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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. I respect your opinion (YAH! No Capaldi hate,) but I felt Smith's personality fit perfectly in the tone of his stint. Outside of the 5th series the rest of his era is exception of 50th Anniversary episode with bad series endings, Monty Python two parters, and worst send off ever. Capaldi is dark, brilliant, and fresh of breath air from Smith. Only issue with Capaldi era was the dumb odd couple opening with Pink and Coleman I Liked The Impossible Astronaut, Day of the Moon, Asylum of the Daleks and The Power of Three. I haven't seen all of them yet as I'm trying to savor them, but I am looking forward to Let's Kill Hitler, The Wedding of River Song, The Snowmen, The Name of the Doctor. I do admit Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and A Town Called Mercy doesn't linger with you as much and The Angels Take Manhattan was underwhelming.
  2. I respect your opinion (YAH! No Capaldi hate,) but I felt Smith's personality fit perfectly in the tone of his stint. Capaldi is superb as The Doctor - love the darker tone - but you've hit the nail on the head with Smith IMO. I'm with you on the companions also. I wasn't a fan of Ace... However now Goldeneye's mentioned it, I find myself wanting to go back and rewatch the last two seasons with McCoy. Great thread! Stick with Happiness Patrol, Remembrance of the Daleks, Curse of Fenric, battlefield, and Survival the last season has no clunkers, but Ghostlight is not for everyone Thanks, will do. I'm thinking about picking up The Happiness Patrol & Remembrance of the Daleks too.
  3. I respect your opinion (YAH! No Capaldi hate,) but I felt Smith's personality fit perfectly in the tone of his stint. Outside of the 5th series the rest of his era is exception of 50th Anniversary episode with bad series endings, Monty Python two parters, and worst send off ever. Capaldi is dark, brilliant, and fresh of breath air from Smith. Only issue with Capaldi era was the dumb odd couple opening with Pink and Coleman All the Doctors of the modern era were great in their own way (except Ecclestone who was just ok). Whoever thought up the whole "regeneration" thing was a genius. Ah Gerry Davis came up with it, he was the cocreator of the Cybermen. The whole thing was done because Hartnell was getting too sick to continue doing the role and they needed to replace him as the first doctor. So Davis thought up since the Doctor was an alien that he could die and regenerate whenever necessary I can't believe how they shoehorned a "War Doctor" in the Modern series and how much it worked.
  4. I am not a fan of Eccleston's Doctor myself mainly because he was too cool to be the Doctor, but his portrayal was what was needed for a whole new generation to be introduced to if too weird they would walk away Yeah, that's why I wrote off the series at first when it came back on. Everything felt too slick and commercial right down to the Doctor. Once buzz around David Tennant started to materialize, my ears started to perk up again, but not enough to jump back on the bandwagon as by then I was in all things comics. What episodes I did try my girlfriend fought me over as she didn't get it. By Matt Smith, I wanted to start watching again, but I was so far behind. I don't like binge watching a show. I knew by Capaldi, that it was time to catch up, because the show isn't going anywhere but forward. My first episode was The Time of the Doctor and I have been scrambling to catch up ever since. Biggest regret, giving up on the Doctor Who revival to watch every funnybook movies like Ghost Rider or Spider-Man 3 in theaters and DVD. I'm a little wiser now and won't buy into their hype years in advance now. I like cerebral escapism, I found that last night with "The Beast Below" (Matt Smith) for the first time. I'll remember for a longer time than X-Men: Apocalypse.
  5. I understand what you are saying, but it hinders the flow of the narrative and annoys the audience too. I found Ace very annoying, not Adric annoying, but pretty well up there with Harry (from the Tom Baker reign.) Ace is the modern companion prototype. The companion has issues that must be faced and grows each story until eventually the companion comes full circle from growth and ready to go on their own no other companion did this in the original Who with exception of a distant second Turlough. That is why the last two seasons of McCoy are is special Ace's story needs to be finished. I would throw Leela at you, but she was a savage right to the end wasn't she. I never bought that abrupt stay at Galifrey, even as a six year old (Louise wanted to leave for a play.) I think Turlough was the only companion, that had a great character arc from the old series and the rest were there as window dressing or eye candy (Nicola Bryant.)
  6. I respect your opinion (YAH! No Capaldi hate,) but I felt Smith's personality fit perfectly in the tone of his stint.
  7. I understand what you are saying, but it hinders the flow of the narrative and annoys the audience too. I found Ace very annoying, not Adric annoying, but pretty well up there with Harry (from the Tom Baker reign.)
  8. Me too. Would have her back in the show in a second. I never understood why she "left". Rose was a tough act to follow and her story was not as complicated to tell. They really used Martha as much as they could besides we got Donna Noble best companion of the new series so far I was indifferent to Rose (an ok character but not a fan of Billie Piper) and I didn't like Donna Noble I was very thankful when Amy Pond came along. Yup, Amelia Pond was probably the best written companion of the Modern Series. Lust aside (Jenna Coleman, a close second in character development,) you cannot beat the fairy tale of Amy Pond's life. Jenna Coleman had a literal uphill battle to follow-up that act. But, the producers did a great job "introducing" her before her Clara even showed up. I did enjoy Rose as one of the more traditional companions, but she didn't mesh as smoothly as Karen Gillian did with Matt Smith.
  9. I've got a 50th Anniversary one with more recent Companions and a Doctor. It is packed and ready to go out again should a few people make some appearances. Yeah I am border line on this one if I want the other Doctors to sign this poster or just leave it alone You might get away with having Matt Smith sign it, since he was on the poster 33 years ago. Time travelers.
  10. I grew up poor. My father had to build me a TARDIS out of plywood and paint it blue. He got sick of me using Kleenex boxes as TARDIS's. I had to use Star War action figures as Doctor Who characters. My grandmother knitted me long Tom Baker scarf. I used a tire pressure gauge as a sonic screwdriver. I did collect a lot of Target novelizations of Doctor Who episodes. But there just wasn't any Who merchandise like there is now. Especially, if you lived in New Hampshire.
  11. That sweater vest. I remember how irritated I was with question marks on the collars of later Baker episodes. I know McCoy couldn't have been to happy with it either. I would've reserved the facepalm for Bonnie Langford I just felt they were too exaggerating the show at that point, from the actors to the story. They should have been grounding it more in somewhat reality if they didn't the resources or money (see Jon Pertwee.) I'm really trying not to make fun of McCoy to his fans either, but instead of a regeneration, we got a degeneration of everything across the board right down to the charm of the series. Let's be honest, there was always some kind of magic going on with the five previous Doctors (especially Troughton through Davison) that made us forget about the poor production values.
  12. I think I liked The Happiness Patrol the best out of the whole run. It's the only one I remember as it was the last Who episode I watched on PBS in '91. But, I didn't love it mind you. It just had the old style Who storytelling. I was surprised to see it going for a pretty penny on DVD on eBay.
  13. That sweater vest. I remember how irritated I was with question marks on the collars of later Baker episodes. I know McCoy couldn't have been to happy with it either.
  14. A Dr Who/Magnum PI crossover... "It is rather a large castle."
  15. Jenna Coleman was the perfect companion That's what I keep telling her in my dreams. What a woman!
  16. Jenna Coleman was the perfect companion That's what I keep telling her in my dreams.
  17. "THE GIRL DOES HAVE A NAME" CGC is a little less mysterious now.
  18. I'm glad it's not just me that happens to Ah the British, you just need to understand them. Most of the British actors care more about stage work than television or movies. So to a British Actor, like Peter Davison, if all you are going to bring up to him to sign is Doctor Who and All Creatures Great and Small then in his mind all you know him for are those characters when he wants to be recognized for more. Ummm... He had a decent guest role in Magnum PI.
  19. Definitely. The person who started it must be a genius. +1