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Everything posted by Overthetopinc

  1. Sorry is that where this is supposed to be<sigh> I was just so happy with myself about getting it right. I never look at marketplace stuff only discussions so please forgive me if I am wrong
  2. moving it to the thread instead of own topic.
  3. Hello, I got killer trade and cash. Looking for some real primo pieces. Hit me up if you have something? best, Matthew
  4. Here are two pieces I would love to find that were auctioned off via HA some years back when I was concentrating on other things.. https://comics.ha.com/itm/original-comic-art/frank-miller-300-4-wraparound-cover-original-art-dark-horse-1998-/a/7229-91032.s?ic4=GalleryView-ShortDescription-071515 https://comics.ha.com/itm/original-comic-art/frank-miller-spider-man-and-daredevil-special-edition-1-wrap-around-cover-original-art-marvel-1984-total-2/a/7036-92183.s?ic4=GalleryView-ShortDescription-071515 TOP $$$ paid
  5. Fair enough guys. I will not discuss this matter anymore. I do know there are some valid debates. Just thought I would chime in with my positive experiences. I did and am happy with that. I would have done the same with any of you.
  6. No more about the Donnely's. From me at least. I know plenty about Richard Rae by the way. I don't care on continuing this game people play on this thing. I do know that people are very rude on social media and say things that are insulting that they would never say in a civil discourse to someone's face so no need to wake up tomorrow and continue that nonsense. As for your post Ankur, Great painting but ya I do not understand that jump. Been a few years but that definitely belongs on this thread,lol.
  7. You know you were doing great until the last line with your question. Do you think when someone asks about experience's with the Donnely's as opposed to random character assassination might make sense? Social media is a curse! As for Batman_fan that is a messed up situation. I feel for ya on that. That is all I was asking for. Because many people just talk even though they never even exchanged a word with them. Therefore there are tons of posts but only few examples of why they should be singled out. That is all I have been trying to say. Ya, the Romita signature is a bit strange. One might be able to say a Romita signature on a piece is a plus if it is a spidey piece but I never would but I could see that if I apply some empathy. As far as pricing that is a decision they make. I do not find that a valid complaint.
  8. If you do not mind could you share what the bad experience was with Steve or Rich?
  9. This is the problem with social media. We dance around in negative circles and nothing changes. People just get more irate. I could say well they do not put lengthy descriptions on any piece so if you inquired I am sure they would tell you. Ya, I am well aware of everyone who does no business with them have a lot to say. That is why I thought I would chime in with my personal experience with them.
  10. Why don't you email them and ask if that is a stat of the art or hand drawn on. I bet its a stat.
  11. I traded them an Jim Lee uncanny xmen cover years ago that went smooth. I also have bought some pricier items in the last year that I will take pics and share with ya when I get a chance. That went smooth. Also one of my first art purchases was a Ghost Rider pinup 21 years ago that went good as well. I do not know the whole situation apparently about the stats but with me at least they have been good so I had to make that post because of that.
  12. I can agree with that. But I doubt those stats are glued on. They are probably just a sheet laying over the piece for presentation purposes.
  13. I do not agree with putting stats on it but I will give them the benefit of the doubt and figure they meant to say unpublished cover which it might be because the original cover has those characters I believe in a graveyard. Maybe something they know we don't? I just do not see them out to fool anyone. But I agree the stats do not do anything for me and probably should be left alone.
  14. I am sorry to hear that. I was overjoyed with how our deals have gone down in the past. I did a large trade with them too awhile back and they were solid.
  15. I have bought pieces from Steve and Rich and they were a class act. I know many people who feel the same way. Maybe you would to if you actually try and buy something from them. I do not think they are trying to pull one on anyone by creating stats for pieces. You kidding most of those twice up covers, that has been done too ions ago. It is at their expense and they do not claim it to be original stats or original art. Anyone who has money to buy something from them knows that. They are in the business of selling art and they try and make it more appealing. I do not feel it adds to the piece but I do not slam people I do not know, never met, nor bought or tried to buy anything from. If you have a real complaint, let's hear it. Otherwise all this copying and pasting with insults is for children. Now I know enough to know no one is going to like this post and I will not get any credit for sticking up for good people or change any minds on this damn thing we call social media but at least I know I tried =)
  16. That Hit Girl Darrow is a great piece. I was thinking of making a play for it but running out of wall space<sigh>
  17. How much do you guys think the Lobo 1 by Simon Bisley will sell for?
  18. Bump! These right now are still at a small fraction of what they cost if you buy direct from the source. They are absolutely incredible in person. The winning bidder will be very happy when he see's them in the flesh.
  19. I have these two covers up for auction by the great up and coming Ryan Brown. In person they are incredible. I bought them for 6500 each. He rarely sells his originals and the prices start at 5k and go up from there. I am sorry to see them go. Someone might get a real bargain here! https://www.comiclink.com/Auctions/allsub.asp?Focused=1&id=1398&Artist=RYAN BROWN
  20. I am looking for a nice painting featuring a main character by Alex Ross. I have art in trade if that is what someone out there might want to do instead of cash. If you have a nice example and there is a chance you might part with it, please message me =)