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Everything posted by OtherEric

  1. Some, yes. I'm not sure on the Weird Tales... I think they generally covered just enough to get away with it. But I really don't know. A few more Weird Tales covers you might like, these are all by Brundage:
  2. In today. I hope I can flatten out the crease somewhat, the paper is extremely supple for 50 year old newspaper. Then I just need to figure where to store this, it’s HUGE.
  3. I wonder if anybody at DC got in trouble when they realized the trademark on the title had lapsed and Marvel had borrowed it for this book. (Assuming that's what happened, I really don't know. )
  4. You're correct that it's Gil Kane.
  5. It's not new, but it's inconsistent. I've actually got a stack of SF digests I just ordered from them yesterday when they went back on line that I'll show here once they arrive. Most of the MCS listings were removed when they were shut down, so there is an unusually high number of "new listings" from them as they went back up starting yesterday. They're probably more visible right now because of that.
  6. Overstreet actually goes so far as to list this as possibly intended as 1329; I think it's the 01-329-207 that does it.
  7. I just spent twice as much as I've ever spent on a book to get a Shock Suspenstories 4.0. Sometimes, you just need to bite the bullet and go for the book, a certain percentage of the time you'll know you overpaid for the book after a few years have passed... but just as often you look back and realized you timed it just right.
  8. A romance story by "Harry Wood"... even I might give Wertham a little slack on that one if I didn't know where it came from.
  9. Nice, this is the only big logo Action I have. Got stupid lucky a few years ago, mine is a raw around 2.0 and was only $60 7 or 8 years ago. Not quite a classic cover, I think, but close.
  10. And here are those Avon Fantasy Reader covers I mentioned: @RedFury, thank you for that Dust Jacket link as well. I definitely have some books where I might use them...
  11. I think the reprints of A Witch Shall Be Born and Queen of the Black Coast in Avon Fantasy Reader predate the Gnome editions. I’ll post covers when I get home if nobody beats me to it. But most of them are first reprintings. Great books, even without the jackets!
  12. It's been a while since I've read them, but I don't think there was any indication Kirby intended them to be part of the Marvel Universe at all. If I recall correctly, he even went out of the way to use a Hulk robot rather than the actual Hulk. Later creators shoehorned them into the Marvel Universe, but it took years of fiddling to make it really work.
  13. Agreed that this is the starting point of the Golden Age of SF... with the note that it's a much less solid line than, say Action #1 starting the Golden Age of Comics. But the rules definitely changed with this issue and the two immediate followups. The August issue has the first Heinlein story, and the September issue (which I don't yet have) has Theodore Sturgeon's first story. 3 A-list writers debuting in 3 consecutive issues, with Asimov's first story in Astounding (third overall) as a bonus, is just an insane run of talent showing up.
  14. And, a bit of an oddity even by EC standards... most of the issue was produced by EC back in the 40's, but for this 60's reprint the start and end of the story have obviously been reworked and redrawn, and it has a glossy cover the earlier versions didn't have. Still, a neat item to throw in the "EC oddities" section of the box behind the more conventional issues.
  15. Supposedly some copies had that page razored out, after VW threatened a lawsuit. But both copies I've owned still had the page.
  16. The Lampoon's parody of MAD was brutal... and very much spot-on. It's not surprising that SNL had a lot of the Lampoon feel, SNL was what a lot of the Lampoon crew did right after they left the magazine.
  17. That is just a mind blowing book; in addition to all the great artists you mentioned it's an utterly brilliant parody of comic history... that actually shows a far better grasp of the actual history of comics than most of the actual histories of comics available in 1975 did. This is a spectacular example of why I'm trying to put together a run of the first 5 years of NatLamp... For all that it is frequently offensive by modern standards, and even by the standards of the time, it was mindbogglingly well done and incredibly intelligent when it wasn't going out of its way to be incredibly stupid. This book is a particularly strong example of how amazingly good they could be when they wanted to.
  18. Not sure at this point if I want to sell, trade, or just give them away, because I have no idea of the value and no personal interest in the books. But I wound up with a box of Sex to Sexty issue that a local store was going to dump, because even if I have minimal interest in the book I didn't want to see them going into the trash on general principles. It's somewhere between 40-50 issues, maybe half a dozen duplicates, ranging from #44 to #112. Some have Bill Ward art... which explains why I had any interest in them at all. Anybody know anything about the series?
  19. The Infinity Inc. 14 is May 85. The Coyote 13 is July 85. The Coyote 13 is, I believe, his first cover for Marvel. Just in general I think McFarlane's work on Infinity Inc. is horribly underrated. It's got an art deco sensibility that makes it my favorite of his work. But I'm quite aware I'm in the minority there.
  20. Happy Easter, everybody. I can't think of any other seasonally correct EC's, other than probably some MAD covers after it went to a magazine. Suggestions welcome!
  21. Looks like the PB fiasco has damaged this thread. Here's one I got fairly recently that I'm sure used to be posted here, but seems to be missing now:
  22. $200 for a copy in that shape just doesn't pass the smell test...
  23. In today. Some books, you just need to cross-post:
  24. So, some of you may recall asking about Shock Suspenstories #6 a few weeks ago; I was wondering if the book had reached the point where grabbing a decent presenting 1.8 for around $600 might be my only option at getting the book given how crazy it was getting. I also had some money from the cancelled ECCC to use. @EC ed messaged me with an even better idea: buy a significantly better copy from him for not a lot more money. He sold it to me as a 4.0; with some unnecessary tape on the inside front cover I think that's a fair (if extremely conservative) grade; but it looks great for that grade. Super happy to finally get this one; given that I'm not particularly trying for more than examples from the horror books and Crime Suspenstories; this was far and away the biggest obstacle to me putting together runs of the EC books I want. Some of the early SF books will be tricky, but nowhere near to the obstacle this one could have wound up as. Thank you again, Ed!