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Everything posted by graffix13

  1. PSA approves of this new CGC warping method! Keep it up!!
  2. Is MCS having staffing issues? My recent shipment of books to them was denied because "the business was closed" even though it was a Friday (March 3). I have also had some books in the "Item set up in progess" category for 2 weeks now. It has never taken this long before.
  3. Haven't watched the video but yes, Clayton Crain sounds like a real piece of work. But another man doesn't just 'steal' another man's wife. She's a human being and can make her own decisions. She's just as much as a rotten human being as Crain. Maybe even more so. No telling what lies she told Crain about her marriage, etc.
  4. Well I was able to set the prices yesterday, so hopefully you'll be able to soon as well. And yes, selling through consignment with MCS was like a 'best-kept secret'. Now the secret it out, haha.
  5. How long did it take for you to actually put your items up for sale/auction? My order arrived on 8/3, then showed up in the system "being filed and scanned" on 8/22 and it's still on that status. I have used them many times before in the past and it never took this long. Just curious on how long you had to wait (hopefully you're not still waiting).
  6. I was going to check on when my Economy books were SFG, but they have long since dropped off My Submissions Status. Sometime in late September 2021 is all I can remember. I wish I would have known it was going to be close to a year, as I would never would have submitted them in the first place and saved the money.
  7. Andrea just replied to my email I sent this morning and said they recently had a large influx of slabbed books coming in. So that explains the delay.
  8. I haven't sent anything in for consignment with them for a few months, but it never took more than a week before. At the very least, after a week it would list your books under "My Consignments" tab and list your books and have something like "books are currently being scanned/filed, etc." but it's not even saying that now. I sent them an email this morning so hopefully I'll have some more insight. Maybe there is a change to the process, maybe they are short staffed (no one seems to want to work anymore), or maybe it's something else.
  9. Good question, and I was curious about this as well. I had a consignment arrive with them on August 8th, and I still don't have the option of setting my prices yet. It's never taken this long before. Also, has Este left? She was always very helpful.
  10. Love the Spawn books, and I am really focusing now more on the newsstand editions (9.2-9.8 range) instead of having a 9.8 Direct. I don't have any intention of selling, but would that be a better long term strategy as far as value?
  11. Don't be mad at the "influencers" YouTube celebs, "they are just trying to put food on the table for their families". Just pay the 1000% mark up and enjoy your new comic. Sheesh.
  12. I don't expect CGC to comment anymore on this. They have money and power and we're still going to send our books into them to get slabbed. It is what it is. Black Flag, hopefully, won't recover from the bad publicity. But then again, you know what they say about publicity. I know that I won't ever give them a dime of my money. Hopefully others follow suit. Any updates from Skeff, Nerdy Girl, Comic Tom, or Gem Mint? Funny how they all scurried away like cockroaches and have been relatively silent since. I used to watch some of their YouTube videos, but I won't give them the clicks anymore. Gem Mint even took down his video addressing this because he was getting roasted (rightfully so). That just makes him look worse. Every one of these clowns should put up an apology video, own their mistake, and ask for forgiveness for scalping us peasants. Hiding away and hoping this blows over just makes them look worse each passing day. OWN IT.
  13. Thanks for posting this. Glad to see someone has the balls to out these YouTubers/Whatnot/"Influencers". Gem Mint is a clown. They are like the drug pushers who sell drugs to kids on the playground and then cry "We didn't actually MAKE the drugs...we just sell what the people want". Pathetic. They need to be outted and held just as complacent in this farce as much as CGC and Black Flag. Gem Mint even has the audacity to act like a victim in all of this. What a joke that guy is.
  14. Not going to lie, I like reading about all this drama. I just heard about this fiasco yesterday and have been playing catch up. Funny to see some of these YouTubers defending their actions in this, and then the cowards take down their videos after the backlash. Way to show your true colors (yellow). Someone mentioned earlier in thread that there is no FCC here to regulate these snakes. It's up to US, the community, to expose these rats. What a joke. Glad I don't collect Modern variants.
  15. I loved it. For me, the Star Wars TV shows are way better than the Marvel shows. It's opposite on the movies though...
  16. Question to anyone with experience doing this... I just bought a CBCS book but I am going to get it in a CGC case. Is it better to crack it myself and then submit it, or just submit it in the CBCS case? I guess my worry is they may damage the book on the transfer (but then again that's the risk with a reholder anyway with a CGC case). Anyone have any advice?
  17. Working on my Spawn Keys collection, and I really want to get issue 38, but the prices seem a bit...high. I figured the print run would still be high on the title at this time, so any reason for the inflated price? Or is it an anomaly (currently only 2 9.8 copies on eBay)?
  18. My 6/15/21 Moderns just went into G/QC today. Tomorrow would have marked 6 weeks in G/E/I. So anyone around that timeframe will hopefully see movement soon.
  19. Nice. My Moderns that were Received/SFG on 6/15 went there 9/28, so mine HAVE to be imminent. Maybe they are working backwards...
  20. I hate to even ask this, but I wonder if they literally meant couple (i.e. 2 weeks) or the CGC version, which means 2-20 weeks.
  21. Or just say "TBD" which, as we all know, will never be determined. They can continue to move the goal posts. In fact, they probably aren't even grading our books, just watching the boards (and this thread in particular) while pointing and laughing at our posts.
  22. Today marks 5 weeks (9/28) since my Moderns have been in G/E/I. Since I have no one else to whine to about it, I thought I'd post an update.
  23. Man, NOTHING like those old spinner racks. Before pull lists, the covers (at least for me) would determine what I was collecting that week. If the issue hooked me, then I was collecting it for awhile. Yes, the copies were usually beat to hell, but we didn't care.