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Everything posted by thethedew

  1. Can't pick a fav. The last one is from ROM ANNUAL 2, which I am not shy about reminding everyone that I am trying to assemble.
  2. Hmmm. Don't know what to tell ya. Won't load on my phone, either. I suppose it could be a problem with my ISP...
  3. ...and down again. Given it's a holiday, will it be down all day?
  4. I can't help but notice CAF's been down a lot more often than usual recently. Hope they get things cleared up and stable. Andrew
  5. I have a message which IDW's Scott Dunbier requested I forward to the good folks reading this thread: While the line is certainly slowing down, which it needs to after 75 or so books from IDW alone, but—with apologies to Mark Twain—the reports of our demise are greatly exaggerated. More to come, unfounded rumors be d----d. Best, Scott There ya go. From the Horse's mouth, etc. Andrew
  6. The smart, brave people DID buy. (Eventually)
  7. THIS. (Though the fact some feel this way (and perhaps are financially prepared for it) would be a bulwark against the Comic Art Market NOT collapsing.)
  8. Are there Banksy pieces to collect? Beyond partially-shredded oil paintings?
  9. Some of the professional Art Restorers who serve the Hobby can safely remove art from drymounting, if the value of the piece demands it. There are ads on CAF.
  10. I've been coming around to the viewpoint that the more I post, the more expensive the next attempted purchase becomes - or, seen from another perspective, the harder others work to thwart the next acquisition. I've always had a little streak of paranoia, but still - there is a part of The Hobby which punishes success. Perhaps even gleefully so.
  11. These Broderick MICRONAUTS ads are interesting, too... never ran across them as published (though the background on this scan is clearly old newsprint). I have no idea whether they ran as one solid page, or went out separately. Have never encountered the OA for them, either.
  12. Baron Karza vs the Micronauts. (Acroyear, specifically)
  13. Well, if we're including 'house ads' for comic properties, of course I'd nominate these... ..none of which I own, by the way. Would love to change that!...
  14. TSR ads from the 1980's - mostly by Bill Willingham.
  15. I'm probably mildly obnoxious on this point, as I maintain BOTH the 'Want List' feature CAF has (and have made use of the 'image upload' feature in the list, as well): https://www.comicartfans.com/wantlist.asp?gcat=27108 ...AND a 'Most Wanted' gallery room. https://www.comicartfans.com/galleryroom.asp?gsub=117052 In addition, all of my postings in my frontispiece 'Featured' gallery are from the above 'Most Wanted' gallery room. So, the first thing any visitor to my gallery sees is what I'm looking for. Like I said, potentially obnoxious. (But, nobody's complained... yet. ) As for How Successful This Approach Has Been... well... Since I established my 'Want List', seven pieces from the list I now own. Five of the seven were purchased at auction; the other two took lucky breaks to locate, and generous negotiations with their (TBH, sympathetic) previous owners to be able to secure. Being on my 'Want List' did not come into any of them. My 'Most Wanted' gallery has been about the same. A few successes, mostly crickets. - the Angel Medina cover for Karza #2 walked into a comic shop off the street, and the owner spotted my CAF post while researching the art. He ended up happy. - my post after a specific GrimJack cover was spotted by the current owner, and he was kind enough to contact me. The cover is currently NFS, but it's nice to know where it is. - the cover for Marvel's MICRONAUTS #11 was secured as part of a larger deal. The previous owner was unaware of my interest before said deal. - the back cover for Image's MICRONAUTS #11 fell into Snyder's lap out of the blue, and I was able to snap it up quickly. I think that's all from my 'Most Wanted' gallery. Slim pickings, possibly... but there is the satisfaction of seeing the 'hit counter' tick away, supporting the assumption that the Hobby At Large is well aware of what I'm looking for, and the possibility that the Current Owners are also well aware of my interest. One drawback may well be that said Owners might be that much less inclined to communicate with me, given the public nature of my interest. Unknowable, but a likely risk...
  16. Soundly defeats my Google-fu, which is formidable. High-contrast art reminds me of Phil Hester a bit, but it could still be anybody. I wonder if it's an unpublished story.
  17. Micronauts 1, page 1 Dazzler 3 pg 21 Rom Spaceknight Annual 2 pg 40
  18. I had been collecting 'non-sport' trading cards during the NS Boom of the late 1990's. Some movie stuff but shifting to Marvel with Skybox and Fleer. My focus further narrowed to sketch cards late in the decade, with the release of Skybox's 'sketchagraph' cards in 1998. I tried to focus on Doctor Doom, since 'Micronauts' and 'ROM' were licensed properties no longer owned by Marvel, and not really produced in quantities to collect. I was awaiting a sketch card commission from a foot-dragging artist, when a larger-than-expected package arrived. The tardy artist had included a full-color 11x17 blueline piece as an apology for the wait. I realized that the blue formatting on the sketchagraph cards was a miniature of the formatting of 'official' comic art. I had found a way to collect the art from my favorite comic book. That 'lightbulb moment' was quickly followed by my first Micronauts Art purchase - which turned out to be... a color guide. I had a lot to learn. To this day, I rue that I was so late to the OA party, and wonder what gems were sold on eBay and elsewhere before my... awakening.
  19. I couldn't go. Am eyeing attending BecharaCon in California next month, and am definitely going to try to get to ComicArtCon in the Fall.
  20. ....did somebody say 'Micro'...? ...oh. I'll go home now. ( )