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Guardian Comics

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Everything posted by Guardian Comics

  1. I got that one, but $810 was quite the anomaly and not the norm. Jim I was watching that one, decided not to snipe it because I figured that there was probably a big cover on it, and was surprised when a) the guy that you out-bid was out of gas all along, and b) no one else took a shot. I figured it would be good if it went for $810.00 Just out of curiosity, why did you bid with so much time left? There was plenty of time for others to run you up or out. Usually bid with a minute or so to go to get my "steal" price. That way if I'm automatically outbid, I have 30 seconds to think with a clear head, whether I want to chase it or not. If people are sniping they usually do so in the last three seconds, and I just don't wait that long. We all bid weird, believing the way we do so is the most effective and I'm sure we all have had our share of wins and losses. BTW my high bid was $811.91 ... by the skin of my teeth. Jim
  2. That's pretty cool...never bid the same but always an odd amount of cents. Jim
  3. I got that one, but $810 was quite the anomaly and not the norm. Jim
  4. Nice, I just got my art from Watkiss in the mail yesterday BTW. I scored three Michonnes, will try and post pics later. Do you have mine??? My package arrived on Tuesday, I bought four pieces but only got three. The piece is a Michonne piece, and it was to be the centrepiece of my Watkiss collection. John is trying to track it down for me. Jim
  5. You just love to stir the pot, don't you? Now would you please shush, bringing attention to it...I'd like to snag about another hundred copies before it's a $2,500 book in November. JJ
  6. Someday asked me this exact question an hour ago, I'm leaning towards going but if Jerry's there, then I can't miss it, can I? Jim
  7. I don't think I have an "in" with them but it wouldn't suck if I did. Kara and Tony were just really great people. As for the price, you can write what you were quoted...I just noticed you wrote five x's, if that's what you were quoted than perhaps I do have an "in" . Jim
  8. My pic doesn't include #1's on there way to CGC or on there way to me. but it's nice to have my name included with the greatness that is Branget. I still think he has more though. Jim
  9. Oh I still have it, plus another one Plus other pretty good stuff. The ipad camera lens is only so big (and not that clear either) Jim
  10. I know right? I know I'm really late to the party but the fact that Tony was still sitting on that page after all these years and that no one had snagged it already, I feel incredibly fortunate. Now I need somebody to sell me copies of WD Weekly #2 and #6 so I can have these framed properly. Jim Can't you just buy a 81st printing of the first tpb? It would probably be cheaper, especially if you pick it up on amazon, or at a show. And the quality of the paper would be nicer. Thank you, never even crossed my mind. Wonderful idea!!! Jim
  11. I know right? I know I'm really late to the party but the fact that Tony was still sitting on that page after all these years and that no one had snagged it already, I feel incredibly fortunate. Now I need somebody to sell me copies of WD Weekly #2 and #6 so I can have these framed properly. Jim
  12. Not going to lie but I'm pretty proud of this picture. I abandoned all collecting of Golden Age and Silver Age to focus exclusively on everything WD this past April. I've put way to many miles on my car, searching and chasing, I've spent way to many late nights looking at EBay, memorizing GPA and the like. I have bought, and sold and traded more in these last five months than my entire lifetime combined but I have enjoyed every last second of it. Collecting WD has been the most self satisfying thing I have collected since I was in my teens. I hope this feeling last for a long time to come. I knew I needed a Moore piece to give my collection proper representation and was so fine with it being this beauty... But when I saw that somehow, someway this piece was available, I just knew I had to get to it before the Nowell Bros did Meeting Tony and Kara This past weekend was a thrill. They were down to earth, humble, nice people that were most generous and genuinely appeared to care. Now where's JJ, we need to discuss that 19 cover. Jim
  13. YUP! I'm envious. I only want ONE example of a WD Cover other than my coveted issue 48(Issue 43!), but unfortunately they aren't selling any of their art, even one cover, in this lifetime.. If that's the case, it's going to make the best stuff scarce and expensive!!! Basically Tony Moore and now the Nowell brothers control the market...awesome. Jim
  14. Like everything? :shrug: Harry Potter has no more movies, no more books coming at all, I'd say it was pretty cold in fact. Twilight? Not really, even my daughter who lived this stuff a couple of years ago could care less now that she's grown up (she's 12). i'm not sure about Twilight comment; it's going to have a movie released in 10 weeks that's going to do $350mm at the US BO yeah, the movie will be big, but compared to the release of the first movie, it is nowhere near as "hot" right now. Thank you, much more eloquently said than my jibberish but this is exactly what I was going for. :thumbsup: Jim
  15. Like everything? :shrug: Harry Potter has no more movies, no more books coming at all, I'd say it was pretty cold in fact. Twilight? Not really, even my daughter who lived this stuff a couple of years ago could care less now that she's grown up (she's 12).
  16. A quote from what I posted in General BTW after #1, and #19' the most requested books were #100's and #101 Ghost Variants. Jim
  17. I set up at FanExpo Saturday and Sunday to promote my new website and set up selling ONLY Walking Dead books. Went with 6 short boxes of slabs and raw, came home with one and a half boxes. My top row I had half a dozen slabbed WD #1's, and you should have seen the oohs and aahs. Teenagers and Twentysomethings falling over themselves wanting to take a picture with them like I had an Action 1, 'Tec 27 AND Marvel 1. My youngest customer was a 14 year old girl, who stopped by the booth 5 times and begged her Dad to buy her a #1 and she promised to work at his business he owned, free for the rest of her life. I had a mother stop by the booth and snag one of my flyers as she was interested in buying a piece of original artwork for her son, as a Christmas present to hang on his wall. (He was 12 and she said all he talks about, all he lives is Walking Dead). This has some legs, but I'd prefer if you don't believe me as it would make things a lot easier. Jim
  18. Holy , how big is Negans forehead??? Jim Hahahahahaha. What a pile of garbage. It is a bit of a joke, isn't it. I'm not an Adlard-basher, I actually really like his art. But that's amateur at best, and to have it on a cover... Because I'm slightly bored at work today, I did a half-azz Photoshop to remove the bat and see just how big that forehead is. From the result, it's not as bad as I thought. I think Charlie was going for a 'Kubrick stare' pose (google it) and effed up the perspective a little bit. I'll see your forehead and raise you a forehead Jerome Holy Cow...Marvel sold Image the rights to Norman Osborn???
  19. I'll disagree with that, especially if he is alienating his core audience. 300,000 copies fine, but four or five covers would have been ideal. Especially if they all came out at once. Maximized profits today, with little care for tomorrows repercussions just isn't proper business. Jim
  20. I am so over issue #100. Glad I just bought the one and gave it to my daughter. Damn I wish Kirkman was here at Fan Expo this weekend, along with Tony...I'd talk his ear off giving him business advice. Jim
  21. When it's $2500 on a consistent basis in November these people might look like geniuses. Jim