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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. My first registry set in five years! http://comics.www.collectors-society.com/registry/comics/PeopleSetDetail.aspx?PeopleSetID=109582
  2. Bought a $750 raw 9.6 in 2007. But, it was more of a 9.2. Flipped it almost immediately in panic for $660. That's as close as I ever came to this book.
  3. Julianne Hough Derek is an unfortunate family night event consequence for the right to behold her beauty.
  4. I need to catch up on Seasons 2-6 myself. I jumped ship a bit early (like TWD.) Really enjoyed the rest of the series (7-10.) Right now, I'm revisiting Lois & Clark. Despite some hokey elements, it's more mature than I actually remember it being. Teri Hatcher is still the best Lois Lane of all time. Dean Cain had great chemistry with her too. It's definitely not the Teri Hatcher from MacGyver or the production values and writing from the 70's Wonder Woman. Maybe I should start a "Lois & Clark Revisited" thread as I go through them?
  5. They still have the Jumanji factory mural where they filmed the original in Keene, NH. Everytime I cross the circle there, I think about the CG animals that ran amok there two decades ago.
  6. I knew Reynolds would bounce back, but I would have thought Lively was heading directly to the Lifetime Channel, until I saw The Shallows. Both of them had a great year in movies. Is that a bit like Jaws...? More like Open Water meets Soul Survivor. My only fault was the ending, but the it was probably what the audience paid for. I've been working with a little Albanian man all week who is obsessed with Steven Seagal, so I call him "Steven Seagull" from that movie.
  7. I hope they work in Alec Baldwin in it somehow. I really enjoyed his character as "part of the team" when the plot played out.
  8. Omg, that last one was so boring. I nearly fast forwarded the whole movie. Even the acting was stale. I rank it just above The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
  9. I knew Reynolds would bounce back, but I would have thought Lively was heading directly to the Lifetime Channel, until I saw The Shallows. Both of them had a great year in movies.
  10. That'll be in the movie sequel. Boingo, boingo, boingo... Boingo, boingo, boingo.
  11. Haven't seen the show yet, so I'll pick up Season 1 tomorrow on Blu Ray.
  12. Anybody catch the 70's Wonder Woman episode "Skateboard Wiz" on MeTV last weekend? That's not what you do with the character. At the end she's in a foot chase with a couple of goons in a car with a girl they just nabbed (who can skateboard.) So, she does her spin into "Skateboarding Wonder Woman." Complete with kneepads and helmet. Camp, with a capital C.
  13. The 90's Charlie Sheen Arrival wasn't bad, but the sequel must have been as I don't recall it. Didn't movie critic Roger Ebert like it more than Independence Day that summer?
  14. Popped in 2001 tonight after watching the trailer on Star Trek Beyond. Looks interesting. Hawkeye and Lois Lane team-up.
  15. Sadly, the best one isn't on that list. This is HBO. They just love to court controversy... Like the new Avatar Batman. Thanks! I switched computers after changing to a Halloween avatar and haven't gotten round to finding the old one! I think I prefer this one anyways. I should imagine the other one will be back... just like that old, comfortable pair of shoes you just can't throw away ...or your 2-disc Batman & Robin DVD. Nope... that's a pair of shoes worn once and never again You're on a desert island with a TV and DVD and you only have a choice of one out of two movies (Batman & Robin or Superboy: Season 1) to watch in endless loop until you are rescued. Which one would you pick?
  16. Sadly, the best one isn't on that list. This is HBO. They just love to court controversy... Like the new Avatar Batman. Thanks! I switched computers after changing to a Halloween avatar and haven't gotten round to finding the old one! I think I prefer this one anyways. I should imagine the other one will be back... just like that old, comfortable pair of shoes you just can't throw away ...or your 2-disc Batman & Robin DVD.
  17. I liked it. Not as good as the last two, but it was way better than the supposed tentpoles Batman V Superman and X-Men: Apocalypse. It had the trademark crew charisma and heart still intact. I really missed Alice Eve's Carol Marcus pluckiness from the last movie though, I wish Pegg could have had her in there somehow.
  18. You watched Alien Vs. Predator, right? That was pretty anti-hero as you get, siding with what's-her-name to bring down the alien. Off-planet would be interesting, but would depend on some superior creature designs.
  19. From one (former) graded Crow collector to another. Good stuff.
  20. I got what they were doing, by giving us an assortment of killers.
  21. It would be bit of retro cool if they can make it an ensemble like the first one or Aliens. Not sure if they can pull off a final showdown with just two adversaries going "toe-to-toe" anymore. The mid-80's were thirty years ago after all. Even in the new Fast & Furious movies, it's a team effort. I'm not sure I follow. Predators followed the set-up of the first movie almost exactly - except they were random strangers put together rather than a specific military squadron. The added twists were: But If the first had an "ensemble" feel than so did it. If anything, I'd say that among the Predator films, Predator 2 was the closest thing to an actual ensemble feel, as most of the protagonists (Gary Busey and Bill Paxton included) were still alive and involved in the primary battle on the subway. Yeah, I was worried someone was going to point this out. I meant how the filmmakers were so generous with screen time with original Predator film's actors, giving them indivual character touches. Even giving them a smiling farewell during the end credits like a lot of old war movies (and Scream.) I know, I cared about Billy's last stand with his knife (although Sonny Landham did this previously in 48 Hrs. and with a hypodermic needle in Action Jackson.) The point was you enjoyed everyone and what they brought to the plot, like the grunts in Aliens and Saving Private Ryan. Now... Predator 2, the cast "ensemble" is basically "lunchmeat" to the Predator, like a Friday The 13th movie. I cannot recall one of the character's names even, like I can for Bill Paxton's Hudson in Aliens. Yes, Predators cast made more of an impression, yet... degenerated into horror movie clichés to the franchise as they were slowly picked off in a "Most Dangerous Game" fashion (if you have never watched that movie, I recommend it as a great-great-great grandfather companion movie to Predator #1- Fay Wray is a stunner as well.) Plus, Predators cast was largely miscast. Lawrence Fishburne practically slept walked through this for a mortgage payment and Walt Goggins was totally wasted. I don't recall one character's motivation or name other than "Isabella." Still a decent movie, compared to the Alien Vs. Predator movies. This is just my as I understand and respect what you have pointed out.
  22. It would be bit of retro cool if they can make it an ensemble like the first one or Aliens. Not sure if they can pull off a final showdown with just two adversaries going "toe-to-toe" anymore. The mid-80's were thirty years ago after all. Even in the new Fast & Furious movies, it's a team effort.
  23. Liman's best movie to date has been "Go," but I really enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow. If they don't get Blunt, they're pretty much sunk. Her performances have been the heart of a lot of these sy-fy opuses (Looper.) Picture what "Oblivion" would have been like if she was the main actress. My