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Everything posted by troydivision1

  1. What if for example, a thread was created using this image / article about a comic book? Would this be out of line to discuss? https://nerdist.com/article/the-dan-cave-deadpool-thanos-death-love-triangle-marvel-explained/
  2. Honest question - Firstly, would "that's what he (or they) said" be acceptable if the goal is attract more female visitors? Secondly, what if "that's what she said" is legitimate reply to something posted? Not a fan of the original phrase / meme but just looking to make sure.
  3. May Modern Slow Boat Shipment Shipped to CGC 5/14 Delivered to CGC 5/18 ‘Received’ by CGC 7/21 (45 business days later / 45 days so far) Scheduled for Grading 7/26 (3 business days later / 48 days so far) Credit Card Charged 8/26 (23 business days later / 71 days so far) Grading / Encapsulation 11/11 (54 business days later / 125 days so far) Shipped 11/12 (1 business day later / 126 days total)
  4. Thank you for replying and reaching out to someone else. Yes, these minis are driving me in circles. Posted the topic on Reddit and am now even more confused.
  5. 'News' related to this topic via Bleeding Cool. Remember, remember NO POLITICS... https://bleedingcool.com/comics/texas-asks-if-v-for-vendetta-y-the-last-man-are-in-school-libraries/
  6. Greetings, Hoping the CGC brain trust can assist or point me in the right direction to find the info. Won these on Heritage many moons ago. Currently consolidating my collection and now researching the various odds & ends procured throughout the years. Searched for a blog or post already about them somewhere on the internet, but I couldn't find one. (timeline / printing / colors / events / etc...) eBay shows a recent Aual Grate mini-comic sold that is GREEN (signed 2006 / not numbered) vs the copy I have that is PINK (signed 2002 / numbered 22 of 79) https://www.ebay.com/itm/144233229988?hash=item2194f86ea4%3Ag%3AazcAAOSwqGRhW7at&nma=true&si=xwPTgSW728WVVA%2FNl6U7k26SonQ%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Thank you in advance!
  7. To keep their base services low enough so their "competitors" can't call them out (and 'possibly' gain market share) they should keep base pricing the same. They should double the cost of fast track (and half the turnaround time) and make hay while the sun shines.
  8. Tried doing a site search to see if this timely topic had been previously created. I'll get the ball started.
  9. New Question - Why / when did our join on dates disappear? edit: from underneath our avatar
  10. Yes and no. I don't really have the time to hit the stores / garage sales / shows like I did when I was younger. So, instead via DCBS I order multiple copies of the #1s of various indie books (that the synopsis reads like it could translate to visual media). If they get optioned, or take off well as 9.8s due to low print run, the books then get graded and flipped to enhance / upgrade my ever-evolving 50 piece personal collection.
  11. I have quite a few books I purchased raw (off the rack or got a steal on via garage / consignment sales) that I've had graded and then added to my personal collection. These three are ones that I bought off the rack each from different phases of my life...adolescence / young adult / adulthood... Marvel Superheroes #8 / The Maxx #35 / Detective Comics #880
  12. Saga Adjacent. Just back from CGC and this one surprised me. Not because there are less than 50 in the census, but because it is the only Universal 9.8 and none are graded higher. (In census currently - 1 Qualified, 33 SS, 0 Universal)
  13. Just back from CGC and this one surprised me. Not because there are less than 50 in the census, but because it is the only Universal 9.8 and none are graded higher. (In census currently - 1 Qualified, 33 SS, 0 Universal)
  14. Back again... NOT a flex as my modern shipments from June, July, and September are still stuck at G/E/I, but now my second shipment from October has flown through... October Modern Slow Boat Shipment #2 Shipped to CGC 9/25 Delivered to CGC 9/27 ‘Received’ by CGC 10/13 (12 business days later / 12 days so far) Scheduled for Grading 10/13 (0 business days later / 12 days so far) Grading / Encapsulation 10/13 (0 business days later / 12 days so far) Credit Card Charged 10/14 (1 business day later / 13 days so far) Shipped 10/19 (3 business days later / 16 days so far)
  15. So...this one tweaks my melon...my Modern Slow Boats from June, July, and September are still in various stages of processing but one of my "October" submissions just blew through... October Modern Slow Boat Shipment #1 Shipped to CGC 9/25 Delivered to CGC 9/27 ‘Received’ by CGC 10/13 (12 business days later / 12 days so far) Grading / Encapsulation 10/13 (0 business days later / 12 days so far) Credit Card Charged 10/14 (1 business day later / 13 days so far) Shipped 10/15 (1 business day later / 14 days total)
  16. Thank you for creating this topic. Whilst this may sound morose, I've been trying to develop an easy afterlife plan for my family upon my passing. Going to create an account / submit some books just to ensure an account is ready and waiting when the time comes. (no, not sick...just a plan to make sure they don't get ripped off)
  17. I look for (and grab if there) #21s every time i can. Might be time to start submitting them.
  18. Strangest thing happened today. A modern slow boat shipment from September got marked as received (after 18 business days) then jumped to G/E/I end of day. Anyone else have that happen recently? Can provide some data in that my May modern shipment took 45 business days to be 'received' and June modern shipment took 40 business days. Appears CGC is opening boxes sooner... (Shipments from May and June still stuck in SFG)
  19. Even "Modern" art has given way to "Contemporary" art and "modern" music from 20 years ago is now categorized as "classic" hits. There needs to be an evolution. It will take a consortium of dealers to make Overstreet address this. Then perhaps CGC will follow suit.
  20. Not sure if it will ever be decided. Just found an article that breaks down three different schools of thought. Source: The Complete History of American Comics https://books.google.com/books?id=O16BXbITZwEC&pg=PA4&lpg=PA4&dq=Ken+Quattro+new+ages+rethinking&source=bl&ots=aVCt14b6eB&sig=ACfU3U16fo_lGYaqtS40YfXGPZjfingX1g&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiq-oeR-LDzAhXSTDABHZe3BP0Q6AF6BAgcEAM#v=onepage&q=Ken Quattro new ages rethinking&f=false Example 1: 1897-1937: Platinum Age 1938 – 1955: Golden Age 1956 – 1972: Silver Age 1973 – 1985: Bronze Age 1986 – Present: Modern Age Example 2: 1938-1955: First Heroic Era 1955-1958: Code Era 1956-1986: Second Heroic Era 1986 – Present: Third Heroic Era Example 3: 1828 – 1892: Victorian Age 1883 – 1938: Platinum Age 1938 – 1945: Golden Age – Action Comics #1 1946 – 1956: Atom Age – Fear of the Bomb 1956 – 1971: Silver Age – Showcase #4 1971 – 1985: Bronze Age – Death of Gwen Stacy (Amazing Spidey #121) 1986 – 1992: Copper Age – DC’s Crisis on Infinite Earths 1992 – 1999: Chrome Age – Chrome Age – Image Comics Debuts 2000 – present: Modern Age Even if we take 2000 as the beginning of MODERN it is still the longest age (besides platinum). There may be a new age having to be named or what we considered MODERN will have to be renamed something else. Perhaps the MCU / Rampant Speculation Age...
  21. Honestly, it depends on the book and the person signing it. There is no linear formula. Personally speaking, I have paid (and offered / been turned down) a LOT for specific signatures because they are harder to get. Run a comparison of 'hot' artists / writers on signed key books and unsigned in the same grade and you'll be able to develop your own $ value for that person's SS price increase. (see below for quick comparison...)