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Everything posted by damonwad

  1. Thanks, definitely not your typical western cover.
  2. Thanks. Both have been tough for me to get in decent shape so I'm happy with them.
  3. It seems like I'm always adding books to my want list. It's fun to take one off the list every once in a while.
  4. Nice looking copy. Howdy was before my time but my dad loved the show as a kid. I think most of my knowledge of Howdy comes from the Happy Days episode.
  5. Thanks adam and that's an interesting thought, 40yrs, on the available reference material dictating the pages per subject. I don't know much about Garfield except he was assassinated early in his term.
  6. You may be a little weird but it's sure not because you like books like this. What a great comic. It also reminds me of Everett's cover on Amazing Man #7.
  7. He has some great ones, that's for sure.
  8. You can't get much further from his Conan books than this Presidents book. You're not alone on the Bowie books. I think I only have 5 of them but will eventually get the rest. There's a boardie that has a real high grade run but I can't remember who.
  9. I believe someone on the board has the original art for this page. Just an incredible page! I would love to talk to that boardie. Here it is. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=15&Number=9419449&Searchpage=1&Main=128714&Words=%26quot%3Bmitzi%26quot%3B&topic=0&Search=true#Post9419449 That CGR #10 is a nice book. Here's the Movie Comics #4 version of the splash for comparison.
  10. Thanks go to Scrooge for recommending this 100 pager earlier in the thread. 99 of those pages have John Buscema art. The book touches on every president from George to Ike and reads like a history of the U.S. with the "stories" tying into each other. I thought it was a good read and enjoyed Buscema's art. It's not an action oriented book but Buscema did master the "guys standing around in suits" portion. Also, it was odd that the book gave 2 pages for Jefferson but 8 pages to Grover Cleveland (same as Washington, Lincoln and Teddy). What the heck?
  11. Ben Bowie #7. The first of the non-Four Color issues.
  12. We tend to think of the transformation of "collecting" from niche pastime to obsessive money-centric mania which occasionally makes the news as a recent development, but no -- here's Frederick Opper in 1891 to tell us otherwise. If you're a collector or know collectors, you can see that Opper has nailed many of the basic types of mania that can take hold: - Obsessive autograph seeking - Strange alliances built around hoping to get a chance at buying a particular collectible. - Amassing a great collection making you famous and esteemed among your peers - Collecting unusual stuff that you'd think that no one will ever, ever care about - The joy of finding something good for under fair market value. And of course, the mask collection is a great visual that has been used in numerous different ways over the decades. I keep meaning to make a large print of this for myself, as I... am familiar with one or two of these concepts. That's a great page. Except for the clothing, it doesn't seem that much has changed for collector's in 125 years. This makes me want to re-read a book called A Gentle Madness, about obsessive book collectors throughout history.
  13. Definitely a great little "short run" and I hope to see a group shot when you complete. Not all 5.0 or better but glad to have it complete... I'd be glad to have them too. Nice group shot. Would make great floor tiles Now that would be great for a comic room.
  14. Great Frankies, this is one of my favorites! Did you just recently acquire these or are you just getting around to posting them all together? Most of the recent. I need to submit my raw copies one of these days... I knew when you posted some of the Frankenstein's last week that you'd end up getting this one on Sunday. Great book and definitely my favorite of the series.
  15. Definitely a great little "short run" and I hope to see a group shot when you complete. Not all 5.0 or better but glad to have it complete... I'd be glad to have them too. Nice group shot.
  16. Definitely a great little "short run" and I hope to see a group shot when you complete.
  17. That's awesome. I bet she'll have a blast going through your collection as she gets older (if she hasn't started already).
  18. Not your typical western cover. The lone eyeball looking up through the water was a nice touch by Ayers.
  19. Maybe this werewolf is meant to be howling but it reminds me of the painful transformation scenes in An American Werewolf In London.
  20. Now that scarecrow is creepy. I've noticed the comics from time to time but had no idea that was a show, thanks for posting. I'm a Patrick McGoohan fan so I'll have to check it out some time. Worth watching if you can get a copy. The Disney Archive edition is going for $300. since it is out of print but there may be other ways to get a copy. I still remember the classic hanging scene as a kid. I re-watched with my own kids a few years back and it was still really good! I saw those oop dvd's were real expensive but there's a place nearby that has it for rent so I'm in luck.
  21. Now that scarecrow is creepy. I've noticed the comics from time to time but had no idea that was a show, thanks for posting. I'm a Patrick McGoohan fan so I'll have to check it out some time.