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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. If you look at the video FF Annual #1 is included along with FF 1-19 check out the video link 6 mins in the video or there abouts...you will see page 1/2 of the annunal #1 reproduced its a quick shot when he moves to the back of the book. I do not know how, but if anyone can they should link the video to this posting.
  2. If you check YouTube, a video which was just uploaded 4 days ago entitled "panellogy 481- The Fantastic Four, 1961-1963 by taschen -earl gray is the poster of this new Taschen FF edition looks "fantastic"..LOL Hopefully someone on the boards can link the video, I do not believe the book is going to be released till Dec 28 and this is an advance review. This entire Marvel Comics Library has consistently knocked the ball out of the park. I was lucky to be a 6 year old comic book collector who bought FF1 off the stands and 9/10 missing only number 3 off the stands. These Taschen Marvel Comics Library editions try to bring the "feel" back of when you bought these off the newsstand both in paper feel and reproduction. As you are aware they are oversized to the max. but I would like to tell you an interesting story. About 15 years ago I was in the area of my old grade school in Belmont CA and I stopped on by. Not much had changed over the years, but one thing struck me like lighting and that was about the size of the school and yards compared to what I remember as a child. Everything now seemed super small, while in my memory everything was larger than life. Of course I am 3x bigger now. You can imagine the impact a 6 year old looking at the big comic book. Taschen has created this same exact excitement today, even thou it is 60 years later. Buying this book is like getting a ticket to ride the next time machine. As a young and very active collector, these early FF issues really changed the way the previous DC collectors were. It felt as a kid that you were buying a movie not a comic book. One more point some comic book artist's scream for larger size, two those in which detail never noticed before shines like a light are both Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko...... I bought mine already on Amazon, I hope you get yours..... Let me know your thoughts about the books so far....can they be improved any way?
  3. What I like about this thread is how it answers the question of why marvel became the true comic book powerhouse. I think the “movie” approach to a comic book really became apparent as I was just rereading Sgt Fury 6 and 7 which directly alluded to that approach . And at that point they had nailed it down. Some these comic book issues FF 4-6 ASM 2, can be reread 5/10 times and feel just like watching Casablanca for the 7th time. Getting inside their heads by examining factually real output month by month leads documenting evidence as to who did what and where. As a 60 year collector who has talked to Stan and Jack multiple times I can attest to one common fact and that was they felt they both created the majority of it coming from their points of view. While their personal biased opinions feel they each should be given the credit for creating the marvel universe, I agree with the opinion that with the 3 of them coming together that was true DNA creation and I would venture to say minus anyone of them we would not be there today. Yes the FF comic book created quite a stir but with Spider-Man it cemented Marvel as amping 1963/4 collectors Spider-Man took the trophy from the FF. So keep up the great work, this careful examination should give us some type of % of importance when talking 100 and dividing it by 3. Great job so far, please keep it up!!!
  4. I changed the title to start a new series here on the GA comic book boards...any other topic suggestions will be great...just PM me or post a idea...if we have good readership I will continue and thank you for the great response and posting here. I have just posted my second one on "Best GA Omnibus "and give that a contribution if you can.
  5. Prior to the CGC coming on board the real only way to get to read large numbers of GA comic books were newsstand reprints such as Fantasy Masterpieces and Giant Superman/Batman Annuals. Marvel took a bold move and printed Cap 1-10 in a two hardcover box set and and then things just exploded. I really think for GA board members its very important to have the source material for the inside of the your great CGC graded comics...and we all know all reprints are not created equally. I believe I have bought over 50 GA reprint books including the Giant Captain Marvel Book which was a very early and possibly the first giant size comic art book, and many many more.Too many to name here. But If I had to one book, both for quality and completeness then here my choice and it was very very tough: "Timely's greatest: The Golden Age Simon and Kirby" 840 pages of the best restored GA comic book history for only $100 currently on Amazon and probably even less from "cheap graphic novels". Not only does this book contain Cap 1-10, it included all the Vision stories and great MM covers for each issue 12-25. I marveled at the S&K Red Raven #1 stories with greater appreciation, loved the Daring Mystery comics #1 classic cover and the insides of1 -3, 6-8. They also included the Cap stories from All Winners 1 and 2, as well as material from USA comics 1-3, Human Torch 2, and Young Allies #1. The restoration and quality of the recent Marvel Omnibus's have taken a giant leap forward when I compared it to the Cap 1-10 box set which was 15 years ago or something like that to the increased size and color...hard to compete with 2019 publishing. Marvel has continued it win streak with the "Complete Kirby War and Romance" which published in 2021 and Amazon is giving that away at only $52 bucks but again it comes with all the early 50's romance and war and all the Sgt Fury covers and stories this is more of Late GA /SA type crossover. But you get my idea. I am sure there are some unknown gems out there That I or other board members do not know about...please share your choice so that everyones GA collection can become better!....Remember Christmas is coming and we need to get ourselves a little something for 2022!
  6. I also remember that Batman appeared in a panel saying coming next month and that was in color and an original image...was that Tec 26? I would ad that anyone can confirm and have an image. If so I would ad that to the list of undervalued books.
  7. The difference is while it’s the first appearance thru a house ad… And a house ad appears in the HT 3…both being black and white , a original full color Cap page with Bucky appears on page 44. That in my opinion is a game changer.
  8. I alluded to that concern but in all fairness compared to the early days anyone willing to put the time into research today can get up to speed on what is rare and valuable while back in the 70’s the sources of information were not just there other than Overstreet ‘s guide and the CBG and that was about it… comic book collecting really hit the map on the second Overstreet guide in I think 1972 where a number of collectors shared their knowledge which was then passed on thru the guide. To me a close second was any and especially issue 2 of WOW Comics 1936 there are real sleepers I was outbid a number of years ago when Ha auctioned them and have regrets that I did not keep hitting the button. So there goes the theory that we will not talk something we don’t own. The list of characters, the artists , rarity everything going for them and if anyone on the boards has any you are a super lucky collector in my book especially if you own the very rare issue #2 and #1 has the first Eisner comic book art.
  9. I also remember a early GA Cap cover which never appeared in print and was changed because Joesph Stalin was now on our side after Pearl...was that cover #1 or #2 , some early issue? Anyone know?
  10. Can anyone post pics???? Sounds like winners too like Dect #38 and Adventure# 48 both fantastic.
  11. Opinion time...many years ago when fandom was just a baby everyone kept comic book knowledge to themselves until after they got the book...LOL. Anyway looking for the great boards opinion as to what is the single most undervalued GA comic book. Here is my vote: Human Torch #3 (which is actually The HT's second issue, the first being the outstanding Red Raven #1)....Why... Well....It is the true first appearance of Captain America in print form and in reality it truly is the first appearance of Captain American on page 44 of HT #3 (2). Lets say you consider house ad's of the future comic book not to count....Fair enough...I know the infamous Detective 26 etc. However while the inside promotes Cap one coming out on Dec 20 Newstand I believe the inside front cover,that AD it a refers to the reader to page 44...this reference is the key here, and the true first appearance of Cap and Bucky...in full page color appears, not a reproduction . You can reference this confirmation by Marvel and the outstanding omnibus edition "Timely's Greatest : The Golden Age Simon and Kirby" book. There description acknowledges as CA First Print appearance. It was the announcement of Cap's Club in full color. HT#3 (2) is clearly the must undervalued GA comic book out there. Agree or Disagree if you disagree what is it? PS: somebody just paid $3.12 Million dollars the second apperance of Captain America....and I just love Cap #1 as one of my Favs of the GA, but HT 3(2) is a real bargain!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. As a 50 plus year collector I have learned more in your theads about that time period of 1957-1961 for marvel history. my highest recommendation to follow this in SA.
  13. Welcome in the Silver Age area. I think one of the great attempts by you to explain how the "magic " happened in 1961 and above thru the examination of the footprints leading up to the creative "Big Bang" of late 1961-1963. As a collector who bought those very books we are heading towards...as a young collector I looked up to older collector who have probably 1000 comic books at the time. We would trade generally my 3 for his one as his and my parents were friends and were coin collectors together. However we did have discussion about FF4 when it had come out a few months prior and he stated this comics were different. I would estimate his age at 15 or 16 to my 6/7 and he was top heavy DC wise. the FF caught fire with all comic book collectors during after FF4 and it was cemented in FF5/FF6 which combined with 4 is possibly the greatest 3 issue homer runs in a row until 48-50 and bingo the rest history. So on the collector ground level there was a major shift afloat and it was when FF4 hit and was digested.I agree with you it is important to give credit where credit is due and so a big WELCOME and keep up the amazing job you are doing.
  14. Looking at those photos jogged my memory about buying that Beatles Mag many many moons ago, so much great stuff which is not a bunch of Modern age books being hyped for the price. Thank you again for being the best poster on this board.
  15. I believe those bankers chase, citi whom testified before congress last week indicated they were scared we were going into Stagflation which I would agree to that direction given the current conditions. I think a real issue on the 2022 GA/SA comic book market going forward in the last quarter will be how the real estate downturn will have an effect on those prices in general. The real estate market has crashed not because in 2008 the properties flooded to the market, but that the buyers number has crashed especially since interest rates have been above 6 and in the last few days at 7 with no end in sight. Will that possible extra trade up money find our way into the GA/SA market and will the fact that they will not be able to sell that property as easily eliminate the sellers who would invest part or all of the profit in our comic market. The next 3 months of Oct,Nov and Dec should prove to be very interesting. I will start a new thread in January for 2023....but my outlook for the remainder of 2022 is Flat...give or take 5% either way. I predict 2023 will be a very different story especially mid-year. Your Market predictions for 4th Q are ????
  16. First I agree with this book length type story, first appearing prototype being Early ALl-Stars 3 up and Human Torch #5 which was 60 pages. Even the great All Winners 19 and 21 showed the "novel" approach. Using the flagship title Superman and the use of Novel on its comic book cover prior to the August 1961 release date of FF1, the first use was Superman #113May 1957 which used the words 3 Part Novel and it was not till issue#122 in July 1958 that the Novel description was used again and interestingly again in #132 as well as classic Superman #146 ( one of the best superman stories ever illustrated and written) in July 1961 for the use of novel on the cover. The significant change that led to marvel in August of 1961 to rewrite comic book history and which was to elevate the medium of the comic book story to the next level in a cinematic graphic novel approach must have been both a historical factor of various comic books being released at the time as well as the historical past. There is a real difference or step us in both story and art which television had increased the media savvy of the average American. We just thought differently after TV was in every house and not limited to going to the movie theater and listing to the radio. I think that change of the average persons perspective of life canned in a 30 min or 60 minute program in which hero comes out alive or the problems are resolved on minute 29/59 is in my opinion he greatest factor in Marvel's jump. I was recently read Jack Kirbys War and Romance Omnibus( thumbs way up) and what struck me light a lighting bolt as I read it issue by issue as created..when I hit Sgt Fury#1 which was created in 1963 it just blew me away how cinematic and how much the game was raised in 23 pages or so. I then read Sgt #2 and got the exact same feeling reguarding them destroying Hitlers nuclear plant. It was a jolt. I can confirm in my personal conversations with Bob B that what was reported was accurate and that the tapes do exist. Challengers did and in my opinion also create a blueprint for FF1. However it was the Time 1961 as opposed cover date Feb 1957 for Showcase #6 which made the difference...we had grown up a bit more!
  17. I think I heard from Cal a couple of years ago and I think he is still on the boards although not posting as much
  18. His approach is quite contrary to the usual comic book dealer business model. On the video above he again states he does want to sell his "stuff" which is why he prices it greatly above current market price. In part that is why he has something like 15 Million comics and books however I cannot think of another dealer that does what he does with his attitude. He is quite unique. I still fail to see what that would justify for you to pay 2x,3x market value unless he is the only source of the material in which he can create any market price he wants. Is there any other dealer out there that anyone is aware of similar to Chuck and yes that is a real question?
  19. Thank you for one of the best threads on the boards. I can relate to you a story as 50+ year comic book/collector dealer that occured to me in my presence with Stan Lee and the owner of a original comic book art page to FF12 at the SDCC 5/10 years ago and just being in the right place at the right time. Stan was signing autographs when this dealer/possible a collector brings out a original FF page from #12 I believe. I was right next to them when Stan took the page and said see these handwritings on the side, that was my writing. He said thanks to the collector for "proving" he was just not a ediitor and he said that it was quite rare to see this page. Gaging his reaction he seemed to really object to the fact that Jack was the sole writer/creator...it was my read of stan. In my prior discussions with Stan in La at book signing, I think it was Boarders 15 plus years ago I discussed what created that magic cira 61/62, which at the time no other company could duplicate and you had to buy them off the newstands in order to understand how much impact they really had. I felt Stans response was that everything kinda fell into place. My gut was that Stan put a lot more effort or contribution early on say 1962 than going forward.
  20. Chuck just posted his new video with Kevin Smith visiting his store and promoting Clerks 3 movie today on youtube. He said on the video he does not like to sell his comics??? Quite a odd attitude from a large dealer.
  21. This weeks Ha auction has another 19 Promise books and some excellent books in top grade....contrary to popular belief the Promise collection is not finshed, washed up, bad investment ....etc...it is still being sold!!!!
  22. You are entitled to your opinion which has not played out and I am entitled to my opinion as a 50+ year collector/dealer also.....give "Promise" a chance...and time to play it out!!!!!!!
  23. Well first of all the collection is still being SOLD...check the weekly auctions and there are some excellent books out there....the body is not "cold" yet....these premature sales have no meaning until the collection is completely sold and a reasonable amount of time has passed, I would say at least -9-12 months after the end of the auction. Come on guys...give this collection a legit shot amount of time...you have jumped the gun and the conclusion. When I purchased the Mile High comics at over double guide...I could not resell them for anything close that....and look what happened...Promise books are great LONG TERM holds not a quick super flip......
  24. no I do not it was either a DC/Marvel. prior to FF1 probably a pre-hero marvel book...Mom threw out books when we moved, I found out later, about early 1965 I began to recollect and that first issue was Strange Tales 136...and the rest is history