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Everything posted by vader2001

  1. Even though you joined in late 2012, you are so not a noob. Yup it is Superior Spiderman Team-up #4.
  2. I love some of these covers /user/vader2001/media/DSCN4695_zpsa906b73e.jpg.html][/url] Couple of closer pics.
  3. Oh dude you suck! That is awesome!
  4. How do you know slym? You get an email or something? Question, if someone actually does bought them here, what would be the communities reaction to that person? If we knew who bought them. If you click the "NOTIFY" button it will either let you submit a notify report or say mods have already been notified. Thanks iceman.... Humping a button is just something that I really be pleasurable............
  5. How do you know slym? You get an email or something? Question, if someone actually does bought them here, what would be the communities reaction to that person? If we knew who bought them.
  6. dont worry swick. the mods helped me create my posting I even provided a prediction list in advance to the mod who might disrupt/threadcap me Tell you what. I still have my active thread with Arch and CCGMod0 where we discussed you in detail, and what is allowed for alerting fellow forumites of a HOS-PL member. I am going to provide them that statement you are making that they helped you craft your sales thread terms. I want to see what they have to say about this. I'm sure they will agree completely. There is no way this is another a lie. check into it Bosco. Oh, I will. PM sent to the mods. I think a few will also call into CGC if this even turns out to be a true statement. In other words, if someone makes any statement in his sales thread about his HOS membership, you are sitting ready to issue strikes and wrist slaps. Are you okay that a HOS member is making it sound as if you all are protecting him, and also stating you have been provided a hit list in advance to observe? Is that the forum environment we are encouraging now? Sorry to bother you with this. But I (and most probably others) feel this is a scary statement to be posted. I cannot wait to get that answer. Bosco, just to play devil's advocate, you phrased the question to them in the "have you stopped beating your wife" way. Solarcadet's post could just as easily be read as meaning that he checked with the mods if the format of his post was OK, and made some aside remarks that he expected, say, Slym and Swick would be along and would try to disrupt. Didn't look to me like he was suggesting he's the recipient of any special protection. Anyway, it's moot. I won't be buying from him, and I doubt others will be either! Also interested to see their response. I will not be either.
  7. Wow. I can already hear the rule bending and cracking. It's only a matter of time. HOS member with an active sales thread. Gotta love it. And yet if I were to point that out in his thread, I'd be the one getting the week off. Good god, what will it take to get Arch back? I'll gladly take a week off if that is what it comes to. -slym Good god man, a week away from the boards? Have you thought this through? The people at Google Analytics will be forced to dispatch a rapid response team to CGC HQ in an attempt to determine the cause of the traffic outage.
  8. I would put this in the WTB section and put what you are looking to spend.
  9. If you reached out to him and he ignored you that is a problem. If it is an ongoing thread and he has not sent you one yet, I would just reach out to them. It is common on here for some sellers to create a pile for each customer until the thread is over or the buyer says that is all they want. He still has a few books fs on this thread, but it has moved off the first page. He had not posted pictures and said he was going to put them up. Nothing since, I have pm'd him asking for an invoice. Hopefully I will hear back from him this week.
  10. Question, if you put up a and the seller does not send you a invoice, how long do you have to wait before you don't have to go honor the deal? Do you have to give the seller 30 days also?
  11. Holy sh..................................................
  12. Ok dude, just send them my way! Send me the scans!
  13. I was going through a couple of boxes and pulled out these. The 3rd printing I just picked up and the 9.8 I got from ItsJustRyan
  14. I didn't see any for this book, so I thought I would start one. I went through a couple of boxes tonight and grabbed these.
  15. I get where Speedy is coming from. Stating "take a breather" wasn't necessary. Hado and I were going through all the posts and details related to Solarcadet without making it personal. He realized afterwards there was more said by Solarcadet than he even originally thought, including not caring about being in the HOS. Being a vet, I didn't care about Solarcadet using the "died due to his military service" lie. Making a joke about Slym's unemployment situation only added to the experience. But I really do not even know Solarcadet enough as a person to dislike him. It's his actions that are the only public representation of "him" right now. For all I know, he could be experiencing something in his life that isn't making him think straight. I wouldn't know that, as after the lie about his father, it makes it difficult to believe any statement about now his dad is really close to passing. Dude, now that is something I agree with... I am also a vet and my father in-law was the National Commander for the Purple Heart Assoc. so that lie hit more home to me. I also do understand about Slym's unemployment not being a joking matter. Also his last statement about his father and his illness a person does not know if real or another lie.
  16. Only ONE person said "Why are you here" with his post. So let's not go overboard and make it sound like everyone told him to hit the road. It is HOW he came on today that again showed he had no remorse. Dude relax, take a deep breath in and then out..... I am not defending what he posted, and if you read some of the posts you will see that it is more than one person....... You have been his worst critic and your real dislike for SC1 is really evident. I also think he did have remorse in his apology. Tip: When you're considering posting sarcastic little digs like that, give it a minute, then don't. They never win you any friends, nor do they help to get your point across. Really Speedy? I have seen digs and sarcastic remarks all over the place, especially with the meme stuff. Yes, really. Take the advice or don't, but I'm telling you that if you start off sarcastic, your target audience is much more likely to reply with a "*spoon* you" than to take the time to read and digest the rest of what you have to say. As for memes and whatnot, I'm not saying you're a criminal or the most sarcastic person around, just pointing something out to you. So he tells me to *spoon* off big deal, I have been told worse. Look at some of the things that have been said on these boards. How many times have you seen someone post "suck it"? As a noob coming on to these boards and you see some of the comments that have been posted, a person is not sure if that person was serious or sarcastic. Some of this particular persons posts I find sort of amusing, so I take it with a grain of salt.
  17. Only ONE person said "Why are you here" with his post. So let's not go overboard and make it sound like everyone told him to hit the road. It is HOW he came on today that again showed he had no remorse. Dude relax, take a deep breath in and then out..... I am not defending what he posted, and if you read some of the posts you will see that it is more than one person....... You have been his worst critic and your real dislike for SC1 is really evident. I also think he did have remorse in his apology. Tip: When you're considering posting sarcastic little digs like that, give it a minute, then don't. They never win you any friends, nor do they help to get your point across. Really Speedy? I have seen digs and sarcastic remarks all over the place, especially with the meme stuff.