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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. Not even THIS will get me to go to Nassau Coliseum... I went to one show in the "new" building (they supposedly renovated) and shook my head and said never again. Aside from that ticket prices are higher than they are for an average MSG show AND on top of that parking is $20 to $40 depending on if this is considered a special event. I will cross my fingers and hope that a NYE run is announced. I would rather travel an hour to MSG than travel 20-25 minutes to the Coliseum. The place should have been demolished and rebuilt like originally planned.
  2. No idea so please document the unboxing.
  3. Now I am glad that I have that Hasbro Pulse Premium membership. They had offered it for free if you had placed an order at some point. It seemed like a no brainer as you gained free shipping, ability to preorder, and a day earlier advantage at the SDCC exclusives. Not bad... I am definitely interested in the Luke Jedi Destiny set and the throwback Fett for myself, and...maybe something else if it has big flip value.
  4. I don't even know what is going on in the other journals but after multiple wasp stings, making a redacted white wine and pink sauce to compliment my ravioli along with a glass of said white wine... I am ready to believe that there is some girl in the United States that is can fly, and reverse time, and take down alien starships and use her eyes to burn through steel and stuff.
  5. Gabe.... another boardie found the post I made back in February in regards to the moving scam last year. It's worth a read to see how easily people scam each other.
  6. I would ask someone right now but she will get annoyed at me for texting that question while she is working
  7. Things I have learned in the last 24hrs I am NOT allergic to multiple wasp stings nor will they kill me. They do leave nasty heated marks though. @jaybuck43
  8. No Gabe... this guy is in jail for real for doing some VERY bad things. Nothing is faked. However for years he successfully pulled off a routine that everything was fine or that things were well except for a couple of setbacks... not going to go into detail publicly but he tripped up on a few stories... this led to us digging
  9. Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville... and this is the extermination.
  10. - you are privy to information that others are not. My lips are numb I am not going back outside until dusk.... Then I will do what we did last year at my friend's house.
  11. I plan on having my fun with the moving guy using a different name and address... that is VERY easily done. As far as the old friend... from using the whitepages and seeing multiple drug related, fraud, theft and shall we say other convictions, I knew where to look up mugshots and got those too. He has a very common name so I wanted to make sure.
  12. I used whitepages.com It seemed to be the only legitimate one that I felt comfortable using and I have used them twice. In both instances it provided myself and those close to me important information which we made very important decisions. Simply finding that information alone was not enough and it led us on the right path to make those decisions. In one instance something did not seem right to me about a moving contract... I looked the guy up and found out that he had multiple convictions for trafficking stolen merchandise and was the 'owner' of a various moving companies under different names operating a scam where they take your belongings and claim you owe them more than the contract. While you are in disagreement over that they hold your items and will not deliver them charging you a storage fee refusing to deliver your household items, furniture and anything else until you pay them. Whitepages alerted me to the guys convictions and his moving companies... I looked up his moving companies on facebook and yelp and found that everyone was suing him or simply paying him to get their lives back. In another instance a friend of ours from when we were teens and in our early twenties had disappeared for a bit. We figured that he was involved in drugs. When we did the background search because no one wanted to look him up over the system that the police use (There are a few police in my inner circle.) we found out enough information that made us look up further information to give us serious pause and wonder why we allowed him to stay with some of us when everyone got back together for a friend's wedding. He is involved in enough bad stuff that we should not be in the same room with him ever again. Gabe, if you ever have any questions I will try my best to answer them honestly and without judgment as far you. Simply PM me if you need any help or assistance or want to talk. Andrew.
  13. Gabe just be careful when it comes to merely having an address. Look what is going on with the all of the scam addresses... While, you have no reason to doubt her as to where she lives you should do some more vetting. Do you have her full first and last name? For $20 you can do a basic white pages search all at once that will tell you about addresses and things like that and also criminal records. These background searches are quick and easy and can open your eyes to a lot of things. I know you believe and you want to believe. However there are so many instances in this world where people are not honest with one another... you need to do more research than you ever have in order to make sure that the person who you are talking to is the person that you are actually talking to. People do things to protect themselves... I wish you luck... and maybe this turns into a true love internet clickbait story. However, you must take every possible step slowly and carefully in order to protect yourself.
  14. FunFact... The wooden train in the center of the cabinet on the second shelf pulling the blue passenger car as well as the wooden truck pulling an additional cart are both Lego. Lego ceased production of all wooden toys in 1960. I believe that they are all from the late 40's to early 50's.
  15. Out of curiosity, do you know the protocol that Kenner had for store displays back then? I worked for Disney on the retail and the art and collectables side of things during the 90's when I was in college. Disney protocol was for nothing to be destroyed but it actually had to be sent back and accounted for. Things conveniently were 'lost' but loss had to be accounted for with corporate. Yes, I am talking about cardboard signage and not even the decorate large figures that were on the lip above the retail areas. Disney was very protective of all of its product even down to the advertising so this is an extreme example. Lego on the other hand (supposedly as I never worked for them) wants their display pieces back but are not very assertive about it. This has led to many glued store displays of retail models making their way to the public, especially when Toys R Us closed. So, do you have any familiarity with the Kenner and later, Hasbro, policy regarding signage? I remember Hasbro having cardboard bins with headers as late as 2008 when the BMF Falcon was first released. On a more interesting note, when Toys R Us did close, I inquired about some of the signage as I thought a piece or two would look cool in the basement. I was told that the TRU stuff would be for sale but the Star Wars and Transformers stuff had to be sent back. That was not true in other stores though... or they did not care?
  16. This is really weird especially when you realize that Hector was originally talking about pictures of my mom.
  17. Yup... Cannot agree more with this... Now, like I said, when I am looking for books at a show or online, I look at Storms, Reece and a few others... I've said that before. But I will NEVER sell to them. I am not in need of immediate cash so why would I ever take a deep discount in selling my books to a dealer. As Storms said, "I hate auction houses. They take collections that used to go to dealers." Yup. I see a lot of this in NY. Now the downfall of this is that the price for books quickly increases since dealers that want to see have to buy books at prices that are no longer at the discount that they used to. They may sit on them longer and set aggressive prices that the market will then reflect.... rinse and repeat until the bubble bursts. However, for the past twenty years I have always done better by selling something off myself rather than selling it at a deep discount and definitely not in 'trade'. As far as what @FlyingDonut said, that is also very true. I remember when people started using the internet to trade and eBay was just gaining momentum in the late 90's. It was then that you really could see what was rare and what was not. There are still things that are not 'rare' but live off the legacy of being 'rare' due to the mentality in the 80's. There are Star Wars figures that instantly come to mind. It was always said that the POTF figures were 'rare' and hard to find. There is not a single Star Wars figure that I cannot go on eBay right now and find outside of that which were not released like a rocket firing Boba Fett (which I can still find reproductions) or an Ewoks figure that was released in only a couple of nations. and so on...
  18. It depends on the music group... Obviously Beatles collectors will try to get the biggest and most obscure pressings of Beatles music... Did you know that the Morrissey / Smiths fans are crazier? As soon as I realized that I had some rare CD singles I sold them with no remorse and made them open their wallets. Many of them go for $25-40. I just checked and someone just paid $60 for the Japanese release of Maladjusted by Morrissey... It has the SAME track listing as the UK and US counterpart. The market is there... just have to know what to look for. To be honest I do not care to. It's all about the music mannnnn all about the music.... so long as I have a hi def copy in digital format I'm good.
  19. Oh no problem... I have no problem answering most anything asked in this journal (within reason... in order to protect the certain privacies of myself and others.) The condos are definitely bland... I just punched the address up in Google Maps.
  20. The bird house was built by my grandfather and I sometimes around 1981-1982 I guess... My grandfather wanted to teach me basic woodworking so we built a birdhouse together. The birdhouse was never used but it always stayed on my shelf no matter where I was. Eventually the birdhouse made it's way back into my china cabinet, which was once my Grandmother's. I keep a small cabinet that he built located as you walk into the house. After he returned from WWII, my grandfather, who worked for the signal corps and infantry, returned to his job with the phone company and took on woodworking as a hobby.
  21. No Micronauts... I appreciate them but never had them or got into them... seemed silly for me to get into it later just to 'have it' if that makes any sense. The small picture of the house is of a house that no longer exists. My great grandfather who would in today's terms be described as an illegal immigrant, bought the house during the Great Depression. Great Grandpa Lorenzo (Papa) born in 1897 came here to work and then kinda never left. He only became an American Citizen shortly before America became involved in WWII in 1939. The house, located in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, was huge and had multiple entrances with one elevated on the side of the house for deliveries by horse and carriage. It had three levels and a basement and a porch that partially wrapped around three sides of the house if I remember. There was a double or three car detached garage in the back and I remember there was a mini vinyard where they grew grapes along with another garden for tomatoes. This was the house that my grandfather grew up in and eventually my grandmother moved into the second floor when she married my grandfather after WWII. My Aunt and Uncle took the third floor when the tenants left. I remember a few Christmases there until the house was sold in 1983 following the death of my Grandfather and my Great Uncle who eventually returned to live there. My Great Grandfather had died in 1980. My grandmother moved out to Long Island after selling the house and bought a house out here. In what is a great shame, this house was torn down at some point in the last fifteen years and condos now take the place of it. Not even the address for this house exists anymore. I have a LOT of stories about that house... some that my mother's cousins are unaware of that I can tell in person but cannot write online until certain people are no longer alive ...
  22. Before I go do some things around town... Here is the current state of the china cabinet which is basically the only area I display anything in the house. (there may be a lego set or four in the office. Buzz... don't you display any comics? Nope... just the low grade one in the cabinet... Anywhooooo There is a little story behind everything and anything that is in that cabinet or an explanation as to why that is on display. The things in there range from the 1930's to current. So... if interested in asking... ask away what something is and if there is a cool little story behind it... if not... simply take a look...
  23. Preserved by the Academy Film Institute in 2009, Marv Newlands, Bambi Meets Godzilla, was actually ranked #38 on a list of the 50 Greatest Cartoons of All Time from an assessment of (supposedly) 1,000 professionals in the field of animation. Here it is in it's glory to celebrate its 50th Anniversary...
  24. The real guy to ask on the boards is @comicwiz - He is your Star Wars guy... However, there are a few pieces there that, judging by the cut out parts and the foldable lines that would slot into display units. They might be retail endcap display headers. For example, if you had a retail cardboard bin that you would put the figures in on a standee, that a couple of those cardboard cutout would slot into the top. The same could be true if it was on the endcap with a slat wall.
  25. - I don't go chasing netflix 1st appearance nonsense of peripheral characters... after they announce a show. My buying habits are mostly at auction these days through CLink, CC, Heritage, or something similar. I find I get better deals there than at shows or stores.