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Everything posted by TheLiamSturgess

  1. I actually don't mind Eisenberg's character from what I've seen, but he certainly doesn't scream Lex yet. I am hoping he is a red herring and has a greater purpose of diversion, or something along those lines
  2. Its also impressive how they are balancing several storylines at once that all manage to tie together seamlessly!
  3. Not sure if that was the best execution of a trailer - it feels like they just gave the whole plot away (which I can't imagine they actually have) but I still enjoyed it. Like a mini-movie. I'm looking forward to the real deal.
  4. Nice! First thing I did was look at the bottom left corner. Congrats! That's a toughie
  5. I'm thinking they just have a lot of faith in the film and want to even the playing field as much as possible. "Marvel goes Kimmel? Hell, let's play ball.."
  6. The fact that this too is premiering on Jimmy Kimmel so soon after the Civil War trailer just adds more fuel to the competitive fire in my eyes.
  7. It is unfortunate, because that all would have been possible on a long enough timeline. Maybe something post-Spider-Man movie but pre-Infinity War.
  8. I was into comic books casually and I had no idea who he was until a friend told me about the first Iron Man movie back in 2008.
  9. I disagree - I feel like the MCU context was largely sidelined in this one. Yes, we had Luke Cage, Hellcat and Nuke as supporting characters, but they contributed hugely to the JJ-specific plot. Daredevil was only ever referenced once, with the most forced inclusion being Claire Temple. Apart from references to the Green Guy and the flag-waver, what was there?
  10. Those are very cool. I picked this up on the cheap a few years ago because I loved the cover - worth holding onto?
  11. Starlord conceived in a three way? You ever played Dirty Russian Roulette?
  12. Great review - I find myself in total agreement :thumbsup: While I very much enjoyed JJ all around, I can't help but agree with your points
  13. Not for a decade unless Marvel makes a deal to get them back. And Marvel missed their window to make a deal when they rubber stamped Fox's X-Men tv shows without getting anything big back in return. You never know - the two could have something bigger in the works
  14. That is one of the few Marvel Graphic Novels I own - it's an excellent hardcover read.
  15. I've seen good and bad arguments towards it being a good show, and the same for the opposite. Seems truly split down the middle.
  16. Completely a matter of opinion. I loved it, and I enjoyed it better on first watch than I did DD.
  17. I personally am liking it more than I did Daredevil - that's not necessarily a judgment of its quality, moreso that I'm drawn more to the subject matter in JJ than in DD. But luckily, for all their similarities, they're proving to be vastly different shows with staggeringly different dynamics, so I don't feel particularly compelled to compare them. JJ is doing an excellent job at using supporting characters to their fullest.
  18. That's what I'm doing too I swear Daredevil is better the 2nd time around (if that's possible). No hype, expectations or snap-judgments this time, just pure enjoyment. Makes me glad I don't know a damn thing about Jessica Jones going in. That's what I'm finding, too. I'm also much more content with the black costume since I'm not waiting each episode for the red one to pop up.