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Everything posted by G.A.tor

  1. I'm in the car driving to a basketball camp in Mississippi but when I get to the hotel I'll elaborate my thoughts and curious others take as well
  2. Nedor would be number seven or eight.
  3. 3-fox 4-mlj 5-fiction house 6-fawcett 7-ec 8-centaur 9-quality 10-ace, though I would put lev Gleason ahead of ace and probably quality too
  4. I think the "bid" on the clink fps7 might have had a lot to do with the price movement (I don't buy it for a second, but what do I know)... but, there are only a handful out there, and most every centaur is "rare"...however, if folks do want an early Kane proto, then surely this book should be separated in value from surrounding issues, even though all are about the same scarcity level star 3 is the same...there are only a handful of known copies...I'm not sure what the guide says it is in fine, but I paid $3500 for a 6.5 copy... opportunities rarely come up to own any single digit star comics, so they are "worth" what someone is willing to pay I agree that FP 2/10 is just as significant, but let's be realistic, no many folks banging down doors looking for Gustavson's arrow books these days (though they should!)... Jon Berk owns several of the MH I believe, as does Metro/Fishler... Win M and Bunky Brian also have some caches of MH copies of centaurs... Rick; You indeed are the man when it comes to the Centaurs! Was there an actual bid on a CLink FPS 7 as I typically have not pay much attention to CLink since their GA selection were rather slim at best? Not the case anymore, I would now have to say as based upon their past few auctions. Google indicates that CLink has a CBCS 5.5 copy of FPS 7 available now for a reduced ask price of only $3,400. Looks like it may possibly have been affected by the $3,500 you had paid for your Fine+ copy of Star Comics 3. Based upon your experience with the Centaurs, what is your ballpark estimate for a Fine copy of FPS 7 since I assume it should be less than Star 3, if based upon rarity? It would appear that none of the Centaur hero books, including even Amazing-Man himself, are not holding up as well as the main super-hero books for the Big 2. Actually, the Centaur covers that I really like are AMF Vol 2 #4 and Funny Pages #40 & #41. Okay, I guess you can toss in the run of AMF #3 - Vol 2 #3 in there also. My purchase was private so had no bearing on market ask of any other book That said, a fn copy could certainly publicly fetch 2500-4000+ depending on situation I paid handsomely for a 7.0 fp40 at auction last year.
  5. In fact number 6 was second to last star I needed.
  6. Read fedex terms of service and conditions of carriage. They assume no liability without insurance (even against theft) and they cap collectibles at $1000 regardless of value stated (you can only purchase coverage upto $1000 from them). I exclusively use Fedex. I carry private insurance. I have box only addressed to "new force" and not "new force comics" just for the reason of not alerting anyone to possible contents. I had one box , which I believe was stolen in 2014 , that was shipped from Sdcc . I only received $100 bc with private insurance you don't claim value ...I chose not to file claim with private insurance because of potential of having policy dropped after a minimal claim (was $800 ) Bottom line is Fedex won't pay a penny more because their terms were accepted when they were chosen to be the carrier. So don't stress out any longer. Hopefully box will eventually arrive but if not, life is too short to worry yourself as it appears you are ... Now, fedex can be sued if you choose, but my understanding is without concrete proof of gross misconduct or negligence (which I don't think you can prove at this point ) , the suit would carry no merit and be dismissed at discovery.
  7. The 8.0 sc22 that I had that later became a 9.0 came from a source that has a few other nice copies (at least 3 iirc). He doesn't , however have a better than fn sc4 I would say less hg sc4 in the wild than sc22 but that's just from my experience. Your mileage may very.
  8. 6 is tough. Maybe third toughest behind 3&2/4
  9. I think the "bid" on the clink fps7 might have had a lot to do with the price movement (I don't buy it for a second, but what do I know)... but, there are only a handful out there, and most every centaur is "rare"...however, if folks do want an early Kane proto, then surely this book should be separated in value from surrounding issues, even though all are about the same scarcity level star 3 is the same...there are only a handful of known copies...I'm not sure what the guide says it is in fine, but I paid $3500 for a 6.5 copy... opportunities rarely come up to own any single digit star comics, so they are "worth" what someone is willing to pay I agree that FP 2/10 is just as significant, but let's be realistic, no many folks banging down doors looking for Gustavson's arrow books these days (though they should!)... Jon Berk owns several of the MH I believe, as does Metro/Fishler... Win M and Bunky Brian also have some caches of MH copies of centaurs...
  10. Judging by the CGC numbers (and both copies having WP), I'd say most definitely. Wonder just how many more high grade copies such as these two are out in the wild. It's truly amazing to see two copies in HG with WP's. This is another indication that SC4 was printed with better paper than BB28 or SC22. SC22 is the rarest of the top three DC SA in HG. 17 copies of sc 4 in 8.0 and above and 15 copies of sc 22 in 8.0 and above...pretty comparable...
  11. A 4.5,4.0 and 3.0 sold at Sdcc. One 6.5 and a restored 8.5 did not
  12. I doubt they'd ever grant permission for such a request but even if they did, I live in Connecticut, quite a bit aways from Memphis, Tennessee. What I don't understand is, legally, how can FedEx ever stop searching for the package if there's evidence of it entering their facility and zero evidence of it ever leaving? If they reimburse me the $4,000 -- at that point they've made me whole and it would make sense. But if they don't do that, and there's no evidence that the package is not still in their possession in Memphis, how can they cease searching? as someone that has visited the Memphis sorting center, it is big, but it is finite...once they exhaust their search, there is no other place to search (that is how they can cease)... because the system has an element of human error potential, there really is no way to know what happened if the parcel doesn't follow normal procedures... if they don't find it, it is not in their facility to find...the question is where it ended up, and that is generally not ever known without scan data (mis delivered, mis routed, lost, stolen, damaged and tossed, etc)
  13. Both times with FedEx? Once with Fedex, once with the Post Office. Then you started using UPS .... sorry to offend anyone that might work for ups, but they are the worst for shipping collectibles with...
  14. I'm sooo sorry to hear this happened to you. I can't imagine the emotional roller coaster you must have went through. Is it safe to say that you still scour the marketplace for these stolen gems 'till this day? I know for one, that would have questioned my faith in humanity. A very sad story indeed they were discovered a year later, but because UPS had paid some insurance on them, they technically owned them and wouldn't proceed with trying to reclaim , so they were sold to whomever
  15. I bought the page from a fellow collector for $4,300 -- a good deal IMO, as it was more than $100 less than a similar example, page 3, sold for at CC auction recently. did anyone ask if you have your collection insured with CIA or the likes?... I don't have collector's insurance, no. might be a good time for those that don't, to do
  16. I bought the page from a fellow collector for $4,300 -- a good deal IMO, as it was more than $100 less than a similar example, page 3, sold for at CC auction recently. With any luck, it will turn up at your doorstep sometime soon. If it was in fact grifted by a FedEx enployee, the one upside is that it is an unmistakable page. The thief can crack it out to sell it raw or reslab it for a different cert #.....but if he does that, and it ends up in a CC,CL or Heritage auction....I'd have to think that the auctioneer would pull the piece and guve it to you, after you presented proof that you are the owner of the page and the consignor had given the auctioneer stolen goods. this will require a police report, I believe...not sure we are to that stage yet, but maybe getting close
  17. I bought the page from a fellow collector for $4,300 -- a good deal IMO, as it was more than $100 less than a similar example, page 3, sold for at CC auction recently. did anyone ask if you have your collection insured with CIA or the likes?... yes, near the top couldn't remember...another "positive" that can come from this thread is folks should have an insurance policy as well
  18. I bought the page from a fellow collector for $4,300 -- a good deal IMO, as it was more than $100 less than a similar example, page 3, sold for at CC auction recently. did anyone ask if you have your collection insured with CIA or the likes?...
  19. maybe 7-8 years ago, some on the boards will recall I had 2 boxes of detective comics stolen while in UPS high value care ...I didn't properly insure...I lost a ton of money (legal actions were persued, but ultimately failed for a myriad of reasons) the ultimate ending, was that the burden of value was on me, and because I hadn't insured for my ex post facto stated (and easily proven) value, I was responsible for the loss, even though UPS investigators were able to determine the boxes had, indeed, been stolen by an employee, while in their care... will continue to hope for a positive resolution in this case, but ultimately, this thread can serve a good lesson to all to properly (and FULLY) insure collectibles...especially in today's environment
  20. Most every decent copy of sc 4 sold at Sdcc this past weekend
  21. The chances of that are virtually zero. Absent direct evidence (and no the tracking doesnt count) there is almost no way I see the Police searching a shipping center for a missing package. If FedEx is in custody of my property, and there is no evidence to prove it wasn't stolen or still in their possession, how could they be off the hook after doing nothing more than conducting their own in-house investigation? Is there no burden of proof required on their end, and a simple "we couldn't find it" then frees them of any accountability? pretty much. That's what insurance is for , unfortunately. I listed alternative options that the parcel could have experienced (and there are many others). I believe on their form there is a waiver from use though I'm sitting in Atlanta airport in a 3 hr weather delay so I can't check their terms Gator, im in Atlanta too, Gate A01 gate a31 for at least another hour
  22. In the event of a damaged package, I completely understand. But this is a package that entered their grounds with no evidence of it ever leaving. Legally, I don't see how me checking off a small box on a submission form, sans the numerous disclaimers FedEx lists, frees them from liability in this case. and yet it does
  23. For the record Fedex is light years better than ups or Usps That said full insurance (private) is only protection since they will only insure a collectible upto 1k
  24. It's not that they are off the hook, their position is they know problems,errors,things will happen and if you employ them to move a parcel the only protection they offer you is insurance
  25. The chances of that are virtually zero. Absent direct evidence (and no the tracking doesnt count) there is almost no way I see the Police searching a shipping center for a missing package. If FedEx is in custody of my property, and there is no evidence to prove it wasn't stolen or still in their possession, how could they be off the hook after doing nothing more than conducting their own in-house investigation? Is there no burden of proof required on their end, and a simple "we couldn't find it" then frees them of any accountability? pretty much. That's what insurance is for , unfortunately. I listed alternative options that the parcel could have experienced (and there are many others). I believe on their form there is a waiver from use though I'm sitting in Atlanta airport in a 3 hr weather delay so I can't check their terms