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Journal Entries posted by Tnerb

  1. Tnerb
    or I'm stealing Bagofleas terminology.
    Not only did I get a fantastic grade on my Signature Series copy of X-Men #109 I won in my game of Nine Ball this evening, and let me tell you it felt like a great win. I was in control the whole time, something of a rarity I might add. And with that word rarity I am going to go back to talking about CGC graded comic books because if I don't I'll have to change the title to "How I won my Nine Ball game"
    I decided to see what other graded copies are out there for X-Men #109. There are a total of 799 graded copies. 769 of those are graded with a universal blue label, only four have a qualified green label, ten are designated with the yellow signature series label, while 16 actually have been restored in some way acquiring the purple label. This was checked on the same day I got the grades for my standard invoice. My book has not made it on that list of 799.
    My deductive reasoning behind all this was the goose egg under the 9.8 row and the quantity column. There are no other 9.8's with a signature making mine, quite possibly, the one and only one, or an OAK. I am sure it might be another day or two before I see a "1" in that column and a bit longer before I get the book to my door.
    I have checked on eBay for what books close to that are going for as well as check to see what the point value is. I still have to decide what to do with the book, because I know I want a better Daredevil #1. The whole point of getting this book in the first was to hope for a high grade and sell it; now I don't know if I can part with it.
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  2. Tnerb
    Or I still don't think it will sell and I'm not concerned.
    I listed my X-Men #109 only a day ago. There is some interest, but nowhere close to my reserve. Of course many people, myself included, bid in the final moments. Most of the books I have placed on eBay I listed at the starting price of what it cost me, whether it was something I sent in myself or I originally purchased it to collect.
    At one point of time in my life I thought I would never sell a comic book. I was wrong. What's different now us I don't have to, I want to. Of course what I have been selling I would rather use on books I want rather than paying what I spent, if that makes sense.
    I am going to the ECCC and the only thing I have to worry about is the plane fare, food, and what Signature Series books I want. I am going to try to limit myself to five. Fortunately I am able to stay with a friend so comic books and playing pool is a great combination.
    Of course budgeting the way I do makes it easier and if I'm lucky this holiday week will pay off in dividends. The icing on the cake would be if my book sells I can pay my parents back quicker, if it doesn't sell I have the only 9.8 Signature Series currently in existence.
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  3. Tnerb
    Or what it is worth to you might be different then what it's worth to me.
    I am curious on what a book is worth when there are no sales for "said" book. When I am asked what is a book worth I respond with "What's it worth to you?" I understand the answer sounds like a smart answer but I believe a book is worth what you decide to pay for it, regardless of what a price guide or the GPA might state.
    After telling myself I wasn't going to buy anything until next year I purchased a few more comic books. One of them I bought only to crack open hoping to get a signature series designation out of it in the same grade and yes it is a New Mutants issue.
    I have three other issues from the New Mutant collection that I hope to have Sal Bucsema's signature added too which does not include the five I already have at CGC right now. Three were slabs I cracked while the other two are from my personal collection.
    I have put some comics on eBay but the one I put up recently was a copy of X-Men volume #1, issue #109. Admittedly I placed a high reserve on it. If it sells for that price it's a win win scenario. The winning bidder gets a great book and I finally pay off my dental work. The thing is what is the book worth?
    Yes it is currently an OAK, but there will be others, won't there be? Will I eventually regret the decision if no more appear five years, ten years, or twenty years later. The book would sky rocket if an Alpha Flight movie is ever made. Then again isn't it more valuable to the person that really wants it. No one wants my New Mutants #15 in a 4.5 other than me, and honestly that book is irreplaceable. Yes, I can buy another one, but this was the book I bought from my local 7-11 that started me to collect within this hobby.
    I hope whoever does bid, bids because they love the book, because they need to complete the series. Surfer99 thinks I should keep the book and was even nice enough to offer me his place for safe keeping. An offer I might say is very very generous.
    The question might so be not how much it's worth but why am I selling it? I have it stuck in my head that I need 9.8's. my whole New Mutants collection is full of them. The Graphic Novel #4 I just purchased is also the only SS 9.8 available. Of course that is from one of 45 not one of 803. So give me your opinion, do I keep the book on eBay hoping it hits my reserve or keep it and be proud I have the only one. By the way it is signed by Chris Claremont who I must add is a great and genuine man.
    Thanks for Reading
    Random photo below.

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  4. Tnerb
    Or did my car really drive that fast?
    At one point of time I needed the best car I could afford. After the reality of my life set in I settled for a car. This last car, my current car has been the most reliable even though it is 25 years old. On longer trips I take back roads, like the trip to the Philadelphia Comic Con. Today though was different because the time I went I should have been sleeping. I decided to take the interstate from beginning to end. This allowed to get me there a lot earlier than I even expected. As car after car passed me I had no problem going 55. I am forty years old and my ego is not bothered by others in newer cars surpassing the speed limit.
    There were a few times the throttle ignited me to a roaring sixty five, which just might have been the rattle of a w panels ready to come off. Suffice to say I got there, picked up my comic book, and came back home. Once home I slept for a few more hours but as soon as my alarm went off I decided to add my book to the registry before work. My point total stayed about the same, but wouldn't you know it, my point total per a book finally exceeded 60.
    I don't think I ever passed sixty before, I remember hovering at 55 and even 30 when I first joined but never did I pass sixty, until yesterday. That's right I hit 61 points per a book. Unlike Surfer99 who tends to trade place back and forth with me has a greater point value of 257 points per book. Even Bagofleas whose collection I still admire has a 113 point average. Not to mention RonnyLama's 205 point average. These collections of theirs are worth checking out and if you think my New Mutants Collection is fun to read PLEASE check out what Bagofleas is doing with his.
    Thanks for Reading, I'll let you know when my car gets to 70 miles per hour or my collection hits a 70 point average, which one do you think will come first.
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  5. Tnerb
    or If I gave up sleep I can work two jobs.
    Working nights is a good way to mess with your sleep schedule. There are times I am up for twenty hours sleep four and stay up twenty more. Today the Philadelphia Comic Con is hosting Herb Trimpe. His signature adorns one of my latest acquisitions. When I first started with my bags for the signatures I thought of being different with this book. I have his signature scrawled against Zabu.
    The angle seems to add to the signature like all those lessons in cursive handwriting where we were told to tilt the paper. I really hated that class but maybe they were on to something, maybe they could have told me that this was how comic book artist write I would have envisioned more for in calligraphy.
    However I am opting out of sleep because my Marvel Graphic Novel #4 in a 9.8 Signature Series will be arriving. Of course after jumping to the boards I noticed something that posts with my name about if I sold my car I can up my bid. The sad realization is that the graphic novel is now the most expensive comic book I bought to date...no that isn't that sad part, the sad part of it is the comic book is worth more than my car. Of course, without my car I wouldn't b able to pick it up later today. As it is almost five in the morning EST, I think I have to end this because I should be up at none to go pick up my book and then work another double.
    Thanks for Reading
    Really bad random pic below.

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  6. Tnerb
    Or a day late and a dollar short
    Here I am at work and I checked my e-mail on my break. I received one from Classics Incorporated. It had nothing to do with my submissions but nonetheless I opened it curious to read what news had transpired. It looks like Matt Nelson will be joining the ranks of CGC. BUT, what does that mean for us, the collector.
    I can only speculate that with Matt and staff going, does that mean more graders. Will turn around times be dropping instead of growing? There is a full article that you can go to from here on CGC's site.
    and then here is a copy of that Matt had sent out to anyone who receives his e-mails
    "As you'll be hearing in the coming days, CGC has bought Classics Incorporated, and my staff and I will be moving to Sarasota, Florida to continue our services there on February 1st, 2013. This is a very exciting development for not just us, but for our clients and the collecting community at large. The chance to offer pressing and CGC grading under one roof will streamline the submission process and open the door for new ideas for our customers. Classics Incorporated will still be taking in submissions as normal here in Dallas during the next two months.
    I will be parting ways with my partner Stephen Ritter at Worldwide Comics. Stephen is an incredibly knowledgeable dealer who understands the market implicitly, and he will continue Worldwide's success for years to come. It's been a pleasure working with him these past 5 years. I couldn't have envisioned a better partnership with anyone else in this business. Stephen got married to his wonderful girl Sharon this past Saturday, and he is just about settled into his new digs in San Antonio, so his life will now be a bit calmer. We will immediately resume work on the pedigree book (which is long, long overdue), a passion project we can't wait to deliver to the hobby soon.
    It's been an exciting decade for me here in Dallas, developing innovations in pressing, restoration, and other areas of collecting. We will continue to develop new ideas for the company in the coming years as we always have, so expect many exciting things in the future.
    See everyone soon,
    Matt Nelson
    President, Classics Incorporated"
    I spoke with Matt over numerous occasions and have found that he is not only a genuine guy, but a genuine collector as well. I am looking forward to what is to come because with Matt Nelson, CGC has only improved.
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  7. Tnerb
    or I wish I could trust my Postal Worker
    For a little over a year now I have had to send my books to my parents house, well not actually just books but any package. After four went missing and the third only showed up because someone forged my signature I like to have them shipped to my parents. Of course this means I have to wait a little bit longer. My Incredible Hulk and X-Men books have not only arrived in Philadelphia but they are sitting comfortable at my parents and I might not be able to get them till.....Wednesday.
    It's weird, I have no problem with a five month wait for CGC to go through the process of grading my books but five days at my parents place is building up the tension of so close but so far. I lost sleep today hoping I could take a train down, even wasted time to see SkyFall, OK not a waste, I enjoyed the movie. The package finally arrived at 7:30 PM and I thought for a sliver of a second, "Sorry guys, I have to go an emergency just occurred."
    Now the weekend is about to begin and I must make the money I need, I hope I can find someone who want to give up a Saturday shift because I could use those extra funds to help pay for that beautiful copy of Sub-Mariner #38. Oh and by the way Surfer99, right after I add this book to the registry, guess what position I fall into. Go ahead take a look, I fall directly behind you.
    If all goes well, the next book I will be adding to the registry will be my Marvel Graphic Novel #4. I hate putting the books up before I get them in my hand. How about you?
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    Random Pic from NYCC 2012

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  8. Tnerb
    or I guess I decided I was
    There was a book I bid $666 on. I talked about it in my journal 666. it was a book I had from my childhood that I don't know how I got it, especially since the book is older than me. I found one on Pedigree Comics and figured I would bid $250, I would just lose anyway. This same mentality got me a copy of Daredevil #1 in a 3.5.
    I was hanging out when I noticed that I did indeed one. Now of course I have to figure out how I am going to pay for it. I do have a few bucks in my PayPal account which I should transfer over right away and I have just solidified to work Thanksgiving Day. Either way, this has to be the last book I purchase. I definitely have to put those two other books on the back burner now. I will place a few more books on eBay and I hope they will sell. It looks like a time to get rid of all my New Mutants doubles, any buyers.
    I also know that X-men #109 is almost in my possession. Of course I still have to make a special trip since I have it sent to my father. The last invoice will be sent to me. This invoice is at 21 days. The invoice is still marked as verified. My other invoices through Classics Incorporated were accepted the 26-Oct. I will do my best to let you know how they do. The one book should be quicker than the others, especially since i plan on taking that with me to the ECCC for Gerry Conway's signature, if I get it back that soon, and I do expect CGC to make good on that books as well.
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    Fifteen days strong.

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  9. Tnerb
    Or is it a Sapling or an Oak?
    I have confirmation that my X-Men #109 is a Sugnature Series 9.8. The thing is this is only confirmed in my status area and not in the census. There is a mention of a 9.8 restored on the census but nowhere is there a mention about a 9.8 signature. I do know that a purple label can have a signature on it but wouldn't that be mentioned on the invoice.
    The books are on their way and although they will be delivered on Thursday, I won't get them to Wednesday of next week unless I make a special trip. I am getting nervous because I would hate to think I have the only Signature Series in a 9.8 and then find out it has the dreaded purple label.
    Of course it would still be an OAK but not as valuable. This wait is worse then waiting for a book to be graded. I know on my invoice it days signature do I am expecting the yellow label but what if its the yellow/purple label? Will I keep it or still try to sell it? And then who would want such a book?
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  10. Tnerb
    or My second invoice from NYCC 2012 is coming back
    I wonder if it's just the signature series that get priority. Both invoices that are on its way back have been on time. CGC has kept to the allotted time as far as their current turnaround times...NOT the estimated times. And maybe they will get on track but I wonder if those that grade the comics will be grading the new movie lobby grading cards as part of their work load...
    I am patient with CGC mainly because my thought process is "if it isn't sitting at CGC then it would only be sitting here." But back to my point about the signatures, there is a service I use with Twin City Auctions for when I want a 9.8. I let him know the title and he makes sure he finds one for me, if he can't, then I don't have to pay. It's a great service and one I was very skeptical about until I used it the first time. With money being short I have only asked for two books in a 9.8, one of them being the final issue of the New Mutants and the other the reprint of the Thanos Quest.
    He told me with CGC being as slow as it is, I would have to wait. I told him I understood and I had no problem waiting. So now on eBay there is a copy of that very book sitting (as of this writing) at only fifty dollars. There is only one bid. At the moment between the purchase of the book, the signature grading fee, and the shipping/insurance fee, that is less than the cost of what it took for him to get that book so quickly, not to mention he had to fast track it.
    I would bid, if it weren't for what I just bought and I already have one on order. To anyone who has voiced their opinions on CGC recently, could you please tell me where they are at now with your invoices? I am curious since I already have one back from CGC and one on its way. The last invoice is a Modern invoice. The only thing special about it is that it has more signature series books on it so I am curious will I get them back before 2013 or not. Either way...I am patient.
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  11. Tnerb
    or taking two steps back, to take one step forward.
    I have decided to get rid of some of my raw books. This will take place after I sell my graded copies I feel are no longer part of my collection. Some of them never should have been. At times in my life I have bought things just to buy them. This also includes CGC graded books. I normally try to sell them at the price I got them plus only a few bucks more because I just want my money back. Of course if I decide to sell X-Men #109 I will be selling that for a profit, which will go towards paying my parents back for putting out the money to fix my teeth.
    I want a core collection, something that I have everything based around. My New Mutants is going to be part of that core collection. Those pivotal X-men and Iron Man issues I plan to make part of that collection as well. Even Ka-Zar the Savage and the Ting have made that list, although I don't know why Ka-Zar made the list. There are a few more sets I would like to finish or add to for 2013, if we survive the coming end of days. I think I might try something new...or rather old. I saw a few statues at the NYCC and might purchase one or two.
    I was also thinking of trying to pick another really nice comic book and getting it signed and graded to sell on eBay. I don't want to make this my business but I would like to supplement what I am spending. It would be nice to be able to buy a book in a city, sell it, and use the proceeds to go visit another city. For instance, the next convention I plan on going to is the ECCC in Seattle, Washington. I am doing this because I plan on meeting two people I met on the registry who grew from acquaintance to friend and secondary is to get the signature of Gerry Conway for my copy of ASM #129.
    Does anyone else have any other suggestions for signatures; any suggestions for sets that I should be collecting?
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  12. Tnerb
    Comic books in its way???
    I know the invoice won't change on the weekend but I still look. On my modern invoice that I had fast tracked I received an e-mail confirmation before the site updated my information. I realized that I got excited waiting for these and maybe on the modern invoice going through the regular process I might start to get impatient. I don't think so since the books have to be somewhere and they might as well be at CGC.
    I have two books on the standard invoice that I guess will be shipping out by Tuesday, the modern invoice has five which I figure will be scheduled for grading by the middle of December. There are another eight sent through Classics Incorporated. I want to send more in, especially since I still have the coupons for four free headings. The thing is I don't think I have books worthy to send in.
    Of course if I add the other thirty books on eBay and they all sell at the buy it now price, not only would I be ecstatic, but I would go out and play the largest lottery I can find. I'm not so much about making money as I am about evolving my collection and the sad truth about it is I have no other choice.
    Thanks for Reading
    Ps. Filming was great and I am oh so tired.

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  13. Tnerb
    Or Scene 4, Take 5...and Action.
    After a double shift at work talking about my good fortune with a recent grade a book of mine received, I realized they would rather talk about shoes. I got to chat with Ronnylama and then it was off to bed. The off to bed part didn't work our to well, it took another hour to finally doze off. Three hours later I was up and out of the house soon after.
    I'm sitting in my friends house waiting to travel to the site where the Zombies are once again going to rampage across the screen. I know it's going to be a long day and coffee is going to be my best friend. Saturday night is one of the busier nights and I made enough for my bills this week so tonight goes towards plane tickets so I can get to the ECCC.
    I know it's still around four months away, but four months will be over before we know it. If luck is with me I'll have my ASM #129 back so I can add it to my comic books I want to bring to get signed. I might even try to get a high grade ASM #122 to add to the mix. A recent goal of mine is to have a signature series of the Amazing Spider-Man #119 through 129. I already have two so lets see how well I do.
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  14. Tnerb
    or WOW!!! It's Graded
    I didn't expect it; I just figured I would do my daily check and see about my New Mutants #54. I had this turned over at the NYCC earlier this month. I figured I would chance the signatures of Mike Mignola and Chris Claremont, much like Wallace did with his Marvel Graphic Novel #4. I expected to wait another week before I got impatient with them since I did pay the extra ten dollars for the fast track. I was charged on the 17th which I considered day zero. My Journal Five Business Days were exactly that and if I had Thursday, Monday, and today I get eight business days. I didn't count Friday because I believe that was a day before a major convention.
    So here it is, only eight days in and my book is graded. Of course I still have to wait for it to get to my door, and what is it graded, I don't know I was too afraid to look. I do have two more invoices, and the countdown still counts for those, but eight days isn't that bad, I guess I have to admit the fast track service is worth it. Well, I am going to go check what grade it is and then get ready for work.
    Thanks for Reading
    PS, I know I used this picture before, but I do love this cover and now it is a yellow.....

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  15. Tnerb
    or Why am I scared to look?
    It is day 15 for the next invoice I have at CGC. I turned this over at the NYCC after getting signatures from Herb Trimpe and Chris Claremont. The two issues in question are Incredible Hulk #109 and X-Men #109 before they went and became Uncanny. Once again I decided to jump right to the journals and write about it. I am not so much afraid of the grades but part of me knows that if they don't attain the grade I hoped for, I might be slightly upset.
    I purchased both of these to get pressed and then send in with my free coupon but decided that I would like to get signatures on these. Knowing that I was going to New York I couldn't pass on the chance. I plan on going to the ECCC which is one of the reasons I am selling things on eBay and one of the books I hope to bring there if I get it back in time is ASM #129. I would love to add Gerry Conway on there as a third signature, if not I might just bring my ASM #127 since I still have that here...OK, let's go look...
    OK...Bad News first... The pages are not white. I still don't know how I feel about it because since they are slabbed I'll never open them to look. A side note by the way I don't know if they were graded on time because of being in the standard tier or because they were signature series. Of course it might be a combination of both. I have one more invoice out, not including what went through other sources, but that last invoice is a modern tier without the fast track. After fifteen business days it is marked verified.
    I picked up the Incredible Hulk #109 because I was told after a pressing it should attain a 9.6. CGC graded the book without pressing at a 9.4 Off White pages. However, that is not the reason why I jumped from my seat and clapped my hands (once) in over joyous excitement and exclaimed F#...Yea.
    The other book I purchased with also the hopes of a 9.6 after pressing was graded by CGC a 9.8 Off-white pages. I had to go double check. I am simply floored and excited. You see the book I wanted, really wanted was the Incredible Hulk #109. World Wide has the book but I can't afford it so I decided to try my luck. I plan on having it pressed but the X-Men #109 I bought on a lark, a last minute purchase to get a discount on both the books. My thought was to sell it before I even had it graded in the hopes of what just happened and then I can put it towards a higher graded. Of course it surpassed my dreams.
    15 days my standard invoice was completed; now let's see how many more days until it is shipped. I'll let you know.
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  16. Tnerb
    or One down and a lot more to go
    I was able to sell one book on eBay. I didn't make any money off of it but after all the fees and shipping I make my money back. That's all I am looking for. I don't need to make a profit I just need to feed my habit. I sold a copy of Amazing Spider-Man #674 in a 9.6. I hope it finds its way here on the registry because I think it would be pretty cool to know it is going to a good collection, like an X-Infernus I use to own.
    If I sell everything I plan on selling I can pay off what I spent at the NYCC in one fell swoop along with the Marvel Graphic Novel #4 I purchased and maybe part o what I owe my parents, that last debt is due to dentistry work and not comic books. I need to have some of my priorities in order.
    The rest of the items will be ending and I fear they will not sell. I hope to just realist and eventually get a bite. I have another 30 to list including all my doubles for my New Mutants collection. A few I am keeping to get signatures on them and when I get them I will sell the ones in my collection. I realized I don't need doubles of everything.
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  17. Tnerb
    or Can I get all my New Mutants in a Signature Series
    The New Mutants set has 109 books in it. Every single book is from the series excluding Marvel Graphic Novel #4. When I first started this series I was in awe with someone else's collection. In fact I still am. There are some sets he has started to collect that one day I too will follow, but until then I have been happy in getting my books signed. I fell in love with the idea of an artist placing their scrawl on a book I own.
    I decided at the NYCC to have Mike Mignola sign my issues #54 since he has credit doing part of the cover. I have some issues with the same signature, Bill Sienkiewicz and Rob Liefeld are the more popular ones that come to mind, but I also have Sal Buscema and Art Adams. I feel great that I can now add Mike Mignola to that fold.
    For the record, I am still envious of what BagoFleas accomplished with acquiring a perfect Gem Mint 10 on issue #1. I know there is another ten out there which I would love to upgrade my number one till but I must admit I still love his collection of New Mutants because it is pretty cool to see, someone who loves the title as I do be a fan and try his damnedest to complete the run. I looked back at some of the things I wrote and I always thought he would complete the set first so if there is anyone out there with beautiful copies of issue #58 and Annual #4, we're still looking.
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    Rushed Photo Below

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  18. Tnerb
    or I might just give it a try
    I went to my LCS today and not only picked up this week's books but last week's books as well, not to mention I DID receive my New Mutants #54 Signature Series in a 9.8. I felt like I had a hefty haul, something I haven't had in a long time...OK conventions do NOT count. I picked up the books I wanted to read, including the all black cover of ShadowMan. However, this was the first time I picked up two number ones in a long time.
    I decided to give Iron Man a try, and right there next to the number one I decided to pick up and read was a gorgeous blank cover. There was another one for Deadpool and A+X. Money has been tight and is getting tighter so I decided that I would try the Iron Man #1 out and eventually try to commission a sketch Cover by Greg Land. I have become addicted to the signature series books and figure I may try just one; of course that's how I started Collecting CGC books in the first place with my Daredevil #90 and my Secret War #2.
    After seeing the beautiful books that Kaholo1256 had commissioned I decided why not try it. I looked through the blank covers and picked out the best one possible. There are some minor flaws, like the corner chips and a bulge by the upper stapled area, but I hope with a press and immense luck it could achieve a 9.8 status with artwork rendered on the book just for me. But why Iron man and not Deadpool or A+X, it's because Iron Man was right up there with the New Mutants and Uncanny X-men, well at least till the climatic issue #200.
    So Yes, Kaholo1256 I blame you, and I thank you too.
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  19. Tnerb
    or How can I get my packages delivered?
    This is a rant, spelling and grammar be damned. I was all happy this morning when I checked my e-mail to see my package was delivered. I was going to have in my hands tomorrow my Signed Signature Series New Mutants #54. I even checked to see my standard invoice was scheduled for grading. I sent a text to my parents because I have had trouble getting my packages through the USPS service, in fact they stole four. Of course the USPS denied it and said that it must have been one of my neighbors.....
    Phone Call....
    OK, I am in a much better frame of mind. The package has been found, but for a good thirty minutes there I was becoming enraged as yet another package was on the verge of being lost. The phone call was from my parents saying the package was found. However, every single thought in my head was thinking that if I keep buying these things and others keep stealing them, why should I even bother to collect.
    I am sure as much as the rest of you will agree, there is nothing like getting that prized possession you so desperately want and then it is gone. In fact I was getting ready to call up the person that I am purchasing another book from and asking him to hold it and I will rent a car to pick it up.
    I am calming down now, which is a good thing because I have pool soon but I needed to rant and rave and figure here would be the best place to do so. If I did it at work, they wouldn't understand, they might listen but that's the extent of it and if I'm not talking about getting the eight ball down on the break, well my pool team wouldn't understand either.
    Has anyone lost a package? What did you do? Was it found, or has it been lost forever. Three of my packages were never recovered, the fourth I received after the signature matched a worker for the USPS, which later had another co-worker pretend to be a supervisor and covered for him. Anyway...
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    One of the books schedule for grading

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  20. Tnerb
    Or is this something else I am going to get addicted too?
    Is something arriving on the scene so new and revolutionary that we will be upset we didn't start with it at the beginning. Will CVA be just as big in ten years as CGC is today? Will they be the next standard? Which bequeaths me to ask, what is CVA? What does it stand for? Are they another third party grading company? And is it worth it?
    CGC appeared in 2000 out of Parsippany NJ., a baby company sprouting from the already popular NGC which started thirteen years prior. I became aware of CGC through the popular comic book periodicals of the time and dismissed the grading company. The more I dwelled on the articles, the more I became appalled. How anyone could encapsulate a comic book and shield it away from being read was beyond me. Flash forward to now and I'm an avid collector of comic books graded by CGC.
    At NYCC 2012 I spent my time at two of my favorite booths. I was talking with Sean, Mike, and another Mike at the CGC booth where I met Wallace. When I wasn't walking around taking pictures or getting signatures with a witness for my signature series graded comic books, I spent the rest of my time at the World Wide Comics booth. Placed sporadically around, or maybe strategically, were postcard sized placards about CVAcomics.com.
    CVA stands for Comic Verification Authority. This is a brand new start-up company, separate from CGC and formed by Joe Veteri; ESQ. managing partner and verifier with Tomis Erb, MBA partner and lead verifier. From what I can ascertain from the site, the duo wish to create a data base of the best of the best, much like the safety of purchasing a pedigree book in the eighties and nineties. These days, purchasing a "9.6" or a "9.8" is most likely the best book available, even among pedigrees.
    Stephen Ritter and I discussed a bit about CVA; I picked up a card and read both sides very quickly. There wasn't much information available. I placed the "postcard" in my book-bag to remind myself to look at it later. Stephen pointed out some of the books that were displayed up against his "wall." A few of the books already had the silver pull away sticker on the upper left hand side above the CGC numeric grade. This is outside the slab. Once the CVA Exceptional sticker is peeled away it destroys the sticker and voids CVA's endorsement, much like cracking and removing a comic book from a CGC certified holder nulls the grade.
    How many times do you pass on a "9.8" or a "9.6" because of a slight spine roll or an off-centered cover? There are many times I purchased a high grade copy of a book that I felt shouldn't have made that grade. Would a CVA sticker applied have eased my mind?
    CVA's intentions are not to compete with or state that CGC's grading is inferior on some books, or even that another is better. Since no one knows the "Secret Sauce" CGC uses, CVA hopes to have their sticker placed on only the best of the best, giving more confidence to the collector, who is willing to spend his/her money on a superior collectible at a premium price.
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  21. Tnerb
    or did seven days pass already?
    This week was a decent week. I made a good bit more than I budgeted for, I helped a friend with filming a movie, and I got some things done around the house. If I keep making what I have been making I might be able to buy a couple more comics books and all the ones Surfer99 has been showing makes me want to start finally collecting the X-men I wanted to get.
    However, I do know it would be better to pay off what I already purchased first, not to mention maybe get four books together and use that for the four books I am allowed to end in. I decided I would need some time to be able to think what I actually can do between what I should do. I have CollectorZ software for my comic books. I am thinking about starting all over with cataloging my comicbooks, starting with my CGC graded books.
    I know once I start this process all the hard work I put into it the first time will be null and void. Is this project really something I wish to start doing, after all it is time consuming. I thought about just adjusting everything I did already but I know that once I start that I might not remember where I left off last. Any suggestions?
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  22. Tnerb
    Or this isn't the Comic Journal you're looking for
    So here I was this morning (Saturday November 3rd) waking up fifteen minutes before my alarm goes off and after only three hours of sleep. I promised a friend that I would be by to help him film his little "love child". You see as much as I have a distinct love for Comic books, his adoration is for Zombies, and not necessarily Robert Kirkman's Walking Dead. I have purchased a few of those and if you take a look at my set, those are the ones I bought him. I kept them on the registry for the points, is that wrong?
    He's filming this weekend and next weekend and I wish I had the ability to take off just to help him out. This is labor of love, well this and brewing beer. I have helped him out in that endeavor as well. He started For_Zombies as a lark with one of his friends, something he would have probably had me onboard for but I didn't share his affinity to the "Decomposers" as he does. If you check him out on You Tube he will actually groan to you how to make beer in "Brewing for Zombies", don't worry there are subtitles.
    Are the first ones lacking, yes they are but with his brewing and grilling endeavors he was lacking then to, but now it seems that he can't go to a home brew club without at least bringing something to drink that he made. As for the grilling, well that doesn't quite make it, I make sure to help him eat those, especially with a vegetarian as a girlfriend there is more than enough for me. SO, what is this journal about if it isn't about CGC graded comic books, it's about me helping a friend out and asking you to go check out is endeavor's on you tube or even like his page on Facebook .
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  23. Tnerb
    Or I have to film a movie in the morning
    If I stick to my budget and don't buy any more graded comic books for the year I should be able to pay off what I spent at the NYCC, pay for the Marvel Graphic Novel #4, and pay off what I owe my parents all on $2.83 an hour. Even though work has slowed down I had a shift added and a shift dropped. Fortunately the added shift more than makes up for the dropped shift.
    I am hoping that the way the books at CGC are scattered I should not go through any major withdrawal symptoms. My New Mutants #54 should be back to me by next week. The Marvel Graphic Novel another two weeks after that which if CGC is running on time for me I should not only see what my two standard submissions are but I should also know how close I am to finishing off paying what I owe or what I promised out.
    Of course I do know if something pops up that I must have, I am either going to have to rebudget or work harder. Of course with Thanksgiving being on my day off and my parents can't cook I normally volunteer to work. That extra day alone is normally a weeks worth of tips as long as people are feeling generous. I hope these people know I have a comic book habit to support.
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  24. Tnerb
    or I really can't believe it.
    I was shocked when I got the e-mail saying something was being shipped to me. It has been a long time that CGC shipped me anything that I just figured I had a spam e-mail. I was curious though, I knew my New Mutants #54 was graded, I knew it was only a matter of time before they would ship it, I just didn't think it would be so quick. I turned over the books at the NYCC to be part of the signature series. I brought none books total. One book is going through Desert Winds. The other eight I submitted myself.
    My first invoice had the New Mutants 54. This was the only book on the invoice. I chose the Modern tier and added the fast Track for an additional ten dollars. All in all the charge was $52 to get this book signed by Chris Claremont and Mike Mignola. The cost of the graded book throws the cost over a hundred dollars. The fact is, the book is not worth that much, financially anyway. To me, I am ecstatic to have it. I almost added the other $5 for the imagery.
    I was charged on the 17th, the Wednesday after the con, I wrote a journal about it on the 24th showing five business days they had the book. On the eighth business day it was graded and then yesterday, the ninth business day I had a shipping invoice. I have to admit, if you're willing to pay, the modern age fast track is on schedule. Now, let's find out how well those standard books are going, oh and by the way, on the ninth business day my Modern Tier submission without the fast track has went from received to verified.
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    see you tomorrow
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  25. Tnerb
    or it begins...
    One invoice is graded, the second invoice is marked verified, and the third invoice, the one that will take the longest is still marked received. I used three different tiers just to experiment and see how long it takes for each one. I have to say so far I am impressed at the first tier I used. Not to mention I know own my 34th New Mutants book in a SS 9.8.
    I am sitting around trying to get a few things done including placing some books on eBay. One book I took out of my "have to sell" pile because I noticed a friend of mine needs it for his collection, and I would rather give it to him then sell it. The books I plan to sell are from my doubles in My New Mutants collection, as well as multiple others. I did spend a lot if you remember at the NYCC and I plan on going to the ECCC in March. My press pass has already been approved.
    I hope by this time next week my two standard books will be placed in the ready to be graded category. But I am patient; I can wait; besides after what I bought in the month of October, I might have to stop buying CGC graded books all the way till June of next year, not including two particular books from the New Mutants collection.
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    see you tomorrow
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