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Everything posted by TheLiamSturgess

  1. Very strange, I've personally never seen any pence copies of any Marvel issues post 1986ish - whenever you get a chance, I'd love to see a picture Not sure why there would be a pence copy...by this point, all three prices (US, Can, UK) were printed on the covers. That's what I'm thinking. I'm skeptical because as far as I know, none of the books from that era had UK copies. Just American Newsstand/Direct, and Australian Newsstand.
  2. Aren't they technically considered the same tier? :shrug:
  3. I'm doubting we'll see a Hemsworth-lead Thor 4. It feels like his character will be one of the ones to be written out post-Infinity War, perhaps in line for a soft reboot in the early 2020s, but with a new lead.
  4. I was under the impression she wouldn't be donning the mask at all
  5. Past history and continuity has no bearing or influence on current story . . . so it's just like the comics then. Not entirely true... The events of the original timeline influenced the characters to make certain decisions, and they were eventually pushed into the war with the Sentinels that lead to the change in the timeline back back in the '70s. So even though we're in a new reality with a new canon, the first continuity remains important to the overall story when considering it as a whole.
  6. Then based on that distinction, I would say the DC Special was the first official announcement that Green Lantern and The Flash would appear. I think before that, Cyborg was mentioned, and it was already clear Aquaman and Wonder Woman would make very brief appearances. Though now from all the shared footage it is clear Wonder Woman plays a much bigger role. So I think the next question is how many of us will drop of a (joy induced) heart attack after watching Deadpool/ JLA/ Avengers/ X-Men movies within the next 4 months? Best time EVER to be a comicbook geek. My geek meter is already at near-max. By end of year... Me and my geek friends are very excited. I can't recall a year like this. I usually see two or three movies a year, but I plan on seeing Deadpool, Civil War, BvS, Apocalypse, Suicide Squad, Doctor Strange, and Rogue One. That's INSANE. I wonder in what order we will like them when the year is over? My personal order of excitement is: 1. Civil War 2. Doctor Strange 3. Deadpool 4. BvS 5. Apocalypse 6. Suicide Squad 7. Rogue One. I am very curious which will be the silent but deadly winners
  7. Woah Minus the spine, that thing looks pristine! Great stuff!
  8. Then based on that distinction, I would say the DC Special was the first official announcement that Green Lantern and The Flash would appear. I think before that, Cyborg was mentioned, and it was already clear Aquaman and Wonder Woman would make very brief appearances. Though now from all the shared footage it is clear Wonder Woman plays a much bigger role. So I think the next question is how many of us will drop of a (joy induced) heart attack after watching Deadpool/ JLA/ Avengers/ X-Men movies within the next 4 months? Best time EVER to be a comicbook geek. My geek meter is already at near-max. By end of year... Me and my geek friends are very excited. I can't recall a year like this. I usually see two or three movies a year, but I plan on seeing Deadpool, Civil War, BvS, Apocalypse, Suicide Squad, Doctor Strange, and Rogue One. That's INSANE.
  9. Absolutely. I've been paying only a small amount of attention to this movie relative to the Marvel releases this year and to me, it feels like it's going to be a Deadshot/Harley Quinn/Joker movie, with the rest of the characters existing for smaller character arcs that will likely end with most of them dead or defecting (which actually would be kind of cool!)
  10. Actually, on second thought, he may not have a contract with his fellow producers but I can't imagine Fox greenlit the project without thinking through the potential implications of its success. Why wouldn't the studio force him to sign on for something like three movies, and what reason would he have to decline? I'm thinking Deadpool, X-Force, Deadpool 2 (could be Cable and Deadpool), with an appearance in the next big X-Men movie after Apocalypse when that comes out in 2019 or 2020.
  11. Regardless, I'd doubt he's planning on leaving the overall Deadpool project any time soon. I feel like he thinks he's making a real difference in the genre which hopes will inspire some grand shifts in expectations and quality, and for that reason, he'll probably stick around until he feels his role has been played. I'd say we'll see Deadpool in a few more movies.
  12. Remember though, in a Post-Free-Feige world, Marvel Studios is still essentially 2 companies. Before, Loeb & Feige could easily share between the TV division & the Film division (respectively) because they had the same boss. Now, Loeb has to go to his boss (Ike) who doesn't get along with the guy (Feige) that Loeb wants to share with, and Ike can say "nope" to talent sharing for whatever reason (petty or reasonable) that he wants. We know Ike is still a little bitter about Feige going over his head to Disney to get the Film division out from under Ike's control. And we know that Ike holds grudges for pretty much ever. So he might get petty. He might, but I can't believe even Perlmutter would make a decision that he thinks could possibly tamper with the quality of the end product. Surely he must understand A) how vital Infinity War is for the past and future of the franchise and film genre, and B) how resoundingly successful Daredevil and JJ have been so far. Surely he's got some people advising him on such matters
  13. I'm calling it now - all four of the main Netflix heroes will at least make a cameo, and they have not been approached about it yet. But as far as we know, it's in their contract to appear in Marvel movies if asked, right?
  14. I thought about this one. Elektra or Foggy or Karen Paige They already replaced DD with Black Panther once didn't they? And Daniel Rand (Iron Fist) very briefly took on the mantle.
  15. I've never cared much about Wonder Woman beyond her generally well-accepted historical impact, but it's looking like she's going to become one of my favourites with what I've seen so far.
  16. Very strange, I've personally never seen any pence copies of any Marvel issues post 1986ish - whenever you get a chance, I'd love to see a picture
  17. Hadn't seen that, thank you. Very tempted. In fact, beginning bid placed.
  18. I'm not sure if I ever shared my experience, but I believe it was immediately after moving out of Archie comics into Marvel, and deciding to collect every Marvel superhero book ever (a goal I have since revised). I think it was a simple Google search that led me here, but I can't for the life of me remember what I was researching.
  19. I'd argue they're both monumental. Punisher was unexpected as recently as six months ago, and JJ was always a gamble.
  20. That's great news! I'm now strongly suspecting there have always been backup plans in the overall Defenders arc in case the series were well enough received for a second season each.
  21. To try to play Devil's Advocate, have you given the DC TV side a sample?