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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. Or, they may chalk it up to what they liked you didn't appreciate. So why would that be a 'suckerpunch' - because you don't think like they do? What is odd are folks that feel like it is crazy someone can appreciate the DCEU movies. That seems to be more the trend here, rather than people saying you can't dislike these movies. For some, these are going to work. For others, not. Umm... That doesn't work. My personal favorite funnybook movie is The Dark Knight, really closely followed by Superman: The Movie & II (Theatrical Cut) and Batman Begins. I liked The Dark Knight Rises better than The Avengers and Iron Man (which I liked.) Batman, Batman Returns, Supergirl, iZombie are good company efforts too. The only trend I can see is Warner/DC starting to produce middling movies during this current time frame like they used to (Steel, Batman & Robin, Catwoman.) I'm just driving at a certain bar has been set with the Nolan and Marvel movies. Heck, even Marvel went past it with Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm not going to settle with some over-stuffed blockbuster wannabe. ...I'm hoping Affleck's solo Batman movie is 'da bomb, like Phantoms or all is going to be lost to this moviegoer (and probably many more.) I'm not interested in any others anymore other than Gadot's WW and that one. I don't think they have the "talent" to pull off team movies yet.
  2. Nice one But I have to say, that's why I liked it. I enjoyed the dark tone to the movie. Then again, I'm just a grumpy old bas..... I like dark-toned funnybook movies mind you. The Crow Batman Returns The Dark Night My thing was Synder didn't know how to balance the themes so well in any version of this, like a more gifted filmmaker could and not worry about merchandise and Happy Meals sales. Which is odd because he remade one of the best horror sequels of all time into his own vision that almost can be considered an equal in some regards. I'm sure down the road, we will here about the studio pressure and how he caved in to it, denouncing his efforts on it. That will be quite the "suckerpunch" to fans on here who gave the theatrical cut an 8 out of 10 in a poll a while back.
  3. WOW! I don't remember anyone mentioning Walter Hill 2005 recut of The Warriors to look like a comic book movie. I would have watched it sooner. For some reason, I always avoided this one. I practically saw all of Hill's movies too (including Johnny Handsome.)
  4. Man of Steel, had moments here and there making it a solid enough movie, until it collapsed in on it's self during the climax of too much CG spectacle. Batman V Superman is way too cold and cynical to be considered a comic book movie. It had plenty of wonder, but I figured out what it was missing... a sense of humor. Why so serious? Suicide Squad, wasn't as bad as BVS. It was like an accident on the road you drive by. You know you shouldn't watch, but cannot help yourself. But, the biggest thing of all is when you finish all three of these movies, you don't really need to ever watch them again. I remember wanting to re-watch "Guardians of the Galaxy" right after viewing it for the first time. I saw "The Matrix" on a matinee showing on Friday. I went to the very next show. I went again on Sunday even. Then a week later with friends. Saw Iron Man & The Dark Knight a couple times as well. I guess what I am saying is that I have no urge to go out of my way to see or buy anymore DC movies, unless they get good reviews from now on. I like to say, I have my own taste in movies, but they have been right lately with these hundred-plus million dollar budgeted clunkers. I'm sick of buying the swampland, they put out in shiny-new million dollar properties.
  5. I have the soundtrack. But I don't think that's what you mean.
  6. Only mistake they made last time was to release the film in color against George Miller's wishes. Black and Chrome is the only way someone should watch Fury Road and it's sequels when made Is that version out on Blu Ray or even DVD? I grew up watching b/w and somewhat prefer it. I just watched The Force Awakens with the color off and it looked amazing, like one of those old serials. Hmmm... I might try that with Raiders tomorrow. Yes it is and may still be in a theater near you to be honest. The film just left the local art house theater after a 3 week stay. Raiders is a film that a lot of film experts picked as a film better to watch in black and white Sounds great! I'll look into it for maybe Monday. I imagine the opening jungle shots of Raiders in b/w is stunning with mood, as well as the truck chase with old fashioned stuntwork.
  7. I will have to check it out. I love Fay Wray. If you love Fay, you are going to love this one. Especially, when they are being chased around on the very familiar King Kong sets. If there wasn't a Pats game tonight, I would watch the Uncut '33 classic again.
  8. Only mistake they made last time was to release the film in color against George Miller's wishes. Black and Chrome is the only way someone should watch Fury Road and it's sequels when made Is that version out on Blu Ray or even DVD? I grew up watching b/w and somewhat prefer it. I just watched The Force Awakens with the color off and it looked amazing, like one of those old serials. Hmmm... I might try that with Raiders tomorrow.
  9. Picked up the Criterion edition of "The Most Dangerous Game" yesterday. I forgot how awesome that one was. For an 85 year old movie, it holds up better than a lot of the "newer completion." Makes a great companion movie to King Kong now as well. Still in love with Fay Wray. Might look for her Four Feathers and Vampire Bat movies now.
  10. One of my favorite big-budget movies that has came out recently. They have miles of road to take the mythology in, so I think this is one of those can't fail things, if they take their time to do everything right.
  11. Mostly I'm lurking through this thread, but, superb actors? Isn't someone forgetting the frequent presence of OTT villains (some of whom I'm sure I remember twirling their mustaches on camera)? And that guy chewing scenery in those episodes? ; ) I liked the OTT villains. The Master was the (ahem) master of them all. This was an underrated one that had absolutely superb character actors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stones_of_Blood Mainly Susan Engel & Elaine Ives-Cameron. They are in there, sprinkled throughout the series. You just got look for them.
  12. I've always had mixed feelings about Logopolis. I thought Tom Baker should have been done by Destiny of the Daleks. I mean Invasion of Time should have been a decent enough farewell and it would have added some depth to The Power of Kroll, if he regenerated by then. A new actor should have been given the chance to work on more Modern ones like The Leisure Hive, The Keeper of Traken, Warrior's Gate and Logopolis. That's just my I love Tom Baker in the role, but it just never fit perfectly at a point. Has anyone ever felt this way? :shrug:
  13. Ah very simple for me Inferno. A very unique story concept used only once in Doctor Who in which two side by side universes are being affected by a similar situation in which two stories are going on simultaneously. The fun they have with the characters in both.
  14. I was six when I started back in '81 and wasn't really exposed to the newest special effects movies at the time like Raiders or Star Wars. All I had was Battlestar, Buck Rogers, Knight Rider on TV and an occasional viewing of King Kong or The Most Dangerous Game. So, my demands were low and I used a lot of my imagination. But, I see your issue now with episodes like Davison's "Terminus" (I really can't get past that giant space dog) or even the enhanced effects of "Enlightenment." My advice is too stick with the more relevant episodes like "Genesis of the Daleks" for maximum enjoyment. "Pyramids of Mars" has some creaky moments, but is still pretty good. Early Pertwee is cool retro in an Austin Powers way, as early T. Baker's gothic stories still work. Hope this helps.
  15. I'm curious to hear what people's absolute favorite Doctor Who episode was from the original series. Only one choice. Any Doctor. I'm still happy with "The Talons of Weng-Chiang."
  16. Ahhh... Revenge of the Cybermen. My first exposure to them. Loved their cold musical theme too. Now CGC could really improve the Cybermats too.
  17. I need to jump on the Torchwood bandwagon sometime.
  18. Being released worldwide on Blu Ray and DVD next week. I know what I'm buying Tuesday.
  19. I respect your opinion (YAH! No Capaldi hate,) but I felt Smith's personality fit perfectly in the tone of his stint. Outside of the 5th series the rest of his era is exception of 50th Anniversary episode with bad series endings, Monty Python two parters, and worst send off ever. Capaldi is dark, brilliant, and fresh of breath air from Smith. Only issue with Capaldi era was the dumb odd couple opening with Pink and Coleman All the Doctors of the modern era were great in their own way (except Ecclestone who was just ok). Whoever thought up the whole "regeneration" thing was a genius. Ah Gerry Davis came up with it, he was the cocreator of the Cybermen. The whole thing was done because Hartnell was getting too sick to continue doing the role and they needed to replace him as the first doctor. So Davis thought up since the Doctor was an alien that he could die and regenerate whenever necessary I can't believe how they shoehorned a "War Doctor" in the Modern series and how much it worked. John Hurt is my Mother's favourite Doctor (She's watched almost every episode since it was first broadcast). She was hoping he'd get a spin-off... That would be awesome if he did get a spinoff or at least one more episode.
  20. I respect your opinion (YAH! No Capaldi hate,) but I felt Smith's personality fit perfectly in the tone of his stint. Capaldi is superb as The Doctor - love the darker tone - but you've hit the nail on the head with Smith IMO. I'm with you on the companions also. I wasn't a fan of Ace... However now Goldeneye's mentioned it, I find myself wanting to go back and rewatch the last two seasons with McCoy. Great thread! It is isn't it.