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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. See, I love Nowlan too! So, JR Jr, Nowlan, several others mentioned in this thread are favorites of mine. So the question is: do I have taste, or are all of you nuts?
  2. OK cool, Thanks. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't some crazy treasure . I'll likely pass it on next time I sell a graded book. Just my two cents, so keep checking the thread, someone pay pop up shortly and tell you it is in fact a treasure, and I'm a boob! Stranger things have happened. Good luck either way!
  3. I don't think it's really worth anything. Ordinarily it's the kind of curiosity I might pay a buck or two for (I think the chromium X-men Alpha and Omega unfolded covers turn up every once in a while, and seem to sell for $15-$20) but the prominent placement of the "Zitfighters" would be a turn off for me personally. If you were looking to sell, I'd throw it up on eBay with a starting bid of $4.99 and see if it goes anywhere. Otherwise, it's odd, hang onto it and enjoy it!
  4. Yeah, I turned it off, but it then it said since the case was already opened, I couldn't close it. Regardless, I came to an agreement with the buyer and everything is ok now. Thanks for the vent space, as always!
  5. It's the new Catwoman #70. Cherry picked a copy off of the stands, along with several other "final" pre-52 relaunch issues. Held onto it for a while, sold it for practically nothing. Now I'm rebuilding my AH collection, so of course it's exploding.
  6. Considering that we're all gonna kick the bucket eventually, we're really "renting" everything. At some point all of our treasures will either go back into the collecting wild, or the landfill. On a less dark note, I go through phases myself. As a younger man I amassed a very large collection that I really thought would be permanent. But I got older and priorities changed, and I decided I didn't really need the books anymore, I'd just collect trades and HC's. That lasted for a couple of years before I decided I missed the comic action, and I got back into it again. Rinse and repeat. At this point I do have a handful of books that I think are lifetime keepers, not due to value (there isn't much) but because I love them so much. But everything else is negotiable.
  7. Yeah, I was going to, but since eBay automatically opened the unpaid item case, I can't cancel the order because a case is still open. If he'd emailed me before the case opened, I would have done that for sure. But now I'm sorta stuck, as far as I can tell.
  8. Yeah, noticed that last night, really, really sucks. 45 cents adds up quick when you're shipping out a bunch of books. Ok folks, it's been a while since I've had a problem transaction (knock on wood) but I have a minor issue and thought I'd see what you all think. I have a cheap book up for sale, 14.99 asking price. Buyer offers $13, I accept. Four days pass with no payment, eBay starts the automated unpaid item process. Suddenly (go figure) receive a message from the buyer telling me his phone was broken, he was out of town, etc and oh by the way he also realized he already owns this book, wants me to cancel the transaction. My initial thought in these situations is generally "screw 'em" and let the automated process do its thing and record an unpaid strike. But today I'm feeling generous, so I think well, maybe I'll cancel. So I have to turn off the UPI, but I can't close the case without answering "Yes" he paid me (which he hasn't), because the "No" option is greyed out until the timeline passes (another four days.) I sent him a message explaining this to him, and haven't heard back, but my question is, in these situations, do any of you end up with headaches if the buyer ends up paying after all, like revenge feedback, returns with the books messed up, etc? I've been selling for 20 years and have never had a bad experience like that, but it's been a few months since I sold on eBay and haven't run into a NPB in a while, and was wondering what I might expect these days. Thanks for your input!
  9. What a great thread, love the pics! The last thing I need to do is start collecting something new, but this gives me the itch...
  10. Resurrecting from the dead. You can add another one: 2017 Loot Crate (64 page newsprint w/original ads) With likely 500K copy print run, probably easy to find for cheap. Alas, I'm still waiting for my Loot Crate box to arrive. Oh, cool! If it's lootcrate, should be able to pick one up for just a few bucks. I sold my USPS reprint a while back and subsequently regretted it. Edit to add: Has anyone got one of these in hand yet to check the dimensions? Looking on eBay, they seem a little skinny/tall to me, more like a modern size, but I could be wrong.
  11. I love both of 'em, especially Walt. I agree with an earlier poster: most of this is personal taste. There are some Garbage People working in the industry, but as for the art, that's all in the eye of the beholder. Well said, person who isn't me that I won't take the time to scroll back and properly quote!
  12. I can't see the pic for some reason, but in my experience a folded page book is just art, something cool to look at. Usually the pages will spell out a word or make a design or something.
  13. LETTERS! You had LETTERS??? We had to use Smoke Signals or Drums!!! divad beat you to the smoke signals. We used Semaphore signals. Went through a lot of flags trying debating FF 67/Thor 165/MP 1.
  14. Thats a nice price for the book. I would've thought they were plentiful but it must not be the case. I pick up Bolland WW's any time I see them in nice shape, which isn't very often anymore. 5-10 years ago you could still scoop them out of 50 cent and dollar bins, but these days not so much. But of the many I've dug up, this is the one (along with 72) that I almost never find. I don't think WW was exactly a blockbuster title at the time, although that is admittedly just my personal anecdotal remembrance, and definitely not based on any real numbers. The hardcore WW and Bolland people got theirs years ago, and have held onto them. Since then, the run has gained in popularity, and people are picking them up more and more. Same goes for the AH run. See them, buy them. Your going to be finding them less and less. I'd go so far as to say any Bolland cover is worth picking up - love 'em! Especially since most of his runs are great comics regardless of his covers. This is definitely true as well. Animal Man, Invisibles, Camelot 3000, Gotham Knights, Wonder Woman, etc. All winners all the way around!
  15. Thats a nice price for the book. I would've thought they were plentiful but it must not be the case. I pick up Bolland WW's any time I see them in nice shape, which isn't very often anymore. 5-10 years ago you could still scoop them out of 50 cent and dollar bins, but these days not so much. But of the many I've dug up, this is the one (along with 72) that I almost never find. I don't think WW was exactly a blockbuster title at the time, although that is admittedly just my personal anecdotal remembrance, and definitely not based on any real numbers. The hardcore WW and Bolland people got theirs years ago, and have held onto them. Since then, the run has gained in popularity, and people are picking them up more and more. Same goes for the AH run. See them, buy them. Your going to be finding them less and less. I'd go so far as to say any Bolland cover is worth picking up - love 'em! Oh, I'd definitely agree, I pick up any Bolland book in nice shape if the price is right, regardless of how many I already have.
  16. Thats a nice price for the book. I would've thought they were plentiful but it must not be the case. I pick up Bolland WW's any time I see them in nice shape, which isn't very often anymore. 5-10 years ago you could still scoop them out of 50 cent and dollar bins, but these days not so much. But of the many I've dug up, this is the one (along with 72) that I almost never find. I don't think WW was exactly a blockbuster title at the time, although that is admittedly just my personal anecdotal remembrance, and definitely not based on any real numbers. The hardcore WW and Bolland people got theirs years ago, and have held onto them. Since then, the run has gained in popularity, and people are picking them up more and more. Same goes for the AH run. See them, buy them. Your going to be finding them less and less.
  17. I posted it in this thread 11 years ago. To my knowledge they always were but I also know a few things have changed under the latest leadership so I'm not so sure all the same rules for 9.8 still apply. So, I was right, and I didn't even have to do any research!
  18. Later issues were always hot sellers at the LCS back in the day. Not sure if that's still the case anymore though.
  19. My understanding was that very small bindery tears were allowed in 9.8, but that would be the top grade that the book could get. Of course, I can't remember where I read that (I would assume somewhere on these very boards) and it's entirely possible that I was hallucinating.
  20. Right. Because people don't know how rare it is. So, if someone's claiming that it's available, I'd like to see where. If it's not available, it's just possible that some people out there collect Adam Hughes rarities and might be interested to know about it. Or are we not supposed to post new information unless people already care about it, in which case it's not new? Yes, thank you for posting this book. I don't think most of us had heard about or seen it before. I'll say this every time like a broken record, rarity or relative rarity does not mean anything. Supply < demand is all that matters. Hughes has tons of early work that nobody seems to care about because it is not the style or quality of work that made him popular today. http://comicvine.gamespot.com/scandals-1-good-as-gold/4000-181440/ and someone else's WTB list: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=4796457 OK, thanks. I haven't seen anyone that has a physical copy verify that though, per my previous comments about the art style. Sounds like it is Adam vs. Stephen though. Agree that rarity by itself doesn't mean anything. Rarity plus collectible creator, however, seems to. There are lots of Alan Moore rarities that I've chased down because it's Alan Moore and it's fun. Likewise with Adam Hughes. I guarantee you you're wrong about "nobody" caring about early Hughes, cuz I do and I know some of it is tough to find. Early AH is still my favorite, because that's when I started collecting his stuff. Justice League, Maze Agency, Legends of Stargrazers, all of that great stuff!
  21. That guy is...interesting. We have a big arcade expo/convention here in Louisville every year, and last year he was one of the guests of honor or whatever. He sells his own hot sauce and wears a suit everywhere. At the end of the night I saw him hovering over a kid that was playing Donkey Kong, like some kind of creepy, mulleted sensei. I had no idea that Blip existed and now I want one. Thanks thread! He was in the documentary King of Kong, which highlights the battle for worldwide high score in Donkey Kong. He is... interesting indeed. Great documentary to watch though, especially if you spent anytime in an arcade in the 80s. Oh yeah, I LOVED King of Kong, but experiencing the dude in the flesh is pretty surreal. ha
  22. I've been debating this one, just because Margot Robbie is such a honey. With Flexpay it's only $100 a month, but it's still pretty pricey. Hmm...
  23. " In my experience I am use to seeing 9.0 + being referred to as NM" That's some bad experience right there.... He would be a seller's dream customer... willing to buy VF+ and VF/NM books from someone who calls them NM. As a buyer from him, however, not such a dream. Ha, and he even outed the name of a boardie who bought a book via PM.
  24. That's an interesting story. At one point I had a pretty much complete AH collection, but never had or saw one of those. Now I'm trying to rebuild my collection. The hunt is on!