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Everything posted by vader2001

  1. I finally picked this story line up. I will be reading it this week I hope.
  2. Do you have a link? I don't see it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Incredible-Hulk-1-CGC-2-0-OFF-WHITE-Pgs/141392615672?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131003132420%26meid%3Dc1efb5438216413984b889bb5bfebd23%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D20131003132420%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D201164158187&rt=nc I believe the seller is a boardie. I see him all of the time at different shows. He sets up at shows and he is always buying. I hope his bidder follows through. That's a nice sale for a seller. Another one listed on CL for $8K - let's see what it does. The Ebay book had tape on the cover. This one has a detached cover. This book is crazy hot. CL Listing Not for sale but it does make me wonder what my 1.8 would sell for now. I think a resub may get it a 2.0. Nice book!
  3. Do you have a link? I don't see it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Incredible-Hulk-1-CGC-2-0-OFF-WHITE-Pgs/141392615672?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131003132420%26meid%3Dc1efb5438216413984b889bb5bfebd23%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D20131003132420%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D201164158187&rt=nc I believe the seller is a boardie. I see him all of the time at different shows. He sets up at shows and he is always buying. I hope his bidder follows through. That's a nice sale for a seller. Good seller. I have bought many books from him. I don't think he is a boardie. I think bomber-bob knows him though. He said he does not post very often.
  4. Do you have a link? I don't see it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Incredible-Hulk-1-CGC-2-0-OFF-WHITE-Pgs/141392615672?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131003132420%26meid%3Dc1efb5438216413984b889bb5bfebd23%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D20131003132420%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D201164158187&rt=nc I believe the seller is a boardie. I see him all of the time at different shows. He sets up at shows and he is always buying.
  5. I understand that Sharon and again no ill will intended I just wish that when you post your disagreement with someone, you would be more balanced. Take last week when I pointed out a sales rule violation. I didn't matter that I was fully within my right to point this out, yet instead of stating "why yes that was a rule violation and hey I'm glad it all worked out and everyone walked away satisfied"... you had to tell me I was wrong in doing so. That I was mad or something. Now I'm being sensitive I'm constantly amazed by the level of favoritism you bestow on certain people... which again is your right. That's not sensitivity... its just an observation. Just saying, in your eyes, I ALWAYS am on the wrong side. The only explanation I can assume from you doing that is you believe certain boardies are above the stated rules...and the rest of us lowly serfs should just accept that and go on. I just don't agree with you. I actually have no idea what you are talking about...but if it makes you happy, it's fine. I'll tell you a secret about how I answer on this thread. I have it on watch. IF I happen to be at my computer and IF I happen to see it in a pm, and I read it...and that's a big if lately, I may click on the thread. IF I think I have something to say that I think makes sense...Like last night when Beige asked something, I'll answer. I used to answer a lot more, but I'm getting tired of the kvetching. The other day I was called out in another thread indirectly for using first names. I go out of my way to try to learn names because I think it's friendlier. I actually am terrible with names (ask Dan who I called Dave) , so I really try, but this particular boardie, who is friends with the people you THINK I favor (I think, I'm really not sure) thinks that's it's a bad thing... You can't please everyone every time. Sorry if you interpret something in another way. I was merely making a suggestion that I thought would help you. Not because I'm looking to favor people you don't like, but because I thought it might be something you didn't quite get and it would HELP you. Sorry if you saw it another way. Again Sharon... its not bad to have favorites, but when one of your favorites bends or breaks a rule or does something wrong... it's "just mischievous behavior" and its ok with you. When its the rest of us... it's "clear violation of board policy purposely brought about by his anger issues" . There is where your bias is coming in... and you (and others) do it all the time Again... I don't agree with your stance or tactic of doing this... but I still think you are awesome Watch what your actions will do to this thread before the day is over due to this tiny bit of interaction that we are having right now. Trolls are already seeping up from the woodwork just like they did last time we "discussed" something that you didn't agree with my handling of it. It's like a Catch 22 with a double edged sword. As they say I do not have a horse in this race, but people people people.... Let's just sit back relax and take a look around....... to see this lego work shelf sandcrawler by dghmwyatt, on Flickr or feeling like you are in this.. lego arkham light up by dghmwyatt, on Flickr or see this bob mcloud galactus by dghmwyatt, on Flickr Or whatever you see around your computer. :thumbsup:
  6. I love Friday threads! To think I leave for Chicago tomorrow and going to miss all of this. oh and
  7. Now he has a lot more listed, Action #1.....
  8. You might want to check out ebay seller jare.feli, Harv. Something seems aloof! Look at the listings. I have no evidence of wrongdoing. Purely speculation at this point. Lotsa red flags though. Those are awful pictures of the AF 15 and TNMT #1!
  9. Imo I think the seller should choose his words a little more carefully. We are all potential buyers for this or any of his future sales. I also think he should check the rules out for the PL. At this point I do not see a win win scenario for both parties.
  10. Are these shill accounts? "realgrime" "finegrime" "perfectgrime" "urbangrime" That's not a coincidence. Peace, Chip i think they're all divad's accounts but it doesn't look like shilling as these books mainly got one bid Why so many I cant be the only one thinking this? Man FBS get on with it. 100 free listings a month; 8 allowable accounts; do the freaking math. Damn, I belong back in NY with my roots, instead of out here in sunny California. Ok I am curious, this thread is Bronze age comics that are heating up on eBay right? So IMO these are not heating up, they are just your books with 1 bid on them. Also shouldn't these be listed in the Comic Market - Sales Advertising threads?
  11. I asked him through ebay why he was shilling is auctions and he told me that it was his cousin and he would ask her to stop. To bad he couldn't be kicked off of ebay before some of these auctions closed.
  12. Technically you are not allowed, but some members not many will sell to the HOS/PL.
  13. Congrats on the 4th print in 9.8 ..........almost as cool as mine Very nice 4th! Much pretty than mine....
  14. I just got these back today, I was hoping for a better 5th printing, but still not bad grade. 4th printing was nice also. superman mos 18 4th printing by dghmwyatt, on Flickr superman mos 18 5th printing by dghmwyatt, on Flickr superman mos 18 4th and 5th together by dghmwyatt, on Flickr
  15. I got this along with 2 other coppers in the mail today x-men 129 top by dghmwyatt, on Flickr x-men 129 full by dghmwyatt, on Flickr
  16. I wouldn't call a TDY a vacation. It a military term for temporary duty assignment. The thing that makes me nervous is no contact, no board activity and the link to his store in his signature says it no longer exists. I will see what this week bring and go from there, thanks. Thank you for your service Shadow! I was on a few TDY's in my day.
  17. Well there is 1 for sale for $83 plus $10 shipping in the copper/modern fs area., which is a great price.
  18. If he had if for sale on ebay why would you think the thread was closed? He may have just wanted to get around the rules here. He would not be the first to list a book in 2 places.
  19. I am listing some Silver/Bronze/Copper age stuff in the mixed. Most of it will be raw, I might have a slabbed one or two. Some of it is early X-men a Silver Surfer #1(g) condition plus others.....
  20. No, the fact that you're on the Probation List speaks for itself :thumbsup: It really doesn't. I have enough people that agrees I shouldn't be on the list. It's clear I wasn't going to sell him the book in more than one pm I sent him. I have a few mates on the boards. Money isn't everything I just don't need a bunch of people on high horses as mates. A lot of you judged me right out of the gate. I never had a chance, the few that got to know me are the only ones I care about. I buy and sell books, that makes up a good amount of what I do. The people I sell to are satisfied and so are the people I buy from.You can't please everyone That is all good day Do you remember how you acted when you joined? How did you expect people to judge you? You can't have it both ways, all of your feedback speaks for itself including being on the PL. You being on the PL because of your shenanigans is part of your feedback wether you like it or not.