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Mark 1

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Posts posted by Mark 1

  1. The cheapest Walking Dead 1 on eBay right now is priced at $2700 (white label)... This is great news, prices are rising fellas so you know what that means, keep on dreaming for you Crash... 9.6 is now priced at $2000.....This is fantastic....


    Hulk is a bit passionate... But misguided.


    Those are asking prices. Nobody is selling a 9.6 for 2k yet.



  2. In case anyone was wondering, i actually did sell the book. I wasnt about to turn down the advice from those investors. I ended up putting the money into some silvers that ive always wanted, but could never afford...until now.


    If I had bought the book when it came out for cover price...i'd sell it for sure and make that big profilt. Not a doubt.




    Completely feel the same. Just looks so out of place.


    It's funny, I almost slabbed a blank because I subscribe to a 9.8 service for WD books. I figured...just to keep things complete but then again..it looks really weird.


    Luckily Dre told me he won't be slabbing them...I lucked out or I would own one also. lol

  4. While I like TM art a little more also...I think Adlard is a solid artist.


    Not a zombie page but his face detail on this page and scenery are solid.




    I will agree with you about facial expressions. Solid. I don't see any scenery though. I see a loooooot of blank space.


    Anyway, didn't mean to be a sh disturber. I just had too much to drink last night. :blush:


    I agree...the scenery is lacking but I was referring to the shrubbery and trees in the back...the field could have shown some more detail...


    The reason I believe TM drops out after the first few issues of books is because he can't meet the deadlines with his style of art. He takes longer to do more detail. Adlard can churn out the work and perhaps it doesn't need to be as detailed.


  5. I submitted a FT Value Tier and a FT Modern that were received on August 8th.


    The FT Modern was done in a little over 10 Business Days.


    The FT Value was finalized yesterday.


    Their turnaround times seesm to be on track based off of that small sample size.


    No seems to be able to give me an answer so i assume either no ones knows a tunr around or no read the post...



    Or no one can understand what you're asking. Are you simply asking what "turnaround time" means? The turnaround times are listed in Ace's post above that he copied directly from CGC's website.


    i understand definitions. I want to know if 31 days past the 20 business mark is normal and how many more days can i expect?


    I paid Fast TRack, AM I the oly one not getting what I paid for?????



    First...might want to take a deep breath. You mght not have read this novel of a thread but turn around times at CGC have been quite variable and most often behind.


    If CGC is actually a month past the fast turn around 20 business days then you should call them.


    A month behind on fast track is not my experience or from what I have seen of others.


    I've seen a week or two behind until delivery....but not a month

  6. Gentlemen...


    I do not have a horse in this race. I enjoy the TV show immensely yet I have not picked up a single copy of the comic.


    So here we go...


    Remember Mystery Tales #40, the comic that appeared on LOST? Everyone said that it would eventually cool down and copies would be available after the show ended.


    I am still waiting and would like my copy.


    While I realize that WD is in far more abundance, I believe that there will always be a strong demand for this book. The demand coupled with the mystique will hold most of the value even after the dust settles.


    This is what I believe will happen. There will always be a mystique about WD1. If this discussion were about any other issues above #6...I'd have a stronger opinion they will degrease. I wonder if my green foil cover Gov 1 issue will ever go higher than $200 that I paid for it....


    Know what I'm saying? lol


    I feel much better about the likelihood WD 1 will be a player for years to come.



  7. The fact that this thread exist is because all the people that have resentments against such an awesome book and the phenomenon of it. It errks them so much that they have to make such a thread waiting and hoping and praying that it crashes, so they can have the last laugh. Just f***ing leave it alone. It is what it is. Look at the sixth gun, IF the show does air, there will be another one of these threads but it will have "The Sixth Gun" title in front of it.


    I love the TV show, but I don't own a single issue of TWD. And if I did, I'd sell it now and wait to buy it back later at 1/2 to 1/4 of what it is currently selling for. There's no way a modern book can sustain that value for long.


    And we won't leave it alone, thank you very much. But thanks for telling me what to post & what not to. I will be sure to run all future posts of mine by you.


    PM sent, the first of 100 a day!








    I have to admit...comments like this Slym add fuel to the fire here. You don't have any facts to back up your definitive claim there is "no way a modern book can sustain...". You don't have a time machine and you don't know for sure.


    Speculating is one thing. Making comments like yours just cause division among people.

  8. I don't think that is the reason this thread exists.


    It exists because the comic had a meteoric spike in value and it's a viable question to ask when or if the bubble will burst.


    Resentment isn't in the equation as far as I can see. I'm a WD #1 owner also.


    I see no harm in asking the question.



  9. It shouldn't exist because it will NEVER burst...Keep on dreaming....


    Agreed, the Walking Dead books will only continue to go up in value. I expect a 50% increase for all issues by the end of summer with a 2x overall increase by Christmas. By Christmas 2014, they should be up by 10x across the board. 2015 should be even more positive growth with an additional 100x increase. By 2016, you should be able to buy the state of California with your Walking Dead #1 as long as it is in 9.4 or higher (thumbs u




    I literally burst out laughing at that. lol



  10. (I got this information directly from Robert Kirkman....

    I agree that there appears to be more of the White warning out there,

    but according to him, that's not the case)


    The black warning was ?first?, and there's more of them, around 7000 or so total.

    More than halfway through the print run, the mature readers thing was corrected?

    It should have been white with a black drop shadow (making it easier to see on the cover).

    About 3000 or so of those, with the white warning, exist.


    Both are considered "first prints" and there really is no difference in value

    (although the white SHOULD be worth more, IMO, if the above #'s are correct)


    I hope this helps! \:\)


    Well, there you go....I thought I had misread something when folks questioned my assessment that white labels were printed less.

    3000 = white

    7000 = black


    Kirkman's syntax was a little off, but I assumed he meant there were ~7000 copies printed, with ~3000 being the "correct" white warning label - meaning there are ~4000 copies of the black label. That's almost a 50-50 split, so I can't see how either one can be considered more valuable than the other.


    Especially considering we are talking a 10-YO book that is worth app. $2300.





