grocery in town) has instituted a seniors only time from 7 - 9 am.

    Curious, since I thought Safeway was a regional store, where generally are you located?  I'm in South Central Oregon, where we border Nevada and California.

    I am near Vancouver, BC. Canada Safeway has 162 full-service grocery stores in Western Canada!



  2. This morning I bumped into a neighbor on the elevator, also on her way to work. She is a cashier at Safeway and when I asked her how things were going she burst into tears. She has been dealing with the madness daily, on the front line, trying to keep her head while everyone around her loses theirs. Meanwhile, her husband is at home desperately trying to care for their autistic son now that his special-needs school has closed due to the outbreak. She is overcome with exhaustion and fear, just like all of her co-workers and all of the other Costco, Wal-Mart, etc. employees who are working their a**es off trying to keep the sky from falling. It isn't their fault there's no bread, toilet paper or whatever else you need on the shelves.

    So if you are at the store today, for any reason, try to be polite and patient and, if possible, let these workers know how much you appreciate their being there through these scary times, but please - NO hugs!


  3. No time to even think about buying comics and have been trying not to get caught up in the hoarding panic, but it's hard not to worry when you go to the Safeway to get a loaf of bread and realize there is no bread (even though it is being rationed to two loaves per family), no meat (other than one forgotten pack of beyond meat) and zero canned goods - other than the last two cans of cut yellow wax beans (one of them dented) which I immediately scooped into my basket. There was also no ketchup - will people be using it to make soup? (shrug)


  4. 7 minutes ago, theCapraAegagrus said:

    Plenty of places, but they need to be shipped to an FFL, where you'll have to pass a background check, and receive required registration papers, etc etc etc...


    People, seemingly all of a sudden, are confused by the fact that they can't have guns shipped to their front door. :roflmao:

    I forgot to add that I am in Canada...

  5. 16 minutes ago, aardvark88 said:

    1 of them is Big Pete's. He has updated his Facebook, and now, unfortunately, won't be seeing any of his subscribers for a 3-4 week lockdown of his shop. Not sure how much longer Taz Comics will be open for. Situation changing daily. All BC casinos also closed.

    Taz is where I normally shop but I also like to hit up Big Pete's when I'm back on the North Shore. Not too worried about the casinos, closest I come to gambling is buying comics off eBay.


  6. 16 hours ago, aardvark88 said:

    My LCS basically just shut down for next 4 weeks. He will be allowing subscribers, up to 2 at a time, enter the foyer of his shop to pick up their weekly comics after remitting payment by cr card, PayPal or e-transfer. Updates via his Facebook, Instagram or email list. Rest of time in the shop, he will be cleaning up his racks, and doing a few more renovations. 

    Public libraries in my city will all be closing starting tomorrow for at least 2 weeks due to Covid-19 fears. Same time that all elementary and high schools are closed for 3 weeks extended spring break but they can't see a movie (e.g. Bloodshot), as Cineplex Canada closed until Sat. April 4/20. Stay healthy folks.

    Who is your LCS?

  7. 25 minutes ago, Jordysnordy said:

    Thanks for all PMs and kind words.

    @Iceman399 @bounty_coder @skypinkblu @SpideyFein

    I am alive, healthy and well.

    Just dealing with lots of work and stress pressure.

    As many know, I run a Bridal Wholesale business in Canada and we sell to mostly Mom and Pop stores, who are beginning to feel the brunt of this, with more and more retail stores closing very day, which will trickle back up to their suppliers - same for almost most industries out there - and it's very unnerving to see what is happening. 

    On top of this, the plunging Canadian Dollar is just brutal for importers - and believe me US boardies - I can see us Canadians selling books to profit from this FX rate as opposed to us buying books now. It is now costing us about $1.40 to buy  1 USD - that's the problem with much of our economy being based on oil.

    The only bright side is that gas is so cheap here now but everyone has no where to go :insane:

    The Quebec Government yesterday announced some measures to possibly help everyone so hopefully the Federal Government will follow suit. I think Trudeau is supposed to address this issue today as best as they can.

    I have decided to re-read Savage Sword of Conan 1-235 to pass the time. Spidey has always been my main guy but the past few years have had me falling love with Conan again.

    For anyone looking to read comics on line - go this this website that I found - they have tons of titles, complete - scanned and ready to read. A great way to re-read old titles or discover new ones.


    I hope everyone is following the guidelines and being safe and smart.

    It is crazy times but we are resilient enough to overcome this.



    A bridal wholesale business? That sounds challenging as I am guessing a whole lot of weddings are being canceled. On the other hand, once this health crisis has been resolved I am sure there will be a huge backlog of brides!

    And I have never read Savage Sword of Conan (though, ironically, I have read all of the REH novels). I'm assuming they are a good read, where is the best way to start? TPBs or pick up the actual mags?


  8. 2 hours ago, Dark Knight said:

    Same here!  I have the complete original sets both A and B variations + the errors from Series 1-15 in NM condition

    All my Wacky Pack stickers are still stuck to birdcages, dresser drawers and headboards buried fifty feet deep in the North Van landfill (along with all my Star Trek and Charlie's Angels stickers).

  9. 20 minutes ago, lou_fine said:

    Unless this disease becomes an apolcalyptic event, no doubt you are correct in saying that the economic fallout from the disease will kill more than the actual disease itself.  :frown:

    Sad to see how fast the number of cases are rising in Europe on a daily basis, while they've fallen down to only about 10 to 30 new cases a day in China now.

    I don't trust the numbers out  of China. I think the party has made the decision to put the health of their economy ahead of the health of their citizens and are controlling the narrative accordingly. :whatev:



  10. 14 minutes ago, fishbone said:

    YES  !!!   and also remember "scrambles" when you'd stand out in the playground at recess and basically throw away all of your triples and quadruples and watch everyone lose their mind fighting each other to grab everything they could !!?? Was so fun in Canada  (i'm from Toronto) being 10-12 in the late 70's and in love with hockey and hockey cards

    That 90's craze started by Upper Deck - what a scam that was. I have everything still, and it's worth about a penny a card, if even that. Still love my collection though.


    Ah yes, scrambles. :cloud9:

    My school in North Vancouver had a grassy hill right beside it and kids would stand at the top with a bag of beat-up cards, announce a scramble and hordes of schoolmates would flood that grassy slope, wild-eyed with anticipation. And when those cards started flying...I am sure there are WWII battles that were less violent. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, sacentaur said:

    The lurking vampire at the bottom of the well just slays me, what a chilling and outstanding horror cover! And did someone say white pages?

    :takeit:per pm, many thanks Rick. 

    Is the vampire at the bottom of the well? Looks to me like it is his reflection (do vampires have reflections?) and he is looking down from above - with her staring in horror back up at him.

    Oh, and nice pick up! (thumbsu

  12. 2 minutes ago, Hollywood1892 said:

    Sadly I stopped collecting soortscards around the time I bought a whole bunch of Patrik Stefan rookie cards lol...that's the difference between comics and cards I think comics are a little easier to predict than cards because sports cards are determined on an athletes performance...Stefan was a real bust...uggh

    Same. I am still holding onto all my Gregg Jefferies rookie cards waiting for the comeback.