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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. Old group shot picture of the 9.8 #nn's (the Idina SS book not in the picture.) The first book is a CGC SS 9.8 with Eva Bella's (young Elsa) and Livvy Stubenrauch's (young Anna- "Do you want to build a snowman?") signatures and the other CGC SS 9.8 signed by Spencer Ganus (teen Elsa- the actress who successfully sued Disney to get her cut of the profits,) with a couple random Universals and second print 9.8. I think I still have 3 Universals, I don't even want. My prize SS 9.8 Frozen book, signed by Idina Menzel (Elsa) & Jonathan Groff (Kristoff).
  2. Watching Jon Pertwee's "Day of the Daleks" DVD. I'm saying Jo was at her most adorable, with her denim jumper and white go-go boots. Can't help but notice she wasn't doing the commentary though. Probably too embarrassed with her occasional dialogue in some episodes. Disclaimer: This is exaggerated. Jo "Doctor, what's that?" Doctor "It's a ray gun." Jo "Oh dear. What's a ray gun?" Doctor "Seriously? [beat] It's a gun that shoots rays" Jo "Oh no. Are rays dangerous?" She definitely was a trailblazer for Nicola Bryant's Perry. But her successor, Elizabeth Sladen probably felt like Meryl Streep, when she started.
  3. Yeah, I was a little surprised myself, on how they set that one up.
  4. Yeah, I've been thinking about it all day and decided I must have one too. Not this week as I had a antifreeze leak fixed, so my radiator won't get frozen. Yeah, that 2nd print in 9.8 is very elusive. I noticed on the bottom of a lot of raws, there is an ugly chip (along with color breaking spinal stress.) Someone out there has a few 9.8's, possibly up for grabs though. I did notice CGC labeled a First Print as a Second Print in 9.6. I was going to buy it, to fix the issue (break it out and send in the label,) but it was for $20 shipped (I think) and it just seemed like a little too much at the time to fix someone else's mistake. Kind of regret it now.
  5. Great acquisition! My daughter saw it and now wants one... I love this book. Not as much as my Idina signature comic, but it's up there. I can't believe how low these print runs are to these books (I saw a probable 15K number somewhere for the #1 here,) when you consider the millions of copies being printed for the children's books (the Frozen Cinestory book had an alleged 100,000 copy run.) Plus, I never see used copies of Frozen books at bookstores or yard sales. I hardly see any merchandise, anywhere after it's bought. I think with the case of the comic books are, they can't buy something they don't know exists.
  6. ...and here's the official start to my ongoing/eventual Registry Set.
  7. Yup, felt that too. Could never stand Adric or the question marks on his shirt collars (after The Leisure Hive) anyway.
  8. I'm just going to say "The Talons of Weng-Chiang," was Tom Baker's best story. It had all the gothic elements down, Louise Jameson had her Leela role figured totally out for depth, the henchman Mr. Sin might have been a dummy, but was scarier than an army of Cybermen. With "Pyramids of Mars" & "Genesis of the Daleks," these were the top three of his era.
  9. Does anyone on here have a TARDIS-like thing in their community, that no one seems to notice, but it's out there in the open? Something old-fashioned, that people could go into. I worked in something like the TARDIS in an article I'm writing and was curious if you guys had something similar.
  10. Just finished "Girl in the Fireplace." Wow that was a great episode! Watched "Blink" Saturday night and "The Impossible Astronaut/ Day of the Moon" Yesterday. Great stuff! I'm sorry I missed it the first time around.
  11. Picked up every new series 1-9 and have been meticulously watching. I've been loving most of the episodes. Got a bunch of Tom Baker ones too. Never realized how great Genesis of the Daleks was. Stones of Blood was pretty good too, I never noticed how feminist it was. Pyramids of Mars is a great Halloween episode that reasonably holds up well, whereas The Invasion of Time is a downright turkey after the Sontarans invade the TARDIS. I didn't remember how cheesy that was. Speaking of Cheesy, I can't get the K-9 and Company('81) theme-song out of my head. "K-9... K-9... K-9!"
  12. I'm comfortable with the current cast. So I would like to watch more Craig Bonds, myself. I would like to see them "right" the ship after Spectre, so the series can flow as good as it has been.
  13. Haven't seen it yet, but I have to say with every inferior installment in a franchise, it can hurt the original (the foundation.) Let's be honest. Man of Steel wasn't the strongest foundation either. It wasn't like Jaws, Alien, Psycho or Halloween, where numerous outings couldn't hurt the original's impact. For me, Batman v Superman, really hurt MoS's initial impact as they needed a new tone and by the sounds of SS, it's more of the same. I'm almost afraid to watch it.
  14. Saw the trailer in front of The Jungle Book Blu Ray today. Looks interesting, for this casual Star Wars fan (it should be noted I "force-choked" two co-workers last week though.)
  15. Didn't see this one before... The Phantom. Loved that movie.
  16. Yeah, that's what I thought. Both seasons 1 & 2 are a used $6 each. Which isn't much compared to what they charge for complete series sets of Doctor Who.
  17. Is Torchwood a good series to pick up too? I think the US only has two seasons available. Going to probably start my Doctor Who's tonight (if I finish 70% of my current news article.)
  18. Seriously, you never watched Justice League: War or The Ulimate Avengers Movie or whatever it was called?
  19. But, Peri. ; ) Ah, let me fix my post, then. Until the internet, I had no idea she wasn't American. I was remembering that as well. I heard people criticizing her "fake" American accent later on, but I never had a clue she was British until then, so I guess if she fooled an American it was actually quite good. I remember my father just adored her and was glad they finally cast an American as a companion.
  20. OMG. I watched some of Series 1's "Rose" and Series 2's "School Reunion" (I could not wait to try it) and absolutely love it! I wanted to watch this when it first came to the states, but I was going full throttle in comics and was afraid of committing to a beloved series from my childhood. This wasn't "Misfits of Science" afterall. So, I put it on the back burner. Still, watching a Pertwee/Baker/Davidson DVD now and then. I have a feeling I wasted my life buying into all these funnybook shows that failed or will eventually, when this show was on. It's nothing like I remember it, yet the same. Man the sight of K-9. I used to have a box with a radio antennae on back of it with a suction cup dart sticking through a littler box for a head and eye. I used to drag that outside everywhere, before it finally fell apart.
  21. But, Peri. ; ) ...who was a spill over from the Davison era Speaking of Davison, he had a troubled regeneration too. Baker had a great role in the Davison era, that really showcased his range.
  22. But, Peri. ; ) Ah, let me fix my post, then. Until the internet, I had no idea she wasn't American.
  23. If Colin Baker didn't have such a goofy costume, he would be at the top of a lot lists. He really combined every doctor in his performance. Picture him dressed in black like Eccleston.
  24. OK... I bought Doctor Who Series 2-8 tonight. Time of the Jerel, to start at the beginning to catch back up. Yes, I'm very excited to watch The Empty Child episode. Not going to binge them. Back in '81, I would watch the Pertwee ones on PBS stations Channel 11 at 6:30 and then the "newer" Baker ones at 7:00 on channel 2. Might just do that. I'll just pop one in around that time frame every night, until I finish. It might make me feel six again. Maybe these nine boxsets will become my fountain of youth for 3+ months. Time will tell...