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Everything posted by vader2001

  1. Agreed, but until now there has never been a problem, and it was an "unwritten rule" that he who BINs controls the fate of the comic, assuming payment is made in some form. But all it takes is one guy to ruin it for everyone and then out come even more . What post? In the BA Spideys, Adams Tecs, Kaluta, Wrightson, Thanos thread? You have nothing in that thread.
  2. imo CC did nothing wrong. He put up the and decided to take it. Nothing wrong with that. I think some of you are off on this instance. I also think that some of you are confusing this instance with others. He was not thread crapping at all. I see thread crapping in sales threads a lot and nobody calls them out. Jeffro said "Sometimes, it's not about what we do wrong or right but how we react." and I do agree with this statement, but I also and I am only speaking for myself, that I read how people react to others here and even if that person has a book that I might be interested in I will pass because of how they reacted and how they treat someone on these boards.
  3. I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves. So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone. Dude, I don't think he was telling you how to feel or being dismissive or minimilizing how you feel about the situation, he commenting your noob comment......... So when does a person on here stop being noob? When they agree with you? Serious question thou, when does someone on this board stop being a noob in your eyes or for that matter anyone's eyes? Why don't you read again what he wrote and then tell me he wasn't minimizing anything. I called him a n00b because he's trying to seak intelligently about a situation that has been going on for longer than he's been a member ( which isn't very long ). In those situations it might be better to just keep quiet Sorry dude, I don't see it. He was commenting on that post, not the situation. Go read what Andy wrote...and if you don't know who that is, it means you're still a n00b Yup I know who Andy is, maybe I am wrong, but I still think he was just commenting on what you said, not the situation. BTW, you can call me anything you want, it really doesn't bother me. And if being called a noob is the worst someone can come up with, it's all good!
  4. I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves. So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone. Dude, I don't think he was telling you how to feel or being dismissive or minimilizing how you feel about the situation, he commenting your noob comment......... So when does a person on here stop being noob? When they agree with you? Serious question though, when does someone on this board stop being a noob in your eyes or for that matter anyone's eyes? Argghh, it's "minimizing!!!" And thou = I sound like Shakespeare!! It's spelled "though." And being a noob is somewhat about time, but mostly it's about attitude. Once you realize that you might actually not always know what's going on here, you start on the path to Bitter Old Boardie Who's Seen It All Before. I know how it's spelled Speedy, but how do you figure what he was asking is minimizing what Logan said? Didn't what Logan just say to him minimizing what jop was asking? Just for you I fixed it. And look at the english used in these or any other thread. Really? I'm not keeping up on who's being minimized by whom. And yeah, everyone's English is terrible. When the annoyance builds up enough, I have to let a bit out. I agree with you on that sir. Might I suggest a racquetball game or 2? I always tell my daughters I speak 2 languages, English and bad English.....
  5. I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves. So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone. Dude, I don't think he was telling you how to feel or being dismissive or minimilizing how you feel about the situation, he commenting your noob comment......... So when does a person on here stop being noob? When they agree with you? Serious question thou, when does someone on this board stop being a noob in your eyes or for that matter anyone's eyes? Why don't you read again what he wrote and then tell me he wasn't minimizing anything. I called him a n00b because he's trying to seak intelligently about a situation that has been going on for longer than he's been a member ( which isn't very long ). In those situations it might be better to just keep quiet Sorry dude, I don't see it. He was commenting on that post, not the situation.
  6. I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves. So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone. Dude, I don't think he was telling you how to feel or being dismissive or minimilizing how you feel about the situation, he commenting your noob comment......... So when does a person on here stop being noob? When they agree with you? Serious question though, when does someone on this board stop being a noob in your eyes or for that matter anyone's eyes? Argghh, it's "minimizing!!!" And thou = I sound like Shakespeare!! It's spelled "though." And being a noob is somewhat about time, but mostly it's about attitude. Once you realize that you might actually not always know what's going on here, you start on the path to Bitter Old Boardie Who's Seen It All Before. I know how it's spelled Speedy, but how do you figure what he was asking is minimizing what Logan said? Didn't what Logan just say to him minimizing what jop was asking? Just for you I fixed it. And look at the english used in these or any other thread. Really?
  7. I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves. So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone. Dude, I don't think he was telling you how to feel or being dismissive or minimilizing how you feel about the situation, he commenting your noob comment......... So when does a person on here stop being noob? When they agree with you? Serious question thou, when does someone on this board stop being a noob in your eyes or for that matter anyone's eyes?
  8. Dude, even thou I can smell the hippie all the way over at Nar Shaddaa, well put sir! This has got to be how Roy feels. First time in my life I've been accused of being the "H" word. You need to change your screen name to comix4hippies!
  9. Dude, even thou I can smell the hippie all the way over at Nar Shaddaa, well put sir!
  10. IMO the people going into Rupps photo bucket account looking for these types of images are looking to use these to their own ends. We all get that you do not like each other. Move on put each other on ignore. I am not standing up for Rupp, but you people are condoning what and how these memes where obtained. Rupp might not have known his pb account was not set to private and you people went into them invading his privacy. Now you are talking about having him banned for these boards, if he gets banned then so should the people that retrieved these memes and put them on this board should also receive the same treatment. Ah yes, shoot the messenger. Good policy. So you are one of those people that believe the ends justify the means people..... how sad, how truly sad....
  11. IMO the people going into Rupps photo bucket account looking for these types of images are looking to use these to their own ends. We all get that you do not like each other. Move on put each other on ignore. I am not standing up for Rupp, but you people are condoning what and how these memes where obtained. Rupp might not have known his pb account was not set to private and you people went into them invading his privacy. Now you are talking about having him banned for these boards, if he gets banned then so should the people that retrieved these memes and put them on this board should also receive the same treatment.
  12. Alright, you guys all need to go to you're neutral corners! We will have none of or or even . We will follow the Marquess of Queensberry rules! From what I have been reading I understand you don't like each other, but do you have to go public? NO! Take it to a pm or put each other on ignore. You all need to stop acting like GIJOEISAWESOME! Oh wait to soon? Sorry
  13. The only reason I chose to specifically name Legos as an example of what he might be buying with the money was due to the fact that he apparently was trying to barter with Buzzeta for some Legos. I don't think most 12 year olds play with Legos, but apparently he does. The PM I received from GIJOEISAFAAAFFHKKKKKLLL!!!!! was to send me a link for a Spider-woman Lego (Lego's?) figure. Fixed that for you. As far as the Spiderwoman mini fig Spiderwoman and there you have it...
  14. The only reason I chose to specifically name Legos as an example of what he might be buying with the money was due to the fact that he apparently was trying to barter with Buzzeta for some Legos. I don't think most 12 year olds play with Legos, but apparently he does. But dude it's not Legos, it is Lego..... Lego is plural, I got what you where saying, just that you used it incorrect.....
  15. Dude you lost any or all credibility you had with me when you said Legos, therefore your opinion is null and void at this time! Please step away from your computer. Disassemble it and take it to the correct disposal facility and throw it in! Do not look back, just walk away.....
  16. Thanks for the info, now my dealings with him totally make sense. I did not go through with the sale he offered me.
  17. What does instigation mean here? Don't you think that the Mods should maybe look at each individual strike they are about to hand out and see if it is indeed warranted? Ok maybe not all, I saw the video that Walt_Flanagan posted and thought wow this should not be on this board.
  18. Agreed,my "not to buy" list is a long one,with only 6 on my favorite buyers list. Oak, I don't remember if you have put much up for sale, but if you want to sell any comics in your sig line I will gladly pay you $10 each for them!
  19. I'll be there, buddy. If you don't see me I'm likely to be standing at the GACollectibles booth getting myself lost in Andy's dreaminess while my wife stands beside me looking bored and staring into her phone. But that could be just about any one of us!